Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1957, p. 4

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me Hinu on an inlield MacDonald plItcdflhurluw with single Lenten took 21 lead Itlcr the first Inning and laund themselves down two Itter Ihe third In which Ted lIIldacre slimmed three run homer itI DeVIIhIn recently Mek edtorwln the Barrie and Dirtrlet Senior Sotthall League champion xhl now tlnd thelmdlles with the both to the wallInd In wlnlumarrow nIghtorcleej alt uation OPtEVUPSEI MAYBE rwo rluolts ii thedlllnnnd sportsrobarcly underway and more has been one miller upsct Ind second could he making Thc Iurprlu Lclgue Its wowhegnne IIctnll wet the district now that Ihe Darrlt and prcseason and preplnynil tavorllcs were knacked out or iurthcr play by Thornton just one rcaso Sure it was omclhiug terrific tor the rlycrs to get Flyers delendlng champions And this teat wontlle torgntlrn too soon either Ior more than knocked nII so soon In the manner In which II lnppcnml Is Tomathins else Flnt ct III the Flyllsy as We snld earlier were with still plenty at playing weather chI Secondly Flycrs auppurten arc the scrlcs was just tw down two straight Thirdly tlc rlycr accrued to lose heart in the iirsl garlic although they ralllcd veiy nicely in the second This hrs at spiril does not apply to all oi inc players on the club Anyono wllucssiug that iirst panic at Agricultural Park knuws lullwcll that goad many at the boys on the club would have given lhcir cye teeth to conic up with victory snectuors also rcalilcd that couple at key mcn galc ii ihc dnnl care treatment Another laetor that unduubledly played mhlur role In the Fly Illlnry to henvyhlltlng lob Thumpsun The 200 ers dcléat was the pound plus rightlieltitr could probably hit it hit harder and larlllur Ihnn anyone else In the tlrcull HE injured his truck at wnrk jusl lie and was unfit to lake part In the post lorc the series got underway season series Tlici there was the fighly controversial liil early in the second torritic drive to thc Local Hume Don Coulsan Barrios Ihlrdsatkcr loItcti outlicldhlhlt eventually made its way over the homcrrun fence players and air The umpires and they hold all at the power anti members ol the comilctcdwas lrithc South siniroc Sculor Baseball titt champs Its alwaya considered Inat when the delending tineholders Ire ousted rlllI mumbling ovcr thevlarl that ulcl thrcc too sharl they say ior any rcrics Illayhc so and maybe not Adjoining this is the way lhc Flyers wcni Iollowors still insist that the hall cleared the Once In the Junior hockey coaches us ually pooh pooh claims that their club nuith to he llnpmved OVtr laat year Untll last yenr this was last hit iniorrllatlon picked up by sportswriter Last tall how ever thli Ilrtlonlll Iaet became alive and reaIV Earlier this week mating wasphcld in Toronto tor the ox prerss purpose at drawing up the lain58 hockey scbcdulc Alter III the business was sald dud dune the coaches tried to pry blls at Inltf rum Each ulher OI course at Ihis Inform al gathcriiig nobody had any thing Tongue in Check Thank goollnexs these guys hnltl their Iongues In their checks when they get Into line at these mullahs ll they dldnl spurts wrilera would be writing every IIlIng but the Irth unintentional at course The pnlni Is the OIIA Junior Iltstlndardl Dlvalle year llnplnxits he nu the mle terlal this winter All they have to do la producc Ii they do the Fiyere will again be team to be reckoned wlth II not the nonproducer willgot oneliin lickel Aside min the available lroni lasl years oluh Emlns has 46 boys ca the tryout camp early in October tloss than two months oway Anathcr Chance law oi ihcsc saw limited action with the As last winter llighly rated are ccnlrc Murray Brydson oi Lakcsborc arulna bcioard Cale or shrabraokc Qucbcc Wally Adair at how market Smokc lungs Bryan an on at Newmarkct non Bar riagc ol Lakcsharc and llnrccl Tcsslcr and Butt blackburu oi Newmarkcl HapKgave all oi