lllltswtta At hie an sir my home to Clie MNG TRIP deal visiting northern 1h light year lived to may AM points urn ntmnvmiuti distanus is spent In dnys It Bus Lake tn Itlc distance invalid by my at Ted mï¬rnfm$mmm litr and Mn uownrd Brandon Rush yecr II 18800 miles ed th week litre with his cousin Lut mu f°mm Ehiel egorhy mightyBevel Dunnn to we wl oilntte arro coil and Country Club this Sun Ann Kemey chucked neat Sunn had homeroians did mm mm MM mm hit bull and Barrie Hillcrest col utcller Jelnlflch Recent visitors with ur and Mn Thom unrrimn returned dny Unlike In yurt eveni which looted in hits as they delesled autumnL manual cums porter were homelronl Peneungulshene bust 335 gotlyyhitl ï¬glmfd Il mth shortstop but two hits tor the an inn Wilfred wirrtnor st hit on Wednesday with her son Amm ho um um flumm nnd won in Just one day Idas local girls now ndvanes Eramzuiéhésfnlloflï¬ï¬ ï¬xï¬hiï¬lgflmg $51 WI Meeting vinee oi onui ill be ir he nly halls sod is sis it ii for married couples and into the East Simon Lulu lln on my and mum 10mm The lliindale Womenn idst in mm mm fhvmm in man dun LI lwobnii ioursome handicap 15 nzilnsl Port Mchcoti iiutc meeting was held on Tues windy 00 on or in mulch Hilicrm didnt wast my time Itllnil AB ll Week II Glenhelven day eveninl It Mrs Jiiifllr The km Wm mm Emmi 0n Suturdy him the ciuh is in lottlngths visitors rpm and Doherty it this Chlpman spent week at Sud WM Wm haidinl mm mm land know who ws running the huthsrlord as alcnheavsn with sir and Mrs be the first ndviml lhnt the Bar some 01 Int years regulnn null will be supplied by illr mm Hum our mmflmd My mum Ind Glam Mr and Mn Clillnrd Bell and ric Flynn traininlz um Ihm Billy Forum nntl Girly Edwards IIul Emms Orchestra mmm uynm In men TIM hmily nl Tumnto Ind Mn Irwin the ï¬rst week in October and tor sure have kept themselves in led the mm scoring eight llonirornery as we °h° mum 51 ml lhnt they are invited to attend mm by playing orgnixed lull fume in the secohd inninz Hill st Amant lint June Taylor Joan and Ill nowal lamlly on Sunday uoldovers First Bob Bhekhtlrn who mlde such eason added mi in 19 fld Sdflfyzmkg Rahmed llama iip Emma conch the Fly hit with the couch durinr the ii Im mm tiraEsmIflErsdsmKï¬ wasnue Mn Gillespie has returncd pAyAs en announced yesterday lhnl Fllyolldllslwintcnin vllyinl hull concludes Midimi nixed Ann in only Armstrong cl In cl home to nirldorl nller spending bus as mlluzer Dnn Coulron in his home town oi Kirkland at one inning Thuwu ihe iwnh 5L Am ff two weeks wlih her sister ldisn You lAY had got the lettersuwny in the Lake lncldcnlllly he will be When 510 Em 10 hiu ior Tm 3i Mabel rumor Mr Ind Mn curly null nnc ot um um howmum mm Wasaga three runs Howevtr site could mum own sound Vlsll Fred Webb llan amily of Mel The first boys to he notided are the camp hm mi mm mnd HM hir and Mn Frank Piaylord dart came inr her Sunday cvcn Snuih Li primlrily lllosu whn saw service The closing Stock Cll Meal cring the tremendous bulge llfl sin Pztsy Ind Bobby spam few days ing Cum Bordnn lllghwly with Ihc Junlor club is ill scnson at Wangl Beach saw mules had sumncd her with Tï¬cmhafld al Ownn Sound and winter Baseball good crowd witness the action While they stood out offensive mnddm arm mm is pmdumd Illhwly on turn south