the regular council Stroud on Wednesday He the duties Bella Ewart Ptirlc Stuotion Discussed Somc 30 delegates came council trorn the El and better part iacllltica tor arcs that the whole area ciated so much eould not be routed and she practically given hen away ZThere is no place ior to sit or bathe she stated Cauncillor nutty suggestions they had ship already has lol to park Mra Evans replied sons were preventing its use slgns ercclcd they would propose to pay lurtller pork extension the ratcpaycrs price similar to area for park purposes lie wn property owner in the block Ilon He continued the at to go for bathing or rccreat He felt that churgejnuld made to other than and the cost ieplld Besides pumhnse oi the land there would have to he toilet tacillties the grounds made markshape kept that wny of sand put on it but this not give anyone the rightto people tromvits use not be used to pravidc down at Bell Ewart do park at innislll he stated ltlr owns Lindeabaurn who property that could rwils the same as it had been eral years hack when he was proached for ll This is plus earned interest since am getting old but He éolnplalnéd about growth andthe need at clen roads and lanes that led to water His property has 133 onwnter anti or this he asked $5000 Stores are empty and do ing no business and cottages not be rented he repeated Reeve Allan Todd agreed the park somehow that the municipality buy whole block which would clude his holdings had otrers to purchase same getting promises and being oil ever since Charles Henry reeVc ltptvas time someone more than make promises ItOnCe the people get away thing is done tor that year they are back again before Clerk iretcn was present at motting ll in but took llttio active part in Belle Ewart They had come lollowlng petition which requested more Mrs Evans who had own ed row at small cabins stated had depm thlt willie people to go They have no place asked what The town property there that thls property was not kcpt in shlipc to uac as no grass was cut and it needed levelling also thllt per Councillor Cochrane asked how Would be prepared to pay an percent ot the purchase the l2thvlinc Councillnr Torrens stated that in his opinion the Whole portlon now vacant should be nulcllascd was another party in the delega mcnt that the area was depreciac ing owing to the tact that there was no place for weekend crowds ratepayers The land pur chased last year had few loads George Baxter who lives near the properly which is now owned and also where more vacant land avllable snld he had to pro dc toilets or people who came to the park lie asked Councillor Torrens it he would sell his land to which the councillor replied that he would lie asked why some ot the pork surpluses could parks wantto send ihese people to your bought said the value or his land and taxes paid keep on coming back here hoping that some time we may get some done tor aelle Ewart he should be enlarged Councillor Torrens suggested he said he Mr Baxter said they had been matter gets attention he stated Other matters to do with roads that consideration be given to the purchase or property to en nt large the park tacilitles It Belle Ewart Councillor Torrens finally got the members of the delegation homeward hound Probshifts land For Forilnnisi The proprrty on the south side of the 8th line It the Highway 400 clovericat known as the Galley arm has been purchased by Toronto deveio who pro posed to council tha he was tr ing to erect tairyland park somewhat along the Disneyland or the Santa Claus land which has been ctltcring to crowds lit othcr ports iic melded ruin council authorityto proceed with his venture so long as it can lormcd to rules and regulations of the municipality and the health unit The pmpolsl is to hlve ry land and western vlllngen to gather with lndlan wigwams with rcal lndlans and western cattle by men The promoter Fred Wilkins and his wile gave coun cil an outline of the proposal which may to the had the other acreage in the ldjncent area and which will have an en trance castoi llll present llrnl buildings and extend back into rilvine which he claims Is nat urdl setting tor his plans He has Wilkle Club now iormeti which cohslsts otise rat thousand signed names who ill be given ire admission to the talrylalid park it brought there by their parents They propose being ready to operate by May next year out Deputy Reeve Campbell asked be about Sunday operations it