Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Aug 1957, p. 6

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SP pup inf Nolth Womeul Inst Simtoe birtrl ltulehraneheo include Ihe pres ny lilnxmn Jones Womens Editor Thecoming pl full means the be mnlority or persons in is community there school means college At the entranee stage collcg ilnpiles laotball games dediciunpus holding han queendepending on Mother Nature 4College is not limited to ianl iliea ullih lhollerilhanavcragezvailnhle Th0 malurlty male students and large number or lhe iemales now enjoying higher eduealion are paying lheir own My by working during the our lndahall rnonlh vacation and by Many men hold without social lives an accomA piluhmenl is only possible with mature uullnnk nol nilen found In high school which is common ldulls who hrve worked tcw holu our years OI expensive in dRev nonald chuh char whowlii deliver travel ogue nik on European countries which he in nwivlsitlng other pmaunu Include entertainment of mndmotheradlscunions and demonstration stone ol school to the ginning And or percentage 01 is little more than word that lking aerosols treestud ds with the school hero or campus rind an unromariuc have money the young scholar anthe academic quill icailons are not ill reslriclive is generally lell Students who working their way lhmugh eol lege do not miss out on the ciai and athletic acuville as is commonly believed Personality and character are still the most in popularity ratings and athletics are Irran ed on an interacuity level to pro ville the tinsy student with phyA sical exercise ivy walls wa Jim to change inflows insiiiulions at pus Home Mrs MoltntWhen you throw mud youlou ground Roll call Bring homemade corsage or lowers Program Floral ar rangements by Mrs Jack Kings income Poihinghnrne illenlly borough parttime jobs lulllime evening their lcadcmlc xullering Hostesl Miss Kathleen Slewlli HOWE The smile is curve that net many llui such 830 prln llnporlnnl laclors things graduate among young vegetable and how to prepare it Program Planaior lea gardens at ihe Ialr Cwllest counsouqept ll pm run Hostess Mrs Ah Mlno mm we C° lilotlo Lite is like garden we reap whatever we sow Roll call Mrs Walker Roll call Sug IM Ide in SirIcon gestlons for prlws or public Convener Program dislly Speaker Cunlesl Practical knowledge and ex pericnce may substitute or but there is nn years und in suppressing lllcir stlnels loois small compared to Illellme ol disaatlslaciion The uumher ol such studean Is much larger than nlost people reaiiw and or the most part produce helter gradudles There are numerous opportun women to earn their room and board in pri vate home by doing light house keeping and baby silting very small price in pay for in organizations can inrurm interested parties at daily news several in their college cduc substilulc in college lile people who think that this isnt progressive should remember that tour is very small part andflien lty Activities Motto Disconlonl mm is the stimulus ol lrue progress at our score pupils Mrs Gerlld Ego lair lltieles President iiins or young eduelliiiin School the Zchnnees papers uiiturc classifieds every issue The danger ul persons working year to earn money and then interest overlooked Convener His and Current Do nol Milay arc denied Beverley Roll call lily earliest recollection ol Eady Program Paper by Mrs James Bell Speak er Travelogue EBENEZEflScpt in meeting lloslcss Home Economics Mosley Homes Ir to live In not It look Roll cull Some improvement have made in my home grain Fish pond somelhing for use in the kitchen Heels Mrs dunes Mr Lattlmore GRENAILD5ch at pnt Hostels Mrs Lloyd Biggs Motto Cltleenshlp like charity begins Roll call Why am lurieal resent iiTll BARRIE GIRL GUIDES St Marys Guides held their lust Cnull oi ilonur oi the new term at Caplain Corrigalls home should not he is personal problem that enulll he solved by common sense and by keeping in touch withlrlcnlls who wait ahio to conlinuc immnrlirllely 0n the other hand year or two ul iah or might be the deciding actor and eunlinu hc decision in im ilrh schooling The argument that you lose some at the vtiue ui college lite oy wailing no longer applies as very high parecnlage ol college students are doing so dent who enters loo young is now the one most likely to he moon to cope with the adjustment Too olien parents reel college is beyond their financial capaéity investigating caring This negative attitude is instilled in ihechildren and never Nu boy or girl to day need miss higher education because their iamily is unwilling to financially support them governmental it was attended by palrul leaders and me coma It was decided to hold the Iirst Guide mcellng on All Guide will be expected in complete unis arm in every meeling at the Those who miss three mcciings without good reason known before the meet ing by the patrol leader or up lain will be dismissed on August 22 12 Even Con pany leader Motto Tuesday Aug 27 Fragt mm Lunch Mrs The Stu For September our company is planning wiener roast lit it will he the urst hm Minets Point outing at the new term All Guides Ind Guide mothers will soon be busy planning tor our rummage sale no Sept in the basement of the Oddlellows Hall Dont