It All ol the boys who started Ind puchcd program nnd the presen ly the Hillcrest kids Ilsa niycd Agnew troin goaiskin one ol the suong ns nnlshed the season with the club tntlons Inrpthn seaslim mama Eggnimy not eorn Spring girlzclalndmniï¬a Eacglgngmï¬i and mm mans mm Sim and who are still eligible to play Mumy miter omn mvc Worrnll 2b 95d hides is 251 Considering the game only it to gonqu ar my 22L1°Jll2ï¬hn At An us gusnllllzghlitllllcpinltirp TIEophy lasted live innings Amt Keurseys iigflféyabp where they sawa numhcr oi hcar hd won Jolt Rather he was Don Butlers Barrie was pres mm mm 51 mm Totals d3 10 Holiday Bulktl Falls respectable rigors and Indiltns will meet ffgfllphï¬mï¬ï¬‚dw Firslhnse custodian Cami Ag may Saturday in the iiilat game at new led the Hilicrcst kids at the mm51 the Angus oosshall tourmvnont Wm T°W plate with three saletits Sue Give Her DIAMOND From REEVES JEWELLERS advised lhll there were poslllon upcn Ind it would tilts dnrn good mln to fill its The regulars lroln last years llr nnd Mrs William Douglas 4120 30 nnd Sharon sent part oI their 481 no l3 holidays at nurlrcs Fails ted the Chamber of Comme Tschlrhait and Sludril ring Ktarso and chk5 St Am is it lroln Cilth club who received or will receive TlZ Bruce McGaw resi lnvmuom ml weekend mm The clubs mmd the M1 dent ye chm connected ior two hits untl Blanchard ncv and hire it Dingwali and sun Illvl returned harm alter Joe Murphy Toronto won the mde mpnlhs holilhys at thclr coltngo opening host and also the with STEELES CORNERS near nurkes Failsi OKceies Trophy Dash rsy Dnvison nose Brooks Barry by winning cnrller contests nt ASIIIILD Tommy Blink Dale Rolfe Am on Labor Dly Billy Forllan Danny Patrick Jim Here is the way the earlier my Josephson and AM Nam mummm mu Wm Indians Mn and Mrs Mitt Parks and Attended Conventin th vcn Teaching at North any Wilh tile rlgorous ruining per mm mm 136 We gin Emmamaaxg v3 dauphters Toronto spent the Francis mm on on Mon Warden Fisher Gantun attend lod now otticlnlly ahend ot them Weekend with Allen Millersa cd thc ml urs convention hcld he buys Med be mm then edge Conlcls 74 In the Wood Toronto mi non mum day to commence latching In was and the memorable momen lives forever mm me me WM diliss Wendy Cowan nnd trleml ll Bigwin lnn on Lake nl Bays start their own privlll workouts to v51 or it has mm The WISS Belch Snead Andy Anderson lornnlo wcrc my Muskuka and returned home thanks or their services and ctr weekend guests at Mr and Mrs Weekend visitors Wednesday on Tuesday the iinal srrlrs operation the St Johns Ambul wnlnrd Dnbsonl Katherine snorrard oi Brad ML and Mrs Ilnroltl Rumble visited Mi and Mrs Jack Iltlm or lllc league championship ancn Barrie Barrie Ambulance went by the bonds with the De Service the Crecmore Towing troll Tigers defeating the Angus Service and thll Grey Parrot Tow ComeLs do The long hit oi ing Service wisagn Bench the game came III the hat DI Roy am you com lord was weekend visitor with ML and Mrs willard Dnbson Mn and Mm Josephscmnnn incl were guests at honor at nom 5Y munlty shower ot pills and bust Mr and Miss zlaiold Dales 5L Johns Anfliimn Ccmvim nifl 77 wishes in the community hall on John anlLIltmnlmwnchllonday C°°k°Wgt N50 0de BRITISH TRAINED ï¬lmmi mend UTOPlA Saturday evening with large