orteievlscd Hellenism Rama hen the boxing lane at the century takes plaee on the 22nd olthisnlonth an amateur will turn pro at amateurgntes Sounds screwy ior sure but to la the iiasee it is the scheduled heavyweight championship bout between Floyd Pattenon champ or mp agai Pete he emaeher Olympic title holder rhétlti biiut be held in Seattle vvashington will employ twists unheard at in the last to year or no it will not be broadcast sho oi breaking even This naturally is nothing new or Pete He has been fighting it thelrtadlum incompletely sold out And it the stadium is sold out it will mean gateoi $400000 Rad einaeherl hackers to Georgia have already guaranteed the proteulonli champion Patterson $50000 Floyd also gets 00 per cent at the gate Wt $400000 sellout that leaves the Rademacher camp $10000 Torontol Al balding whore brllr win in the Canadian mateh play lantpiay intbe World champ event having won the Mlilar in were intulllwinsto brinelupus lonablp at Tam OShanler over the lbs and 1954 Slate hla last cle club into town this winter weekend madehlin the talk at the Iory howevnr the purse has been increued and new carries tirlt too iortunate in comparison with other years but according to the at at ieilnglon Thursday in the open Protections Hatch Play Chan ionsblp The smoothninliog Biotin Ian plva whose sparkling earn hi aseeend place tie with Sn and $1500 gour biggest pune will match strokes exalttn Andre Cam oi iaevilQuebee at 825 anl The seeded draw whleh includ es the ereatnaoi Canadas proier entries was announced today by Knish Marshall secretary at the the match play champiome are the Idlllar and purse $5000 put uï¬ Dow Klnlabeer onto Balding wl oil world willhe theJim to tee prize money at slooo as an amateur lor is years and has not tor at least wasnt supposed to receive penny NEED orsN THEIR EYES All tltls makes one wonder why the boxing moguls are attacking James Norris head at the 13C III all his he never pulled such rock as this it would seem more advisable something about thevclrcus being promoted by Jazkilurley and in the capital too This also leads one to believe that the iinited States supposedly the leading power in the world has no control whatsoevcr ovcr its wn people The laws of air play will he thruwn right out the window it this light come all What about the fighters who baveearned high ratings when will they stand it lindemacher should upset Patterson Our neighbors arrossthe border have become notorious ior to probe everything trom tiddly gm In winks to basketball Maybe its about time they stop digging so hard breaking the laws in sport having andlust opened their eyes JUST NOTES Already theres minor conflict in the Provincial Womens Saithall Union pluydowns Alter Mondays game in Owen Sound the Flyers and the RBWS flippedlo determine who would have the third game of the series it it wereneeded The Flycrs won the toss named the date and the Owcn Sounders lust its casually said they couldnt come up on Saturday Seems someones getting married and in dc do The Barrie girl said this happened once belore Incidentally there was very poor turnout at the game The take was only about litrce bucks not enough to paythe umpires The game as one youd preler to torgct with the Flyera merely hiding their time alter the initial stanza Apparcntiy the Soundershest chueirer and lait them with anoxlrontelyweak hurling corps Eyvonne Scott who hurled Monday showed later pr0lt misc but her control leit much to be desired Little league insetail is reported to pea big thing in QwenSound The youngsters are completely uniiormcd too See where the Toronto Maple Lents of the National Hockey Lea gue are planning to usePetcCenacher son tit iamous Charlie Con acher on it line with Tod Sloan and Barries Run Stewart Wonder ii that means Slus gonna be aiorwnrd this winter last season he did everything but tend goal Ed Chadwick was probably the only othe man on the squad who was doingth tongs rm Speaking oi hockey big league training camps are only month away month altcr that the Barrie Flyers don the blades for another leik theoiub it short while back seam ivlg and weighing The good wishes oiall gelling Jae Two ron Dempsey wll hove to think hard to come up with anothernigbt that was rougher on hi on iastnight afllght Joe oiileiated the ceiling heats atthe Bar Well aside from count ing on the mat Joe mixed it with tour of the six lighters on the card and about dozen fans Yet in between the two