nanu nail Alumind clue Ilmbor on Mann Irma muo ovumrut maca Inn 01wa and MI auran chadu court as result of fliefitwm ship or innlafll speed trap dc Mg by msmm Following previous predictions the value or building per 915 nie lirrl cm to 35mg Wm mlts issued in Barrie during August exceeded that for the your Papish or Tomato same month last year by $113550 The total value of permits issued since the beginning of this year is now only 3345008 Lay Cornerstone stopped in Stroud when he cross less than that for the same period last year and last year thifgiibvvs Horne ed the tapes of the electric opezd trap which was being operate Exénsion wasa record building year for this town Elitï¬ï¬iiï¬oii Siva czrhy nut even the most oplimlailc 2a 3a 63 so Oakley Pink sin constable charged that the vets comertone may iorecaster would not predict that and Crcsivicko Court builder no reads Me mm ma will take place on Saturday tn ï¬gures ioi September will sell Webb oi Drury Lane Willinrd Kinzie Mayor or Barrie Arthur Ev 35 mph afternoon at tho Odfllellm come up to that of September last ior hlunon St builder sell Ontario Municipalhssoclation conven tion hold at Bigwtn Inn recently Clearly there were matters less serious than annex ation and hydro costs Seated lelt to right Homo Allandale It ll um Grind Master of oddiellm Chambess ol ottawa will be year Last years ï¬gure lncludcd the $725000 permit for the Can adian General Electric extension and nothing so large is envisaged nns Reeve oi Bradford Standing left to right Walter Gigg comptrollermanager Barrie rio Simpson slmcoe County Ils sessor and Percy Selby Reeve or West vail Mr Plplsh was represented bY counsel The oiliccr was asked if It would not have been poy sible the tape moved during the Hill McKnight 128 Cook St for 21 Slrabalia Ave builder sell ll McCullough 49 Mary Sh loi 15 lilelmse Aim builder ANGUS ranktype tele phone throughout this commun ity will pass into retirement at Fr PM the NH for this month Ball and Soil Bninson n75th Gmmm warden or gimme county until asmlyhlthiillilcecelll ï¬sglbmfzgi about 12m dSllildyenta vigill mm in the regular monthly report it mm Me in Innim awry would he be aware it they be able to dl all ol their local 1° ward 11 Wiï¬ whmmed by mm builder Howietl Son had moved calls as well as all calls to tel xmm Mr mmtrflgurer 01va Town in Kennedy Robcru St for rhc officer was unable to slate ephories in birds 13 nlnii Board it is noled ii Downsvlew Drive bulidlel sell gt that they had not shifted alV The mammal dm we Wu hm been arm one am Green Ems Construct on 211 the oddlclion from across though they were held in place he Mom or the construction 51x dwell Wellington St for Wellington phone service will become the st builder selt Corbett byihveczeltilicilor torihc accused ngmy El Thu men in Iciieduied 353ï¬1ï¬fhflutï¬ 1i Allred St for liedry SL claimed that the otflcer trad told pm PM 5° mm log over past months is the last Wilde 5° thelccused lhat he had cliecired 33133 tgzifgonflégpg it two mm pmmm 11 permits 5155000 hi lazmh whcnh hl lit ltDi wit ii ilzimtdilililiiil immigranis dint°itiiiil giggle gtmtgrfnlggugsd in device it only owed 3i Barrie exchange inn and facing the buy 1x mm mph Mum In Trouble Compared with last year the iniriohr Corlgtnruetilin silti Crown Attorney Thompson ephone mgmlger or ml Em number oi building permits for Lyndhurst Mgv Toron 11 agreed with drience counsel that subscribe Ans mi At Bradford dwellings is loss but the value mm spam building an Mr Justice Fowler will preside at Supreme Court sitting there was no needy to produce vim number about 300 shown an increase at 850000 Ails Kempenicit Dr builder self opening nttheCourtllousc Burlii on Monday September iuriiler defence wntllessesH hm QWiflgmimk temp ustihis year 17 new dwelling her The pm 5110 mm at pm Thistwiii be the first collrt atwhlch sticrm miss aim seemed to he dgiiinasuto mm The numb mgr mam on inlta were issued valued at sazs Hughes will preside since his promotion to that office at the WSSIMBh movfliiiï¬iim It contained In the new Banishing mm we re munmmu 000 last year tor the same month cpl and Autumn beginning of this month fleetsell 18M 5f53n landCollingwnod directory mm Gem dim za dwelling permits wera issued MW 93 am re nasal September Hon Drury relinquished