minis Wottnosduy ond Thistidoy vonlngs 2m andund olpkto unirn nu AnsItal at mam moxmndnrd calmed leuled rued aloud stuntrune to and mum nu cum no belor role on sortnuts one run 1¢u In umber ln nher Noveth and murmur HA in Inner nltsperul nil mum rope run AR nor Blood Toned arm Mltidll reunion was and Icllerl II 090 Heller Ild WI our belor an out us our Austin in Se Amber and uh or noonu to ma duo in November Thrru mbaoly he never hear mater emand or whole will in 110 and the above III Indul town In Bred heifer lruhllllll It ll tin need milk thu moat are may sutured la the in be your uiouy io rtrenrthtn your slow no and oomhlne type with production in your win to lirht you can buy worth the money yo ewn price on Wedneadly and Thursday ovenin Aururt it you need hero aira than on ared have the rtslit hind at bloodline and production In halln rpruenl re ty need lhtuml round ton atoclt ve gain under its mauulmout on guys FARMS LIMITED her no oaitviue Ontario Phone vietor M511 Fuyen interest Pmtectod At All Time BARRIE PUBLIC CH90L BQARD Tenders are Invited ier providan TAXI TRANSPORTATION ruslit nttendlns ohnron street Puhtlc school no lowest or any tendermot likely only accepted PM tender arm and contact MIL LONGETAIPE Business Administrll Barrie Public school no Hlilerut srnooi MHONE at so Tor Coartnrton Klndernrten iuiormaiion Int gram Township School Area Board ApRiiEatton wiuhu meived hy the un minted until oaioeit oath Wed hirday Au 1M1 rgr oeretairu new room as or now tndg rt alary expected on coxwoaru Toenailan waLAhn coup chairman Thorntonant mos ssqitrTAitY DIRECIQR Ao ticlions wl he received tor the Eostlnn or SearetlryDlroctor or th imcoc CountylFedentien or talent turegup until Wedneldly Aunrt 2i Anyone wishinx lurther iniortnauon renrdtnl the dullu Indrelpunsthltitlu Involved aboqu eontact Lloyd Cursi fliigstau mmbuï¬Artgzir Luis Ipe er Bsrrto Address ppllra our to Tu ampmun or AGRICULTURE OFFICE Collier st Hllrtly onteno In no Harm sum Ivyll VictorIA and lpplgelatlois to Adth tor ati help durins my mun hospital tho orator many uma reeeived My and the laurel oriai Hospital Aluatoo Aorta hL Ion Pes who Janis so out II II Ioslr mhultu shanty any broth is ital ï¬rst es 10 Anal ltd1 or or portion on MIIII It HIIIW WW WWII Mi Sllufl Ill rutmoat st Cernqtliy ï¬t at any attendant anvil he labor In ir thwshint acts is $13 In no wwldjtkcto run my than my tripod and their hlndnm and hum to or Butr and Dr Pllchu or nail atiae stoves we no unlit Isath hairy who phuednw Ans It ms In platoon All tr WEI unworka sum st 9in Iovlnl memory ot dear mt1hr niiva anngmother Marion sued awn Ans It ms no tours to Wadavod new tuth we wed her and how we nod and her too and Ihoudhl it out To an nor mavmth mm to rust Ever romean by too nouerteir In randohlldren many Aurini complete dipenu rt Worm In areas Holstein Cows and lien ireah tprin era and mlikiun utpinenl tor curl aiiin II but on is inniaoi Townahip the Bid lay Pntnl no it ruriaht out No it llllh wi cash the owner in in ueanb Jerry Cou Au iieneer more so cum letu bit enri lIII or Re end on mint No reserve an tseiltnl ltdon oi world chain ion ratgt run and spurring Ail vaccinated and arch toned saieuodor WOlJn neat Mra iehn ratttuon Lot is coo Ves or Townshiprs mun north oi Barrie an Hllhwlyl at and then mum mrtnt ootto tool Dunns niii salt at lluhllzher and son attehener Auritenoerr moor MAithTriticrs impair Aria 1s nonsfcama EGGS Pouran quotedhy First Cooper ive Packers of Ontario Barrio Ross $3500 Saws $2350 EGGS Luge Medium Small n3 CHICKENS Dyer lot Grade Grade Guild to it Grids Grade Grade to tbt Grade Gradd Gnds fc Under lhs no price Clo wright and quality row Over lbs Mi ills inally planned to investigan the land surveyor Spotted the mon dappie prey or horse he says to so according to Mrs Jack Corby4nnd3 Mrs playing great part in the win and Country Club championship yesterday when she deteamd Dugh credits her putting with By noNNY uownim handsome swiss mountaineer and his Swedish bride have start cd the worlds most horriile honey moon looking tor hideous mon sters in the mountains oi Brilish Columbia intrepid Rent Dahinden orig elusive abominable snowmen oi the nimeloyas hot when he cmi grated to Canada with his young wile winia he round the Fraser Valley regions at the west eoast alive with legends oi hairy giants Just as strange only recently hardheaded slurs while driving on the Trans Canada highway They were lite and aboutuevcn lest high They waddled along