GrahamChi picture story worth gt Canadian Press OllAWA AUG 19 CF De tails of the visit of Queen Eliza beth and Princc Philip to Ottawa Oct 1216 were announced and within afcw hours there Was controversy Traditionally the GovernorGen erals Foot Guard in peacetime reserve army unit provide the guard of honnrfor the Governor General at the opening of Parlia ment They have been doing thls for 54 or on years But when the Queen opens Par lialnent Oct 14 the guard of hon ar will be provided bywthe Regi mentor Canadian Guards regul ar armyunitl The Foot Guardsaie about not being able loprovide theguard of honor attire opening of Parliament by the Quccn the first time in history thotithlsiwill he done by reigning mpnorch Tossed Asld lhcydont think we are good enough said scnlur nllitla of ficcr For decadcsmlijr he snow and rain and sleet we lie the guard of honnr thnrthe plum comer along We tdssedvaslde tcstto Defence Minister Eenrkes and Lt oenorul Flownd Stall gt The Queenthcitincraryr will shows make national JV and iu security informatid ject as an undertaking tba oti Nomsncornmittcd suicide April followln ollegogons ands worills thous Uplands airport oquide Ottawa at 430 Ssturdo Oct 12 Dur ing the ihe Queénhnd Prince Philip will stay at government House official residence of Gov crnorvGencral Masseyi numreol Liberals ent and members of his former cabinet met in ottawa for two days todlscuss the partys future After the meeting Mr St Laur ent indicated he will make fat least one more try torecopturc government powcr before retiring The 75ycorold oppositionlend or his partyhcatcn in the June 10 vote indicated to reporte he will he undeck for the hex liament andvwill leadflhe no party into another election if one iscallcd by nextsprillua out he would notgobtyond that Some observcrs felt the Lib ernls would holdn new leadership convention if it appears thePro grossch Conservatives can hold ontooffiec formore than uyesr gtMr SLLaurent tpldfln press conference howovcr at the question of changing til Liberal leadership was Inothiscussed at he twoday meeting SatisfactoryNoto Pl Minister Diefenbakcr is satisfiedithatllnlted States gov crnment agencies ill not misnsé about Canad ians supplied his government dietold reporters that he accepts it United Statesnnote onfth information will not be used in manner unacceptable to lanolin Thalfls noteflmadopubllc list weal wits fthlomlllminotionof Can as henry Norman former CIndlen Imbagaldm tocEgypt collie Ito be made public by nUSs note int ernal security subcomml tee Mr 65 re if would be such an agency Liberal ehieitalu Louis St fiaurlt This is the first in series of 10 lion of the Institute For Safer Living of Amorlcrn liluluol Liability Insurance Company and is oficrcd by this Newspaper us public service to its reader THE EDITOR gtgt Betterinoadslor While visiting alarge city in puss was observed which has leftturn lane overpnssing promise that information on Cull adirus furnishedc thexexeeutive branch of the us government wouldnnt be distributed to seenI cics overwhich the executive has not control without the consent of Canada senate subcommittee Mr Dielcnhakel Said while the Unitedstatcs note IS not implicit it seems evident that the direct iVe given UnitedStates agencies concerning their procedures in handling security ltlforniatlnu is consistent in substance with the assurance Canada has sought Postal Convention The largést international con vention in Ottawas history started lastwcek and willcontlnueln scs slon for another five Weeks It is the14m congress of the96coul try Unlvcrssl Postal union 0n the third day of the congress Iherewas conflict of political onlnion between east and west The Soviet bloc of delegates de manded admittance into theu ion for Red China and communist East Germany Thc nusslons and other com munist countrles argued that nei ltier tbcChinese Nationalists nor the West Germanregime really arguments wereopposed by num ber of western countries including the United States and the United Kingdom of Chief US delegate George Slew dlc said the communist arguments were like the replaylng of some old records wAllegcd Crimhlnc Most Canadian manufacturers producing matchculverts Iiovc beenaccused by itbe Restrictive Trode practices Commission of having taken part in on illegal strictfixing combine over per lod ofyeersi Tho commissionyln report to Justice Minister Davie Fulton rcc ommendedflhat court action be soughillf necessary to break the combine and change the industrys pricing poliqles give buyers better break Culverts are use drainage Bigcanodiulibuyers are er fer travelling HENRY BARNES Dlroctor of Tram LGood Street Lighting will tremendously improve the rllght accident rato rcprcscntcd their countries Their mainly for municlpsll