Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1957, p. 9

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PU thd In his hand He walked sir CliIrilbcrlIin smiled hmd Is he listlied ioihe singing at the crowd This was his triumph He had Just come but iroin GerniInv Itter lhlkinlthe hand Adolf Hiurr The Ger rnIn hiehrers slgnaiiire was on the piecti oi paper ChamberlIln over to window onthe iirsl floor at Number 10 The crowds cheerlna turned into mighty roIr Then hush tell over the people My good triends this is the second time In our hlslory thlt ihere has come back immGrn mIny io Downing Street peace with honor he said believe it is peace for our time he cried Thundemus cheers greeted this statement The crowd went wild Tllink you they shouted Others waved their hands Ind cried God bless you hirs Chamberlains heart was tilled wilh joy She hld been apprehensive out now she was eertnin that lhey would continue to any at Number 10 Ior some you to come The house ball just been decomth and at last it was somelhing ot true home it hId concealed mirrors which automatically lit up when doors were pulled open and Inn heat ing Imngemcnis had been im measurably improved There were plenty at telephones and chromiumpliitetl bathrooms Yes liie held much promise at that happy hour on Sept 30 1938 That nlglit the Chamber llins Ileptpoaehiully In their greenunderarm colored bed room or Number 10 The hr bedstead had gone some InnnIhI earlier Num her III was moving with the limes Mn Chamberlain had noticed ii new type or gas cooker in tint on munici pol estate In Manchester must have Ihls cooker she decided and promptly it had arrived have deep respect for this house she once told her hus band even it It has been de cried time and again inn feeling oi dedication and high or responsibility here as ii some how we had become part at some thing bigger You dont have to he gambler when you shame mover Au movers us nor Ilike Get North Amerienn Van Llneln min Approved Move Itr is plusoi worryreel none in or estimate CImy hrii Limited agents Ior North AmerIcIn van Llnes Movins Ind siorige lio ounon honor rA sasss ACCOUNTANTS MIcLAllEN C0 CHARTERED Accounrml Collier sh EIrria LICENSED MUNICIPAL AunIrnn Crfllllld Public Accountants Toronto Illa Barrio when Ilgllnnhlgtucoulfl Ba to TEIEPIIDIIB PA my Resident gram NEEDEAM CPA Mini POWELL CHARTERED ACCQUNTANT at Dunlap ni sort EIrrlo Teiepnqno rA use hash is nAiiiusoN CHARTERED AccouNiANrI SAMUEL I032 CA SAMUEL HARRISON C44 Is couter Iirrrt when was Erflmn solicitor Prime Minister HARRIS NEEDHAM CI 00 landon nine reldr which ibryeouid so Thultinw Chartv mberlIin nodded But not he who wIIto become something bigger it In not hp who ms to lutrth hIio ruin the deepest trough oi tiepond enry into which it hldtltr been plunxeiL Winstonlchumhill the nun in the wilderness lelt upiiilrd when he realized tht his hour to move into Number to wIsileIr althoth some months were still to ellpse meiv note Iran the Prime Miniii wrote Churchiii Ibout his Ippointlncnt Is First Laird of the AdmirIlty Iskina nip to come to his room as soon iis the dehlle had dleddown As but in my plIce listening to the speeches Very sirong sense oi calm came over me utter the in tense passions and exeiiemenls of the last few days ll cltI serenity or mind Ind was no scinus at Iiind oi up lifted ciaehment tram human and personal ainirs The giory at Old England pulseloving lintl illprepared as she was but In slant and tearlcss at the call of honor thrilled my being Ind seemed to hit our tale to those spheres Inr removed from enrllh ly acts and physical sensation lried to convey some or this mood to the House when spoke not without acceptance Ihereinre sent word to thcAd miralty that would take charge forthwith and arrive at six oclock Do this the Board wero kind enough to signal to the Fleet Winsion is haelr Yes Winston Churthill was back And heiore long mov ing truelts were to arrive in Downing Street to move the personal belongings oi the Chnmhcrlalllsallthough Chun hIlI had invlled ChIniberlain not to move tor month trons Number 10 to prevent