aï¬cï¬pro at it Cduntry Club will be one or the Iltllcresi Girls Beaten layMidland iii5 On Monday Hillcrest Glrls Soilball mm with ï¬rst place in the East Simone League already tucked away lost its linal game the schedule Monday night at Queens The team spoiling the local girls record was Midland with soore ot1157 These two teams it in the em liitals ot the id us next week Judy Horns started on the rulr bar for the locals giving up six hits and three runs in our irames Ann Kenrsey took over for the ndkt two frames and was hit Very hard Anns inactivity due to out on one out made her little less eliective than usual She was pounded for ï¬ve hits and eight runs Karen llare retired the side in order In the seventh Big hit of the game was grand slain homerun by Boncardo oi Midland It came in the sixth in ning Jane Montgomery and Hilliard of Midland had two safeties apiece Worrall was tho lone Barrie er to hit solely twice larrie meets East Toronto Com els in the Provincial playdowns next Wednesday at Hillerest Baseball Tourney volleyball Gamés Angus Labor Day leature oi the Labor Day cele hf tions at Angus will he boys hasehau tournament Five teams are entered lrst game starts at 12 noon The final contest lor the top prize will begin at 6230 Other attractions and activities will include pony ridcs dart throws bottle throws voile ball exhibitions and rrronster bingo In the regular bail action out at Angus the top tour positions will bedeeided tonight and Friday The Tigers and the Indians play off 1or the first and second positions tonight and Friday night the wildcalsand Comets vie for thir and tourth spots Th south Simcoe Junior Base hall League starts its playnif series this evening at ivy First game opponents in this particular series are only and vy fl ursday evening Thornton plays at stroud Friday as lvy ret rning the visit to Holly Next Tuesday August 20Stroud challenges Thornton Wednesda 211Holly returns to ivy Thu Fri day at that saine week sees the in game in either series with Th rnton visiting Stro on used their léga Ito advantage th ted Provincial Tirehl horde Doll and glitters shooting or the his prizermoney in the Miller Trophy event at Isllngton Tor Eni To oi Cunudion round WW 5W Wléf By LORNE Lemon Homer Cornell Rockton and David Weaver Gait visited Art Beausoleil Picnic party of Coldwater and disv trict iriends enjoycd on outing at Sunday hy talsing boat tram Victoria narhor gt Beausolcil Island where picnic was held In the group were Mr and Mrs Cecil Levering and daughter Dnrothy Mrs Gerald Hawke and children Gerry and June Mr andMrs Pete Jacob and Mrs DoiiCoid Mrs BEES Miss Thornton and Miss Bell Waue hnushene Waubaushone Ahnlversary number or Coldwater resi dents formed part of the large congregation at the 76th anni versary service or the United Church held In Memorial Church Waubaushene last Sunday morn ing Rev llcss Cumming assist ed the special minister nev Joblin BA BD of Ottawa Midland male quartet Contributcd vocal numbers and Mrs Mun dy was organist The church was attractively decorated tor the oi casion former minister Rev Bayes oi narrow was pres ent Ainong those from Cold waler at the service were Mr and Mrs Norman Durniord Mr and Mrs Mel Lovering Sr Mr and Mrs Mei Lovering Jr Nor man MacDonxld Mrs Andrew Loverlng Mrs Charles oanhy Mr and Mrs GeorgePrlcc Sr Mr and Mrs Eplett Mrs Walter Lawson Mrs Orville Air hott and Mrs Ross Cumming The Late James Newby iuneral service ivas held in St Johns Anglican Church Maichedash Aug ll ior lamcs Newby who passed away at Soldiers Memorial hospital Orillia on Aug aher hrlet illness Rev cNewman Craighnrst conducted the serr vice Mr Newby was tor many lost Day For Copaco Series Okay sottbaii teams This is he last warning Either you get your entries into the Simcoc County Copaco Snit ball