who friends from Camp Bor déi It their new Collin near Brnoohrldge motored in Arnprlnr the weekend oi July for thc annual regattal nsguests or the Atrcyr absorbed at day at cul lure II Sirnliord Aux lo and vlewcdthe cur grandstand show this past Friday evening Other tlun which not outside the cur pant confines oi Beaulilul Barriel oi the Amprlar trip more in SATURDAY Aim ihe itnldyninnoflwsduldny morning acclaimed by many as much needed mush unrelea tuutt hearts oi the mail grow et sellan in the maria for lot them the rain had come too late period Monday through Friday ever 20 newscasts arcaired daily on CKBH This keeps CKBBS gt news siaii continually 9n their toes check made last week revealed ttul ovcr loo items or locli or regional lntercstawcre Integrated into newscasu during WHATS NEW DEPT The past tow wcclts wevc been talk ing about programmhanges oil CKBE lurlhlr peak behind the electronic curtain reveals that nociurnll listeners will now hcllr llirillllr voice In new time later column this week for Titliir mntfmhéamm sure Since that town is the er vegeu cs segman commencing at 305 gmdein minor Carlin llld ï¬rst because at the Iconhy dry pin Jatkk Ruillc is khost at the ilxday period nu mm CANADIAN FAlillLllIS spent crrl deletions and additions are in the lorml longer hcml will he Music For Modcrns Sum mer Serenade Guy Lombardo Show and Music From The Shows insiud Iflablc 1le will devolc much ol his daytime selecting the kind ot music we hope will plchst the most discriminating musical Ste Jack will continue to pre sent newscasts on the hour latest sports scores wcnlhcr rrports time checks and 55 minutes of Canadas Hit Parade mention civil detence it should not he too conllncd Slutlord and the Shake ipclrun Festival we icit Barrie not long before noon and by us lag highways and country mods tram Barrie as the crow tlles its an easy ailshour drlvg We were there in plenty or time tor the npcclll mllinnc in aid ol the Actora Guild of Canada spedl train brought in several hundred people trout Toronto in eoilectlvely nearly iaoooooo hours per day listening to radio in their homes40 or this time in the morning 36 iii the iitcr noon CHANGE iN the time of Gordon Sinclair at thc Ex Con trary In last Momlnya column Ihc li program is being heard all this week at 555 pm FIREMEN DESERVING Eggs and Fowl There was little drop in egg prices which ranged iron 50 to 05 cents per dozen There who range or choice in the poultry littered mm owl to ryeL Fowl were bringing 35 cents per pound upons told at as rents while router Ind lrycn wore in demand nt 45 cents per pound Flowers ondfruit Give the ï¬re department your eluding TV Celebrities llict Shine Rimmcr for he first into ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS coo erntlon The in since he left CKBB and our it would seem as ll the peak 01 Favumme mmmems heard on servc all the help you can give them lcicc Rilcr Block News the Jim Corey Show Jims iilr lho lruit crop has not hit this sum iiich in tho lo pm market yet This week the house wile had the choice at thinihie hurries at 55 cents per quart plums at £5 cenls per basket Ind teenagers got autographs ol such Toby Robins Jack Crcley Kate Reid Austen Willis etc hire periormancc oi iwcltth cKVRTV CHANNEL suronce against disaster and de Night was excellent and the apples Duchess ma Melba 75 uoxaav noouar Lu new theatre on the banks til the cents per basket islvlalalinrstmn It 3443 Loo Ililllflllr urn lun wortm am no comin Inn up Ehanrlll ll us lllfll Mirhlllwn Lira It Country iunrricn You oust not Avon is something or cvcryonc to ace nuliltcil thiil Saturdays lelegnln hall in guest editorial it voltv in room tun community um IL Wlullino Bunches oi sweet were bringing l5 cents each and Linnla bundles sold nt cents each ii tlizi€°clii °tr£llr2 am ir imn at building and