the road then tied into the bush as approached Extraordinary footprints at the mountain wild men have been Weaponless without even bows and arrows thcy are said to trap ers Like flying saucers the wild men are nothing new in tact relcrenccs to the wild giants oi the mountains are found in Hud son Bay Company reports over loo years ago Okanagari Indian lribesmen re call girl who was kidnapped by the monsters Later she returned and her childastonishingly tall with hair of rusty camel color was raised with the tribe But to deer and birds with hypnotic pnwv the wild and ran away to seek out hishrethrcn Probinu the cvidenee itene Dahindcn is convinced at the con tinued existence the wild men Beyond the treacherous lee peaks of it 7325 mountain he be lieves lies plateau where the wild men still stage lilhal meet lngs cvcry summer Alter pru iiminary climbs Rene aware the Tvynovclty value oi such session plans to organize tulls scale expedition USDliver Badly Burned Ar Rilnefcresi The 5th annual international stock Car Championship was rnar red with preraciz accidont that put Bill Clemens trnmMisawaka Bree burns car to tree the trapped driver in the wreckage instant her Barric realizing that her opponent Twas having brilliant day indiana in hospital with third de clemens was testing his ear he turd the time trials when the ac celerator jammed open His stock car hit the new content wall He was travelling so milus per hour He was unconscious ruin the lms pact and unable to get out at the The car turned into amass oi flames fed by broken not line Drivers and pit men risked burns The impact caught Clemens loot making reseue more diitleuiiriro equipmentwas it all de fputt lL Trlliylcony waytostarta when relerrin to Knit And pulling it right mulls actor thlt aided Hrs alohd Grace ouch th molt yester Iy the captured the ladies championship at the Barrie Got nd Country Club or the second slnixlit year his Ough de tested airs nek Edith coroy our and three in the whole Iqaer clay Iinal The champ was very happy especially her putting She said it was the best shes done on the green this up mu Mrs Corby seemed not too dit turned over losing the snatch Over thotlrst nlnc hole uch lady shot 46 Iaklnz our holes each and sharing another the fourth The match didnt get IIrthc than the 15m hold Mrs Ouxh continued her work with the putter Mrs Ouzh won the lot in and 15th holes The Illd 13th were liedr Mrs Ouxh uya tier best putt came on the 8th hols whlnellle sank zorooler it gave her par tor the hole though line COLDWATER in discusslno preparations for this years lair Sept is 18 It diréc olfl meeting it was hoped tha parade suture prizes or the best turnout ot 50 yearsur more ago would prove an attraction athert Deconkey oi Matches dash introduced the teature by donating $25 and the air board added to the prize money Entrants are sought with old conveyances or mschinery and it is expected some may dress up in old time attire to drive early vintage buggies President George Graham said he recently saw the George wil son buggy which was bought in Goldwater70 yearsago Indrwhich is in good condition Gordon Smith Orilllarndio station own or may enter 50yearold 1qu in the parade School Children Sports The president said the Cold was undercontrol pressure aye spraying in the car before moving hackto his home in lndiuu Doc drivers and stock car ans the po ular US driver ehes long pnd eight lnchesiwide eventually he answered the call at Under en qt tlxu In the MW at radiant will he held at to noon inunlty nail ViaTo ailstroiid thohuisr Vottwo oclch In the Mr noon on Thursday the nth Austin loll uuieu thitam tails Titans Th om scour the 1904 Oldsmobile that made the first gottamile transcontinental automobile trip Irorn New York to Port BARRI as so gt land Oregon in 44 days back in 19135 is iucsday Thursday he at 130 in and 445 print it stRAUGiihlli nearly emptied before thchlaze pieruredhere beside 31957 superfltlll lion vertibie Oldsmobile celebrates its doth an niversary on August 21 nuteetive August filth 1951 the ternï¬orarybur route sentdce is extended tor one month on the toiiowlng conditions service em on how tom from the gas tank kept gas Latest reports are that the driv or will recover it is expected that he will spend month in hospital were quick to start iund to hid found the andWsyup to in Maybe theyre snowshoe tractrs ory in most elm but not so L1 Thu last nine of the South Stmcoe Baseball League regular schedule and he tilst