bouts in which he had so much trouble the fans were really ind tnlely pleased with the big guya work are flat Troubles luost ol his troubles arose alter the iirat iall oi the main event won by Loulsrapineau over neg giesiki 0n Hawaii to the dressing room Joe was cnnlrorlted by young lady who thoughtit was her pre rogative lor the price of ring side seat to scratch at the big iioialad in sellfllleiefl Joe pusheaï¬her aside Thenouiek tlaallysehral lans swarmedupon him and started1throwingpunches Can anyone guess the age oi Vic Peterson the outstanding wrestler whos appeared heretrecently Mosh at the guesses have been around the 25 earold mark llls trueage is 35 He claim all at the members 61 his amily look muehyounger than their actual years Hers break tor the big ieilowe All mellstandillg over 61 or weighing 220 pounds or more will be admitted recto In international Baseball League twlnight doubleheader at Maple Leaf Stadium Fri day Thehuge also stand chance of being completely outï¬tted by Toronto clothing store Walter Thornton models are doing the measun enthusiasis in town are going with Eddie chick pro at the aarrie Goli and Country club when he tairas oil to play in the Millar Trophy event tomorrow tor the tight investigators to do tarscheduled lilt ior either team catcher dropped the ball Dot The Flyels moot opting in the tagged iorahalioozen bits includ ilrst round nethovpluyotii in mundfllvper by Phyllis market metre Elmvfle myth ggtg Fetch with none aboard in the see are the herbalthree ailnl incident 0C urred again when Joerarne out to re feree the second iall Net result otthe lansys Joe Dempsey was broiled nose tor Joe and grey hairs for some of the tough guys hack to where the action was scheduled to be conï¬ned three stellar boats were carded Yaplneauywlnner Louis Papineau ilinaily got the decision inthemnin event alter 40 ruggcd invites with the colored vinain stir The Flying irepchman counter at Reggies dirt with swittapd etiective flying dropkleks plus some underhanded tactics he had picked up during the course of the evening rth American Junior gh Champ alongwith ringwis teran staged one of thoflnest exhibitions wrestling ha and who mav lightning Larryltnsaboskia opponent airill frgm itlefr iddlo of thearena ressing rpm cars oi promoting LEN 9i ball team knocked oil Newmnrket that ol Yvonne Scott RBW chuck Dixons 02 last night to take lirst cr place in the Barrie and District Dot hurled third strikes part veiled to Owen Sound ior their nit Her coach let hermy In tilst game in the pwsu the contest or the lull ninein Dy awn nlngs to get clobberetl 10 times it 595 Whole WIN mulled his chance when he went home unannounced during the Flyers training camp in the lew glinea he toiled with the As last season Bob proved he belonged He was used both on eulnus Utnnany could ever ex Domn Parker asked to be re Sigémvzitb the glayedrs taking an eyed in the seventh inning ot the easy eeltlon The gpme because oi pains inher side $55 W11 he PW here she iirat injured herseli in dime Kerk gadget rthe ldtfals yesterdays Suntmlry score er un in the ï¬rst flimsy then watched the NEWMARKET A3 duel go it even scoreless terms menf until the9tighth wherein the Dix ons potted pair singleby Dorian Parkerq deldera choice by Ann Averill and gfllï¬ms another singll by Barb Jenkins loaded the sacks lor the llyersln fliellrst lnningagainstjtlewmarket titre then singled home Parker 12 and Averill One out later pit Aural cher Dot Millerlofted fly to Jenkins ss leit deldr Jenkins scored aitcrpttsiattofc the out Foster It by Ann Averill with rarkor ills rl aboard accounted for the rest oi Eyre the Flyera runs Exell ib player in the game to collect more than one hlL She had three Miller hung up only live strike outs but showed onelesshitend game as mes only brace or markers Alter scoring 10 times In the Parker cl lop hall at the iniualirame at Wilson ct Owen Sound the visitors from Anti 3b Barrie coasted that easy spongy Jenkins that they Wouldnt treeze Berlhelotte theexciting duel tinsel caught all the ropes The Barrle Flyers ladlcs Solt easy evening nscompared with nine batters but two at them The contest was the last reg had to be thrown out when the ond Monday evening the Flyers tr Mlss Scott was not so tortunr Too nary The Flyers lett 16 runners strand The result wis even more ridi ed on the base paths game with Orillln to the tiebreairer at DInaeh cf Watt 1h Wilson ss incessantp Came aarly Cleanup