lIOYAL CANADIAN SCIIOOI 0F INFANTRY TEAM which made very good showing at Connanght Ranges Ottawa weekend 01 Aug 17 at the DORA Competi tions Front row from city SSgt White OC Bell MAJORGENERAL NEARKES VC Ca ew Minister of National Defence makes presentation or Jubi lee Trophy to Major Hampton left captain oi the Royal Canadian School of Infantry team frgnr 3° MrsWs 1am pressure stenvln at ryin ahon Jon daily lt3 iiy Sgt cothllne Cpl row Capt Power Capt stray Sgt Clark oooit Stiiiwaii Sgt Young Mayor Hampton Capt italigliumpherson Lt Morrison Capt denat the Connaught Ra Howell or team or 12 men collecteda total or 27 Canadian Army shoot gt14 THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 23 1957 lEFROY iss Narnia walson osiilia out the weekend withher moth here Mr and Mrs David Dick and Peter and Jill of aarrie were Saturday visitors Mrs Erb of Kingston and Mr and Mrs John Potts Toronto and Mr and Mrs Fred Elliott Kirk Mrs Douglas Reid and Linda pent ntew days in Toronto this week writer Corner Sr is spending the week at Feterbur ough with her daughter and iarns Mr and Mrs Fred Noble Tm onto spent the past week with thetr mother Mrs Mervyn Noble Mlss Marietta Atkinson Osh awa has been spending some hoi drys with her pirents Mr and Mrs Atkinson Missea MnryLouise and MarL guerette Sheldon are vacationing with relatives at Clear Lake Sutton Funeral Mr and MmPeteJettslattend ed the lunerai of the farmers uncle Robert Matt in Sutton Tuesday Aug 20 Miscellaneous shower decorated gaiiy with Cplnk rosoa large white beach umbrella Torrens when many of her friends gathered together in the church basement Tuesday even ing Aug 20 to present her with many lovely and uselul gifts Miss Marietta Atkinson read an address to Flo who was assisted in opening the gilts by her mother and Miss PatPorter who is to be matron of honor Flo thanked everyone for the rniiny lovely gifts which will all he so useful when she takes up home makingi bountiful lunch was served by the hostesses mm Visitors Mrs Morley arose and Chris tine or aorrle spent ten days with Mr and Mrs Ernst this week roNA Pearkea VG congratulates some outstanding winners DSFBN MajorGen rai irom Camp Bordens Royal Canadian School at Infantry oi Barrie centre captain of the threemail team representing Quebec Command No from Montreal which took top honors in the CARLEY Mr and Mrs Clarke Middleton and Lois and Larryoi Siaynor wererooont visitors with Mr and Mrs Armsirong Mrs Rixheard is visiting Mr and Mrs Tom Middleton or Strond Mr and Mrs Orville Armstrong and children and Mr John stone were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Thomas Exeil oi Ul opla Mr Johnstone remained tor few weeks visit with his daugh ter Mrs Exeli and iamily Mr and Mrs John Nash and Mrs Ball and Alvin Armstrong and Ross and Rosemarie were tlrst oltheweek visitors with Mr and Mrs Armstrong Miss Sharon Pratt 0rillia is hoiidyingwith Miss Darlene Snead Best Wishes Best wishes go to Mrs Victor Douglas oi Hobart for speedy re covery Mrs Douglas at present is patient in Ienclang General Hospital Miss Mary Dawn Graham or Bar rie is hoiiduyi with her grand parents Mr and Mrs John Trink won Mrs Gordon Booth and children and Ivor Potts family and Arm strong and Biliywere among those and balloons was the setting for Elmers heard about the de lirious Sweet and Souls aer ved at The city cite rodoy he is having sweet rod Hour Spar nlhr at smswlth our homelmnoo Hoston cream lie at only 250 to lollow For in toad in capstanhie yanrroundings Elain lmowa thatthe City care is the Bren Gun so who attended the closing program at Coulson Public School last Thursday night oi the daily vacav tlon lilhle seiluni conducted by Mr and Mrs Lowell Sullers Full Master Ross Armstrong who was spending tow holidays with his cousin harry Armstrong had the mislortune to slip when climb ing down train hay mow and tell ahnut 30 feet to cement Iioor and is conï¬ned to Soldiers Meme orisl Hospital Oriliia soitoring from concussion and broken hip Best wishes go to Ross tor speedy recovery WWW WW5 the nomadic Is town From leit Capt 17 at Connaught flanges stiiiweii MajorGeneral Pearkes Capt HailHumpherson Fowler mpetition at Connanghtltang es Ottawa onAug 17 Leit SSgt Man dleviiie and right Cpl Perry They re ceived the Dundonaid Trophy anero Midhursl Station 0pen Air senior The open air church aerviccrnn Sunday was weii attended with Viaet preaching The was from four chumhes Edenvaie Mlnesiog Anton Mini and Midhurst Next Sunday church service at Mldhuflt will be at 730 mm Moritierl Visit Mr and Mrs Channen have returned home after spending week with theirson DrEric Channen and Ilamlly Montreal snsron or Toronto spent the weekend or Mr and Mrs Charles aowderyr At wIlroehorg Mrs John naiprnny Jon and Claire have relurned home altar spending two weeks inWallacz burg visiting her partms Mr lnd Mrs Martin Mrs McNeil and Carol Barrie spenlSunday with Mr and Mrs Collins Mrs Paul iiiorlnn of Coidwatel spent low days last week wllh MI and Mrs Knapp Fieidhnusc of Berkeley call teddon reiniivcs here or Ihe week en Mrs Hunter at Toronto aplnt Sunday at Mr and Mrs Knappr Champion Dog Mrr Frank Janus spenl two days last week at ithaca and Hor neii New York nltendinu dol lhnws Their Lisnnmnlllrd Tarantella was entered at both ahow and was snccrssian gain her international Champion iiiiii cue nurses Alas MOST NOBLE Pastas THE SKILLOF PiUMBflgtiiEATiHG 34 DUNLOP 51 um out PA 83770 nu mm mm WE mt Iiniliiiiulifriliulijii MINER CARRY tumours LINE or