Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1957, p. 2

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tcondouednohpogo nc Eng Litw Aides Geoin to Phys ho 17375 Anus00 Comp 51 MendelianEng Lit 50 rrryer Stanleyme tit 59 Hist 69 icons 50 irlg Phys as Fr hath 60y Comp co Powell JohnEng Comp 60 Eng Lit iii Hist 70 not 64 zoo so Lst Itth Lot Camp Fr Auth 71 Fr camp 75 Prott KenEng comp Eng Lit 52 Geom 80 Phys 55 nsiphEog Camp 70 Eng do list 72 Aig 50 Gem 72 Phys 73 Chain Fr Aulll LewisEng Lit 54 Hist 69 Chem 54 Rodgers Shelia Eng Lil 2001 50 Roth AlexanderEn Camp 52 Eng Lit 50 Aig 52 Geom70 Trig 10 Phys 62 Chem 89 Gen man Auth 0i German Comp 88 Sosa JohnEng Como 53 Eng Lil Bi A15 51 Scam 83 Trig 50 Phys 10 Chem 57 Fr Auth Fr Camp 55 Sctittannldilist GfipBot 63 Chain 50 Shanks GailEng Coilip 57 Eng Lit 68 Bot in Zool Fr Auth 71 Pr Camp 89 Shannon RobertZoo Smnllwood GathEng comp 58 Eng Lit 61 icons 53 Phys 54 Chem 52 EngCoinp Eng Lit 53 Alg 50 Chem 62 Lot Aullt 77 Lot Camp 72 Fr Auth 53 Fr Comp 721 Smith Mary LouiseEngComp 50 Eng Lit 08 Hist 18 Scam 64 Bot 77 Zooi G7 Fr Alllh Fr Comp 611 Sprouic BeverleyEng Camp 58 Eng Lit 50 Guam 72 Chem Stuart FrancesEng Comp 50 Eng Lil 51 Ala 59 Guam95 Trig 74 Phys 82 Chem 70 Fr Antn 72 lr Comp 64 Thompson DennisEng Comp 55 Eng Lit 50 Guam 78 Trig 66 Phys 70 Chain 54 Fr Comp Thompson RobertEng Comp 55 Hist 57 Travis JuneEng Comp so Eng Lit so not 72 200164 Chem 60 FT Aulh 50 Trousch JoanEng Comp 70 Eng Lil Hist 52 But My Zooi Bl Chem Fr Auth 55 lr Coiin 54 Watson MarilynEng Comp 71 Eng Lil 92 Trig 51 Bot 62 Zuni BO Chemrfio FrAuth 58 Fr Comp 432 Watterson Beverleydang Comp 60 Eng Lit s7 Webb tandooriEng Camp 60 EngLit 96 not 00 Zool 10 Fr Autll 52 FrCtgmp Webb FetchEng Comp 15 Eng Lit 60 Mg 52 Geoln 78 Trig 73 Phys 81 Chem 73 Fi Aulll 7d Fr Comp 85 Welsh BethEng Comp 16 Eng Lit 68 Gcom 10 Fr Auth Fr Comp 54 Wildmin FrancesEng Comp 81 Eng Lit Mg 50 Geoin 57 Trig 53 2001 64 Chem Eli Fr Aiilh 6d lr Comp The following students in Grade gtXill wrote and passed Grade XIII Mnslc Beleskey Douglas 03 Bow man Carole 50 Churchill Madge 54 Craig Judith55 Dan geriield time 52 chm Lil lius 5D Drake John 50 Fisher Mark60 Lesagc Arielle Long Edward Milne Mary 50 Morten Douglas 83 Morri son inn Bl Stallord Elizabeth WI Service Councilapproved furnishing wltcrmrviceszo two new homes nlChlrlAi Stseet at cost at SIMZJR reporting on run possible water require sheet Councillor lllia amine iarled Janice lo ppaflhletmturc needs and hydrant wouldyrcost timo He mooted the smaller out laynuw wouldlulfleu and large main couid ht inatolied later when needed without seriously Iltepletiog the watermark lb gout as would he the case if it More put in oow 3241 clerk rdvircd there was Iboutflm ot presentin the notesworks Ictodnt Mr Martin wumcdto complete arrange mentr for to new wIter line Councillor Mllla reported that conditions at the dump were worse than they had been helorc EdWIuihier soles stronger or improvements were supposed to Haiwig Motor Company Limited announces the appointment at Orv Dash to the sales stall Orv it nib tive son at Barrie and is weli known tor his activitie in the 1m Inntinnli licid ol hoxl He is have been complete The road was pnctlcaiiy im pmthle owing to deep holes and amine was piled up almost to the concession ditch he said it we Irranged tor Councillors turmoi relates olim Ind Im Mills and Altchison to inspect the tour lights and presently isjnianag ing Don Wniiocc the up and com ing young welterweight pm is morrird and has three children one still attending BDCI Was clure Denggeraled picture appear issue alongside of his succes ror Ross ilurhes to