and girl rllelcs complied under the dime New throughwny but they are worth it divided highway only 10 feet wide Even though this is suf ficiently wide for the solo travel of motor vehicle the facility appears so narrow that many drivers become panicky and crash into the guard rail During trip to one of the noted that white cross hocl been installed ut every point where motor vehicle fatality hud ocburred during that your Driving distance of only30 miles as white crosses were ob served must of them immediately adjacent to smell cul cost tremendous amounts of inoney southwestern states it was vcrt with raised curb about 12 inches high and about feet ly altlmoro Maryland off the edge of the road This curb was at the right distance from the edge of the road and the right height to catch the cross member on the automobile frame Even though painted white it offered tremendous hazard particulurly after dark it is realized that fiEWv facilities cost tremendous amounts ofvmoney The new Boston Freeway cost as high as $23000000 amile and om sure figures approximating that amount con the South recently on over or anothe li ii The brain may devise laws for the bloud but hot temper leaps oer alcnld decree wrote Shakespeare in Merchant of Venice Control at angry emotions is problem for some people all their lives no you remember Longfellows description he is little chimney and healed hot in nlninulo lclnper tantrumshecome mile for problem only when Child gels his own way by this kind of behavior riinther and father should be milled in preventing this They should be agreed that as far as possibletheir youngstcr will not gain what heswants by tantrum It is trucillat small child sometimes seems to take advan tage oi parents by going into rage when visitor is present or when he is pub in compsnyshut itls better not to give in to him single time evevii if it is an embarrassing experience tovhavo anothcr person watch ones own child in violent even destruc tive moodl temperlantrum is not rare ther it is to be expected thit his emotions without restraint but an uneomiorlable ploslo of rogel Thc it is important that voke his baby Perhap him ysicailbasia arena Only or TEMPlill thing alllong little children Ra small child celingvloleni anger at somofrusirntlon should show This is is passing phase in the livesef many prcschool children one lor buth parents and child What is the hosts way to treat these ex is no pprc method of treating child his tantrum but mother should studyher ewn youngster and discover just conditions which moat otton pm nth what are the JP The idea is gradually being the construction of new highw ost people have thc mistaken belief that traffic sight for example will eliminate accidents In some cases they but at the some time signal which is not properly engineer ed will moreoften than not be greater hazard than if it did not axis he found in most cities Even so however safety should not be compromised in the interest of economy no highway should be constructed unless every precaution possible has been talk en to assure the users that it is solenot only from todays standpoint but also from that of the future All too frequent iy highways are designed to meet certain budget standards and facilitiesare constructed that do not meet good highway standards It would be better to postpone that facility altos gather rather than to build one which will mean someones While new facilities or important particularly today with all the discussions of Federal aid we should not over look the foot that our existing street systems will at one time carry every vehicle which also uses the new facil accepted that modernization of existing facilities is just asimportant if not more so than BYS because if city is Just embarking on new highway project say 10 miles long it is By NoncyICleovu may he that little extra rest in his daily routine or an earlier meal hour or drink of fruit juice and cookie or an apple midway between meals may be what he needs on the other hand it he is very vigorous active child he may want more opportunities hir physical exer cise and satisiying play in the iresh air Once he has left baby hood behind he should have the company of annther child and playmate of his own rage may lessen his temper outbursts gt The reason may not be phyalcal but emotional and if parent suspects that his child is using temper to attract attention the childs rages should beignored One of the best ways of treating tempenis by isolating the angry youngster little time by him sell to sit down quietly and loolr at book may bea wise plan Thechilds crafting for atten tion should be satisfied in air othermore desirable way rer haps he needs more loving more time when mother sings to him or he slligs with her at the