te hhtory of son thrt lice Caruso Although his Iy deith took place In Aunt lmlfhln permnnent fluency the concert lad openlle store plot Aimed In my my that po on whloh Ill urngin Provtxmce allots to those fldlvlduals oi extraordlnlry stilt omineg put upon this earth to lighten In sitrne way the burden of other men Synunilmous with the word voice he name Caruso hub connotl ori Which Imroxlrnat as closely as Is earthly myth absolute hurnln epltome ertectlon In the vocal art For min Who has hnen died and hurled tonsil years ho curls strangely mertdl influence Struggling young the world pier look to hlrn with on dulatlon accorded tewd hurnln logs Records he in mor than titty yonrsngo are still uhr enough to he stocked to present origplaying torrn by the hotter urle stores In pracllcllly every country horn beyond the shadows ot hc zralfcvhls volce echoes hul lowly out oi the post Inspiring teschlnx guiding the thousand ut srlIsLs who would wear hI crown To them he represents somethlng somoth ilrnost hu manly unattainable say oh most tor heIs the one use In nlltt that proves the gnaleon he Dubai out while climb is suhllrne exampleml permanent inuslugl achievenient he Is als on ex some SMALL DEPOSIT Will HOLD AIJV AllTiCLE Just coll us on your telephonei Input Munition lou can TltEWILSQNBUIIDING Phone PA 3146 rvvrT thtlfz whlch atlmel escapes the notlee at the strunlihg young worshlppersvat his rhrtne no is innhome gl thércrulls or haebhreja work at the most nionotohaul kind 41 child Irufo wits buy soprsuoï¬e rum la churehes and ntpuhllc tuuetlons His voice was Inmlljed and visagcthg not at largely pdles iety In Mil But evlen with hli tileo no one could iorseo then ï¬lm at bril llanoy he on it edit adorn the ewelled un musical tirlnnmont hIo pirhl more than nirvvolher tIeId allele hourdone or stirs get even child lrhplanted wi the do whichlususlly goeshandtn ml with voice he mnde up hllvrnindthnt he wanted only to slng No ug else was Importan to hl Ill his energy wns direcled ng this path Does he made the declsIon all other Interests were suhordln eted to hIs voice Versions nfCarusbs me which depict him slnglng Inthe streets or pe tea are erlyromantlele ed an hiaturlellly inaccurate so had tlme to sing the streets or lnywhele elm to he began hlsserlous training Ho 51g scales Chruso WIS trained traditionally known as the lull Inn BE Cantof Style This is the only worthwhile method ofltralu log and hes been used by III grth Hillng slme before the diys otJen yLimi ul to the ma ts thistylewhleh nII singing hers attempt to Inuit ate put 10 untortunhtely haw Ing not 32 sped the Innilaménthli of the thing themselves are un it it lh illeiiled puill In the Incl tell him that he has no and that nnmltter how he riudlesthls mnnot he changed They uld rathero hep hIs money and keep him eonilng ï¬nder Ilse pretenees lyls my optnlnnthnt thls type or slnglng more shouldhe lock ed up he constitutes menace to soolclyl Itel steallnzljust as much the inn bandit In her he Ir worse ton he Is steollnzpnrt oi someojnojsvltierand all some anes drvxun good singing teacher these days is such it rarity thlt it one ilnd ch41 culture one should irnnledintely 1Grapplo hint or her to soulwlthvhoops oI steelllhmlct good slnztngteacher will not waste hls nrthe pIthIIs time it the ole extraordinary lle wiIImor crnot Waste tllno with any pthermethod hut Ital inn Bel Clinics And no will not keep plipll who doesnt worlt hard As the philoso her onei re marked Iolhe klng ire there Is no royal road to lellrnlng there is hlso no royal rnlxti to ring ng oer Canto is slowvgtedlaui moguloils hut permanently et active process To muster It Inh es yeurrl Its chic chnrnctprlsctic is useot the diaphragm the muse immediately ahuve Lhe stomach huthclowlthe breast the devel opulent and per of which takes years oivgtudy and exercise This diaphragm used In lim ilar way to hollow forcing air by controlled degrees out of the lungs and through the open re lnxed throat The Bel Cantotrslrled singer sings tromhk diaphragm through his throat not with it The throat muscles are complet relaxed nll phys ell effort bein ncentV rated In the dinphragm In trlio Bel Canto singing the hreath is so controlled that the singer can hold lighted candle tow inches trom his mouth and slng an entire song Inuit err ough to he heard In the la row of Maple Leaf Gardens Without the lame even slightly wavering Ohonusly this mo of control is not achieved overnight And yet We have singing teachers pro mising quick results aitEr tow months of study The slnging teacher who pram iseshnyth ng Isa quick good teacher wlll promise nothing tht hardwork end it the noon shows brlllllmcy or promise then n1 ey will never enter the picture teacher whowill work long hard hours to develop promis ing volee wtthlittle or no remu oration is good teacher provI ing that in the ï¬rst place he knows Bel Canto and how to teach good teacher will not allow promising pupil to sing any thing hut scales and simple Ex bmises ilnlil hisvdlbe ls plac jiOlIcho takes 17 yards 35inch months at he st FOI sull or runmu rnntéd Pullera Is the answer to Islam rports wardrohel htlxr mtelt color and fabric moire the poncho in two sleeve lengths wear with short shorts and not terlng Bermuihi PtlnlEd Pattern 4587 Missei Sizes 10 12 14 I6 18 Size 16 fabric short shorts in yuds Prlrl directions on each pot tern port Elster tester accurate SendFlFIYCENT sooth eoln stamps cannot be chepterl or this nttern Please print plainly NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNh care oi The BrieExornlnei Toronto Ont ed asthe term goes Voice plate mentli half the battle ii the term Isnpplierttn thutposition ottho mice suspended In the centre ofthe opened throat and held there by forceoi the slnphngm voice thus pinced or sus pended can sing uII vowels on degrees of the scale in any key within the vole range at course with ease and without changing color timbre tllrle or long as ples or theJongtran etteets cos oi Lily Ponswh Is still the top PrimaDonna oft Metropol luaOpera at 56 years of use and henlslnlno Gigll consldererl by some to be Ceruto successor arngwho ls sungame iuII blast Voloeplhoenlent usully to es between twoand three years lntenslveeo mtEdst dy Dill Ing this period the pu singll nothing but scales nnd erclses chosen Italian songs Caruso who realized Law at am mtioldlng mu ninev Itany precedenn expensiv bulld rng practisednothing hut excer ctses and scales most of tile Qerthlnly to several yes he sang no lag else at ell nownnny yourlg ringers or content to do that today the ayelago popular voinllsl bncked as he is by th uhl rl Patlern Dept 60 Front St Wort thermore such uni tests life remslns ï¬rm Outst nding exam such training can he been in the andperhops tew sm well Today the Id Is to enter ln to achieve anl suitortune ees EXAMIN