target the date There willhe bargains galore or every ONLY more without gram Cltizenshlpoonlener Mrs Walker HILLSDALESept 24 pm Hostess Mrs Trew Roll call John Rugbnwug vegetable eorsage Motto lileny hind make the burden light Program Grandmothers meeting Lunch committee questioned eduea Charles we Conical MELoilEScpt ii at recipe arn pm Hostess Mrs Sha ilotlo Thennly way to avoid or Boiyea and Mrs Shaw Economies Motto The heat Historical Research Motto Tr surn prlde the memories Program Travelogue by Rev More poplar than over see our lovely jumpers you will be one and at the lnw prices tor these fine quality heautilully styled teenage iavorites Blouses are arriving only few days we have some fine wool Jerseys Daerons and for seh rvingPnslun ndylniu Lorry ear reversibleiiwool IIOBARTCARLEY Scot strzao pm RomuElra IA lohnrtoue uolto unlpn mm covers lot or ground but doel not cultivate iL null esll My first halting experience Pro ElIIII Exchange oi pickle recipes JARRATICREIIIGIITON Sim at 815 pm ostess Mrs 11 Wi ion heard Motto Citixemhlp Ilitltls charity beflnx It handle Illoi caAvcrse roln an oi no wwwT 10 reader Program clllsrnshlpc and Education Entertain neighbor lng branch Quiz contort Lunch commltlee Mm Earl Dohson Mrs hrdhupc Mrs Ernest Dobson Mrs Lodwkk Mn Mud Mm wmhm ucitle Mrs MuwelL Angus Mn iv Johnston llostcss Mrs Frank llulnney COLDWATER 3IConvener Communily Activitlea and Public Relltlons Motto Tile years each mutllli that the days never new RD enilMylavol stnilht Roll call My Ilvuritt Icnvuy Program Convener choice Exchange pickle and MDONSIONEScl at am County Program Paper by con vener oi Agriculture and Cand in industries Mrs Jack Budl Dislriel Lunch Wind Inlttee Mrs McArthur Mrs Shellawell Mrs Walker Mrs Wells EADYStpl ii at pm at Community Hall Research Events Motto growing old privilege Wulker nonril lllVEii Sept ti ai lclsm is to say nothing do nolhr in andbe nothing Roll call llmrv parents can coopclain wit the teacher Program ranel dis cussion at Radio and TV Mrs VASEY Soul at pan Hostess lilrs ilarvie Fallis iloine parallun in tomorrow Iselo do lodz wnrk well iloll call ram ys iavorile hobby or grain Demonstration nlyhobhiel wnnillnsrERLScpt id at ii llm llosléss lilrs Mercer your nccr parents explained by Mrs Clill Bail Roll call History ot your home rrogrm Mrs Alphonse Walsh WAUBAUSHENE Sept of Pot luck supper 615 pln ai Instiiuie Hall Motto There is in this all wool sports outfit by Junior So BHWWW 1173550 that 01 phisticntes Jacket and skirt are or char rseen at its best wool turtleneck knit lining at the Jacket From JJI Warsh Toronto THE Boil KNITDOO proud or being Canadian Pro $fifliqflw°$l it eual grey yarn dyed worsted The white Lawrence River and on to Deep River to see Ihe farmers brother and sisterindnw Mr and Mrs Norman Graham Churchcr of Goldwater com GUiHRlE Ilolldly ITrIp Mrand Mrs Alex Graham and his mum TM and Donald nl Grilling on holiday in to their home at St Marys an and travelled down the St Tuesday mltice Mrs Currie Bell Mrs They visited Prospeciors in Dawsonlu the Yukon pnidlls much as sin tor sons James hairvut and 53 lor an candor Thomson Mrs William Douglas lng the gold rush in load Guthrie and returned St Marys For ldenlhuelr to school shopping vllif Simmons and Co prices lor that young lady oll to shot snout ANCIENT DICE ringer and chil Janie returned by plane to KitimflLBC flier three month visit wilh hrr7par IIr Ind Mrs Selby Carr her slalen and other relatives and lricnds in Barrie Mrs Asa Warnica Ind daugh ter Marjory ol llamillon culled on Mr and Mrs Selby Clrr thil urs John dreu Peter in Mrs Edward Lallante 30 nor Streel was guest at honor at party held in her home Fridl to cclebrale her hirlhda oi lilrr Lnrlsnler sigh children were present and lo other rela Iives and lricudx gauized hy her dIuEhlrrlrillw Mrs Gerald LuPlaniE 29 N21 Inn St leatnred birthdaycako trimmings Mrs Lailunle was presented wilh kitchen ulilily sol Irom her llln ily and many oth sari lsriuue FOR cuuvausng COLDWAIER AlieA OOLDWATER Church aer vices have been arranged for sum day Sept as lullows AnglicanRev Churcher lllntchednsh st lohnp Church n3o arn Morning Pray er Wauhaushene Christs Chumhr ll ni Morning iPrayer Cold Malthias pm Evening rrayer Iliiiyer oi Iorontowill be in charge oi all services or Ilhe tiny Chrislian Fellowship Chapel Herman Kroeker pastor lo am Sunday School 11 am and 130 pm Services rresoyterianllov Charles Coldwuter St drewschurch 030 am Service The party or and all or Kills rector Church Hump lcr minister suor now AT ZELLERS ron WONDERFU siscfisi The Encyrlupasdia Brilannica says it is cerialn dice were used and Max in rnes antecedent to those at which we have written records Sophocles mentions dice being played at the siege Troy ZELLEKS LIMITED Dunlop Si PA 82 Pullovers Cardigans Wools Or inns in lovely shades Featuring sweaters by Lady Anne and Jeni IIOSIERY SPECIAL Weldrest in quality substandards See our group ot sale 79 Zip priced skirts These range ln price from We also leature seamless and stretch nylons fifiIi no Reversibles plaids und checks Reaiiy wonderiul values 12351595 1535 NEW TWEEDS me in and try on coatsany time stock in ri sho at strnmods

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