plan Possibly lather could spend tie longer on bedtime story to create strong emotions in the parent but this is one occasion when mother or father must try to remain oalmi There is no pointshoullng at an angry child or lng him orders to snap out at his temper exhibition For pl youngsters spanking erypliysl colpurlishmcnt is worse than selcss it usually prolongs the ll or tamper The most lm portnnt thing nf all thatdhc child should erhelp this kind of and anger Osferiuhodii Mn indvlcoiorndnltiwho find but Loom Temper in child is veryapt tantnlms withzthe great majority to leave grinderbehind us he learns to handle his vexotions Thlt fornouh unionsuynl loco of itqmper voryporlonl oration lunliitely that the facility will be fully opened to traffic for at Fire Chief Urges Check For Hazards cheek your home for these common electrical haflrds 3hr use or ELECIIiICAL cones Flexible cards must not be used or permanent wiring Those cordsarc not large enough to salely carry asrmuch current as the peramnent wiring without becoming dangerously overheated Flexible cords crcnte electrical fire hazards when they are sare or badly deteriorated when they are run under rugs When they are hailed to basehoards walls and ceilings whenthcyare permanent joinls partitions walls ark tloors one socket to outlet correct them at once of every 10 fire in Onthrio dur lug 1955 was caused bytbc mie use electricityi Thelife save may be your own ownslnnkowith copyrishtf AlDTIM The 1918 Gllnï¬ï¬lt muur bsseboll league consecutive to cultivate the and consume fromdelpi window frames or lyiconrleoted to permanent wir ing through the use of splices or wben they are run through or When used to plovide mul tiple hranches and outlets from When used as connecting Iinkficlfl yourtlosest outlet to the wiring nlrcady ntteched to your nppllances such an kettles irons irangcttes and If you hbve anyotthese haz ards infour home urge youvto Ono out you itwrir extra of of hordworh so that those he annoyed no walkways 48 percent of suburban homes urc built on streets that have least 10 years During that period existing facilities must do the Job and the only way they will anywhere near suffice lies in the possibility of using the most modern engineering meth ods and equipment possible Such things as fully rcflcctorlzed stop signs modern electronic signal chonnclizing of oomplicuted intersections median ships on hazardous highways and lots of paint along with good street lighting and good regulations can certainly improve our present situation tremendously control equipment In fact traffic engineer has tool that will do almost everything except tighten the loose nut behind the steering wheciwho too often is already tight gt gt Next article More and Better Driver Training islwrit ten by Alfred Moseley of Moseley and Associates consult ing psychologist for the Institute for Safer Driving White Crosses along and Goldwater Boardi Asks Meeting Village Coun il Goldwater Public School Board meeting last week instructed Sec retary William Harvlc to ask Vll lzge Clerklreusurer Chester lilar tln to arrange joint meeting with Coldwntcr council on three matters disposal of the old pub lic school building and property construction of anew sidewalk In front of the new public school and the JohhkSt dralnl Trustee Frank Durnford gave notice ol motionhe would intro duce at the next meeting to call for tender for transporting pupils to Goldwater school frombeyon the twomile limit He said he would ilrstobtalil figures on the number of scholars affected from principal RobertLegate Trustee Durnford criticized is too high the $130 bin for erection of fence The fence was author Ized under supervisioniof come mittee of Trustees Archie Tucker aner Durnford Tmstce Tucker the only absentee was not pres ent to voice his views plate Letters were to be sent to Ralph Aitehlson and Joe narden to com removol of two construction shocks theysurchased at the new the highway serve as Memorial orrilng Massed Bands Al Colllngwood Well Received Sunday Anothermassed baud concert was given on Sunday evening by thefiiuronia Band Association in Collingwoad Arena Park by the bands of that town with sand master Newby of Collingwoo of oriuia with Conductor neg Brain and Barrie with sandmast or McNeillic solo conductor waaxsgt holy yons Royal Canadian Drags cons Band Camp Bordon Spon sored by Band Director Lieut Spooner he will be taking course at Meuor Hall England These intertown programs have been wcll received by citizens and eniDYEd by the musicians LARGE GATHERING cAnosroN Alts owlMora than 160 descendants all Johannes Anderson pioneer whoiceme this southern Alberta district In ltendcd the familyerlfith here recentlyl Mrs Layton who came to the let in 1381 was an lschool norcd