these young stars ngood rlnmrc to stick with the club lasl iall when thcy didnt produce be shipped them Wednesdny evenlnl It Quecnl Park the regular schedule leaden presented Legion with their one and atnluht vlelnry In the but IIIIch ulnilinll eerlel when they DeVIlhlu committed eight er Ton Ind Ielt 10 men ltrlnded on the hue plths 1n the 1er bolt dame Tull Advblue And will there wa llllle douht thlt DeVIlth loll their own IIme thl dldnt Ital Legion lroin tak ing tnll advantageml It one IelIOWwho was really mak ing it night ltlr Aglun tD re member Ind DeViIhIn to target was Eddie Lowe Never at any Illne this season in Laws tnnrld EYLd the hut outfielder In th league Last nlght he may well have been lie caught everything that came his way Including the rays in conlrovcrslnl drive larly In the game The Iowaslnlcr was ruled haaehlt hy the umpires but the cenlrcllcldcr claimed he int his bare hand between the hall Ind the ground That was Just one at the intro verslal catches ur misses The ot ticials ruied no catch on card Perry when he dropped ball as ho was trying to pull it lroin hla mitt and throw It Thln one was no Obviouslhat the tan especially Leglnns got it real kick out at It Better Bull Inme In which the Legion hlu bunt on the lirsl base side at the plate Dangeroue lled Thurlcw then Legion tied the scarc in the tourlh with pair of unanswer ed II as Both clubs scored one In the sixth to make it 55 lulu lulotlic home alrelch DeVIlhlss lulled to more In the seventh but Legion scored twice on two DcVIIquerrare DoVIl hlss got one back In their hill of the eighth but that war the same boomed Five rltchcrs Ilv pltchers saw action in the game three lOr Legion and two or DeVlIblss Alvin Smlth who alme on In the third Ind pltchcd to it pair oi batters In the eighth got credit tor the Vlclnry He followed Laurlc Barron and prccccicd Bab by LlncI Bill Rnycrall started on the rub ber tar DeViIblss and was the victim OI hld mates Iumbilllln or six innings Dutch Foster came an lnthc seventh hull was tuned with the loss Pat Wannamaker and Eddie Laws were the only other Legion batters besldes ilhnrlow to hit nIely more than once They got two each Likewise nurt ropp Larry Campeau and Tell llardaere DI Devllhlss These same we claim meet to mnrrnw nlght at Queens Park nséthnal I956 DODGE REGENT DE Lovely powder blue llnllh V8 motor outstanding condition hmughout Hurry or thin one Reduced to LUXE seem ONLY $1695 I953 MONARCH CONVERTIBLE Buntllul phwdur blue llnls down new tires MIulIIul condlllo 1955 FORD COACH Flawless metalllc hlue Inhh wlth apotlm Interior air condlllun Ing low mileage deep tread tires beautllul little autnmubilc In new car condition throughout Reduced to 1954 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Gorgcnus lawless originl metallic green llnlsh with matching green Interior air conditioning direction lights dccp tread tlrcs ideal doctors car Spotless hllck finish IighLl deep tread tiru outstandlnn condltlon thmugho perfect black top automatic lnnamlulon it throughout ONLY 5139 with red and black leather Interldr electric heat Ind wl ONLY 1395I ONLY s1295 1953 PONTIAC SMALL SEDAN Deluxe Showroom new two tone blue Iinleh spotless Interior custom radio air conditioning direction lights Reduced to ONLY $995 1952 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN euatom radio Ilr conditioning dlrcctlon love circuit should bc as laugh out tar seasoning Numb Reduced to opposing team arc stlII lust as luslsloiil that the hall trounced over or mum is pm That tough Al intervals during the winter Mhesnmeumelhoughmeelon Pflynglszsb It 5195 through the wlrcIcnce Sothcrc you have real dandy to ehcw aii iar mm in he Bmie he hung mm up km was playing hotter hall than Dc Cflmlguui ab Mm rlycrs training camp too sec Out al the above mentioned XélslglrsvscdIlh witty and rightly HmV 1953 HUDSON WASP new coupe Prohahly lhcoiost prominent laclor oi all was Thornton pitcher Nnt nnty ill the boys who