the oiiice chgggcmflmrdf Mr ilacoonald reminded tel ties on separate charges Valued 5274500 pairs at 83 Calvin 5L builder oiisheriti of the County on reorganization of the law offices eplmne users In Angus that they lAllred Hader was driving north Under the commercial section seli1 Elam 06 Dunlop St ofthe county due to the increased work done Mr Drury can n¢m°sirggeg13 will necdlo dial only the iaatlive on Highway 400 when he raised permits have bcenissued to the repairs at liJG ouulop Si tinuesvto fill the offices or Registrar or Supreme Court and om ha mum dismiss the Mums oi the number they rit his Wife to reach out and raise Brewers Warehouse for their builder suit lilernlh 32 Ec clerk0 the gaunt Come cum quire when placing local calls the radio antenna but he did new warehnuse at Anne Street cies St repairs at 32 Ecclea st However when calling through to not decrease his rpced and watch valued at 593000 Firestone Tire builder ll Howcy saridant rriierc are live jury civil actions illi Barbara Ann seliries and The police have been Million narrle the full PArkway number the mad As result he got air and Ruhber Company at new Kcmpenfelt Dr alterations at and is noniury civil action listed Frcdorlck Layion dciendincs that my must like should be dialed The subscriber onto the shoulder and in his premises on Dunlap srreet West Kempcnlelt or builder Alex for lienins at the taming sitting llulse solicitor for the 935in Siam Hnd by also should ask for the complete endeavor to right the vehicle value $74000 and to Dominion antler Son llira Meredith 102 with Supreme Court Nine div pla till olvoicc action marking this on the pavement number when making long die the car turned over and skidded Stores Ltd for new supermarket Cumberland st repairs at we in Film Mari The Wilbert liahiiie plainiiil hlsrie Mk 31 the MU taucc calls nearlyzoo rest on itaaop Dlln at the northern limits of the town Cumberland 5L builder Cald hm °° Lnuise Lablne Ind Albert Joseph All calls between telephones in age la the car was approximately on alike Street value $155000 well Golds 34 North St rev My CM mum Kearns deicndanls Messrs leg Wedgeliiiehfli $7 15 in amt will 1m 5450 in the industrial section per pair at 84 North St builder mew Tuï¬ï¬Ã©g immm ingston Myerr solicitors for thin Emmi roni long distance charges 3i vertbls did not end his mit has been issued for the new sell butcher lla lomnto In MEN vdemdam plaintill Divorce action endviinglhacï¬ï¬‚5wr$flm Imam Mr when in HE wrung ma plant for the West Bend Alumin St alterations at 119 Toronto Lewis Thomas HImbly plain tlii Caroline Hambiy Caroline Warnbnlt defendant Car ter solicitor ior tho plaintifll Dlvnrce action Hclen Laura Mysylr plaintiff Bohdan Emilian Mysyk and Jean French defendants Messrs COW an El Cowan Enliciiors for the plaintiff Divorce aciinli Bertram Brothers plaintiff lacir Martin defendant Messrs Stewart Eslcn 8t hlciurk solic ltors for the plaintifl Bing ham solicitor for the defendant Balance owing or work done Paul Copeland QC solicitor for the plaintiff Messrs Siaght Hayes solicitorslior the dc fcndant Alienation oi affection John lrwin and Lillian lr win plaintiflfs William Wind over and llcbrrl Lowery trad ing under the ilrin name and style oi Eigin Auto Parts and the said Robert Lowery do reiidnnist Switch Marshall QC solicitor tor the plaintiiis urn Company at John Street Details of blilldingpcrlniis lsc sued by the building inspector during the month oi August are as follows SL builder King Cv Ball 226 Dunlap St alterations at 228 Dunlap St builder self GoSYeY ll Pnynlz Sin alterations at ll Poyntz SL builder Mor ris Mrs Erereion 182 Dun lop alterations at 162 Dun iop ibutidor Barrie Iron Works Mrs Robson 48 Park slde Die alterations at 43 Park Turn to page two please Bakes To ictory convicted of careless driving The line and costs imposed were 53 Nor did this end his troubles for he was given talk ing to by the magistrate Pearae who told him he should have stopped his car before he attempted the adjustments The magistrate suspended his license for month afterwhhrh time he will have to make appllev atlon to the examiners at Queens Park and pass botlr written and manual test as to his fitness to again drive vehicle in Cm tarlo Bell technicians will be checking and testing