rum Lilxiéltliv tier Louis St Laurent centre back iii 18 TIIE BARRIE XAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 23 1957 illirhigan Vlsllon Mr and Mrs William Lam and children irom Wyandolle llllcii igan are holidaying with the lat ters pnrenls illr and Mrs ll irldd Mrs charlie Waison is spend ing low weeks with her daugh ter and soniniaw at oradiord Returned From London George whyte who has enm plcied eoursc at the University Oi Western Ontario London hlis lelurnml lo his home or few weeks hclore he reiurns in his school at Camp Borden Miss Audrey Dermoti oi st Josephs Hospital Toronto is hul illuylng wiih her parents ldr and Mrs Dermnll Miss Gail Jevons and Miss lnaln Dermait have returned in Turun to alter spending wo weeks it their home in town III In Hospital Miss Florence Campbell Is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Allistnn due to it fail VIlIIL hi the home oi Mrs Wil llant Walker Georgian iiay ilollday llirs Harry Leadiay and Mrs Glass are spending weeks Vncalion iii Birchdale Lodge 05 sussane Beach Georgian Bay Building New Home Mrs Glass has sold her home on King Street to illr anti Eliminate Photos mom or ravera Exillnlu or rdatl obntographanthut ap our in this nrnaoanrr avallahlr in glauy nrlnta PROMPT SERVICE In they PHONE PA 824 Rump Kxumlnll town alter or postelection holiday mulls party strategy with some of his armor cab inel colleagues Mr st Laurent 75 told in press conicienee he will attend the next session or Parliament and will lead his le Mrs Albert GiirDy and is having St Laurent lovely new home under eon struellon on Victoria Street Farm Sold Mr and Mrs Albert Gilioy have sold their arm to Mr and Mrs Palriek OConnor who have recently arrived from lreland North Simnidale illr and lips James Hnwes Maxwell and Mrs nary iiardcn Toronto visited Mr and llirs John iiatvca on Sunday illr and Mrs Ari Taylor and Norman visited lilr Taylors nephew Elmer Taylor Hoeklcy Valley on Suniluy Ailenli Weddlnll Mr and Mrs Lewis Cookii Cook and Mrs Ileiillli Carmichael aitenllcd the Burgesslrcclhy wedding in luroniu un Saturday evening Mr and iirs Cook re mained Wilh Mrs Cooks niece Mrs Harty Pollisicr Scarboro or the weekend hr and Mrs Jack lllorgao Karen Bobbie and Billie spent the weekend at Nurlnnd vilh their hunt Miss Annie Kirsl wood and cousins Miss shirley iaraes oi Toronto and Murray McFarland Clear riow have beer holidaying with Mr and Mrs Lewis Allen Walker visited lrieuds in Barrie this week At itounion Mr and Mrs ivan Harvey and lamin attended the Armstrung rcuninii last Sunday at Spring water iark Mr and Mrs William lalicr son and iantily sunnidale Curn ers spent Sunday evening with illr and Mrs John Weatherail Mr and Mr John Black and Airs Bannerman Stayner called on lricncls at Prieavillo lrutun and Purliaiv on Sunday Relumed lloine Alter spending the summer with his aunl Mrs Nurmun Hawcs Geoifrey iacksnn Queens Pickersgill former immigration minister Lionel clievricr Privy Council president Mr Lester Pearson lormer external niluirs minister Misses Elilinl Black and Joyce Paul Martin former health Mr Alkinsnns and William with linney huiiics Weekellil and Sunday visilors it he huniu nl Mr anti Mrs Nor man 3is were Mr and Mn wilired Souishy Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Waller llawes Keith and Karen oi liadgams Mrs Muriel anci Beverley Cum and lotrioia ot Coiling wood lirulllcrs ai lheir Sunday Visitors Mr and lills Boll Craig and iamily stayner spcnl Sunday eieriinl with illr and Mn ivao Harvey Leslie ulaek enjoyed trip to Norlh Bay or the weekend Recent visiinrs with Mr and Mrs llnrve Alkinson were Rev anti lilrs Brieker and daughter Edna Toronto Mrs Gordon Wy aut stayner Miss Palsy and Master Leslie iiorrls Toronto Mr and Mrs Harvey mid iamily accompanied by lilrs Harveys lather Hugh Flshm ol Slnyner look 1ch to Oriliia on Sunday Mr and Mrs Lewis Allen and Dunn spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Howard McFarland and family Clearview Visit Family liir and idrs lorris Aekermiln lills guests ill Charles Aekernian