Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1957, p. 4

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uni begion will meet In the ilnll serltl oi the Barrie presidents chair and Pat wimna mikerbmmcmscmigm The eventual winner in the sixth came on it solo homer by thirdbaseman Bob McCartney ilobs drive cd toward the trees In lett lield Larry Edney covering that pasture tor Brads lord got glove on the hall then crashed headlong into do toot tree and lost control oi the ball Both clubs however were aid ed by the pines down the let field side but McCartneys blow was by or the most important While Edney was almost dead goat on McCartneys hit he came up with several nice catches over the route Charlie Gregory and Bdncy took great delight in rohhing Ken Glenn who drilled solid smashes out their respective ways Settled Down Paul Purslailtett utter three shakey Inningslll which Bradturd built up their 44 lead settled down like bird on nest and chucked twohit ball over the line six frames III that long stretch the only run was an eighth inning homer into the trees by Iirst haseman Frank Lonny Ken Tupling started the atten 5ive drive oxaBradtord on the long cold night by reaching first base on Walk He advanced on all intield out and scored on pitcher Bob Armstrongs double walk to Fred Dow put Pursi alnen in trouble in thesecond Iramc too It was tollowed by ks and District Senior Sottball Lea We mThis was discidedh at ulneimg ALUABLB vowlmliett night en host vwhfll the Senior soltoall season spotted Bradlord to lead then is overand inns plavrrr roaches charxcd back In win deci miinagcrs and umpirts start weigh sion and the bestouive serlu ting the iElfllulcS good and hltl by it margin points it wi prove an extrcmry sour note it anyone can and sine gic Inuit with president Charles Ilflfngfemg 31 53g 59 human amazing that Bradlon scored as This iaci should have heen real many runs as they did and Min ircd in the early Summer when using as new as they scored The Ted Iinrdaerc gave up the chair Mintsing gang outsiuggrd the and left it upen to the ticld For tardrowns to Mineslng three or four ICEUHES the lam smashed out at least one base hit couldnt elect an executive let in every inning but the iirst alone presuiont So In last With all that power however dm 1mm hFP 50m iiinesing didnt give pitcher Paul $513001ng fillilgg if Purslalnen lead until the lourih speet Pat lolund took the vice fififiglfifir p° We were prompted to write something to this eilcct Wednes EsGomm day nighi at the meeting culled to deal with protest submitted by Devilbiss You all know by now that the protest was wlthdritwn vyiat most tans do not know is that Corhnm took an awtul riding Cine member tried to put it across that It was charles Inuit they were at the meeting in the iirst place iiost oi the memhcrs there that de tinitely doesnt mean all acted as though they were in the street The president iound it extremely diiiicuit to keep order and when he started to speak he was always interrupted 0n ballplayer at the meeting said DcVilbiss prohst would be bormtul to the league To us that sounds ridiculous Yet thats not the point The ridiculous thing is that grown men again not all at them couldnt conduct themselves as gentlemen thus making it more 0i scatterbrain hogcalling contest than meeting President Gotham belnrc losing the meeting made statement that We hopt sunk In He asked those present and anyone else con corned with the weiiare ot the league to Show as irIlich interest next summer when Its time to arm new executive When things toned downdhe president suggested that the league have banquet at the close or the season at which time the vnrious trophies and cups could he presented While it is not yet deiinitc It was met with approval TRACK AND FIELD ASPIRANTS Laurie Barron and Alex Lapsley the two local ldrycarulds who competed in an Ontario Track and Field Meet last week came back without ribbons butJilled with hope The hays had less than week of training hciorc the big day and were not rcadyJor Such stilt competition Lapsley finished near