the intricate dill equiment In the new exchange building on Centre Street right up to the time of the actual conversion plea of guilty would he accepted and settlement could be arranged by sending sl However he choose to drive to Barrie accompanied by Ms sol lcltor and his wile ihéy sat during the whole morning until their case was called and put up Die opposition which probably cost them $50 in time and ex penses ï¬ns to prove that they were justified in not accepting the evidence oi the mechanical trap in conversation with the driv noss ranches Sheri SimonevCinlnty Glass solicitor lor the defendant Articles of agreement Notice of trial filed September Ii 1957 Donald Edwin McRae plaintiff Evelyn Beatrice Mcllae and Ern est Walker defendants Messrs MIcLaren and Wilson solicitors tor the plaintiff Divorce action Notice of trial filed September Single Family Dwellings Pmtt 171 Toronto St for Mountbatten Road builder sell Cmsley Construction 00 64 Newton 5L dwellings at 22 leased the pressure on the gas control and his car W5 coming back to slowdown speed when he crossed the tapes on the road The not that he was told he had been doing 42 mph made him question the matter and he went back tolle shown the 36 figure Messrs Richardson and MaeMllA lan solicitors for the defendants IMqtor accident Douglas Dunclifle and Ross Winï¬eld mkhm pmnum 1957 er he maintained that he had re on the dial The other German arrival gunclllflte slaintlffsAlCllffiord El Donald grid Mend hThere are over hundred or Ralph aost pleaded guilty to sawd 2° silt exnn er MossrsStcwai1Estcn Mclurk mm 5° mm Eorbes solicitor for the Plain solicitors ortheplaintili Messrs Slmcoe COUnlY deruiion Wins to be seen it mama iarm nl William nuthven and or 3r Messrs mines rhcinaoii Bell Keith Canong Gritflths W5 be woven in other selling same to Toronto curb Keia Howie and Freeman sol solicitors for the defendant Moe cases tractor who took it to Besverton Loses vSeclteiciryaDlrecior Elma34 12 dï¬Efldiiilie Mum ior BN1DJILM where it was recovdergd CE Dona crrtt nmpsnn He was roman on ml Camp and he plaintlï¬ Olga hope Marie John Hughes Past Free BUS Ride charge and hearing ot another Va Camp Plalnmm Doha Thompson and Ray Miles defend charge of obtaining car under MacLarerl detendant tin Mm aim and Ncwe or the retirement or iohu Hughes oi Churciilu Na Pmm Thompson solicitor for the plalir ml mm Plain Cecil Chappoll as smrefaryvtreas pastpresldent or the ledeia Of Nude my tliis Messrs Smith has 115 um urcr the Simcoe County Fed has la ew Us WM Greer mm for he denim defendants Divorce action flog Md will be Mm dence of the Bradford dealer and Mom mid lAnrlrew lugus plaintirt Noble 95 The first new bus on the of William nuthveu who had Gemlo delendant Marshall we 599 with service will he in one made deal with him on truck ighaalcsuAustln Bantingripmn solicitor tor the plaintlrt Slims 9° atlon in name on Monday which ms pm or gesp ace Charles Ross de ty federation members gem 10 mrk be and my tonight 11ulh6llmlge solicitor During his eight years as scc ion town council in cooper Mr Euthvenlnthe witness box 1e pfainm favidd Watlter retarydressurer Mr Chappell adon with Greer Transporta told of an arrangement whereby solici urf or en ant Alien has worked unceanngly and tlon Co wwwlllbe taming Tost was to buy truck at $500 eutlon AMBASSADOR withoult whiting or brothels to tickets tor ii tree bus ride to paying ior nine with ilve notel Non 1x manna promos we are oy armors every person who pays which were signed to he pal Him GEE 592nm mam AT KWANS Till giving ircely of his time and regular rare on Monday monthly These notes were alien mm simmers Com CEV abilities has played avery prmll The tree ticket win his on the truck and wercregis unnmum defendants Messrs Bum Kiwanis club inent part in developing the valid or ride during the tered in the Barrie county sher stem E5 Mflurk hp dimm meeting Ml uahie and eflcctive organization balance of the week lfts offcle sisters or the plaintim Mm Sepia in chiim Meinorlal no EXMS eltef Ill nitgar to earnuiha immunity Cowsn 5t Cawun barristers or till partlllpated the ederailon ice under ma paymenv an the defendants Divorce action Goodwill Ambassador pm ibis gisidance has always been Wayne MCKgnze ins costs and the truck operation pegan mm Gang