Church Th dashing out at the last minute But that ibig yellow hill is something new aorta thing important to you venthou high school bus pie lasted to become it muslclI His hther being mpechh ruin would not permit him have lessons This was heel lh Iludy oi muslcvwllh vi to making Iproicsslon oi lt wu simply not pursued by speetable people fr Nmicisua unless they were court organist in royal when were simply not accepted in polite society The little German boy had lull glil But his other wante him to become doctor like hl sell And what Dr Handel wanted he usutliy got However the little boy had very nice very kind aunt and whenevér he got tired pleIdlng for lessons he would go to Aunt Arms and he comtorlcdas his mother was too busy raising her rather large lamny Aunt Anna liked to go to She used In taku the little tiny and he woï¬ld sil fascinated by the organmusic tor the organist rometinrcs practised all day Aunt Amt would knocl ill lite higjcntpty Church and say her prayers snd her young nephew his eyes growing bigger and hig Ker til the glorious sounds he heard would grow more coron lured by the minute with the help at his aunt he ï¬nally pursuaded his other to let him sludy music He began his training under the tutotshlp oi the very musician whose wonderiul argon pllying had so oiten thrilled him Zachou Zachou was it wunderiul teacher He taught Handelall the undr mental of composition counter part Ind harmony Is well as the art ot public periornlance when he had ieIrned as much as Zachou felt he could teach him the brilliant Young men set Ohl IOIEeR his inrtunn Ind togo on his travels He visited Italy where kindly Roman Cardinal asked him to write an Easter oratorlo This young German Lutheran rapondv ed with the famous Itesurree lion the first applause for which resounded in the chapel ol the Cardinals palace On it visit home the Elector oi Hanover would to make Handel court muslcian but the clever Young man had other tlsh to fry He went to England and there he met véry unhappy gentleman whaso theatre was closing down or several reasons It was not safe to go out at night into the dimlylit London IireeLs where almost any honest English gentleman sallylng iorth niter dark might be knocked utt conseious dragged into nearby 333 roltlcetor his motor sales There were no good plays People were losing interest in the theatre To help his new triend Handel wrote an opera Ht called it Rinaldo The novelty oi the new name caused enough interest tor the sly young hiadtsol Londtm to brave the terror oi the dark streets Ind tnlie their ladies to this new musical play it was tremendous success and ilIndel became intensely popular with the English people Aiter while his old friend the Elector at Hanover who had once uttered him job came over to England Is George Its the new ltiog was or too German to suit the Enlllbh me he hoped his friend Handel would make things little easier for him and so HIndel received many royal tavon to cnsunuha English DEW pies support for the new mun arch The king was lroquently seen with Handel whose prestige moun led hpuriy with distinguished royal patronage Years pmnd and Handels popularity like the popularity 01 néany onothet public ï¬gure with Challenges hld entered his llioy dissppolntmnnls poor busi ness methods jealouslrs the riv alriescl his enemies and the desertlon at his trien leitJlnn del old brokeuin eslth and Rain blind it was at thil 1min that ha struggled to his knees and in worshiptul manner made his very greatest cnntrihutlon to mu sic Broken in spirit and in body he turned once more to God and to the Church Ind in one tre mendoua otlort he wrote his taint ous Messiah it was almost as if the organ music thlt had ï¬rst inspired him Poured into his ears once more alley and robbed Vs nothing new nbout Forithis you never use Take seootld loch Inspiring himleading him guid sehoolboy and business hawtntv its rning geilthétï¬ie thorough know Thoproispecitywo ahvenjoy would be impossible at todays formers werent doing neonsl rfnle stainrayon in Goldwater in Mir cordial Io ow homes were constructed William Bench In Archie Ilhrlilh Harry Cowln LR Ilmer and Bernard Swalle Hsrry cowan added to storage tor lumber It his planing ill Acoldwuer Press erected In ddlllon Juries OIklcy builb 4le snd made alterations Dr George Hall had an otiice hutltling constructed tmprnvamenu wcre inside to Gilchrist garage George it rd of Toronto put up small Earl inundlllon randon insiolled or trailer Eopters elve Craft PORTtLA TOUR NS GR Eelore the down at radar helicopter rescues shipwrécked sailors dupenrird great deslon small rescue trait opernlcdnut oi tiny coastal villages or their snieiy One of these small emit long since retired irom fictive duiynia about 50 years old its shape and site Is similar to whaling Llflii For many years the hardy namirlven rrnit operating