Championship piaydowns t0lt day or you just dont get in The man who sends this notice is Hennebrychairman of the Softball Committee of the JBarrin Recreation Committee Soget your entries to him immediately Teams will he advised or their opponents lmmediatclyaitertho drrwjismada lt is then up to the home team to contact the apponv ant Illd arrange the date of the high Ilot olehances and tjlld Ciul Liseomhe did the chucking tor Hydrotie gaveuip sixhits having trouble in only one frame the seventh in that inningtho Tlre envcollected two hits acoredithreerruns to put them in Cornell recently district Cecil Levering force water 21 We onto Reriick shooLs his iirst rdundtomorrow morning Ed was down atylslington this week along with other pros for practice years clerk at Matchcdasli Town ship and was widely known and highly regarded For the Miss Georgetown Mr Provincial Tire Trips Examiner 75 Provincial Tire oi the Barrie industrial Soitball League deleat ed team mm The Examiner 15 last night It Midhurst The Tjremen held slight lead throughout the contest alter lair log +0 lead by the top halt of the third inning Examiner scored twice in each of the third and earth tramesl but the industrial teamscored once in the fourth to stay one up The Ex The Tiremen ouucnred ainl er throughout the past several years he had been living in re iiroment in Coldwatcr residing at the home of Miss May Walk Mr Newby was predeceased his wi the farmer Elizabeth Fwy WW thilkca He is daughter Toronto The Late Robert Woon number olCuldwatcl resi dents who were Iormerclose friends 01 the into Robert WoorL attended the lalttIs funeral last week in Toronto survived hy Honor Newby interment was and Mrs Mrs Rex Folk inghorne and Bill Beach Sr at tended the service Bob Woon was born and raised in Goldwater and was the son of the late Mr and Mrs Nelson Woon ed away suddenly of heart seizure while on duty as mem ber of the Toronto mounted pol In his 52nd year he was due or rcilrement this year He felt his widow Marjorie Hil lock iormcr resident of Guide son daughterlour sisters and six brothers He pass atr and In mull mini pulled stir and Junk Sardine oi Toronlo motored linden and ppcnt tharweclehd iherc Carrel serum two weeks in lingual Mr Mrs Ruddlck spent last week with Iricnds in Toronto John visited mend on Sunday North any Visit and Mn MdAchlln apentvtbe weekend at North Ba Their son Peter relurned with them liter apending two weeks holidays there and Mrs Mustard ol Torr onto visited Mr and Mrs Den hey one day last week Derry Day at Dundalk The Royal Black Preceplory rod es Shoot For Golf Club TiileTOmolrovv The Club Championship lth Darric Soil and Country Club ladica division will he decided tomorrow alteration weather per mittlng Shooting or the title and the trophy that goes wlth it are Mrs Corby and Mrs Ough Boih women have played cr eeptionaliy good goli this summer and the match shapes up as dandy Fire Brigode Answers Three Coils Monday Barrie lire hrignde responded to three alarms on Monday one raise alarm and the others gms llres oi minor nature The false alarm causeda ilur ry oi excitement at 230 pm since it came from Royal Vic torla Hospital lnvestigatlon showed that faulty ire alarm station on the third floor or lite Laidlaw Building on Wellington Street West at 1215 pm at the top at Toronto Street the second at 415 at 92 Duekworth Street Both were quickly disposed on Mrs Lush Barbara and Su sun alPcterhcrough Iro visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Cooke Mr and Mrs Duncan oi Lang ston visited Mrs Shelswell on unday Community Welcome We welcome Mrs Bouncy and Mr and Mrs Griilln and children to our community Mrs Smith and air IndMrs Kitchen oi Atwood spentsunday at MacLeoda Ruth Ann re turned with them after spending her holidays withher parents United Service