the top In his running heals and Barron displayed great arm in the run ning broad jump Barron actually had iump honor him the winner hut he was disouniitieti through some minor inirartion such as stop plug over the shall Itnd while they didnt win anything tnngihle they were praised by their Torontocolaehfi wilt delimiter vantfilto coltltinuc wgrkIInglsvléh thabiiys He ees att cy ave greatnt etc tn ens an ou encouraged Barronand Lapsleyulso tcci good about the episode and dfluhlcs by Edney and Stevcysr will he giving their special talents strict attention irom now on go with now and kidney scaring Charlie Gregory made It so tor JUST NOTES wrestling tan who thought he was taster than re gnutnid in itc um gamer ierec ioe Demos hns ripped shirt to prove otherwise Alter Tues no WM roughage Wm me tiny nights main event at the Barrie Arena the spectator took to mks amply taunting toe tic Iinnlly landed punch But he didnt hightaii it first Mugging muck Wk enough Dempsey caught him hy the shirt and almost ripped it oil the he Wm mm Vamn allows hack uill Adams got the show on the As we were returning Irom the lights Tuesday night head at road with the first at his three most like that at an elephant tat least the cars were big no otienee hilll Bob McCartney amenity meant to any elephants pushed out at car window and screamed Adams loilowed suit Ken Glehn in an inhuman voice at this reporter Hey Loverboy iorccd Adams at the plate but He gully rattentalnn till laocfiuse we teflbanyoiie Exile so stupid must wan choice real it owcnni epe Ceorgc chuvalo Toronto heavyweight hoxing hope will he given PLAYOFE SCHEDULE stern test next week Monday to be exact by big Bob Baker once ranking lighter Wisemen rate Baker as hhsrbeen but hes still the most likely looking hasbeen Chuvan has or will meet since Howard King The rest at Georges opponents never were and never will be The Ilnll playoff series be tween Mlnesing and Legion will Start in Mineiing Monday ulgliL Flyers Trip ilrillia of ln Gopaco Set 63 League series Wednesday hieplays in the third and sixth Minesing at Legion Friday Legion at lilinesing September trames Both times too it was and 16 Mineslng at Legion 18 Legion at Minestng 20 Minc sing at Legion 21 Legion at Minesing Here are tile umpires The Barrie rlyers took the iirst game or their copaco sotthail mm gt Series with drum last night the Exell girls Diane when they trimmed their host Frances that got nailed 23 lgfileffie 351531 he second game 01 e55 name All it it the umpire in ehietlin sche the hestoithrec series is sched Parker duied umpire cannot he pres Marin at eat at the game he will be aAlthough outhit 943 the Fly km 333332 ifgem ers made six of the saletles ac °iiea° Rhonda gin glareAlgtdnAb count tor five runs In tact the Flyers scored their en and lihlrtlliiarhiinrul Ego5 total in three trams and the Eu Mg gm fli wiiigi$ lialliwdllllldllflllits 3f niri°iiire iéiiiii in and DI the visitors trom Barrio picked up Tums Earl Marshall go Bud Knapp halt at their runs too in tho 0riiIia AB it ll and An down 21 Bill time iouith inning Ann Averill start Lennox 2h and Earl Marsh ed the merrygoround when she Tinuey ss got lite on an error Singles by McHugh Barbara Jenkins and Mary Berth Bus to clotte tilled the hoses With two Bailey away rightiiclder Marg Ellis Whitney singled home the iirst two girls Whitney Ir nlnnc Exell knocked in the third Wray cl baserunner Hipwell Increase Lead m0 302 12 The rlyers Increasedtheir lead 03qu In the sixth inning to so when lml they got two more hits and an graph 2° We other pair at runs Heletl Foster itlmpires Bud Knapp plate singled and was promptly driven Barre ltome by Del Miller who tri pled The pitcher then tallied an Marg Ellis infield out The Flyers scored yet another in théltseventh inning through the courtesy at walk tielders eholcqand an error bases SNACK BAR Tdfois Pinks Torgis and LdItevlewl clash to night in the till game of the iOTiiliagirls scored their three industrial Learned finalsseries runs inrthe last twojrames 6th The Torgis Automotive crew and 1th on loitr hits