was suggested that commercial rides sa as nie the dayI and The motion to allow the ven md lure to proceed on the under standing that it conformed with all regulations was passed Tindall Property Road Entrance delegation or the owners in the Tindall property crime to council to ask that the township road leading south iron the 14th concession which is sideroad he opened so that vehicles can proceed to the owners of homes there This lng an area which is likely to hecome part oi the did bar not road supervisor also will be access tothe homes sev COLWEll Nova scotia visitor Thornton Canning or Nova Scott and Doug Smith oi Clin ton were visiting the Culver iam ly will the ring the feet Teens GetTogether The Colwéll Teens had get togchter Saturday Billy Bolder Toronto is vls iting the Skirrow family can eryezch had birthday party last week Movenick Here Mr and Mrs Fred Danabay oi um are moving back to Colwell this week Welcome back folks MrsFullIord of Port Hope was visiting her son Art Fuluord and iamily in Pris vately but this would shut on the awn completely lle felt Visit Ves Tracy park operated like the 8th line Mr and Mrs Cole of would eventually pay lot ltaelt Barrie and Mr and Mrs Lou Cole and lamlly of Toronto Mrs Evereit llarrisaad Mas lred Harris of Home were visiting Ves Tracy put was did no There shouldbe some uniform and ceremony at welcome or New the Canadians when they receive their certificate oi citizenship iristime some more satistying standard greeting wash Toronto tormeriy ot Cclwell eventually Include etc might he curtailed on Sun THEY SAY THE WAY to mans heart is through his stomach But what about little girls Wednesday atterrioon at Blue Moun tain Camp tor Crippled children Whipper Billy Watson noted wrestler gained many but one doesnt or Allandale young trienda by leading them the big birth day cake The kiddies didnt need the help day The little girl above is Bonnie Eaklns get ted by celebrity every The Late Mrs John Mensite Mrs John iiauelce form er Elmvale and Cookslown res idcnt passed away very suddenly at her home 221 James Street Gravenhurst on July 27 1957 daughter at the late and Ella May Agnew she was horn near Cnnkstown unFeb 27 1910 Mov ing to Elnivale she attended pub 7lie and continuation schools here and Peterborough Normal School The deceased taught school near June Skirmw and Barbara Low Mlnesing and Midland from 1933 to 1936 and later became floor lady at Woolworths Bloor Street annexed lands council was hosts tant to agree in any expenditures 21 3fggh3wfgmé However it was moved that the and Med mm WdE years and tor the past six years and 90 mm in Gravenhurst although not in be PM excellent health Mrs McNelce was keenly interested in local Ma fairs and was an active member of the Womens institute She was president ot the Reay wr branch district secretary and dis trict president of South Muskoka ed allgtiiefcxitc Wo guard Believing he escapede ms or the entrance Wl She was Ilstsumto the manager at Stedmans store For the past year Mrs McNelce had been principal of Medala and Wood public schools Her pleasant and sincere per sonality made lasting irlendships to and lrlends train out at town who attended the luneral There were was held in KnoxPresbyterian Church Gravenburst conducted by Rev DcCourccy Rayner da interment wasin Mickie Memos ill Cemetery She is survived by her husband asnn Lorne daughter nasalind her mother Mrs Agnew at home sister Leona Mrs Tannabltl otKes wick and brother Agnew of Toronto EDGAR Family Leaving roi City Mrs Grimes and family have moved to Toronto to be with Mr Grimes who has been work lng in the city Before their leaving friends and neighbors gathered at Mrs Johnsons and presented Mrs Grimes with tloor lamp and smoker staod Linda Laura and Margaret Rose were presented with pictures At Sparrow Lake Mr and Mrs StraChan Mrs Booth and Brian spent Monday with Mr and Mrs James Strachpn at Sparrow Lake silver Wedding Mr and Mrs Maurice Hayes had is very pleasant surprise on Saturday Aug 17 when around as relatives and triendslgave them surprisep ty all their 25th wedding anniversary They received lovely lot at gills Those attending cametrom An ten Mills close neighbors Mr and Mrs Dumblcton of Toronto spent tew weeks with Mrs iday Bay were recent visitors with Mr as indicated by the many relatives and Mrs Bunney and Mrs Milly beautiful flnr=1trlbutent visited Mrs Rooneyit day this sympathy The tuncrai service