spottod some oi Ihc iii immrmo lun ch stars unmentronaulcs on dress 999 05 MBRADOR RETRIEVBRLISNAMALLARD TARANTBL Mr and Mrs Jones are membersptthe Barrie Kennel iï¬ hinoo 20 milunlit in Wm Clothes no 13 Wmf chum at vegeuhlc was ptep LA brought toownera Mr and Mrs Frank JonesMine Club and the latter is secretarytrensurer nnd Mr Jones with rm be tiiul even it some at the var sing one of the first American top dog awards coming to hns been active on the executive in previous yenrs 93 331 33 13 PMlmns ictics had rultcrcd iroat the Barrie in quite long tlmé Both have tollowed the hobby or rolslng prize winning mv rim3 Ts2t 22 mil gun shnkcspenm t5 drought Beets sold It 10 cents ann won this at IthacaNY recently by taking Best dogs and now hold not only an Americon championship but iii 55 cm 133 393° Wm something that secondary hunch 40 hunch 01 Winners championship she also holds the honor 01 also own three other champions all Labrador Retrievers 93 gm school English lcacilcr may have llflflcflr Plckllns cucumben Best Sporting Dog at the Canadian National Exhibition at Champion Nascopl Needle Ann Champion Annwyns illuminant to endure but ican digest just WE Hum 13 50155 mi 1958 In therecent sweep over the line she gathered in Glen Mace nnd Champion Annwyns shedrow 1n nd miï¬cnrlatnihm iii hhalca nudhwm in given tinlc 31 gapserm tap honor with Beer at Breed third group at Rochest ditlon another coming up is Annwyns Lndy Vesprii who Jnl gvahrs mo Ilr huntI iii mmg eke er and similar honors in Syracuse Cleveland Detroit and hits nlreodyseven points or the required in which constitute ï¬lmmlhfhflhï¬n lgmmfm gï¬Eumgwn ior McGill Univcrsitys lily lur Morn Squashes bronchi 25 cunts 60 cents wcrc Oneontn and also Reserve Winner at Westminster NY championship ENGAGEMENT Noirossibie Now Lady downtown in Slrnlford at wh Tam0 the homey Avon Theatre it per blskel surls tonight lillLi rllns twoweelts potatoes maintained their price CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 the annual show was held during per brisket anti small baskets oi the closcd season but was condi one patron WALAuNMr and Mrs Mark Walton size television sets kitchen mix or and piano There were otter cd tor sale at 5150 each BORN colt VAN non VENNEAt noyai Vlc torln lloapltal Barrie onAul Mr am to air and nlrr Cor van oer Vennc rm Now Lowell dough ter Patricio rowuznAt ltoyol Victoria Hospital liarrie an Aug 2i ivsi to Mr and Mrs nouglas trawler ila Maple Avc Ion June nougl llAllvrrvAt noy Victoria Hat ltl Borne on Aug liar to Cpl Mrs Could HancJI id so nnl none cainp Bordon ran turno icy Cameranl manorAt noyal Victorh li uarrie on Aug tour to Mn lohn lllllup nit Leiro daagntor LUCASAt noval Victo narrlc on Aug tea litr Lucas int strap daughter monnowAt noyal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Aug an 51 to Spr and Mn Morrow coluer daughter commonAt Royfl Victoria slow pllal tiarrlc on null 21 ion to Mr and Mrs Lennard rottrnon int narri drughtcn ilch Royal Victoria Homltal narrle oit Aug 25 mi to MLnnn Mn Pclcr senten loi codrlngtan twin ions tecrry Anthony ono rtliharni All lids leads up to the loci thattha bestprodaetloa in the whole pcriormance laCaribhean north GrisLand thnt aarrles Ehyilis Marshall does one or the big roles in this with her singing oi the original Jamie aoy occupation with our own identity And so Olll Just let me say tiiat the show is good enough to take Broadway hy storm music and lyrics if it was laid in all United Slates atmosphereu But it is completely Canadian As said going up the aisle in the Avon These kids will never get back to McGlll in time for Classes The Toronto audiences wont let them go And this is written by Var sity GrudTorontonensis 31 Fred lrcepr reminding me that Barrie was great place lot and 75 and and 25 years ago despite tiln inilux know that