Evening Shows Ar 650 pm SIX 93 retains blew Pitta Color Cartoon and 20 Minutes ul Other Added Treats iiIEiVElill Glut cum turmoil cum WWI unam Irinasunny wellnesch 230 pun IIaru Io Sqlurdny Four Days EVENINGSHOWS AT650 9Lpm Plus Cartoon FOX NEWS THURT FRI SAT Adult Entertainment CONTINUOUS into RDAY 230 pln 7T DisnIivs BAMBl AND 30 MINUTES or OTHEa TREATS ROXYGRANADA FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRES ii CANADAS NEW Minlsier oi ialiona Dcienclg he Hon Eeorze ll Purkcs VC DB D50 MC Ml Mr Pcarku is Pm lresaive Conservative Member oi Parliamcni ior Esquimalesaan ch RAILWAY TIMETABLES Uiii Easich Standard CANADIAN NATIONAL Nonaaound No 55 leave Toronto 8A5 am Leave Aliamiflle 1030 Leave Barrie 1033 ior Nnrlh Bay Sal urday only No 41 leave Toronto 92a un Arrive Alinndalc 1130 leave Ban rle 1143 or Norih Bay daily ex cept Sunday No 45 leave Tamnlo 550 pm Arrive Alianiiala 802 leave Barrie d17 ior Oriliia daily except Sunday No 53 the Conlinenul leave ioronto 11 pm Arrive Aliandalu 1248 lli Leave Barrie 100 um or Vancouver daily No 47 ledve Toronto 1130 pm rrive Allandale LM am Leave ferric 134 am or Cochrlne No 851 have Hamilton 730 Leave Allandaic 1145 iofuea lord daily except Sunday Southbound Ni 46 iron North Bay Leave Barrie 445 am Leave Aliandaie 500 nan Arrive Tomnio 650 am liaiiy Na 42 leave aarrle 7m am Leave Allandnlejgl Arri To ronlo 85 daily except Lindy and and this Gum North Bay Lea Barrie 11 pm Luave All dull 113 Ar ve Toronto 3110 Salurdfl only Na 44 from North Bay Leave Barrie 42a pm Leave Allan dale 44a Arrive Toronto 10 Daily except Sunday Sunday only Leave Aliandaio 708 pm Arrive Torunto 845 pm No 156 mm Nurth Bay Leave Barrie 725 pln heave Allan dale 74 Arrive Toronto 940 pm Sunday only vi truin Meaiord Leav 35 Arrive Ham daily excepirsunw CANADIAN Pacino nmwa or and Gordon Greenwood clentre Sieaée Midhum 11 daily elic pt visiting thelCanadtianICamp Leif lapDick 3Y olrn oi New Waiteriord NS and right Charlie Hurdle of Dartmouth Northbuund No Lite Dominion leave To ronta 1030 prn for Vancouver arrive Midlluist 1230 aim daily Slap for passengers to Sudhury and beyond Midhurst 101 ainv To Fort Wil liam local connections north min No 11 the Canadiauigt main to Vancouver does not stop Midhursl Leaves Toronto 415 Passes ididhurst at 600 daily No 25 Toronto to Sudbury Leave Midhurst ii0fl daily except Sunday Southbound No the Dominion from Van couver Arrive Midharsi 414 in daily rive Midhum 57 am dailyi W81 connections suulh laneouver to Tomato passes and Iurst 345 pmudauy LArrive To onto 12 1N0 26 Sudbury in Toronto Thoaflmale of Nova nail is No 148 leav amid mutant No rain TorontoArrivn No an Fort William Ar Train No 12 flla Canadian calIn line warecl afield boating nodded at Millard Bayou Lake lduakoka ihaprqidantot the Muskoh Tour pisifAsoclailonalurday called or ncreaaedpoiice water pairoia Georzerhiarun said marl open ytan around this community are concerned with the major problem regulating boat iniiic Mr Martin said number oi power boat on lakea has increased naidiv yei pollen mil beau or pairoia have not Iiept pace will it The demand tormore patrol came as dragging operations con nued or the body of William Keeich 24 vi llamilion who was loï¬ed overboard when his on board heat and ammo noilided Thursday nlghi Royal Canadian Mounicd Police at Oriilla estimated Ihcy