FRIDAY AUGUST 23 I957 hwgaunwcï¬ BARRIEDNTARIO CANADA Doduebdli notlo Hh hides itser one ultL rhls yeurs Royal Canadian Air Cadets senior summer romp at RCA station Camp Borden ended on Wednesday with lull scale graduation parade by the 200 Air cadets which in the opinion at the vicepresident oi the Air Cadet League at Canada Smith at st Cnthnrinesp was better than ever The National Drill Competition in feature at the parade in which team at cadets lrom the west competes against $3513 Luelï¬afraf team of outlets lrom the east was won tor the third your in Toronto wir drivlni norlh gt ccewm byme Wes is 0le litrtlielwnliend The zoo ca ets who had been ca taln Johnston Win Coin It Cnlghuist liter Jnid lmpeilll Quebec tram over ihe thlri Ww iiniier trainingdlor the past seven mahder alluitt hire an colllded with CPR rillht tn don to the imperial Oil Com The vessel is 375 teet long has charge ol cerelcss driving in nys tleet or transport tlniteis ducklttikeel depih ot 27 test 33fï¬piwgaï¬igï¬itaiiiiiiii231Fqéiifliiioilfléialriiiiiii laid by PC Wall Covert 09 ill launched at Collingwoatl and drait til 22 feel ller ton munch Course were formed AirCad Luise owe in BILLY WATSON British Em camps 20th birthdny Wednesday Blow Btrriewho investiglted Ipylrdt division of iheCarlad page as quoted Is dead weight in Han ar 17 lor ins Ection as iimeltee or Thirteen mnks piro Heavyweight wrestling Chumpion with Watson are Elaine McQuny of new Evidence was given by CPR Shlp Buildinizand Engineer and her capaClly is 49500 barrels 35mg evlfwing mt Ail vice Famed if Modems in the helped chiidren train the Blue Mountaini Lowelly lett und Judy Pringle or Barrie Conductor ii rieiion Ind is lLtdt Wednesday It 12 MIL still Rot Completed Marshi Bryans can CD result Camp lor crippled Children celebrities the rights Enslnter Harris to toiliwII it5 10 ï¬lm will This vessel is as yet only AOC Training Community who and usust precautions Fiexon med to trnnsportiei incl and hull llcr superstructure has in mommies ty his wire Intemltlonll Tum ii told oi tindlng the license pllte niher petroleum producti on in he completed and her diesel Each year the Air Cadetr of tgizmlgdign girliï¬gyfmï¬ if oi the vehicle sticking on the ride Kimt Lakes power plants installed it is ex Vtgffllyï¬ï¬Ã©gflï¬jmk Canada are represented by term at hot car in the 35 on dru wt ate out ol liii erlal Itth lhat she will be read or In international drill competition As hard as whittled to tell Magistrate it roster iauirid rollneryy Itpgurltil rhe aileron Service by November 3515 3326131ng Egg with the American Civil Air Ca mi in PM W9 idortori guilty or the usuni signs built with View to winter slit lmporlni Quebecs llrst voyage Im 01 mm mm the tints Last year this event we lallcdr At the mm Milli It we 31 viiipie at thg erosde water service alter the St Lawr will come at tinlo when 1190 width of the wm mud won by Canada and this vents gentle Is lamb with the chll sndtrslnaignals were pcording ence Selway opens in 1959 was Unes are replacing taniiers in mm the 15 mm Canadtn tram Will be to pctiiis drcn was Whiprer Billv Watson to regulations The nllht christened by Mrs Twnits some division ol the oil industry mm In mend against the Americans at owns one at the worlds utmost darknnd cirsoiidorir colors hm wlleot the executive viceprose The Lediic and liciiwatcr both mfg watch the Endumun view this siurdsv wrestle ever and the tinewssstn with ident ot tiic lmparinl oil Com giant imperial tankers launched mac WWW °°Wlili 19 dil The Whip dlrectorot the costs high at $47 puny who broke bottle at chain to carry crude all made their Amdmpmylng Mr Vicemmshal competition this years Canadian Ontario Society tor Crippled Chil maiden voyages in lost and were cm of mm in save demnnstriion ore dre was there to help thc chi taken out at service in two years 33 gm 131 Cmda were clswn drill which wmild lidth rcn celebrate theBiueMountain Near Sturgeon Bay The Leiluc is now grain carrier to but Where The squad szps20th birthday and tho Redwnicr on ore carrier