loadthe bestdisfive series 20 Thc iirsi elghthnttero in the inning won the first twozine FIyefsiiineup got singletons in with comparative ease help ng Miller to the pitching vlc lakeview with their booth to the wall will llfld01btedlypmve and Hlpwoil or tougher opponents itlinnliunitai tllias checker bad tWD base thlsieVening nAnlswxctr nossltuAD zo PHONE amour Glenn Adam scored pair with his Imud bit the night He collected live told Aim Titan Inning too with anntber tingle McCartney singled again and Cor by Adams tripled plating both at the basemnuera Corby scori ed on Glenn Adams hit number three Alter McCarth won the game In the sixth Mineaing added single tally in the seventh on Harvey Martins double and single by Bill Adams Following Glenn Adams high of Iiwtorllva IDstin and Bill Adams had three hits apiece or Mineslng Corby Adams had pair Pitcher Bob Armstrong was the only urndtord pleyei to solve ruisioinen mnre than once Bradlan Tupllng ss Collings et Gregory rt Armstrong Laney lb Fallls 3b Dow 2b Edney lt Varga Totals lillnrsins McCartney an Adams 2b Glenn e1 rt GAdams It Purslainen Win Downey Martin pl Falconer c1 MacDonald 2b wen Duwney 2h Adam lb Totals Mlnestng 002 301 10x 18 Bradford 121 000 010 Armstrong and virga Pursial den and Win Downer Umpires lilll Hare plate and Earl Marshall bases CAELTNéEtip COMPETITION SATURDAY The second round of the Gaga ing Soccer competition will be played this Saturday Sileute is at home to New Low all and Midland is host to Coiling wood Both games start at mm Sitcote will make its home parkfi omwmmumauw gt 44059006016 ErichHonours coatannulus awngsrteo swflnwbsbmuufllvl Sea Beeion Plays Stars Toni ght Al CooksfoWn Beetmi and not Auiston cap tured the Captain Downerllvphx ill the South Simeoe Juvenile Baseball League mom night The winners outscored the host Alliston club 124 Twobig In nings the first and the tourth gave Baotou the edge in the first lame the winnels scored five times and in the fourth our times Tonight at Cookstnwn game time 630 the Beaten club will play select team made up ct players from the live other teams in the lague Proceeds oi the game will go towards the players injured over uiiIAdams rtarted the lourlhf coming oi tbeldlttil that cold the other day me trite sign those directly concern Th mimic club sponsored last year by Brass and Glenn will have some tangible new to re portlll the very near tuturr JACK none nil ot the news wont be good however as the ciuowilt be minus one oi the leagues host players He is Jack llore the tall cen Lrn who has sparked the club over the past couple 01 seasons Jack as is common knowledge by now left earlier this week or San Diego where he will take position with Beneficial Finance Company lhe mime tlilm he Worked or while here in Bar iler The sporting tratcrnity are go ing to miss the seriourminded athlete as he has never toiled to do his job wiih almost rirrc sillr cerity During the summers Jack play ed sottball irlr DeViiblss in the the will Street Park in Owen Sound in the first round at play for the silverware Midland defeated Owen Sound New Lowell tripped Hollundlu 42 Silcote eked out 71 decision over RCAF Camp Borden and Col lingwoud shut out Barrie Soccer Club 50 Colllngwood is still the favor ite despite the fact that both Midland and New Lowell have strengthened considerably lillniusli senior league This year he lint ted over 350 and on one at the min 05 in the club Last year ed with the Barrie and DisLtict we are told Jack was Is nlu Mkemll League are starting to able air out inst wintefa equipment will Be Mlsed While those teams will mi Jack they will not begrudge his leaving Extremely easy to get along with Hora made tinny Irlends Wile here and has said many times in the last month that the ller to his Stateside home will always be wide open to his acquaintances here Jack who will he 23 in month or two is married tn pretty Marg Allen They have one son John Allen who just this week celebrated his Irst birthday During his high school days Jack was Wutcrn On tario Secondary School Associa tion tennlsrehamplon