my upsels Iu routine The rest Is history glorious his Iory whleh has linked Num ber 10 with the unequalled supremacy oi the British Rapids will to defend free dom and the right to speak onnl mind and to worship in peace All this must have passed through the Grand Old Iiilliis head 15 years later when he said his final farewell to Number 10 it was on April 1955 thathe bowed out Churchill knew that thistirne it would hethe last occasion when he walked through the ohlong Cabinet room is Lady Churchill had helped to make Number in lpio minioer able home Guile was the air or austerity which had predominated while clement Attiee oeeupied Number ii Those were the days orCrippsirn helltighten nnd Aiilee entered spirit of the ihin Together with his iamily he occupiedan flat on the top floor when Churchill returned in 1951 the nidordor wasurestored and the iamiiy lived throughout the house There are some BOrnoms and three kitchens The chateA laine of Number 10 has host or prohlerns and Lady Churchill en joyed themnii All day the orowds waited in DowningStreet to give theiriiinal beers in Sir Winston herore he BUYS SEAGRAM ls ROWE cannynun etc MONEY ro LOAN ottiee Ll owrn EL Beart Branch 0mm unwise Ontario Ian in cu anioni CDWAN COWAN conrulting noun to on to pain MandIy to Friday Kore cowrn norm TD LOAN JOHN mom BA nsrrlsirrr solicitors Nourtel DI nnnin It in non SMITH at MemAN nolter is smith on Inn Dunlap It Plum MUSIC LESSONS mssm BanoN RMJP Aswn Modern Memodl Halo Brianrd It on mu moms UL mm ANGUS noseon hailstorm Murie ieIchor lnItruttlpnln ptIno Inflibeo ItIo coIIhlnlhln Frengsbntinnnn 19M VETERINARY other ll onl ruhi PA um in uniIo orToMrrliv DPXO nuan Ii 9m Hours ii until mcnmror rlANo smolNo Ind THEORY Pup IVEle or iiilion or the no II Comervntory or MuIic Ioronio II mass traumas normal And Eoltcltorl tsI coiiior at porn M1 InnsIn nAINEs nail Appointnisnt Only mm rteIna Iflthlu nrm At the Commons uniser sumum Noum mun small child acquiring suntan The suns rays are strongest dur Ihe poison sucked aui ot the Barrister solicitor Notlr1 neon well washedaniu In Mthey had moved nniporIniyvintn Claridzes Finis in the tint floor dinins room lofty siIieiy room Sir Win ston smllrd benevolenily Is the slatttiiled in He thanked then for the service they had given him Ind hirwiie He took one last look Imund Weil this time ldonl have to silo Iphntir mph oi myself he thought in 1945 he also leiua painting done by himself behind Leave in some persnnal souvenir is custom of retiring premiers No ears were IireIdy dnwn up outside In the tin Sir thltons baby hudgeripr Toby was in it covered are on the floor In the second his poodle Ruins at waiting in lane grandeur on the trout text All Churc hill moved towards the door his whole start helm ring In For llrs Jolly Good Fellow Ind then they cheerr ed wildly Churchill gripped his cigar tillitly but his stouthearted cheerinlness was now wavering Tears welied up in his eyes ills incl had gone pain look oi iniinito sadness crossed his ten lures He made is visible eitort to control his emotions and walk ed down the steps The photo graphers were shouting vehem enlly Please turn this way sir one more shot please sir But Sir Winston was tired and suddenly he Ielt lonely He look ed hack but Lady Churchill was nowherclo be seen Silt was not waving He got into this car huge Iur Union Jack was tucked around his knees Those left standing on the linosteps or Number In glu od after the departing car In alter it had disappeared It woman in the crowd Oil posit said Therell never be another like him Churehili would have disagreed There may not be another quite lime Theyre Inches high this right Size or tot to hold Just lat pieces make doll gar ment patch appliqued on Pattern 7160 transfer pattern of dolls and dress applique Hairstraw yzirn or worsted Send thirtyfive tentl coins for lliis pattern Slilrnps caniiot he accepted to The Barrio Ex aminer lluusehuld Arts Dept 30 Front St Toronto Ontario print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBEI bonus ror our readers two FREE palierns printed in our new