Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Sep 1957, p. 12

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RACHEL ESTHER VERNA only daughter or Mr and Mrs Hugh McMillan of stroud married Fred Meadows son at the late Mr and Mrs Horace Puuls Anglican church Innisill on Saturday August third at three oclock Reverend Lionel Rowe atriclated recep tion or 41 guests was held in the basement oith church The couple went to Wasaga Beach tor wedding trip and are residing in Toronto The lolluwlng are the results oi the Royal Conscrvatoryx piano and theory examinations tried by pupil at Janie Brylon in June Grade ix Plano nopon ran lue Kunce JdAnne Hook Grade VIII Piano Honors Carl Hamilton Johnbngmln Grade Vl Plano First Class Honors Joanne Whitfleld Elm valc llonurs Paul Coborn Ne ton Robinson and Lynda Fanning Piss Frank lilehcr Newton Rob insorl Grade Plano First class hon nrs Mary Webster Alcona Bea Sheila Thompson Stroud and Mary Sprlng Elmvnlc honors Kathleen Amcm Angus and John Wanless Slroud pass John Pells cilier Mary Reynolds Elmvalu lone Tillman Churchill Grade IV Plano Pass urian roysion lilnesing Gllde Ill Plano First class honorstIllly Whitfield Elmville puss Eleanor Shepherd Alcona Beach Bryce Liberty Grade II Plano First class hun ura Vcrnu filer honors Ronald Kunce Donald Siddall Grade Plano First clue hou ors Rosemary Sprint Elmvule and Ruth Corrlgan Sherwood Tromhley Belle Ewart houols Brenda Allan Churchill Ind Rob ert Spring Etmvalc Martha Rey nolds Elmvale Marilyn Covert Grade Theory Farm honors Mrs Shirley Consume Giliord Grade lvneory Counterpoint First Glass honorsoouglr nor ren History First elm honors Douglls Morrcn Grade in history ran Rosita Pitt Grade il Theory ilrst class honors Carol Graham John Pell etler Anita Smith Janet and Judy Dlngnian Sevetal ol Mlss Brysnna pupils covered the work at two grade In one year Special mention may be made at Miami the younger pupils Joanne passed with out class honors in Grade lV Plano at the age ol eight Ind Calhy Whitfield who also received tlrst Ellss honors rtandlng in Grade lll Plano at the age oi six tum Meadows of Toronto in st By MAXINE wives Womens Editor Merchandise from Barrie businesses will be on display at 991 mutiny Whlllleld who centsVat any titinc stores which King St Vincent Square Fall Fashion Preview being held in the Club SeventyNine at 830 on the evenings at September 24 and 25 The show is it joint project by the Juan Garrick Charm school and the merchants This will he Garrick sponsored no and Mrs Heppleslun and sons returned to North Bay the second Joan Show Last years held at Christmas was after spending tow days in charity show on brhaii of lhe Barrie visiting the ormers Salvation Army Tickets for this mother sh mum 35 The September meellng oi llie Womens Auxiliary of 102 Air Cudcls will be Iicld at the home of Mrs Frank Porltr 123 Saniord Sir wodnrstlry Sept ii at 315 are involved Rather ihnn it stage show the girls Joan Garrick models will have an original setting in that they will move among the tables mm mm so that those attending my ex lur and Mrs Funccott amian materials and styles close and iamily returned recently 1y liiss Joan Burrows an in struelor at the scbnni will be the commentator There will be approximately 150 showings by 20 models during the twohour show The Butler Dress Shoppe will supply cocktuil wear and street wear Graham and Fleming will display childrens wear and tors and sportswear from sun man will he textured Walker Stores will exhibit sportswear slrcetswear and ac cessories Westuns Jewellers will supply the jewellery and ilan Garrick lililliuery the hats PERSONAL liriarld Mrs Kenneth iVynn Steven Mathrw and Marilyn ot NewGlasgow Nova Stella and Miss iancl Wallace pt liunetan NewBnlnswick were recent vis itors with Mr and hirs train motor trip through the eastern states and the hlaritimus While in Hnlilax they visited lhelr son William his wild and daughter Attending the wedding at the dormer Jean Watson of Barrier who married William Kent in Hawkusbury Saturday August 31 were Mi and Mrs Watson Mrr and Mrs Gillespie Lloyd Squire 3nd Mr and Mrs Mar tin and Doris all or nanis anniiln Visit Mrs Moore and ohiltlren spent few days in Toronto rev cenlly and took in the Exhibition while there Cnnltsloun Visit Mr and Mrs Slmnlons and girls oi Coukslown Wlsited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Downing Miss uarbnra Wchll daughter Mr and Mrs James Webb 310 lnnisrii street will enter the lids ital lr Sick Children 5mm NW sum lIii Willoughhy pl Barrie Visited one day rccenlly with Mr and Mlfi Rodgers nt Visitors 17 Mr and Stan Brown