have Jurisdiction over ahhui 70000 power boats in Georgian Bay and Muskoka area Police said Charles GilesI 24 operator oivihe boat in collisiun with ihe Keeleh oat has been charged Willi iwo elation oi the Canada Shipping Act He is charged with dangerous operation oi powercrait and running hi5 has wlihaut lights am Arrive Aliandaic 1L15 aim TROOPER no blush esters Owen Sound attended the summerrrecruii concentr rilionai Camp Niagaransame 300 high school boys paraded in Niagara Falls Dukes Park Stadium before uricrowcl of rela lives and irier1ds Cpl Marilyn Mpreau ofoitawa meal the Canadian Womens Army Corps helps Ted prepare for parade by trimming the magnificent heard which won him prize as the youngest contestant entered in the Owen Sound Cen tennial heardgrowing contest thins ioe oi ille Caï¬iiano Reserve PGE insillied iis ninetrack Blocked His Road Chief dnWarpaih Ag st Railway VANcoqull CPCiriel lila Is annoyed with the Pacilic Great Easierri Railway and Is consider ing slapping toll on it The provincial aovernment owned railway running 522 miles rem North Vancouver to Prince George has lost one bailie with the douahiey chief but he hasnt taken on his warpainl and put away his tomahawk yet He became lneenxed when llle yardsnear hishomc cutting him irom Marine Drive and the lelnainder of the reserve by park rig ireight ears unrealhis road The iedpraidndlan aiiairs partmenl ruled that the chiei was right alter he explained how his ancestors had pounded the trail menverrived on sldering putting up an rp in ccomiliodaie Chiel Mathias his wife children and gund children ilard Climb No good says Ihe chiei My wifes heavy woman Look at her And Lheliids might all oil They would have toput an es caiator up Even the doesnt think hed he sulislied because there is his car to worry about There it is there he said pulnling at his automobile between thumps on drum gt They never have made car yet that would climb steps And cant pack iiover Thoughrlhe chiei and his band have rightaiway access over the that the railway cannot use its irackage It means only that they have In nilpw crossingut ow are con the trail andean only block it for reasonable periods They leave the Cllg there or hall an hour ur mom said Lho chiti lie said tunnel aiiotild be built and suddenly got anpw thuuaht Maybe should charge them everylimc they on laywith train EARLY SYMPTOM Diabetes may he recognized in an early stage by an increased sugar content in he blood stream 497 CALL THE EXAMINER yon entire Nu rho PEACE OF MIND Proper INSURANCE can relieve you or aloi loï¬warry it ianlvtaya reiiei to know that youhava 1N SURANCE to protect you it you suiier losa and in order to be assured ol FULL COVERAGE lNv SURANCE you will be wide in can suit In lNSURANCE SPEClALlST For an luaurance Survey today ireight yards it doesnt mean uumlrf of the temperaie oeeanié Viypv Eon Mr and Mrs Cecil Denney without exlremes of heat andgirla Pickering th Jack Eilias nd Mr Ken Faust LU TilM dMFrnk nlaseaduna Brunskili Margaret ï¬g Ellis Diane Meiliaaier and Maur een Elphlek were on holiday motor triptuSudhuryrand Ottawa EXAMINER wrm vAD ls$510 oGAMESf gt 2069 SPECIAL sands 5o oo REEGArMEVI its5195 obWATcHas iwinSona Arrive Congratulations Mr and Mrs Neil Mania an the birth or twin nayal iclaria Hospit wipaa ynur mph and your future ueurityi rGet cum lunar protection 011