visitors with theirvparcnts nlr 931 We ï¬r mcsv STAFF mum illhm mm Mm crowd in allcgldancc In the and Mrs Ernest mics gm Em and Ba Wedding early purl ol evening we gleam comp the Attend rl meï¬heasgeglgam 55 2th my mu Wm wk Mchnn and Elwood Miller gave um From mic Mm In Sl Ann Anglican mom 5mm km by show and Erncst Dales ailcnd lllr and Mrs Al Litmrly and Value and Qua IIy Both 1mm and wummm chum Mom 5mm Aug mg common slides whkh ed the tunemi on Saturday oi iamin oi narrie were Friday 76 DU LOP SERVICE sm wm Pants ill lfili lit ilhdnï¬ ST to lay collip tons no or ns ca ng on dry gt vlnd trlcnds lhc cventlul day oi the wm Agnes danghier 01 Mr and Mrs MADELINES SNACK BAR mam Lyman mflu Jlmns mm Utopia hmmo wedding and several unexpected when to PM in landlord St nusrte mm lug honors the man at wuuam 3mm of lpcal pictures rwi in tsLa mm GM mama Elwood hiillorthcn took charge PA 33339 in her lather tile hrido were psi ot the night nnd asststcd Willard blue ï¬gured satin gown with and Lorna with the shower duties shuuldcr length veil and her buns with some very capable helpers quet was pink roses on ptnk Following lunch Jackie Ellisand itho hnckgrqund Hm hr1d35mudhlnryandNeilDenlpslerprOVidcd Miss JennhioEnddlccousin at music for dancinz andtcvoryonc the groom wore princ2 style hzd good Um rust lliteia drésswiih matching in 1mm hut and carried pink roses on and Mrs Mk ms and blue background The groom was attended by Peter Famiciietlc mm mm MD TM Among the guests were James Home or Weekend Jackson Sh grandfather of the Glenn McCalIn was home Iiorli hride and MisnEdfl notno pelhiior the wlntgltand gt Kempview Mens Bowling Lens gun slIiLK schedule Mondny at pnl at We Kcmpvlcw Bowling rlnlnncl all 6333°1ir°n2hil2ï¬i Illï¬ih IiNIVEliSiiliY Glenn vs Crnmplon 12 HEPC vs Ernies 34 John Lang vs No Blows Superior Propane vs Denis Shcnrd l6 Barrio Tanning vs anrric Exllminer om Super lest VsGu Gaiters 1112 El 2t HOUR sEnvtcE Gruup howls Monday night gt 1mm 911 pm Here is the Scher 1w WIT $leénndaallegslczanldn hry vs on er red Eulers vs Two TRUCKS To ASSURE Barrie Motor SIIBS 34 Jackson °uAI plus PROMPT DELIVERY Motors vs East Endurabï¬ BrewJ ers vs BA so RCAF Edgar vs BA CALL TODAY Lumber vs team will Group howls Tuesday night ftrestone flroln ï¬rm Igcrexiswlhexschg uenn pays nrre Innrlg gt ï¬t 76 slalretéiiwbnzlrysvs 690 nun Irpen up cos class vs Duncan Plusterurs CHAMNQN lexnco Service station latiiï¬lzï¬i ï¬amgghiéhggww um 3m Eillnte 910 Union Cnrpcnters PHONE Shamrocks lliz BusLlA 32553 gt and you Res PA 350 moon to mmnull Wine Anï¬ggggg $315133 n9 retruadahle tilts Frans Dublin hove unearthed Irish relics in aid as 2000 ac SEIIBOI CHILDREN SIIIIIIIIIE go firesiotte OFFICIAL OPENING III 123 gt 11915 Or CIIVAMPION ll ul tallecln wit the unpredictnhle winihetdoli Iall xdontspoll Illlelisinl wce en rve ont get cling IKXyjénlltlmraiyn wlth ti Imublillli militiaï¬rme full Effle vng List in studdnrt RR No mo gt or COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE dunnoml or only now KND PONY CLASSES TRACTOR me Wigs snow HERES men so Kilns REPAIRS 6FILLING ACHIEVEMENT DAY FOR CLUBS NEW LOW ICES now in effect on the famous gt Firestone NYLON500 llle worlds strong ml VED TRACK est safest tira uclzé EWING rumor wï¬dmi ThouBAIRRIENEXAMINER H1957