it LoonTON TANKER which will trunsportljet fuel and other pet roleum products on the Great Lakes wus launched at Collingwood Shipyards division at the Canadian ship Building and Engineering TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 23 1957 Recentyllltors lloeunL vlsitiirs with Mr and Mrs Percy Bunney were ShiiWilnil Don Shaw New To ron Mrs Lena Pengelley and Gnome Toronto isalit Show at llawkcslnne Rob Roy Mr and Mrs Ford Horde Jack Toronto Sunday Visitors Mr 5nd MmH Mchverr oi Bellwuad were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Beardsall Peterburough Tilp Ray Torrie of Barrie and Miss Eleanor neardsoii accompanied iricnd trip to Pelorborough rcéLntyy Birthdry Party Mr and Mrs Al Perkinand girls attended the birthday party of Maurice Shellswell at Orn Beach on Sunday 0n Holiday iohn MclIenry oi Fort Erie has Down CHILDREN so QTHEB wtu LIKETHE ix aestggs Lu 21 000 IlPflllfl been on holiday with Mr and Mrs All Perkin Prom linrrle Mr and Mrs Walter Carruth Wendy and Scott at Barrie were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs McLean lilr and Mrs Orr and Marie iyn ot Hillsdalc were Sunday vis Walt itrirs with Mr Johnston BilelrFmin Summer School Ann Johnston his home after attending whool in Toronto Ilolldny visitors and Mrs hoeent holiday visitors with Mr and Mrs Dicker were Mrs Dingle Ken Nancy and Beth at Kingston Mrs Smith John Ford Dakville Mr and Mrs Cecil and Midhurst Mr and Mrs Dicker Toronto and Mr Mrs Hayes lot AntcnMills Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs Dicker end Mr and Mrs Dicker and John at tended the 25th wedding anni versary oi Mr and Mrs Maurice last Saturday Hayes evening at Edgar Recent Callers Recent visitors with Alf Hutch inson Mr and Mrs Ralh Rum hcii Toronto Mr and Mrs Len 959 st Catharinos and Mrs Wayland Hutchinson and Mrs SaIES Barrio Mr and Mrs Smith of Orangeviiieyere recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Hulehinsori Holiday at Groveohurst James Hutchinson Mrs Jean MeAiory and Mrs Poster at Willowdale spent low days with hlr and Mrs Part ridge Crown Hiu viii Mr and ltirs aonney Mrs Shaw and Myrna Simpson visited with Mrs Horne lt Crown Hill on Sunday Flom Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Lenard Show oi Niagara Falls called on Mryand Mrs honey Colllngwood Visit Mr and Mrs Ed Hutchinson liar and Judy visitedvut Coiling wood and BlueMounlains recent Shanahan oi Barr Toronto Visitors yr Aunybidi anddohn Too od ul Toron lsited wi Douglas Dybail angï¬lflr and Mrs Lavenv stints returned summer and Judy tintehinson were on holiday at Gruvonhurst and returned home on Sunday with their parents Mr and Mrs Sunday Visitors with Mr and Mrs Marchildon wore Mr and Mrs Galliger of France Gordan Caldwell of Guthrie JuckMolan Rnuyn Quebec Mira Olive Mar childon of Aurora Mr and Mrs ti Anniversary sorvleos in ivy Presbyterian Church Sunday Sept at it amandl30 Rev Cnswcll guest speaker Special ladies nigh siipper meeting cahiC 630 pm Thurs day Sept 12Burton Avenue Un itcd ghnrch Speaker hev Maxwell oi Prairie Bible insti tute Three Hills Alberta Meet tag by tickets only 97 Harvest Hoedown dance in Guthrie Hall on August 29 at pm Spunsnredby the Simroe County Junior Farmers Music by Andrews crehestro Lunch may be obtained Adnilssion 75c Ev Lryhndy welcome 91 Bus tour to CNE sponsored by Barrie Horticultural Society Leaves Wellington Hotel corner am Aug 29 To reserve phone PAH543 or PA 86145 aarrie HorticulturulFlower Show iiriday Aug 23 Hliicrest School pm to to pm All exhibits must be in by to pm Aug 22 at it son Thomas John on Aug Scarborough Visit iohn Lavender Sharon and Gary Mr and Mrs ttalpit Carson Betty Ann Nancy Eavero oi aarrie visited on Sunday at Scar borough On Holiday Elgin human or Grentel has been on holiday with his granti parents Mr and Mrs GEorge Rugmnn From Gravenhurst Mr and Mrs Stephenson oi Gravenhurst is visiting with Mr and Mrs Art Benham Torontoviklt Arthur Bunham was in Toronto to see his aunt Mrs All Middle ton on Sunday Sudhury ylsit dra vi ted recently at Sudbury with Mr and Mrs Les Armstron Week in Tomato Mrs Lee and LindaLees spent week Toronto and motored to Nilgar Falls with Mrs Patterson nd Mrs Clurkto attend REP elehration Biiek Home Miss Dalila May has returned home irninahollday inToronto Mr and Mrs Cecil Slach of Vil May recently LMANY OWN mmown oi the