mi lied relatives at Sutton on Sun ward island is genti which means The small under the protection at the great Barrie Clowss and Shelswell who returned the city with them for hol North Bay Visitors Mr and Mrs Henry North Bonney Campbell Cars will meet at the Dr and Mr Flank of Harris plalét and the tour will commence at pnigt Mr and Mrs Hayes via NihillonIIbeer wlih their picnic when round by the pulc police they were totu un anre that they were Viollt If mircoairl beer carton have warning planted on It It to where It was legal to conisms 5r Mr alne Brian and pouglu have turned home liter weeks hol day in the Mulkoka Haliburton and Sudbury districts Mrs Sllter oi Goochland Vir nla ls holidaying with her par nts Mr Ind Mrs Weale ecent vtsllors with Mrs Nelsonwcre Mr and Mrs my 101 tomato on Sunday and Mr lind Mrs Nicholson oi Moose Jaw iSnxhatchwnn on Tuesday Mrs Brown and Mrs Rotr irisnn of Toronto spent the week end with Mr audMrsr Andor son Miss Elaine Bcntlcy spent law days holiday with the Walk am It leier Glen and James Crow have been holidaying with their grantiv parents in Toronto Around 25 ladies gathered at Ihe home at Mr and lScliandlen on Friday evcnlrlg in honor at their dnughter Mrs HIndlmnn nee Mlldrcd Schand lcn recent bride Colrlston favored with mil lion Ind Miss Joan Bulmur con ducted two hilarious games alter which Mrs Lackle Isked Mildred to accept planter table lamp combination tray and cup and saucer ruin her many irluuds along with wishes for her luturo happiness admired Mildred thanked every one and several ladiesserved lovely lunch lman left on the weekend theirhome in Port Credit Littles Hlli Coronation Wo mens Institute Will SevenUp plant in Barrie or their August meeting The tour has been arranged by the couvensr or Canadian Industries Mrs Vw Mr and Mrs Ritz oi Weston were weekend visitors with and Mrs Pryde and David parish law together RGS vic loo Trip and Mrs Bcntloy Moose ran Visitors Si Bride Honored Mrs cctor After the gills were and their waitresses buskct of lrui Rt Rev James arr Partyi Sets Record The animal garden party of St Marys ichurch act new or lttflitilnct Other The supper draw prize gilt was won by 12 ycarold Gloria Fisher 53 Gowan Grand draw winners were Richard Churlobois sult oi clothes Mrs Toner id Sampson St titled wardrobe case Morningstar Orillia electric lry pan Saso Kcnwood blanket and Miss Billfllw Corrireau 21 Dunlop Street East table lamp The proceeds can THE ax Alum rm PRINTING PHONE PA bull last Wednesday evening when members 01 the irlrnds mm Barrie and district crowded the church lawns and Joinedln the tun and mile of an oldilme get The outdoor features which were favored by ideal wens ilicr followed generous slipper served In traditional style it St Josephs Auditorium Five hundred persons were serv cd by the women ol the parish under sponsorship of the Gun oiic Wumcns Lcaguc Loo lladlgan arconvcncr wuh Fr hralchlk is general chairman Poul Dam and Bob clinon were in charge oi general arrangements ehairmcn were Lloyd Mccloaa key rolreshnicnls Alban OCon nor building ml booths lighting licrnard iiurluhise lhony Decarle st Marys with Mrs committee bingo lorry Padiicld Catholic Youth Club Mur phy and John Gray signs setting up tables Holy Name Society Mrs lack Coleman tickets and hostesses Mrs Chir 19 5250 grand draw tickets Mrs it Clifton sewing booth Mrs James Clyne Penetang Mrs Anthony at the Blrdell Party were for the benefit of St Josephs High School oi whlch Clair ls dlr others figu his bank account Anr They were attracted by ms ms were in Mr and Mr Hond make tour the HOLIDAY EAL 011 WRITE limits liélreyjllgeuey iinrrie ill satlii 60 vviilLYHISSUES or SilTliiiiiilY EVENING fPtiST rononav $419 LESS THAN Cory l4Mtllltllsow$379 LESS THAN 28c COPY Mrs Andrews returned with em or Visit VERY APT MOTH Provincial motto of Prince Ed Parva sub in sHor NOW AT ZELLERS FOR WONDERFUL tiller T0 sclllltll SPECIALS ZELLEES LIMITED 90 Dunlap St PA 52439 on oth ENTIRE sraocx Large 5919611011 suit every Budget connotes fBudget terms also availahl tradein allowance no snnvrcn on STORAG tilt liltliSS iilSll till Olf GROWNUP MODELS illllls tWlit swan sizes To is ALL THE FASHION AND FLARE 100 onLoM Tori EASYï¬Aï¬E SIZES 844 ill PLAIN callous or HUNTER QREEN PERRlWlNKLE BLUE RED AND WHITE MUST rim BACK Toscnom want Illllrllll Jtllllrlllls Ammocluble THAT CAN an WORM AND wonn thrl BLOUSES AND SWEATERS THEM NTnEMamruoon