but cant help eeling proud that the talent keeps flowing This is Phyllis as she appears in Canadians 57 Friday Aug ectornoroagh wilh to announce to arrival or son tlilorlr stavan on Aug at Civic nosplt gt eraorough oroiiter tor and wlsnarnnAt ltoyol Victoria ll pu al Barrie on Aug 24 loll to cal loieph Wchitcr in run gt mp harden Innflolzyn on erao At Royal Victoria Holpual aarric on Aug 25 liar to Mr and Mn oouglas wllron RR are str tion Ion to CROWN HILL Trounnu Show Prior to her marriage on Aug 31 In Crown Hill United Church Miss Jean Watson wail entertaln ed at twuiseau shower lit the honleuoi Mra Merrick Watson Barrie ilk About 32 zuem assembled wallow the young bride with lovely gills de licious lunch brought the evens lng to close Mlllslel El no and Margaret Drury have been hollduylnx at each this Vii4 if onion so EXHIBITION orENtNG These rive beau ties pose before the Dulterln gate at the Canadian National Exhibition which opened MiSSVVToipnto Marlnnne Lenoha stand Show as centre is llhnkéd left to rlgh Judith Pearson Leila Vnikkl Florence Web ny and Dianne lreland trom the CNE grand IN MEMORIAM My heart cnnnntteil what to ray God only lrnowr how miss hi to home that is lonesome too not Your menu to ever noli ui younovc remains with in yet You were the kind at lather Your loved one would never iorge It and grandsons onAamln loving memory 21 list We who Invcd you Idly ruin your Ar it down south year in on lonely hours or thinking Thoul fl you In our nllr rerry OLAIKEYin loving memory at 11 lost rarcwcii dear ulnar tny work ll no loving lath No on an Mined by rwraaln ever iavlng memory at dear daughter Norton CuhlltNlc all in who ycan loud and true loving memory or dear ituabond who passed away Aug My lipi cannot tell how miflldrri Mllred hy wits Mary no OLABKEYln loving memory or dcnr rliis wnnx lllE REWARDS lather who passed away Aug Mined by do ghter Anna and Mick dear lather who passed away Aug Sadly mined by ion Peter lun org dear rattler who paired away All my willing hand will toil no more it well ilrid like you NIHfly Isud away nine Evcrnmembcred and so try parents ari How Chrisiï¬hsucnro Heals TV SERIES drivenone room cnitlsrlilrllrv KV RTV anncl Wednesday ids ra Your IIEA CONSTlPATIOJ condition Normally the bow alr thouldgmove ovary day without the John and Arms on up laxveg there rnould pa nu such luclr nlnr too rn ugclamionc ln haintesllnrl won which to montiy due to laulty nm netlonl celladministered eatrtnrttco laelt or exercise habitual tailors to rupond to the urga to detecnleinld cantat nuidlntake and nnpro er diet memer the roost North American let inuntortun changing tram snaiural ona to more lined type Ind people are no at ettlng rulticlont nmountl vitamin and mineral articularly loiaortant cunlho hulkfil guys ll needed to give the rnurei talctines nutllclentexcrcho artipation predisposes so 1numbet adlllo ch culltll hemorr da hoo com leirlon hoodchm div to you our rtrorn thL llale toAcon your on thn rppar ctepgwlll ba taken radio auto ndithere allow to no norm in at the Royal itelr in Toronto Canter were we at 35 can pickling onions brought 30 cents it you can get scat dont miss cabbage was priced at 10 cents tional upon the club purchasing MI mm um um awn it it you voted Lihprai June in 602 ll head and the price of broccoli M51 Mn CHM Hildelel Out Of $9359 log my umny speckled gigging ï¬gllgglmm 333 ï¬ï¬aoapor°u 3333 BriErtFwiTtarr and do not hm sonse at lump varied iron is to 25 cents Bcnn r0 mum IE trout mm mm hatchery to noon on 33 Time mm or do miss it duced by ifs Arthur mix at were priced at its cents per has agggevgiuiczf Impartialinter 75 mg contests mm mm the fluke 5331 gm Hmongr so is somel ing whlc pru ltet OY mm and 15 Am run tin Baum up non During the gait iinal yesterday vide completely enioyahle ev Gm It will no lnnsIr be