season mupied 1958 David disamï¬inms are Ltd Wednesday The picture at left show the Imperial Quebec making its Iirat splash At right Mrs William Twuits wile or the executive vicepresident at the Imperial Oil Company is shown PHELPSTON Visitors Iram Part Mr and Mrs Cruch and iohn of Paris 0ni visited Mr and Mrs John Hosea in holiday Mr and Mrs Michael ltoanlok oi Sudbury are on holidays with Miss Mary Mairoy Mrs aert tieiiy and children and Darlene ot Alego Lake ac visited Frank Mar ley rroni Windsor Mr and Mrs Aileek oi wind sor are holidaying with Mrs hosc From Palm Beach Mr and Mrs Jones ol Toronto and Palm aeach called on Mr and Mrs Thomas Shelton Returned 1101 Mr and Mrs Gordon Gallagher and sons ioseph and Richard oi arookiyn NY ictt ior home 31 ter spending thrceweeirs at Hotel Phelpston and renewing acquaint ance with iricnds in the district Short Visit Mr and Mrs Amanri and iamily oi waubau one spent few days with Mr and Mrs Adrian Craddhck Mr and Mrs Dennis Garvey oi Windsor visited Mr and Mrs Loo McLaughlin North risy Wedding itiiss Leona Kennedy Mr and Mrseter Fallon iiiid ulnin and Clarence Hayes matured to North Bay and attended the wedding or Miss Alma DHare Chrishoim on Saturday palm beach holiday Misses Pat Sheppard Roberta Tomlinson niia Belcnurt and Margaret Hogan spent few days at SoHomeytindge Balm Beach inhuman new Miss United States did her country no good when she tried to bluff her Way through tilt international beauty contest at Lorlg Bananas single woman when she had husband and NW children Perhaps it is but one more instance of beauty being and Frank Gel Fisit AHome By New Method Ever since menyleni fishing it seems theyhavv been trying to discover ways and means oi keeping their ilshtrarn deterior alias until they can get them homo Dno 17f thé newest moth ads now itsed by many members Diflil depurtmbni of lands and iorests is by use at polyethienc bags or tubes The material obtained in eightinch tubesis iirst cut oil andknnlted at the hollom end Fish and particularly speckled trout are cleaned as soon as cought soaked ior about tlve minutes in strong brine dried oit liberally sprinkled with dry suit and then tied up in plastic bags Some nilgcrs claim they have kept iish ircsh for week by this method Department experts declare however that the typeot iish district weather altitude are all factors affecting keeping qual itlcs of tish some are more per ishnbic than others During rainy and humid wea ther fish are highly perishable and it is no sate to hold them longer than low hours without ice experts say only skin deep 4orouto¢atledonMrunrkflrs gs in Canada at September fIf youre in donbtlatiout tuning girl wlafy not give her thobeneflt It Ivy Captures Playoff Tilt Over Lisle lvys torriiir play in the South simcoe aascbnii League has carried over ID the piayoits and Ihe rest or the eiutis still in the running are sitting up and taking notice Lastinight ivy took decisive d2 verdict iroin Lisle in play oii game They had to doit the hard way too coming train the short end oitii 24 count Lisle got both oi thclrv runs in the third irome onva home run by auiias with thee on base viii an earlier hit lyy wrapped up the contest in tile very next tromo with iive runs ontour hits Base blows by Loyeock Norris Browning and Laycoeir dill the trick The winners cashed sixth tally in the fifth Walk andpassnd hail Browning and Hoggarth shared the pitching duties or the Win ners all an error sinusitis Pauiioc titles to Douglas John Jonerysono pad Mnleonlrd Juneau Anton Kills Martial in tube place nt aloivalo pruoytcrl christening the new tanker About 10m Spectators were onhund to view the historic event Thelmperiai Quebec will operate out of sarnia Thc Supreme Court of Canada established by Parliament in tons consists ol uiChletiusilca and eight pulsne judges bitllt Foil TREE ONLY VANCOUVER CineA new torts roducu laboratory belnl the lversity or British Cuiunlbll It to MIN will be completed this your by tits onatry branch of rihedeput intent of northern altits in ilonal mou remit46 and furnishings Acompiersrelecrion otmlm laiiriu and hardware insuli ed by skilled workmen at inoderitie prices Telephone us today or estimateno or rlgmm aAltnii TENT AWNING co Elyfllld Phone IA W37 PROMPT DELIVERY The SARJEANT co LTD oars rum in 87448 OFFICE PA smt BAEIIIE Whatever youre the amt of Noiwt scqrtat