hitter Mary Berthet aAllina dooaaewuauï¬ aloeoofleoiUB twoarun homer in the second miller 2h messes eeeeeessee gmuflktub mug Dorlnh Parker was the only Totals Newmarket whlle going the distance Dot Mondays Summary lodtun inning aAnllic Laa gt or an Pitcher uilIeNlad an especially Foster it Miller Ellis rt Kosabosri with shoulder or Exell roldriii as the latter was hounothg Exell lb Totals The big iellow slumped to the mat andzrhadjo be aided to his 59 dressing room To all and sundry it looked like Rossi would be award ed the match and he was rair rlay out the 000 iolica illattendance Duper 55 were pleasantlysurprlsed when Richards Rossl advised the oitieiol that he Roast bad aeeidently caught Kaa Mm aboskl lowwith his shoulder and ï¬g argued tor the bout to he called name aetmb lalainéthwu to be ow 25 ru oil it IRehel Umpim Bud Km Bob Russelllnerely roved brute at and was disqualified in his match Gm Ham withvï¬lg Dave Sirnms Netttwe Héusilermannrthe assasesaese gt be VANCOQVER CP key Club And At stake in the all renewal at about who wrestlean bi tueton giant wrestles WildElll Slmms in purely heavyweight match Hermannstanda well over six ieeTand lghswï¬aomeunds MacPhée who retired alter 10 years as ferry skipperhestlmatéa that be logged 229000 miles cruii lorth on Burrard sage coach things change in speakin ol lsst seasons club mixed teeiings Sumo of the boys that Ihould have produced didnt others indicated the coach they were ready boys place years team overs seamn win all ee eating Hill Dyment were never bended Editor open reaches the pinyolia Miner Sports It never lnlls Whenever onet flonal lhottnakers among the as me people Styg mung out another Because sports inns are no consistent good deal or the cum 31 an chA summerumetalk is about the Barrie Flyers Junior Hoc rlghtly so toobecnuso theres lots to talk the delenae and iorvnrd iin according to the coach earne sell up rearguard Blackburn la Northern Ontario boy who played his Juvenile hoe key in Kirkland Lake He was big cog in the wheel that brought All Ontarlo honors to thattown 01 the new boys coming into camp this winter three are lrom Wtcro Canada and three trout Wï¬sterrt Star one oi the boys lrom the west is younger brother at the Pan glhbo who played tor the Boston Bntlne the NHL two seasons ED At tltevBrulna training camp in Hershey last fall it was reported that the younger westerncr trout Saskatchewan really shone The only reason that he didnt play in Barrie last season is Ullt hlscolch was starting new club and coul nt even think or it without Panes Elbbiu in the previous year the young speedater who is reported to be one of the lastest skaters in hoca key look the scoring title with Fullswior sherel to no it is in nor erstayo mm Tho lnrarnlner that negotiations Last seuon the Flyers werentt re about to the East This ycgr said ll0 ducc early or else The or else undoubtedly means that theres somebody to lake the unlmpresslve hey pro Along wllh dozen afloat Members Emms is bringing In score oi otbcr hoe keylsts who he feels could de throne great many or the hold Mult Win Job Here he made it clear that not all at the boys available mm the 105657 squad would be wear lng the FM very mm The Eastern boys whose names are not yet available are goal tender and centreice player The netminder has had some senior experience and is expected to make Ross Brooks really hop to keep his lob third goaltender in camp will be Walter Adair who last season saw some action with the Fivers and starred with No market Smoke Rings 195651 Available The rlyers available or next mason nra Tommy Black Murray Davison narry Ashbec oaic Rolte ell Club semis smog Only very tew can even think theyve got it made he said and one or them is Bob Blackburn Blackburn ta the husky rear guard that Emmtbrnught up from Newmnrlret during the close at the season He could have beenwith Today Feature Powell Nixon No goiters both qualilled to Ahernarhlee will tee olt this atterhoon in the semifinals oi the Barrie Gulf and Country Club Championships Either Art Powell or Jack Nixon who lace each other this altarnooll at pm are good enough golfers to reign as champion However only one can get to the finals and whosoever it is will have to com pole with Leighton Clark Clark gained entry to the Ilnal by do on Couleon business man agenoi the Barrie Flyers lun tor It Hockey Club trounced today that he would start work on the 19576 pro grant this week Mr Conlsola said be