immes Emmi 01795 ml Hardacrm Deluxe Benutllul original two tone green ilalah custom rldln Dan Johnson Always considered sensational chlleker Johnson out make the team have to be tough couple or dead players Ltd by Backer 0d Tm Brlll 2b rt air conditioning rllrcctloaliglitrucw motorTliiona ls abetuty did himscll in the two games he pltchcd and won cm both with icr durable but itll be tough tor LOOKING AROUND Observers FM who ban ed out three ML Perry lb rillc poise and perlormancc Regardless at how many at ihc previous any oi the boys to make the iram Tomato admitted that St V8 Psv 305 Rmran 3b argumenlsteigh into the balance Iohnslins work rules at the top loam Michaels llaiers wouldnt be it the 10 1W1 storey It ti Mung Wm Ill mum whole nmmmn club bbviuusly he had Coach Hap Emma is by lln actly dcad this coming season Altcr all at Devilblss mlscucs Grandmlson rt I951 BUICK SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN mama in my my my mm hm kmwn mV hmymy means pleased with the perioruVi With huthilln prospch named Llama lrgenVlvc 1310 shay $1953 up Gorgeous Oshawa blue ilalsli custom radio air candltlonlnshdllr were the unocrdogs as they trailed the rlycrs uvcr the regularsctic WW mm Km WP th Tom action lights automatlctraiismlssiou white walls This cat duh 55 as man who it is dual and new on mm mm sick oi lighting to keep his club and Bob Guldham as coach this me Cum 60 39 10 top condition throughout you will out oi the collar but not so ted ion opined that the Majors could ll infill If Th LEGION All it up with bringing his club up to go all the wry l4 hm Wannamakcr ii 1V max gm DEVILluss magma rnlellca two at them Tnmumm I952 FORD COACH The near set or the one sccmlu ru rcssxs lh Hlnes 2b Original highway gray and black Ilnlshhvery clcan liitcrlor our and District SellIIlir spilball Leaguo Mfich lluplhcg amazcirlcnt if 32 Willow wilt gig RTburlow3b tom radio air conditioning direction lights deop tread tires lo good dcal iii talks the leaguewinning Dcvubiss club ls trailing ti L9 L1 355m ii8 3m SewarL 1h nutsundmg condition thrillshout thc Barrie chioii squad 20 in games in their husbolvlivt semifinal ft VP RWA rl 51 ng annama er unude 55 VAN vancco hlr and Steve nines load 3in vi tr mm rm Alicr watching Legion tumble througlitwo lolesoasbngamcs with ed the sacks with Perfectly 14 Chappcl eradiord winningonc and losing the other wc were among tbc many mm IE 10 With I1 who chuckled whcii anyone gavc Legion chance againsl DeVilblas single Run Stewart Popped to first good many oithc ianscvcaicltsoriy forlhem base hciarc rnuk Rawn scored mm cm etnrea In no ce 40 12 We gunntee nnr can In nccordlnce with General Mot nut throw the sand back Into the pit grave quick The Legion 10 200 201 Mirll 12 naycrotl Foster t7 and Hard acre Barron Smith is Lines and chappol winning pitchcr Smith Losing pitcher raster an Goodwill Guarantee We make available the name andIddress at the pre vious owner Our service department Is one ol the best In the dlltrlet In we service everything we sell hires appear strongcr naw lhan at any time slnpe thc scasari hcgau They have combined goud hitting which was always menu with clutch pltehlng and territlc Ileldlng t0 nutdo the ancetuvnrites in cvcry de parimciit except in making errors at course Bevin19 Prize Won byVJ Quinn Legion We dont know whatcuach Al Thurlaw has dam to his charges Despite laurerun rally in the strong going on the rubber for mixed twilight tournarnent la really make lhcm charge hut he surely deserves great deal at last ning that ineludeda Iwo Eradlord and righthaiidcr Wen at Barrie Lawn Bowling Club on credit tor pulling the civil Iagclher rull homer by young Corby Dawncy for Mincslng Monday evenlng Aug 19 drew glglrfszpfird Kraphp plate This series continues and could end tomorrow night at queens $23353 Fgfigggfj 38335 Mln¢elng ab flfnfll 22 fimgnhflf mu use 1951 Hung sMALL SEDAN evcniog in thcsocand game at the WM Between the second and third The bowling