vnssible diatlons woulriwiooleivc stratnol its9 Elia rifï¬ilrérrur 55 Tm iiihllfifci To some icrlr kepl rattlinl the loose oning Thanks to Bob Hope Cakes and Cookies Grunt Barn The marriage will ior hporlmcna groups to operate 59mm Adventm iii3 $32m ï¬rm alar Nevaad dram change in his pocket probably take place Sept 1951 at 800 spcclai nutoiscason iishlng con Ilg giguh my ggkgipggvm mg dam com which dis The Canadian Armed Services As usual there was brisk dc pm in Essa Road Presbyterian mm in ommm While many llshcrmcn support an Women and in 523531 too Newl noéni med contemm and PT team coordindicd by Capt mnnd tor the home cooked callus Chmch Barrio as oil the idea others have cxptesls 95 13 mum Glllnndeis of Camp Borden and conkics oliercd at lite mnr DYortlhe lpasltlscviérnl ydcags the ad criticism of such spam at ï¬mmyu wunilv no 51331 Mum up men wnns nine ing can take lirst place with any 01 lrct The prices vary little each elm men an an mess In arrnn erncntr The Do on Bum 59° 5W the secretory was trying to ï¬nd the imported acts éxccpt pos week and lhe choice is aiwrys ox vnï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬nfy $335 wgï¬ï¬‚gofl has granted special authority lot has inan amid 333 lgggggggfg=m 333517 some records when the armor sibly the wonderiul balancing tcnslvc cherry and raisin pics to cum warding Jumps ontolltshlngrexhiblls and spurls dashable to among ism ï¬g my Mum Rm 333 2553 25 treasurer got up and suggested team the Alcetlys There is were selling ror so cents each polka peas In not paying mans allows operated by arsnnlz 5mm mp5 333 iaaoaonran ar $33 gonna rim throne look in ccrlain lilc terriï¬c gal baton twirier and butter tarts at 50 cents dozen their mmc or he inEs ell tlsli and gamealsoclationa 132 ï¬arwunzkm m1 gawk tiiiiflisvphiicofidfllricriisgold iitgcgrcsi gulidinltfosuhrutls it 3312 iii 11132 33 spite oi ireqncnt warningsSt The authority tor thls outair CA1 mg gxsmwm grog 53 anEEdnusaflallI irr lemma mm PM qresas ww taught you in Sunday School called comedy ilcts cakes at 25 cents dozen tea his 11 mlnundmd week mm was gram when mmflm PHONE 23 Rm eigihimruamv ml0 the secretary rejoined cults at no cents per dozen and 333 Mn 30 £1315 WMmm The Train us Comml Band dou hnuts at is cents dozen roan illdunlr PIM mmf nadir to My Fur Lady The 70 mm too erl not Town and carrot program states it might be said on CAF mm by FL Ftnhgéiilrifnn liild lliiriiririér mm Cliii Hunt leads all the show Novelhas Corn and mo New Elite tiliicon ilhdiitithgrn km six mm lh ll th mm mm In 33 $3 am am 33 533ml tiii liarric in the musical ensemble nova sec ion mar mm has iozzosrï¬ Volksgsell roduct oi histori as at for coo Ml mess lis Hegel wnuld But aotltcd several items at rfillygliilwregaifdiiohngogcidc oppor ilfl Ind sport $33233 3333 3K say We havc been described as local interets The Fall Fantasln ing Christmas Certainly Christ 15 5m Wu cos on no Report scrollmarina at 18 In an Age at Longing has Robert no who appeared in tons cards together with other gig ms rm oo Anxwly Agony etc but here nnrrie with the National Ballet greeting cards are being olfered runw ML gig gutï¬nance 33 gm earm ln Camilla we are undmrtzmni an only three months ago in CI tor sale already The cards range 555 sign an News tips roisrrro Hilhilghtl near Heodunu Ag of SelfAnoratsal theoro lured dance also Joy Dunning in price lrom $i to $150 per box gagingm trims amt éynntlgngnc not insiolt oi Reports and Enquiries who has been teaching classes Outstanding altlong the novel are Musical clock show no the lat gig gun aorucn aporu If of Mnssï¬yv Gordan Fowler here for revoral years ties were salt and pepper sets iii will lungrxigwiupolt hairs italtio snow 545lnzlefl Merry Cln point to our pre parading in the disguises oi doll $3 rirfolï¬llamm lino diluterm ass uZrlop sinctair ver