monsoon LOnurio Arch The Salute to Clnl Ieolounland Historic Situ Cont be hilteo oi wash it Cnnnon nawa correspnadent non com will given by Alex Dreier tumou oi Indiana is chinon has rnenlutor and world traveller magistédung mm coutvlocoast ndlo pr mm on Sunday Sept overt WNW wn wmg mac network This saqu will sinlow county and dim restore the great cndlsu organization til Im hibiuun at Toronto it wrs Ins hillric plaque be dedicated It it Steele Memorial It lIlrvllley Itlsbeltaved the request will be Viuliliicd when arrangements canlbc nude toi prepration nt the pluque no suitable Lille chosen tornccrelnony Annamaria wu unveiled on the lozhonmtud vhrre the Steel milv lived It Pairvulley hy rimw Minister Leslie Frost three yen no as part oi celeb lion marlin thh 120m anniver sary oil St Georges Anglican Church Fairvllley The Ontario government marker would he add ed In th present monument Another unveiling ceremony cnorlotnu Steele took place the nail day in the above at Orti lll on the lawn oi the Liber whena handsome memorill dedicated Clarence Steele oi allows omnasoo utCommander Elincs steele perlormeo the un veiling One nl those taking promin ent part in the Oriliia ceremony line Oriliia historian and rciiroo editor oi the Oriilia Pac hot and Times last week suggest nounced by Powcll unn agcr ol publicity and the Tuesday Wednesday dlt nuix DliEIER arcler visited Toronto and ntpresidonts Bacon is again Fair which is on the preceding Ind the Colilngwood Fair which ed that an Orillia municipal builds Mm Emu on Mm mg now huing renovated be nam dun Aug 10 gel nddmuml oil the Steele Building Artcent news items lrom Engs Idfld brought back recollections DI the Steele inmiiy Prime Minister Harold Machii llln brought to the attention oi Brllc 805 pm EDT on lhe wtckentl lsh government oiiicialsthc urg Monitor program Alex Dreier nncy oi rebuilding No 10 POWII is popularly known as Monitors Street the oiiiciai residence Mun on mg it ill the British Prime Ministers Commnndcr Steeles wltes iam lions will carry recording or 11y the Crowchers at one time the solute at lime to be has owned No 10 Downing Street Commander Elmes Yelverton Steele alter 87 years notable color or his broadcast Nearly 20 NBC network sla tlons in the United States will carry this Salute to Canada at it is expected that many Cnnadinn radio sta oriuuo annual Fall Fair will This is the latest date or the lit in many yena the directors de riding to experiment thiryear in the hope at attracting morn ent ries oi Inn produce and live stock in the paatjsevenl years the lair has been held the tint week in September The Fair Board ll hopelul thll the later date will nauit in larg er Ind better school ilir than hIl been posrihle in the past ycln with the air allowing so closely on the heels at school opening it was olten diiiicult lo organlto the school air well hoped in addition King Show am coming to provide the midway cu iertainment this year and the III er date was the only one open They are nlsu attending the Barrie Thursday Friday and Saturday allow Orlllias on Och3 tn Normally Orillia Fair has been held on Friday and Saturday as are in the nature oi an experi ment this yearl Albert Anderson is the pre aldent this year and Howard Hutt man and DonaldHowie are vice secretlrytroarurer Ir CALIva EXAMINER PRINTING PHONE PA 821 nouncco locally The program called illnn on it aiNa cml rob the GoFor the Van on the Go sellrloseCTnhd aiyihe ole oi al in has been saluting one state each In Voyage which took mouthslnweck with greeting mm the sailing vessel The master at the Governor and talk by Alex hip lost his head inastorm com orcicr giving colorful dramatic mandci Steele took command and facts about lhe states history saved the vessel famous sons recreational attrac He arrived at his Limoacre land grant at Fairvaliey Medunte Town ship in am and proceeded to ante out career as the districts Pinosl famous and coloriui settler One oi his ilrst actions was to donate 100 acres at land as an em dowmcnt tor parish church and eight acres on which to erect the church and lay out the cemetery hhls is