season is around the nearest corner and once again hesmlfive semifinal scrlcr Cr Adm 55 33mm emshmms wmsemd Nlce two tone blue Immhlé XCEIW Chime F°d° we are asked to remind you about entering teams in tho lcoguos at lldlneamg won the lust gamc Ga 15 throughout Ths one is either academy good many oi the leagues would like to get under of the sat at home Monday eye Wm Downey Jerry Quin lt5 IP SP5 way the Ilrst week at SeptemberVlt will be impossible ll team captains mg on The next game writ ho Wen Downey 2b ham fir 59am mama We Ming Wm 39 flfifwill3ousc$cllaii pi 1950 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN The narric Gall and country Club will he ttic scene at Junior The Wm 15 95 11 firm Luvely new blue llnlin air conditioning direction lights decp GOIITournament next Thursduy The iuulors have been taking lessons Play gm DeVlhl°r 30 533 McKmho mm tread tlrcs excellent condition throughout under the wotchiul eyes or pro Eddie nenick and Charles Kearscy esWSwn series Adam Funk Pam ma $550 rcll soart lvlills were second with three When ltl using totalled their Totals 39 12 wins and score at 47 I948 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN igfr nrarltord ab Robertson skip Mrs rat Nico blue iiiilsli heater and dciraster good mechanicasl eandltlen eight other all gagging is giggnihggdwgrg1eg ONLY 225 thlngsc fag tSTl° °°f mm Dow or ware 41 Plus and I95IPONTIAC6 BUSTLEBACK COACH Bradfords total is surprising in wfirfmryby 253233 Now light blue llnlsh custom radio air conditioning dircctloii the elfect that alter playiug two Ma Hatgonwm one win lights new tires new brake lining motor Just overhauled iii insulinizisir22 gm oi aw ONLY 5675 back and whi the stran Min $333 950 Vfi¢ii Th Mi ovey newurqunne ll hp 1fimie°¢$emfig conditioninsdirectlon lights tap mechanical condition through good 01 we opening re by VralVais 39 ll 11 out The ideal second car Minesmg llliiiesing 200 000 tilta 12 lSuch was the case in the tour mm mi1 irame when the visitors eom MacDonald and Win Downy TRUCKS milled twp errors Bradford cola Richards and Vareau SPECIAL LAnOli MAKlNl MORE in the first four months of 1957 Canldinn laborlncnme totalled 324000000 an increase of 10 per cent over Illc same period of 1956 acted two hits to go with the couple of mlscues and brewed them together to make three runs Bradlord scared grand total at six runs in the tune DI the same numerical value on the strength at twobanger by ilrst baseman Frank Laney and tol lowup mundtrippergt by third sackcrlacb rollls Despite thE hlgh scoring tilt each club used but one chucke Johnny RIchnrdn went the dir taiicc tor the hosts He got the win And Gear Mncbonlld threw from the left side lneslng TON PLATFORM henternndidnirostzr solid plat sound truck ready tor lots of ONLY 52995 I952 CHEVROLET TO PICKUP Newllnlsh new tIrEI brand newrnntur Just Installed with lull Isetnry warranty Thletruek will give the save service ONLY 3759 1949CHEVR0LETIPANELV2 TQN Nice blue llnlrh heater and defroster dodtlre Vineehanleal eondltlen thraughou I953 FARGOVZ eaod sound cab and body ioriiiwllh tallgate roller hard work 5170 YOU CANT BEAT HALWIC DEAL Steve GE GE 93 one MANY MANY none T0 cuoosn mon ar eonsl erg weak sister Ill die Bradford pat SNACK BAR Hillile iooflwlll Um CVan lineardcr rang out with three CAN ael=TNANceDONLOW lures successive singles VTnm endings SUP LIES meme TOVEUITVYOUII BUDGET who altered badly in the tail end TERMSo OPEN EVENIN TILL to ol theregular schedule also had OPEN FRIDAY EVEN TILL 1000 three bingler YOung Corby Adams had two single to go alongl with his so home In the losing cltuse Bob McCartney uric otzlha mosti $3335 In °h°fggm fillings11 film BIG BA romrno ecia niw on nd 0w In PAINKSWICK Vi 659 owtiou olfhls pliedrlye he is shbwnvad 51 amount 20 9VVF°11 I957 Ken Glenn abweléf one or ugh dthnttlers In mat pg mefiuganyhgwmzvfl Hm snow 31 out double The BARRIE EXAMINER

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