grain launched by the Kl ready and willing to assist any the man agreed to haul sod tor mailing Barb Kathie can wanls Club of Lakewood farmer orgroups or rialmere the Rnihveh firm It in per yard and Benjamin yum dc New Jersey to observetbe their agricultural andnrgnnlu Tnsiciiimrd thaitiie work was hams Messrspswm Est iastii anniversary or the tlonal piohiems The tederatio so nnflsldy thatha did not iiiire cuminm solicitors gm RushvBagot Agreement he times is the coordinatingï¬cen sufficient til now the com mg my Hon tween the United states and tre tor all thc county harm or especially as he hacistil put re min Cross plaintllt Paul Canada This virtually de ganlnations and much valuable westont emerged links on the truckamountins to woke aï¬endnm john mllltarlzed the entire border assistance rs given to these tromthls years ganduation ex $300 beiore he could use it ma anchor mm between thetwo nations ganlutlons that are wanting in loatlons aivveston Collegiate He took the truck to the denier 955 Borden Em Kane President George Caldwell the interests of farm people withnine firsts out piningsub Hid agreed that hei=€°l33n Puma Ind smiley Sanamm fa displayed on Jacadtablcand The oountylcdcratlon also has iccta taken mailing him up lion allowance in cash of $600 $300 me depend Mole mldem suitably referred in the the very important job or being or student or theachoot ofiiiii was to so on the new car Sllenl Ambassador com twway channel of inlorma Mime he WW hm wiiyneiaihc only food of Mr and Mrs Adam McKenzie of Wesionand agrandson ofVMr and Mrs Thomas McKenzie Lloyd Miioney and Mae Mooney plaintiffs Frederick Mooney defendant John Reid solicitor for the plaintifls Messrs posed ill table ilag stand American and llrltlsh flags and scroll carrying best wishufrom the Lakewood to repay Ruthven Tho finance company refused to advance the $300 in cash This tiun from individual dinners and their county organizations to their senior organizations the Ontario Federation of Agricul Boys Scagram Rowe solicitors llub 40 ill Canadian Kiwanis ture the CanadianUFederlation of 68Sophia Street Ea Barrie left lhflillliklllll unpaid for He wasremandetl weeh for His father lsawelleknolwn form for the delendant Mali clubs Ind uemphasizlng to Agriculture andthe lnterngtlonr er mm here and sautenee on both chaiBES He 939 the world the signiï¬cance or al Federation of Agriculture pro mum is um 10 Vim married with family Shelda Helen Reed plllntlfl ducers outstdpdlng achievement hillyn lesson In snoop atlaiiai goodwill and accord to all nations The Alnhllssidor started ISullriy andcooi The Weather has been in chlldon oi Penetang They went toEugland in loss when Adam ioined the stat of the DoKavli land Company Wayne Was born Alexander illiomas Reed and Shirley Ross defendants Boui Innis Marshall solicitor the Divorce action Theresolutiorls and wishes of wuntygmups can he channelled through the ofï¬ce in thesesen ior organintions and lnoflnfl at London in 1933 lheiamlly lvariety lqr the must week 335 ï¬wigflfflflï¬gï¬ gig ï¬mcgdlv ï¬g 63 iw lived back from returned to Canada alter the starting with lantern Mon wm New WWW is 31 gumg7 xenim emulisflemniv or War and Adam is now with the dayumith rain at the early gahlzations The board of directors and the membersof the federation real lzejthc aluolantof time andc fort Mir Chappell hnsspcnt thmercnadt of farmersdn th to are eel appseel live or hikyeurs oilseely iv lepylge and loademhln Roe Company Wayne plansjto attend univer hgity of Toronto to utility am lniml engineering ts nanoiulv rmcn laalrawssooicl by Russia to the Unltetl Stat 80 lo 200000aboiit cents an acre tart or the week and sunny but cool yertcrdny ls with pronaIe ofthe nmo today Jumpertil lvms viz the prbprle guire ApiaryrinMinealng claimed first prize in the ONE wed dingeokcroompetltlon Wednesday September Mrs Mn guire won thesloD prize plus an addition $100 for using wellknown brand or ilour The true piece exhibit topped 25 other entriesult was Mrs Meguirea irat entry into the competition Well known rhercu ary achievements Mrs Magu re caters ior private parties in thaareo anilMyers solicitors forthe plaln iiii VDivulce actlom Kenneth Victor refines plaln ii rudely1 heeledawn Flt has nowforlmded ittoiviallnrernus iiarriba 20th yialt 1957 a4nf as ir