market Mr and Mrs Stark atleittlcd the lirs Sturks sister Jones to Rel MeCoyu Recent visitors Mrs Culham were on Fr ering Toronto on Sunday Mr Bradley Hoaliienlc and Lorraine illr Lnil Gil illey world and Mrs Iii Wuodsiocl Jim McGaulcy Colilngwuod QUEER riNli ton has returned to his home On Friday Mr and Mr El inakes ounri aaout was and family Barrie spent Sunday evening with its parents Mr and Oiher the Aekcrmhn home were Ilevinnil Mrs Orville Bell and tamiiy oi Toronlo hirs Roti insunand sun Kenneth Slayncr 0n Saturdaysevening in New ilini wed rng oi liliss Erie with illr and day illr and Mrs Carmen Pick dnd lilrs Don Culham llliliiken Min and Mrs llod MeDorinItl and Guests at the home ot illr and iirs Albert Fisher at the week end were Mr and Mrs Jiiek Me Coiling Mrs Russ lile ttardey and lunlly Siayncr itir Hewlett and iam illr and Mrs Rule and Eleanor Sunnldaie ESTEVAN Sask CPAeni lily of some mooredsided garter in gullcy just order coul This famous fuel is so good its lradcmlilkpd in for your protection Carefully graded and nspccicd from start Iolinish blue cpltl elm you ihcelcnr iuli Ilium that means better heat rlhliily itca are heat Thousands of Citn wood Atkinsnn Toronto Visited dim Tami les rely on this highgrad anthracite ior real beating economy withrar isss waste for less ultcnlion to the lumace Remember dont be colorblind when buy on Cit blue coaithc anthracite tha so ill lircdgood its Itnicti blue SfvlivtrilélliiStiflitliisole Viking Special for Fine Family Entertainment it BudgetPleasing gt Price Heres iiesl buy in the viking entertainrnent iamliy qualin 2i console telelt vision with the modern reï¬nements usually only iound on much higher priced products noautilui cabinets new convenient swlvrl hase as an extra luxury The brilllnnl new relosonic lsttulie chassis assures you puworiui reception with the minimum at bothersome lntcrlorenee 50 see it at snows today Sixe about 34 high zitr wide ll deep InlopFrnnt Tuner or case nntl convenience Alumlnlzeil Picture from with tinted surety Glass Puwerltil 19 tube Tclesonlc Chassis Two speakers for rich sound Reproduction Swivel Base Turn the set to suit yourself easily EATON Special Price each Walnut or Mt hognny Yonder We Wï¬â‚¬tï¬snrtv union Budget rian Terms1000 do MODE lowcrlnll TuhTelesnnloChilssis IéVIsioli 21 TopFront Tuning Controls New distinction in the family chtertuinment field Cas cotlc tuner for increased sensitivity Tinted safety Glass Screen and Alumlnlzed Picture Tube combinedtor maximum clarity with minimum glare Approx 32 highx 38 wide it 19 deep EATON Sale each roll lltleliiy Sound ncnroduotton 21 VIKING TV Trader Frtilli lliu Tinilii Sltiping Sniely Glass Screen in the handsome Veneer Cabinet in Wuotl Grain Iinish 0i Walnut this set rcpresane value seldom seen at this price Look at these other quality points 22 tubes for powerful channel selection Aluminizedpicture and speakers combined lii give you lull liiiclily sound reproduc lion EATON Sale each MODEL TCD 235 splintll only ADMIRAL Top iront tuning ior easy operating Front removable cture Window Exclusive optic Filter Screen Super Cascade Tuner Smart ullthelluur styling wi under the set Wiihout muving il EATON Spcclnl Prlec MODEL C23BIX TRADEIN SPECIAL only RCA VICTOR IlIE BARIRAM Big screen ton pcriorming Console Television nalanecd Fidelity Sounrl Supersensitive cascade tuner Darktoned aaiety glass EATON Special price causes rv graceiully tapered legs that allow cleaning 239 95 MODEL zirciiz vililuc lltiditivlhentlgniphs suc Tubes Three Speakers FourSliced Automatic Rea eoril Player Bass and treble tune con trols buiitin nerlal sloping speaker grill with en closed chamber Elegantly finished in line quality veng oer Approx 30 high 26 wide 10 deep Available for 25hr so eyeios For those with small kitchens or the budget conscious th Fll Viking model presents mud crn refinements Il tremendous savings Its modest cxierior dimer sions oi about sola high 24 Wide 26 Déep slip Into your ki ebsn as easily eaits iiiorlest price slipsinto your planning Like allgiklngs its quality din