making an early start on this one because he has plans to make it the best and most in iomatlve yet And this oi course means more work Aside rpm the regular tea tnrel in the program the new edition will teature ilnll hit on the Sid MeNehney Bene tlt Game yarn about the past Flyera and how they have pro Powell who has won theeham plonship in 19535466 has been shooting very good goli all season Nixontoo has sharpened his genre and observers report that neither has trouble breaking 15 ularprevle lcheduied to showdlere the date alter the program In published Mr Coulson has mine study at many other such pm FluII and lee combina tlon of them all should prove very exciting 11 work and the announce jmentr by coach fHap Emlns makesone appreciate he act that wlntera lust and the come IVY SLASHES ivy continued its torrldlpane in therSouth ï¬lmed Baseball League by deteallng Strand Red men 144 at ivy last night Except tor the ï¬rst inning when stroud ignored tllree run outcome was never in doubt The winners patted tour in the bot tom hall of theinllial as many oltlclal tri to the plate boycock Joh Christie Lnycock andNnrlis had two hits each or the winners Blochhad two hits or Stroud Kowman coulribtued homer in the ï¬rst inning Browning did the hurling Tor ing up ilve hits in jtranie and Fonrzrnnsin the second one in the ï¬lth and six more inthe sixth merely made ltniore the winners warren hos rocks Billy Forban Jimmy Josephson nanny eruwho nw limited servieeiwilh Barrie and who will get chance at training camp will be Black burn uurray Brydson iroln leake lhore Bruins and aoh allion imrn Newmlrket v4 Then there are number oi othtm someotlnhom Emma pick who has Bruins headseouL Hamid Cotton leclscotild have iutures in hockey Hap haitput In hit of time thinking hock this summer and eels he could richly rewarded means the lans will be gain as the most So things are really movingiton skates and lrom here on In Hap claims therlell be much more activity Leg on nndB or the and tnurth ill9u In In ln rthe game and there have been some Barrie and District Senior Soltball extremely 3003 mm ummn League choose their piayolt ponenls tonight in the iinl gtmo Improve Mam ot the regular schedule at Queens pm some pume Fifth game will be last ditch attempt It Lesion should win or even to improve their batting marks lie this evening it would make Alter tonights contest it should the semiï¬nal series be Legion nt be too hard to tell who the and Mluesing and Bradtord and coaches want as their starting DeVllbiss ohuclters In the first game or the Jockey or Not playolls 5th It 15 mm There are lot or intererting it will be known whether the slum on may Ind Club Wm Why 1mm adviseablc that you iolita get out 2° 118 out W1 there and dont miss one at gion is presently one point up on in Bradtord and looked like world boaters after spotting the vlsltors several tallies last game The contest has other importtnt HAVEYOU EVER SOLD phases too besides the juggling ior playoil positions SEWING MACHINES them as part or toll lime analmaire $33 on 155 up yourscli some extra money by sell Theres talk that ï¬ne wont ing Nationally know Sewing Ma play this evening due to the tact chlllc if so invest tivaeent he is on nlzhltshllt at work But stamp and got turtlier particulars it Red did play and went odor5 by writing say at least one other player could go by him That would he Ted Hardacre oi DeVilbiss Then Ron Stewart also of Legion la batting high enough that perfect evening at the plate say More eould put Thurlow in serious trouble CANADA up tits Yongc Street Toronto Attenti in Marlutger One time south on 7th lzlne Ott Highway 90 laying rations that yourflock consume in week and tig ured oilt your eost per dozen Legal produced Coop Laying nations wlilgive you more eggs per bag or feed andconsequently more profit Coop LnyingRattons areaeisntliicaily iarmulatad tram the quality ingredients Ahen when givena iree entries will always eat coaraotexiured teed other the ne hieed and withthtslnmlnd Coop Layingitatlons are tie with crumbledPrcmix and rolled grains available in eith 13 20 or 22 Protel Tod high produc hybrid layer requires high energy liontymproduce over 250 in twelve the production or erage oiinverflliI ourCoop senled nwlllbe onlytiio ltlylnanag but and disease cont PItrich and Garry Edwardaanoth ed lnthe draft and other The batting championship while most wnmml up by Are you still inlerosted in selllnl NECCIII SEWING MACHlIdES