44 NANCY AND JIMMY CULBERI managed to place only firth in the decornted doll carriage contest ill Brndrord Centenninl be cnuge their little slstercheryl and the car rlagel were too realistic However the ep pluuse that iollowed them nround the arena leit no doubt as totheir popularity with Renewed Frlendlhlp Miss Mildred Tullhope Orillia Mrs rm and Mrs Gnudiiur nee Jessie Tudhope at Los Angeles renewed lriend ship here ntier nn absenced1 45 years Frnm Newloundlrnd Mr¢nnd lllrs Herdsman Corn er Brook Newinundland are vis iiingthe liltlers uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Tipping Miss Glenna anncy Toronto is visiting iriends here Mrs Willis and Mrs Arv lhur MCK Barrie were gliesls last week oi Mrs Reid Mr and Mrs David Gossling Hamilton spent iew days with Mr and Mrs Gossling Visitors all Jordans Visitors with Mr and luresWes ley inrdun were Mr and Mrs ceorgn Peters snd duughler Eur hsrn oi New York Mr and Mrs and vinirnie Little Cnrrcnlé Miss Msrnie Martin and Miss Shirley Jordan rornnin Mr and Mrs Elwood Frost St Cnthnrines are visiting Mrs Terry Mr and Mrs WIlterHoudBn Point Edward are spending couple of weeks with relhtives here and Mrs Curruthen 01 ivy visited last week with the latters sisters Mrs Cooper and Mrs Field and Inmllies Mrs Bruce Whitney and chil dren Hudson Heights Quebec spent few days with Mrand Mrs William Benrdsull Mr Ind Mrs Joseph Draper spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs James Draper Murrishurg Miscellaneous Shower on Tuesday evening Aug ti iriends and neighbors gathered in St Johns 51min School room to honor Mr and Mrs Donaid Fiegehen lnee Dorothy Isabe James Jordan and sons David Downey newlyweds whu re rovrd the crowd They nre the children or Mr and Mrs luck Culbert Nancy wears her pet ernnlgrnndmothers wedding suit while Cheryls dress nnddoll were used by her mn ternal grandmother Jimmy is using 1957 pipe celved mlny lovely Ind useful Iifli Lunch ma oerved and wry pleasant lime wns enjoyed ChemiueWeddlng Mr ind Mrs Vesey neardroil end Allln nehrdasii attended the BelrdsnlIFlonts wedding nt Chose tcrvllle on Aug in NEW LOWELL Wl Meeting Womens Institute met at Mrs llgq nay orig Wednesday even inefr president opened the meeting Roll call What would serve tounexpeeted guests short talk was given by Mrs Munihersun on Blue Mountain Pottery Lunch was served by he hostesses Mrs Mumberson Ind Miss StMEy nnrn At Coilingwood Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Martin Int on the birth or pitol Collingwood Glrls chirp Mrs Don Burt and Mrs Scott look Nancy Lou Dull Lin dn Baxter Carol Collier andBet ty and Peggy Lou Scott to the lmd amt unity chrsr and real me baby girl in the and Ho pnhiy pony Tdeoflynflm not in on thfnln find illlles Lu ch was served hyihe pioihers or menu Turned Mr and Mn Ftrzuo Kerr lul loss whenlhelr destroyed hyl lire inttor wu Wednesday noon plnziol Jornnlo no holldlylnt wllh their uncle and Iunlruflr and Mn George Inilny nonlld Janet Ind Michlel Medenu children or Mr and hils Moduli have been hdlldllylni with lheir unrle nd hunt Mn and Mrs hmes Moi Cu elcr Scott and Clroi Ire wailing at the Medal hummer collage at Port Sinnley Born at Allimn ConmiulniinnsJo Mr and Mn George Mchgue whose daugh ler Reamer Elalnown horn on Friday Aug ll Stillean iilemorlni ilospitai Alliston Calgary Guests Mr Ind Mrs Fred Croshlc Lyle and Kim nl chigary visit Nl llst week with the callers brother nnd nmlly Mr Ind Mn limes Croshle him with Mrund Mrs George Jimmy and guns llonnie Henderson ls holiday lng wilh Mr and Mrs Harold llcndersonnnd Bradley at ilEl In Stevenson Memorial Mrs Watson Kerr 0LAllistonr formerly of this district ill patient in Stevenson Memerill Hnspltul allowing heart attack on Salurdly afternoon Her many irlends wish her speedy X9 covery Spain at Thornton Mrs Allln Cordgnn win spak or Sunday mould at special WMS service at Thorntonunlied Church Weekend visitors rhino Wood home were Mrs Berth Lnngford ot sundae Billie Milne oi Weston Mn Reid and drum lers Doris and Audrey Trenton Mr and Mrs Bruce Glenn To ronlo spent he weekend wlih lhe latters parents Mr and Mn Lorne Buyers and innilly 01d Tyma Fiddler Mr nnd Mrs William Hend ersonattonded