where St Georges church is now located in the cemetery at which service will held few weeks ago honoring the memory til Commander Steele and memh era oi his family Commander Steele was mag trate who administered the district served as Member at Parliament in the early 1840s recommended the construction of the Trent Can al and the building oi the road from Toronto to Orilliz on the east side of Lake Simeoe had tr trai lit bridge built at the Narrows Atherley and war instrumental in restoring pensions to army and navy veterans who had commut ped them to get start in Canada son Sir Sam Steele was the third officer appointed to the Roy al Northwest Mounted Poliée and after famous career as Mountie took part in three wars conclud ing with service in England as Canadian Commanding oiiicer in World War Another son John Coucher Steele was neeve at are or is lions scenery and industrial pro gress It is sponsored by North Amercan Van Lines Int Canada is the ilrstr country outside the United States in be so saluted PIONEER FESTIVAL RENinnw calrhisottnwu Valley town planning week long Pioneer Days celebration next year or its 100th annivers ary is warming up with two day festival this month WORLDS BEST iiiiHlER IRlllll suru wraornoor me thin win Ilium Miami no lulu hqu muod mm It nooucrs ml uulvrwrvm rnomlul our Ion urr or clournss 16 linearow ran ron 16 BilliiY lillTiflli ran ronw Pig Bonnier StuIsr New liAlelrl Baler 6375 mi aau BUY HEJESE FOR LESS We are as close ll your tele phone call woollen than um Anne st Baritn PHONE PA 84264 or 8450 years became Warden of Simcoe County In 1875 and also served as Justice of the Peace at Goldwater Two other sons James and Richard were among the iirstto serve in the Royal Canadian Mount ed Police St Georges Parish has had num rous members who became iamA us The late Sirlwllliflm Mulock who was Chiel Justice Ontario was born atNurthhrook and re sided there for number of years Bishop ltix who servedin the the Caribou novelist Marian Keith and the late Judge Robert Moon were also born in the Parish Divorlo tamed humorist Stephen Leacock occasionally attended Mednnte parish church st Lukes at Prices Corners mcar assnr Announcement that the curling club will purchase matched stun 25 and take some steps to reno vate the club house to give bet ter accommodation to visiting curlers should be good news to merchants and curlersMcaiord SAVE Save or cents dozen in production its andwouve earnedyourselt substantial premium It the selling end 0i or cents do Thats iluegt but how uni alarm CONVERSION is theeecret unless olcouroeyoure in on the secret and are Ferd conversion in feed required to prod Whatnonunion are eighn it its near already leading gflURGAIN simply the numhcn or pounds or one one dozen egga you getting aix revcnror even then iigtllea itll toohlghl At the SHUItGAIN Demoultntion Farm héen repeatedly proven that teed EDIIVHIIUII or under pound with light breeds and under 515 pounds with heavy breedl can be attained rlnd mllntalned withAlt SfllmiOAIN program employinr SHURGAINZME Super LayingMull in senior Weve all the details otthe mlll Come on in columns 5050 oertel anti GAIN program here rat the it to you he held this ycar on Oct and Silmmtlr Fjirllitllre Silva 15 thin ishcd or cod Choyirs Fold canon Finilh vér ondnh or ngn Chnirsi Ch drena lfdjetal Garden as wicker some lilo Decorative MllilitlliS Small Bathroom 470 Mattresses Large Assortments of odd Dining Room Reg $l 095 Pin up Lamps Swain White Frame Reg 425 by Simmom and Manholi Wipiler Earneries Reg 795 Wickerlerneries Reg45tl Oak and Walnut Reg 8900 4755 09 iiilgs various Sizes tireniiy italiaced To clear ti nee liinelloshile limedtitlilm sass0° Headboards 25 oft 25 on titlti Box Springs 33 lip to 3950To cum $1995 5395 5199 30 off Buffets on Large Assortments or 54900 Table til Floor lumps 25 oil soap End coï¬eevrahlesoonn no bles neg moo $12 Walnut Natural SmallGateieg Ta Walnut Extension Tables neg ssaoo Mapie Corner ca Droa LeafiTabléi 94 Duncan 51 Phone PA dSSH Daily nun to out to 12 noon ets i535 41gtcjhairs $3900 s1950 Rail Station Slimmer Purniiure