games at the playdowns will he played thia evening Upnlmve and Stroud will he inklith the schedule with lmeu at Everett The winner Mil meet Crcemore in one round oi the playotrr Favorite Barrie Ftyrra who play Thorn ton Ind Alllslon who play Bu ton are the writes The elllla iinlshtd onetwo over the regular season Allislon gave the league champion Flyers the moth trouble Tonight then Thornton visits the Yiycrs Agricultural Park and Beeton play It Aliillon On Monday its Lisiett ivy water Lellon regretted last car only $28 ot the $60 thcy oi ercd tor prith money or childrens sports was collected Cooperation was liked at Ihe illr this year to get the school children to re main It the not their after thLI pandator the sports evcnis it was proposed that letter be sent to school teachers in the are enlisting thelr lid in ensurlnt good sports competition or $60 in prize money again pu tip by the Legion Buildina are Camirt Robinson oi Moonstone reported that grain harvesting should be over In about week and halt when it would he pos sible to hold sbceto put up new agricultural building south of the rink Waiter orr ot Foxmead stated lumber had been delivcrcd and stored in the rink tor the con struction The ground where the hutldinx is to be erected is to be filled in to keep the structure tree at loading in wet weather When the building bee is org aniud plans will be made to pro in the rink for exhibits at the Arrange Entertainment Committee named to arrange theentertainmentin the rink or the second eveninglof the fair was Mrs Etlcy Lovering Mrs Andrew Dunlap Mrs Russell Orr Wylie and honor Le ga Rev Ross Cumming agreed to look attersrrangepicnls tor hav lnlz the sound system set up Pre sident Graham commented that it would be necessary to have pro per platlorin erected toi contest participants Andrew Dunlap and Howard Robinsmr were added to the Id vcrtising commilttee Alli tooperation The executive will seek the co operatlon ot television and radio stations and newspapers in men Honing Huronia Fair It was pointed out that the various ltIBlt dtl at communications have pub lic service departments whlch would comment on the lorthcom tng show for livestock classes Those attending purchased membership tickets Next meet Llcenced judges willho sought hirsdly has Barrie visiting Thornton and Illlislon mating the trip to Bceton Thursday next week is the day ivy plays at Lisle andCree more travels to either lalmve or Stroud Dn Friday it necessary as the series are only twooutoithree Thornton returns to play Flynn here and beaten goes to Allislon week irori hionday it notes aary Lisic will trek to ivy and either Palgrave or Slroud will oowrnan two cagey righihanders will do mostci the chucking irv Groh who had one tiing on the mound this summer may be pressed into action it either oi the other two ialter too badly 16 IlogGrowor Pan TON 20 SUPER lAY MAS 37200 PER To Starter 3450 DANiSli Ililltit Twine 575 PER salt BUY IIIE BEST FOR LESS are as close as your tele phone callus collect uniform Anne st Barrlc PHONE ing was set or Sept PA 8428 or 54504 Quegn Barrie riyers iadies tomu eam play IIISI this ereninz It the game is the oestoinhreessries rineiai Womens sprtbali union playdowiis and rhinave or Stroud at Cree puwgoi Owen Sound didnt more tiiord Ihe local gals too much umpetitinn in the iirst lame at Owen Sound The RBWS Who place in their own league were nlnus enunic nii revenge vnuld be much lest the riyrn in their own hash showed in batting race An It AVE with reemure at Cree PM Foster 338 Due to the last closing in or Ecflhclone 85 20 the dark skier all games are mm 28 sehedulsd to start at can They Ems 20 33 will be starlctl at 645 at theJol Min 74 21 05 xeil Ii 13 154 Full Strength Ami 23 Except or Johnny hioor who Fm 13 left the club some time ago the Filters expect to he at tun Lexithan to at bats strengih Thin means that theyll Pal Harrison 600 hc tough meat tor any club to chew Neil Hurtihese and Johnny LE Fitsgnje oou rk to Owen Sound Queens Park second of the in the Pro lionday evening gt are lnhlrd oi top players have every inlenllon gain this evening it sWteter to de rd Well the Flyers wrapped up rst place In the Barrie and Dia in League and heres how they CASH sort voun can Any Make Or Modal BANGEBHELII MOTORS no USED CAI DIVISION 233 BRADFORD ST rimiii dome TH GLORIOUS OUTDOORS OF uMMEE srav INSIDE lNirH AlacountrlUNulai Mdlhï¬iï¬ LU 21 noon JIIPl IL and Friday ontyh birs times to am the Five Pointson thsprosan