the Joh or County Sheri should withdraw his nickname or The Enmlncr which he to inalyrelcrs to The liar rte Exaggerator Mr Drnry could quite eu iiy hnvo occutoireoitor the younger man at theirunits these pictures it could be tint the picture of hint on somewhat dmfleratedlito use ndios Andy expm Iion However it is pleasure to know tint 0ur Brand in Man or SimcoeCaunty is use loading some olhls duties to his successor We are also pleased that DfiTilughes may now he ciuded In the long line rot tamnus men whohave the post of shesfl in thil county Mr Drury said lnthellat puhiic oddrm we heard him make that he did not It thinlr or talk old we cut also say that ironi the picture of him In the recent issue he docs not looLnld ssySynnott Sylvia 52 Traub Annette 60 Webster Ann5o Webster Myrna 58 Private Study Candidates Heinrichs Theodore Histl Johnston Una Fr Auth 52 Ft Comp55 GOOD SPOT CLEARWATER CP Jack Scott nearly 80 years old drove site Repair Weigh Scales Councillorltitchllon said some minor repalls had been made to the Goldwater village weigh scales but recently an inspector had condemned them Mr Ali chison thought the scales had been thrown out of line by frost da would cost $50 to repair the scales and as they do not our vide the village with any revenue would be in lovor olscrapping them stated Councillor Aitchl son Councillor Seymour said its the municipality might he cspnn sihlg or maintaining the scales the cleft was requested to in vestigate procedure and the vii urea ohllgrtionr Eymotlon approvalwas given to pruvltiin hydro to the pmpoc ed newton door telephone huoth ot the parking lot providing the Coidwotor Telephone Commie slon pays the cost andclcctricol specificllions are met Devciopment Association Councillor Victor Turner who is representative on the Georgian Bay Development Commission said he would like to extend an invitation It the September meet in that the are meeting in no tober he held in Goldwater Sup port was given the suggestion and motion passed that the in vitatlon be presented In answer to question Cler MIrtln advised he had not re ceived any report yet ruin the school board regarding proposed arrangements tor sidewalk and drain at the new school CounctIJApproves PUC l5 Matn Continued trom page one the extensive plan recently pre sented to council and which had aiithc woylrom California to this involved ha pupsonce to inrge northwestern Alberto ar 41 go sum up $2509000 ms fishing Mr Scott left this region motion provided that council 37 years ago but remembersthat allould levy tor an annual expen its good fishing spot diturenottto exceed $00000 on drainage and paving plan tor periodnut to exceed live years He explained that the program was not to cndthere but to come up on review Thernotlon met with al most unanimous opposition and was deleated Alderman ratt pointed out that it was now to emphasize the larseilisuresthat had been men tossed in the original presentation oi the plan since the amounts were not exorbitant when spread over periodo years Alderman Hersey argued that Aidennln Paddiannn $100000 annually would not pity tor dirt roads forvhuggies Even the present oilingprogram repre amazonnoun expenditure of he stated Mayor Kinzie lot erpointed out that even this figure was mallow that the actual cost at oiling chipping and patching would run as high as $90000 Green Tor onto StreetA ms rain ed to coun cil by the County He tit Unit who reported his statement to hate heghlehecked and round correct lhelWere to the eilecl that raw sewage is discharging into the hay at point dietwcen Toronto and diary street The matter wasvreler red the Public Works Cominlb odd norimilliontsgthr