at one oi the most treacherous points on the Nova Scull coastllneNcgrn Pointwas welcome sightin many rescues As scientists perfected new means of protection it became evident that the village liinhoat was onlts way out Edward Crnwell not want Ing to see the valiant little host lotgotten altogther bought it tmln the department of transport and had It transported to his home where it stands as tri huie to hyttone on Ing him to this great inspirational work gt The Hallelujah Chorus rum this magniï¬cent oratorto has been described by some critics ns Ihe closest thing earthly possible to the choir oi Paradise An an old man blind he was olten led to his place at his organ It was is touching picture When he died in 1759 the ï¬ng lish mid him the greatest trlhute they could They hurled him in Westmin ster Ahhey hut Georgevhederlch Handel does not belong to the English Nor does he belong to his native Germany Like Ill great musicians he he Ions to the world every nation oi which at some time or other has thrilled to the glory 01 his mlrvelloits works Copyright of griculturol sciences management both so neoesn nary to thoproduotion of good tind plentiful gt cropaoh profltob basis Iucllittfflneijob But those bright eager children on the yellow buspl tomorrows farmers will make on even greater obntri hutionlto this countrys progress flleyli be able to do this Because they be trained in newer and better form practices including the use of farm machinery which ll lie revolutionary even by todays Muhtnia Kroner presid ed with Clown Attorney WM Thumpon chief Edwud Tuhile but and Cpl Reg Neathway had court duties LCA Items Evidently loniilil police were active on WA inirIctions over lheholiday and quite number at convictions were registered un der that sectionln the wide are at summer influx The avenge one iur liquor in as was up with costs $350 the petty hostess with l2 suettn and some 50 pints or alehsd ï¬ne at with costs 850 in Barrie too quite ii nuhlhor were picked up ior thlngheer or liquor with them with hoes oLSi and goals $350 and some at $20 with the same costs in toxication in puhllc meant $15 plus $350 Ind ior one woman it was $10 with $350 Ditleront Idea Murray Cahlll hIdworttd Jim at picking up In article in log it in It the oilice on reiund and securing the cash value record went hack to 1958 on simi lll otiencel and he was given it total at three months Jail on three conviction in lionlo recently Folae Ptetenees Chargedhy it Merrlck or Assistant Crown Attorney it has store Ind ultimltcly turns gt Wildaswitthg linoas without ruse hotth tencuinlhepurchueotacu on July to train the anoint Jen Hanna Smash holder ended it Thompson nt PenetIozuisheIe harshest rm to puma was not counted 15 mums lgomi to this momma yesrsand and iouteum and removing that this an thirdpnrchau It II Insist helghtr an see new and loud sililu tram hiaclientfromthoumemnomnm1957whhdmt as In been on his or to suitin oit use um 400 and collded with Mr Dannie son going to Barrio The so THURSDAY AUG for speedingde ï¬ne was $7 With Itsgialrnts Fhms Iera Both Wrecked Another two car smnrh called in charge oi driving lIld by Cpl Hochrltflet OPP against Willim Walton on July 26 The oflleer told at and ing at 1145 pan or 20 minutes alter the impact when Walter in 1940 car hid collided with 1948 model while heading tor Barrio and received head injuries No fltplsnltinnwls given tor the careless driving which wrecked oaths valuable household lid Amttill the many dines it Height cleaning the Nirlgcraior polinh 23 10 Pu uqdols trails estimated in tarnished sliver cutguu Kennedy Ind Sgt It Andrews with PC Scrum OPP Too Closely charged by PC it Primer with following too closely on June 23 in innisill Walloon Block was convicted and lined no with costs On Can he had run into the roar of another vehicle when the driver stopped and Ilgnalleo skid at 100 feet wn visible and damage was done to his cat and to Blacks pickup truck The tnaa CompI1 THE WILSON sUiLoiNe Phone PA 3434 Ant Todays engines hm the highs horsepower inhistory And the trend is toward nit further not Shrll on Company or Certdadin introdqu Super Shell with TCP III Illnew higher ysdcot fuel to meet the full octane needs of today most sdvsnwd ella At the sum time Supt Shalldaliunhetter formsnoothanevuinoflunnowuslngpreniumgm lineihis great gtergrgives you ll added NullI ton Winn youre uniting conjgy convertto extra stiles tunay tanktui And Sena sandmanmt which among the doctolemoniyrmbhmgmglnodepollb Drive up toynor snot Bellas white pump said an up with saw Shell today MsWarflhmï¬ngmlhwuddldwhubpd tostnuWPnwuess Higher veranda Nutshell Not our our needs snpsr Stroll it youve been StarPérfOrimer in Shell new hr fuelteam Sparksallftlielivevperforntaiaee intensitimotlerhpcars onjthe road ting the nod tat In improved motor fuel npa Shello reserve netno room