ï¬glbgli° well matched tonsize periotmtd the most trlcnte evolutions with ny srevr JoNESCtt iob Well Done Sunday alonewith wnipper Wm licer rrainln Command zmlJ Examiner gt5nortsEditor Thai is easy And to use well only watson another great gt nla to Toronto hut other centres Br Smmh Svmpmmm Mr giggmggkgrï¬zliladiiédwgfla ou know sometimes being Warn but never mgr hopmori sports iigure Awho hastdone gm °5l° 11° mm Cadet Lelzue ot Cnnds mm ioni 5mm eh sportswriter can have dlsndvsnt adtiiinyI iscd 13353 Ad 33h worth irhelilriéndousI 18h er thwewcrilrriel feyï¬ï¬a Tmfuui by Fltilowins the immaï¬ the ground heiors another as wen it my it his an pt ro cadats msrched art the indwiniiiiiiithiiiisiiiti unionsii inelinhehtimiztirt viii it into is ifwsii°siilihziiihn monthsdilation WW Quebecs mun iii ï¬tmï¬nlihiiroiiéihiii lemmaes Ellinys lClllfllev imhs lti more to work on menlsi anccan really get ouioi touch tlie mlntls 5the spirits ot the am mm WI ntetltd mill Slime BY 19 VKelmm Cost utthc newship is about GM dlmm with other things andphnscs at disabled $J3ï¬ssih2o¥£ip2iitiling any on Lot cm mm °1 mnmmb hm demnfllmd the immo She is 55 ill AVM Bryan Ci This in the iteotthe liurona whose countr tor the lain Johnston hf 105° it is to make the crippled icei lario Society tor Crippled Chile viilulzgrnnd Jesltit mission moatpart inwhst iaynolv Slincoe énfilgiï¬wogg lprimee aixlpfllliy Mn Em vicummm at he wmd that that are People real dm County One who Dim limi ialreetankeratieet Iti3illgsili in 0D valnclIl Committee That is the reason why every people and that they are ii probably aided by the prime is knots 59 how and then this reporter likes beloved and essential part of our lion SJ the Jesuit issionnnes resident 65 II All to lake on other assignments race iohnston MFP simcoe Centre linens them uiitn newvlllnge sit mm such as tho one last Wednesday We feel and this is no original represented the Governmenti ol tilted on all Promontory Par or 1w wm id tiiilly surrounded by the sturgeon highlight oi the mention lnst Catstwhlfle driving his 1957 lvohllllewiilunomiltiéollmmloirlegï¬ltpvï¬ Eï¬ï¬néhfï¬cflï¬nï¬Ã©wmï¬ 33min thcAreiisgoingicii River rreyhostd that this night ituted in 1954 this trashy has Cadillac on iiinlstll portion oi it Oh nd Historic Sites Board be more readily dElEHdEfl been competed tor each year by Highwayreoo at an early hour or 30 ml at joltheabggrltrlloghpzzfatgfllzg Rev Father McCsttrey 0n Mrch 18 1899 times It team at air cadets representing the morning at speed hpmimi if 3d Helm 159 51 Director or the Muiyflv tucked and captured by war pare the cast nnd team representing ed not exceeding so mpby came re Is it lyou All at the counsellors at such Shrine mam member or ty the Five Nations who 1316 the west in 1954 it was won by up on 1957 Ford elir owned by ii cam are sareiuiiy chosen and the board acted is chnirmnnvihis ovenan the neighbouring vllsse mean but ever since the west Buffaloflap nnd balore he callllill hElF hilt Plll Hill 1m sincerely devoted to their voca plaque is one ol numherbelng of St Louis stluated on the Hug have dominated thecompetition could get turned out sufï¬cient to sonalid ï¬ling hehmdditi So we tin They are instilling ieei imam gum bird erectedthrougliout Ontario byrthe Rivers The leluit ignorant rhis yenrthe west won tor the piss the big expenilveflr 33 We tar ltlgifnée303rswht 21 this otx wellhhelltlg and redsponsl mm Comngm 350m nonrd whichtunctions under the ambaggdggenGsgnfng $9331 third timelkin successionbut it lrinrnedathoefiiew llama ind psned not just reporting 5° pheasants cl 36000 produced nmong the Hurnns were captured dgmen 35 355 °V°i his the toss the west The Calil our ended it in the rate Foster in Barrie court wind Before we go much Hum Whenseals liï¬ï¬‚griï¬gve the ycgreaxhsvleeliaixsezd tixllstlrrlllguigdgy zciLvmiti maltllstï¬légng mi $1 migï¬hzl lat thedeasehol Alired tenrrij dgiiledélrst settling goulexurd between thbJounanis we would like to errlain til the utmost is with some sorrow or liuron Tweed Simeoe and liid ribie tortures