Visit 100 Collier st Barrie PA 81m ed Monday with Mr and Mrs opposite the Library has Latest in Fashion Yours tor privacy and economy Frnln Toledo fit and llrs Hilltcns and family rpm Toledo Ohio and School Back School commenced or the full term on Tuesday Threeiooms sehoo raverc Mrs Henry Couse resident at the Inniswood Convalesc ent Lodge celebrated her 59th birthday quietly with some or her family at surprise birthday party Wednesday sapi tember she is shown with nurse at the establishment Mrs Emily Coles Hannah Jean Cause was born in gtin 1950 when he was 97 Prat Bond Head in 1858 She was prC vious to his death the couple had deceased by her husband Henry celebrated their 70th wedding an niversary opened with Mrs Finlayson liirs Couse who is very bright principal and Crease and Mrs and in good health has two sons Barnard in charge Twelvc Alpine of Brantlnrd Ind John at girls and boys began their schopl Cookstbwn six zrlndchildren gamers and eight greatgrandchildren litany cards gins and lowers were received train friends and relatives Mr and Mrs John Couse Mr and Mrs Harry Cousc Cookstown and liilu Keith Cause Searbnrn were present on Wed Dorothy Rodgers spent tow dayslast week with her grand parents at Thornton WA Meeting Tile meeting of Holly United Piano PupiléiMieer gfiwyfi Exams SUcceSsiUlly MR AND the building stood The Elliotts who have llv ed all their lite around Tot tcnhum have experienced many occupations during their litetime They spent some time taming beiore entering the ice cream parlor business They then manag ed the hotei in Tottenham before it received its license Forthe past 25 years Mr El liott has been the mall car rier oidest residents or the town ed many lovely gltts from their friends Mrs Elliott is charter member 01 the Womens Inst itute and member of the Presbyterian Church she alsobelongs to the Womens Mayab Didnt tell you it was too nesday Church WA will he held at lhe home of Mrs Ray Sleswr on Sept at pm Roll call is home camp etc main lained by youl church rograrn conveners are Mrs Graham and ltlrs Hunter Lunch asr slstants are Mrs Srigley and Mrs SrlEIe LAKESHORE SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING tillu CONTROLLED chit roux lusunuu couuruous Licousau INSTRUCTORS PHONE PA 82159 windy for candy floss warmth Boys arid Va Nscoolant 106 Nylon warp rubric Watcr lepqlla Lined undifigrlfllefl or extra will Ibe snugas ybugIno rug in these well mads snowsuitsi iheNylon and Cotton fabric has proven idcul for childrensWintsr weor hurd wearing and water repellent warmi protectionfrom Winterscold and snow Is iussured with the Wool quiltedto satin Youngsters style and the knitted woult in on helmet collar and pockets Mothegs will Ilka the ni ipper locket closing slufcks Interllrilng ill like the Mr and Mrs William Elliott at Tattean passed the 50 year mark in their married lite on Wednesday September The couple were married in mine church known as Sloans church which no longer exists Mrs Elliotts grandiother who donated the land on which They are now among the On this occasion they recelv mindlo visited with llrl Bouncy on muddy Mr and In Cooke and children at onuia rpent Sunday with the tormers taunts Mr alid Mrs Cooke School Reopens School reopened on hludly with Mrs Pilkcy at Guthrie in charge Ian CocIuhurn ol Thronto ll visiting at Stnchlul Mr lnll Hrs will Cockburn and air and dim Cooncy spent theweikcnd at BanemiL WI Nettil The Woment Inullule will meet aunts leclx on nun day eveoiozScpt l2 at spin Topic home economics motto Crumbling spoils more home than poor cooking given by tits Howell roll all Iouch and take tor dime prom Mrs 31 Huyes lunch Mn Slimrdown Mr HIckclt Mr and Mrs Melaelh oi Orlllla and Mr Mammy oi ltvnuyl Fried Ilia tunaccrl lhdik needless sold uoilml lLi01r honopus love GOTHICS lubrici and the camtovlaltlu trudoln lhot some with cash hm They IImpIy odor thll lino mode iuii tor lham YUUIH by GOTHIC traili $100 It was named after Auxiliary or the United Church Mr Elliott spends his spare time gardening Mrs Elliott is 73 and her husband is 75 MOIIII an omuxod at GOTHICS ClclllllVOSIhl CORQTEX intuit that oboiiili would map drag giva with yoyiiiiiii uplittund mmusr that moltu broken rhoiiidar ilrapt thing at tho port iiiurtrsiid ELFlN by GOTHIC 01 311 tor aWioxpproved Me by North American Von lines Worldwide sswirs flu PA ti6555 CAMPBELL LTD 110 BURTON AVE hay cotulh5guioioiai our lxpon Inlulddlu liolp you sheen you mitt GOIHIC tumouowl Aviliarlxcd Agents In IHOUSANDS KNOW LOW NIB unii alpha Price 550 PRICES micnv omit SATURDAY 591mm 7th i957

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