Service will be held at Edgar United Church Sunday Aug 18 at 1115 am Sunday School at 1015 Am Pierced By Fork Edgar Thompson had the mi$ lortune to have fork pierce one arm at work and has been undo the doctors care Michigan Motor Trip Mr and Mrs Strnchan and Mr and Mrs Opirenden return ed at the en the weekalter motor trip to Sault Ste Marie and through the State of Michigan crossing the Straits of Mankind hyjerry Mrs Grimes spent tow days this ek pent the Mood lira Bundle havc noishedpflr summer course ill Toronto Also they Denney There will be no church service who look aarpecm mum in Harn or Sunday School during the List Illon seriously Mr and Mn Parker and son The cumlmmuy deepest sympathy to tho berealied tamily Arthur ha nonwhites In urcrhoroas octane all laon rinley Patsy McKnight and oiulcy In um um The tanner Miss Elmira nod gers she was horn on July on loan in Need daughter oi the late Samuel and Hannah Rodgers and had lived or while in Charilan Dembigh Wniincy Hiibdale Orillla and other places In Ontarl Her husband William Beck predeceased hcron May 10 1min Oitawr Surviving relatives are one his lcr Alien Malcolm ol Sille Fails medium is The Lite Mrs Brockell Mrs Ito rt Brwtwell who was passeu away on the United Chuych CALLrna manuals roa ruNrlNG iam Orlllla and live daughle extra highSpeed Calrod elements ENJOY AUTOMATIC ROASTING no watching ur timing oven timer turns oven on and oil automatically Minute timer for surface coking too COOK MEAL FOR 24 OPLE oven has 10nlore usable shelf space than most standard modes Extra easy to clean too with rounded corners and enclosed clement EOoly 24 lnehca Wide 1t positively deiics spacet Just 24 inches wideyet it has all the hlg rangc teatnres all the same teaturcs of the big 21 inch master oven that copies meal for 24 people at the one time lt Monet rusna non MAGIC tinge tlp touc ton controls gives you tive exact heats each Calrod snrioce unit Red lot Dot shows when unit is on haematite story Gordon ltoim manhuntdot iarhlly connection also include it maddaulhleirand daughters and 12 an and Beek was or the united Church had the alan aenlce on July 29in theiunenl home or Doolittle Brothers Driilla ital conducted by Rev Mr Davies at Iriends and lielghborl wen present wllh relatives some at whom mm distance were Mr two brothers Patrick IndSamuel and Mrs Patrick Rodgers Hrs Rodgers Choritonone son will lsamuel Rodgers Mr and Mrs Bert Rodgers and son oi Charlton out warn Frail MCQ ay iicatriccloi =hurll warln 5L Andrey Cm ran En completely automa iccoo ing with alltn in this tridnycompact GE Range Its the biggest 30 inches you ve ever seen with smaller price tag Look for these unbeatable GE engineered features COOK FASTER THAN GAS on the ONE TIME yes the 21 his master on these modern pushbut cameo pane AND BROII unrrs Durable enclosedunits can be taken out and sarely washed at sink No hazardous open coils BakeUoit gives accurate unilorm heat Broil unit provides charcoaltype rennin vv Drillla and ram gt oimiurcum VinierD pint ion order Rowt William Nellie lay Hamid Flhlcprorby Grace on Haven lnremembrahce Im from family and lricnda and the long Company Ortilla Church oi microy Saint iron the Lady Orange nucleon to which Mn Beck had belonged zmoace cwsua FALKLAND ac CP beer parlor here 250 miles east oi Vancouver was shut downby the Liquor Conlrol Board or nine days or failure to ciotyon Dominion election night June 10 mm unmad inc so RANGE alltho lectures ola hlg xiras EXTRA IIISPEED CALROD BUR FACE ELEMENT Testprovea to he iastest electric oklng unit Be cause the Calrod unit is smaller and weight lower this unit heats falter cooia aster too irr HUGE GIANT OVEN 21 inches wide has GrE Calrod Bake and mail units 12 shell positions Cooks oven meal or 24 Rounded corners make it easiest oven to clean too rs