Alice Brooks Needleentt Book for 19571 Plus is vIrletY oi designs to ordercrochet knitting omhroidery huck welv lug toys dolls others Send 25 cents or your copy ot this needlecriiil buoknowl this historical house which Mrs like him at Number to But there wlilbe other great men in Look to your health and it you Iiexl to goodconselenée the iarimhs angler Isaair Walton Parents are eager to have every memher ot the inmil in the best possible physical con ion espoo lolly during vacation limo Illness on the port or any nieniher oi the iamlly can spoil holiday Dont take any thrones with drinking water milk or iood it In doubt about the water boil it before drink ing it Buy only pasteurized re trigrrriod mllk Carry your own supplier or baby iood iliieh iii procooked cereal and tins oI trait vogotabiosund more cringe Ind rrult Ire good investmenthut wash all trnitithnrnnghly colds aodather intentions sometimes receive had sunhnrn when on holiday and even brunette camget an unepmtoriahie Iliiln few precautions are im portant especially on the very ing the hours in the middle 01 the day and on very but may child mouth the poison ilroiil the bite gt will not have In etieets on the sunshine at that time Some pro toclion for the heada cap or hot nuwledge is pm gt zEggiukgflufiofizaegxzmuy Golf should teachvtheiri children so coulsr rt norm on starting with short period mm mess hmd 51 mgmmng the me shouldhe iised fol accidents should be kept out of the direc by Itew minutes each do Eve onn cloudy day child can get 13 PA iriiere are various soothing prfgfliuunsgmchrmiy be tom board with medicines In it which snmnori to nnnuri airmenIr no to as and elpiulto burned skin buthere indeed an ounce ggggggfgégzfiifiF of prevention is worth pound of curefli Cream or suntén oil rubbed into the skin hetore exsz Masm enp recentiyears arlaus prepara tions bavehesn venue to keep awny mosquitoes untilbirth flies Someol these repellents Ire hit any EARN mm WAGES strong in their odorhut aeh year the must we wart recordot the 3410160 Cnnsdllhs united with an insec iderm who paid personal Income tax tents small childin crib or earr 0in two Lper cent was in the rifle fro hltes while he isasléep $10000 year and overineomo dunnd Entomologlulhraiich bracket lhey ure improved have illpraisc God value il Pllly in the sunshine is valued by parents because they knowvuini the ultraviolet raysot the sun provide the cheapest lorm or Vit amin This vitamin prevents mum rickets and builds up resistance to yaWes mm mm aim Asquith once called ZIiVercoinred and squalid ForParenls Ortiz iiiiiiriiv annulus gt By Nancy Cleo developed the ioliowinginiceilent repellant for mosquitoes midges and t1iesfiliiiiaifioflfi niyine iluld oz concentrated extract oi pyrcihrum to fluid 02 castor oil camping site should not he husen near ii stagnant pond or swampy district where mosquitoes breed site wherethe air can circulate easily should he picked An inquiring small boy in the woods may he stung liy honey or is large bumblebee and Ii the sting remains in the wound it must he scraped out and antiseptic applied Ahon net sting can eaiise discomtort too The Indians used cnflhed jewel weed juice on insect slings and it has soothing ef tent Ammonia or halting IodI dissolved in water are old lash lnned hnt satisfactory solution trr apply to an iiiseet Mill Wet nludor may also relieves the swelling some one small punctures on the skin nuttair and redhaired rhiidren poisonous snake usually makes two punctures tourniquet should he applied to an arm or leg bitten by poisonous snake andiit med qulckiy ii short cross cut should he made over the puncturgsjnd wound ii there are no cuts in the mouth or stomach camping and also what remedies simple iirst oid hit should ham rled whentravciiing and Leup iskept lockedor it outlet reach permanent home may you have the host otyhealth for all the membersof yourJIIn4 ilyduriiig your holidays this Ium mer on right STEP INTO THE ISOLAUCN to icalhelp is dinlcuit to obtain shutWAS Nit emu sauna SUT If WASNT wit OP Airline

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