archeutdlcd on the He helm stun It in Cam my amages were compue Ivin on Jun 13 the Eu and fAirCadet th lic 3500 thetwfl public is welcome to Visit the coup55 but it is with new outs can forest disirlctsc The total in ulteruoon of March 16 Father Ll item gti dockfat tlieeatllllle oi flyll 3n £aeccoÂ¥nlort oArthur De Veilglzsï¬Ã©lalllssdld no end the camp this Sunday as it celebrates look on lite rhey realize that cluded zl$00 cbicirs 1250i lament liming mind aecidcnt when perc Wright was its the lunle oita slippery coats however as lilri cats who it Zgillfaslugipgehl 3lienalise day tor they hevpmm but writs and about ipoo ndults imitating ggafiggfggfuï¬ lataliy insured iiisngnr tioor the igerh oi the west is in the wrecking busincss in Wednesd It respected and to prove worthy Swamm assisum we mwmmn 20 mm His Worship iohnd Webb guilty squad in the precision drill which Hamilton was summoned loto was Hussy me camp ol this respect mm conservation 0mm re mm samcvym MW and imrtiosefsa title all i550 Willi allowed was outstanding Bradford vcourt to answer and TV my ra press tlpon leaving the camps the ports that soon additional ndult Two mini mums or ing destruction and dispersal giltid 531331 5133 if The east team was under the charge at careless driving childm and Wiltlis will take phtalsauts were allocated and pumps 01 mm id ppm ol the Burton settlements the Je command oiAir Cidetcthliick He was represented by 501 it was publicity stunt but with them discoveries at not new di5ï¬bedo um admit shinmcrsid PEI and in the to who rid vor dt air it rious ird dog mm on suits dbnndunedt eirinission her use the we for man eml 2y yea in gig 53 ffsgrslï¬gexlf magma Characteristics and etiieverrlrliil pssagiatéonstlr9n dunrters st Ste Msrie After The mp hm handing Yum opinion oi service personnel oh appear that tho annalo driver drip mum rerevmg The Nationi Drill competition short stay on Christian Island It located me me wharl and serving thEir compulsory drill was going too slow Mr Cats bad We were to view the entire Oné oi the talents is acting At hunting dogs Ste Mnrie Ii they were compelled bu ramp addition the chm hndctho edge on the west Their asked him why he wasgotnq so apemtmn oi the camp and tell presenti the senior girls are rc The 21500 chicks distributed 59 claims agent tor the our had stat preciseion drill was KPNI but slow and the driver had returned you the puppie exactly how it is hearsine the musical comedyMy in he Vamus mm smug hunt all the5l Lawrence ll ed at the trial thatthe company SumeliW lucked the Wflrkle tilt the Wealthyiii Wiltare 50 were not released immdiimyn ioninhecnme hunti is around has mm made my eiaim on the snap put in by the west in such hurry Fine was ls altime but in suitable broodor tsciliiios are gfgiggmg mm 01 M30 Judginsithe event were Grnuis $59 an $4950 costs nmmu Dcalini qulnstoek moved into the area hifli$sme¢ in each district imd here the ndremulned there until the ur chlcks are nourished and cared vol white settlers lll the early tor at the expense the town century shirt authorities receiving them Therexnet position of St lgna At the age of five in seven weeks remained in dispute ior martyr he pouit slagc the birds ale r2lt years localresident Alphonse peasedl Arpln iwus probbbly the iirrt This year nnJlIteresting re me earch oroirct is hcirig curried uut byithe Lindsay fish and wild dissent shout 700m pheasants hclng legbanded beinre release Aim is to determine whntvalue lichenraised birds tribute to the phenonnthunti The bands are aluminum with serial nunibersnd reqtlest to notify the lens ment oliands and forests All hunterti ureire trusted to cooperate withtthe depnrtinent luring the totit El Ted iswbo III phehssnt hunt fly tum xlnlfle been Superintendent the Ont leg bmdstof phensarlto begged to Brio Tree Seed Pin theLindsay district ofï¬ce or to since 1954 drinking ovoi at It uf 125 of Assistant Diolri in Sudbury Drll Hush McCriirlmon TWOMINM ll5 rlah snil wudllte Supervisor nd Barrie Flre Brlurle receivctl mm Noam lg mi shortlyf the Ontlri