He shouldnt have much trou ble mixing with the Americans considering his talents and char Amos DELIVERY MARY STiteiiT the regular season rooms TliexisARiEANT co LTD PILAlvT PA nails ounce PA 32431 BARBIE 62nd blowsvaplecetortheiosers time time is 530 plnrat gorillla pulled oil two nentdnit Queens Park Ar The BARRIE EXAMINER Chefloose di is 1957 1956 BUICK Showroom Tahiti Coral tifliah wlth unblemished light top tone black and white genuine leather interior elec tric top and windows nix way power tut power brakes and steering continental wheel not controlled ridlo new centipedewhlte wall tires chrome discs etc New car cou ditlon throughout Cost new $6600 Sensational value QNLY sages 1956 CHEV Passenger STATION WAGON nan AIR DOOR showroom metallic tone green iinlsh with matching tone Interior custom radio air conditioning direct tIon lights chrome wheels etc New car condition throughout VS ltODMASTER very scarce model let last on this one ONLY 52695 1953 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN Spotlessflriginll metallic blue linirh withcustom seat covers air conditioning radio direction lights chrome rims This perfect little automobile In every respecL custom radio Ill owner since new I951 BUICK Gorgeous Oshawa blue tluish tclion ligth automatic transmission lop condition throughout I952 PONTIA Lovely original maroon Iinlsh int direction lights deep tread tires Thl ONLY 5825 l95i METEOR CUSTOM DELUXE SEDAN matchlngz tone hiue In deep tread tires Snappy re out real dandy ritie value Alwlllllll on loss beauty tomobile Nita blue Iioish hnrdylw runs TRADE Nice original power blue finish wit terlor custom radio liable transportation wetleclere all taxi and police Wisguarantee oururp In deco Goodwill Guarantee We mlltc available the name and Id vlouo owner Our lervlce department Is one at the best in the district and we service everything we sell iiEWBLET Flawless original powderhlue conditioning direction lights tor air conditioning direction I948 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN Nice blue finish heater and delrnster New light hiue lintshpcust lights new tires new hr iound reliable transportation l949 MONAIiCH portation wholesale price I953 FARGO Good sound can and hody heater and delroster Iorm with tailgate rouer lull luctory wurratttylht MANY ONLY 51095 I952 PONTIAC Chieftain Bustldbork Coach BIG Six ncautiiiil new light hiue iinlsh with spotless inlcrior seat covers chrome wheels heautiiul riding economical automohilc one local ONLY 975 conditioning direction lights SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN air conditioning excellent condition throughout ONLY 5595 I950 METEOR SEDAN Nice original green tinish heater and chroster direction lights radio good tires excellent mechanical condition throughout Ter roiifiw FCROACH is ONLY 59 195s CHEVROLET HARDTOP tone hiue tinlih with matching ztune hiue Interf Gmcous lights scarce sharp little au ohm 51195 Ann CAns Issniioonnshlm tin CARRY ounrAlwotis SEDAN clean ON LY TRUCKS SPECIAL TON PLATrbItM sound custom radio air conditioning dtr white wallsThls ear is In ONLY 5795 Small Bustlebaek SEDAN erior like new air conditioning cai ts outstanding thruttglr rdadisiwltnfieacraidgiogi dressoi the pier Iinish interior like hrand new air deep treadures This is little 95 good meehnnicpiconditinn ONLY$198 1951 PONTIAC BUSTLEBACK COACH um radio air conditioning direction Ike lilting motor just overhauled ONLY $675 interior air conditioning reliable trend 95 solid pini truck ready tor lots of soNLvésas I952 CHEVROLET TONLPICKUP New iinlih new tireshraltd new motor iust installed with truck will give thesnme service ONLY5750 1949 CHEVROLET PANEL 5V2 TON Nice blurtlnisb heater and deiroster good tires good mechanleatcenditlon throughoutoiIurryinr this one ONLY $195 You CANT can HALWIG DEAL liiIANy noun To Choose rapid naiwlgii Goodwill Used Cars CAN BE FINANCED ON LOW RATES WITH pAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET EILMS OPENEVENINGS TILL 1000 RIDAY VENTNGS 10003 ii

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