the old tyme ï¬d dlers contest in Sheihurne Arena United Church Glrls Camp Midland on Thursday Church Allin September No church or Sundly School in the United Church until the ï¬rst Sundry in September Mrs George Day or Hoheythood has been visiting Mr and MrLD Day and family Mr and Mn Murray of Elore coiled on Mr and Mrs Wes Bal es on Suhdny Bold Ross Richmond Hill re turned home after visiting Ver non Bates tortWo weeks Mrs Norman Schell Stlyner is spending week or more with Mr and Mrs Wesley Bates and the Ionian plrenili home with Mr and Mrs chk Rumble lint 1nd dnuihter iph are viliiinx lrxilhtdomlln ind neodema o1 rorooto Ind and Genldlno Vlrlunol 0th lpenl the weekend It lsunduliflton Sundty visllnls wllh Mn 3nd Mn McClgue Ind ilmlly were Mr Ind In Bill Chylon at Toronto Illd Mr and Hahnll Glimy Beverley Ind Brien of Allison you lack Price sincere synrpuhy is extended to lock Price And runlly in the polling oi Mn Price The Price Steelex Corners Guest Athlea Mr and Mrs Chris Bowden Cookstmin were Thundny Nenv in callers It Ernest DIlH Sat urdaycnller at the same home Suturdly and Sunday guests ware ï¬lmnil Kahlil Rumble Roluon and friend Maple Mil Alleen Gardenrrand Rusv hell were Sendy supper guests with their Aunt hnd uncle Mr and Mn frank nmwn Scouts Settlement held shower Mime Noreen Ind Margaret Kneuhnw held shower for their coulln MinnHelen Lloyd on Shiv ilonnle at Toronto were Sundry and Mn Ernest Dells min Along Nicely and in report Mn Simpson hgeuinLulohz nicely lmr her operation lIst week in Royaltyidem flownI Bnrrle oederleh Wedding ed themddlngor their nephew healthy inhuman them it xplod ï¬ehrrghelreeottnge at call famll til re lormer ruldenu It Nlfle CO low dly Connells Derrthy ii Nlnpn KnewMrs and ilmlly tmendrd the Roynl Bllck Precepth colehnuon It visitor with hel is Hr Incl Mrs had Imlly virited lriendl on Sundry Mr and Mrs Normln Tripp and lsniliy or Elmvlle rpent Mn W4 The allowing éppllences musrh eloorodenddr wireiwere rescued from their 24foot motor but weekend mlnutes ed They hld beeni inhan Newton Robinson ll Simud spent week It Ellln Vernon Council and It Delu wen Mrflnd Nidun Full on Sliurdny Ind Mn Dou hmu Ind inmlly of Ira spending few any in the Unlonvllle UBA is Join Helmcr returned home Sundry literminding two weeks with her grandpagnu Mr Ind RichmondHthhd ills Dorothy up WIN Andnvm Minuet Vlrlton Mr and In pinhn Mnniinoa IlDVillunllhe lattevs hmtho The Late wiiiiun Hide number of neighbors intend ed the funeral oi Willllm Elde in the local church and cemetery lul Seturdny Parson NI Sim Reid urday evening Mr Ind Mrss laconlrd Selhyi Sharon were un ay guest Mr Iild Mn Harold Dale and In John Robinoun Brlmplon in Goderlch in week Puller Mary inverahirnod to Toronto Mr and Mn anmslrn Iitend erur threewoeh ï¬xation with lid Mm Linwood Sturleon and dnuuhter Spree nvertivlt imlr twitches ins Bey Kingston Mr and Mn Ind Susan 01 Simone were week end nuts oi Mr morn Hr Ind Mn Sundry It nurseli Copellncll firm on Lake Ontario when the boot cnught rlre eppnrently irom gasoline igniting in the bilge Prolessor Lower noted mother and hldwrinn on the stair or Queens University in brother at the late Dower oi Barrio rill5 DOCTOR NEEDED snaitnrlooxa or Clly pnrh oillclnlil estlinuge that so elm trees wli or roe in will have to be dellroyed this you because at Dutch elm die 40 mm use Approximately 1000 elm chk DeGuerre Pul and Peter visited PanelIn in mg to he dellmyed lrlends last Saturday Kt Smiley Paint Peter Cohorn visited hi cous Ins Don and here since 1951 Mary Wesl It MARYSBURG SASK CF Stony Point Lnkeslmcoe in Joe Thorns said it must hlvo week CALI TllE EXAMINER FOE PRINTING PHONE PA III PA BIIM auiir PP flunouncing sum inch win in The lninn Be Anoclltzd Wllh 115 nuniop St Choioe ofDeilchta or Regular Wash Cycles been the heat oi recent week lhnl clused hen Io lay an egg dogma inches long and shnped like In overumwn pennul Thin lhellell it was broken heiore he could weigh it nn bl cmlmriulcrlc SIRA nouns BR or canrnncnc Dorrie out Evenings By Appoinmeut memo mum Model 031 ilflydroSwiri Action Choice ofvCoid orvWumI Water Rinse Wicker end Sud Sever iiï¬i laments An cdnverileme Equipped with hppllnncev BIG erronr