CNlt will to ontlnue uaemt on rt he cateri down sanitary by Set defiundonaldvstre Workoutson lohin Etna bsinw Kempenlelt an not To Cundles Siubdiv JAYNE MANSHELDgorgeous blonde and bosomy turn stage heiress paid opportunity was presented visit to Toronto recently in connectto with publicity tor er latest produotlo Following porn up Boy Street was greeted by Mayor Nathan Phillips his ollice Whoshould happcnw be there at the time on business but Oriulns mnyurgvitilhur anmp bachelor at that Mayor Ehullpsdeciined to Jayne on receipt oral gilt but His Worship from Oriiiin was not bashiul when the Hére His Worship stands bravely when confronted by theMansfield smile oinghnnreiicdrhursdoy Aug to Labor Day Sept in Angus Community Park No Scarciiy labor Tobacco vest Simcoc notorrner low the expected production more jolts nVoilshlel their search tor jobs ond have re turnedhome the short crop situation The absolute lockht any to tiles to house or feed these trail the past few wceks ulthechurph public thuroughiores v93 ReportThis Year Yr this season Adverse wcather condtinns including the recent disastrous hailstorm contributed 3M5 Chung swam by hcr lather and two compInionI mm is Mm Wm whom the ind lairclinging to In Again it is evident that there Mountbatten Road and Raney Street and the portion or isnowoy just west oi the original Lohiaw store have been designated as fogrgliihe or one hard ivan Piiitey oi RR sort or Mr and Mrs Leo Moreaufi Anien Mills the marriage to take place at Marys Church Barrie onSaturdty Septu 14 at 10 15 Angus Boys League postponed tip in tiirccl contrast to the one dw on he mm lion inst year there Is no dearth vlgp In mum Monday of labor lorrthe tohaccumarvostlfihen WyeapoldVIQXi mm mile and onehalt through chopJ py water 10 hrlng rescuers lo oevrturned host nilol Etobicolie weretossed in shore was made against her Ith dritting farthertiroin shore she lelti wastho oniyhope or any on swimming certificate Sue started out ioIccornparty Many of the transient Workers nor hutwas driven back by the trout Ontario and Quebecpoints ppwgfiuimvep have met with disappnlnlmtnt in Rescue was enacted hy Gordon nowottotpriilin who is no spur of the Glen Mohr Presbytor The inllux oi wouidvbe tobacco lan Ca near overtcn orkers this yeasnn was one of lt the heaviest on record end it is singularly uniortunate that all could not secure work due to EXCLUSIVE catan Attcnding the party which includ ed 60 triendii were Mrs Mary Ly siont workers until they could lie one Bil Mrstw McGregor and cure employment or leave the MrsT nt Grahamhoih 90 district was glarineg apprrontin PETERBoRo cplintent on getting ozood icture at hesi tng arrangements within 600 feet an dump Hyman ash camera The ENéAGEMENT 3Stayiter Willl to announce tho engagement at their daughtttr JosephinehioMr Eugene Morcau orth Drive Ewbicoke swnm Brock Farrow owner of em amen rotrow Motor vicirio Ralph women naosn ueec may this year withva retulting innux mm into the tobaccogrowing areas of mam waves Southern Ontario Whereas in are ML hscco oniciolr earlier hadst ranged toms mrnyos soon to mm agfirmkfiegfififigflg ero wishes hut with the ho now it hoslheen found necessary to close the harder to this migra an Sh ha la Red lion innsmuch its there were no iioschud ltsdlih Cucumbers Cruise Tcnd Cshh ltoiioo Red Onions snipe Tomotoes CIrrnta to IiiwayyIrdIJii ThePBARRIE EXAMINER 1957 WT Iouttn Dow no rt unlont To ty le Firm rerpm ilroauow CAITON teluw omen patty Iticlo oI unatteln 1001 tar 10 wtttrI wttotl wttut aaexln wttnr ciatt use rinciiliiilii his PKG LOILAWI IIADIA es meow on vie

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