Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1957, p. 16

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or least These Openane French Trumpet Band and Drum Thenatty color party of the Leaslde Lions Finish oi the thrilling display staged by the Leaside Lions Trumpet Band and Drum trenc ros ade ended Malorctte Corps at Bradford Commlintty ith the doityoursciit hr pique so lirmly established inth homes more and more rnen are taking to the kitchen topre pure heir own fayorlte foods if ihem nin your house is slnwto alt in step it might be good idea to encourage him to prepare simple owntoealtlr udishes Erotidbly nothing litslhis ription better than broiled steaks garnished with onion rings andscarlet tomato slices ii the man in your house pre terathe ireedom ot the great oul doors sdmuch the better thnv steaks may belcharcoal broiled ever an outdoor barbecue aut broiled indoors or out theres no bctter companion tor tender Julw steak than slices or French bread ipingrhot hamburger buitli SteakSaudwcihes erasure to de ligh tee age crowd The steak is given most eiiective dressing tmustard and simple seasonings for added appetite ap preierred culre steaks replace the steaks called in hissecipe fluid5 unit Servings nds¢beet steak cut about vlnchr hick tterprimu arlne tjlrilatoes rg impale Dish Attracts jen lon has heenvisiting her broth OiEN FACE malice1 sleAK sandwiches Split heated loat lengthwise and spread with solt hilltcror margarine Arrhngcsliced tomat es and onion rings over one halt the loat and thecooked steaks vcr the other hall which helped the ErodiordLiona Centre on Monday afternoonkai end at the parsonage spent last week Witl Brain and Mrs Adi Andersons Alaawrsunahruait gaapcd attheiriirat glance nil All interesting even illaped up is wcek as the culmination ot intplanned move Ernie DeTlr will open his ltorc The In Barrie on Frill Ali 16 It son located at 22 Owen SL He ls not newcomer In lhla particular field having owned two wallpaper and paint stores in Vancouver and has also been an auedln the decorating binlness on many years as ruler flyiill terlnr decorator and dcsizncr Mr1Iciiriany icit Vancouver in Search oi an ideal pllce to set lit and Barrie was his choice The friendliness at the people and tha unmatched beauty or the town kite helped him decide to stay at itcr an excellent advcrllsemcnt in The name Examiner short wrltcup with pictureaudits not out to provc hla abllltys Wulklni alone glvinl bontst slrvicc soon he was flooded with orders His many handpainted murals wallpaper appllqucs 19 made him known in Barrie Ind district Today he and his crew of experts are rltlnll as tar as North Bay and ammo besides Barrie and district Ernies years oi experience through depression and boom times have crystallzed the idea that only complete servicetcan satisfy the average small homo awnerr yearn tor reliable con sulting service when buying paint and wallpaper ior do it your self enthusiasts lience the opening oi Faint Pot its modern stare decorated ln grcylsh champagne colored walls cantaloupe ceiling with floating while crati ceiling His fixtures are natural lights Lhal will Show the colors ill paint Ind allonper exactly the same as in ome Theiiunrcsotint lights have been taken out as they never re lictt the true colors says Ernie Thelnmous Color Clr ousel this marvellous automatlfi electronic color dispensing macli inc olectrlcal brain is dciiriitov her the par 1y an exclusive feature at Th Paint Pot Countlesa shade over 4000 colors in any type Paint can be mixed in seconds before your own eyes Ind cxac ly the same every time Ernlc De Tariany is native or Transylvania and long tlmc Cu adlan citizen He speaks live tang uages it grad ate ot Europea most famous in itary cavalry academy served as an oilieer in the First World War had intell and hali years In the Canad can ennl l5 The Favcro MANSFIELD hirs liiaude Atkinson liamil tan is visitingiltirs Robert Walker and other lrlentls In the commun ilyt Family Picnle lvirs Mltchcll joiuea ihc lamlly oi Mn and Mrs Ross Walker oi ot wmnasnliliauu as gt0 Hospital Barrie with the parsing years the vet ciani at World WI One Ire grad ually dropping out Ind litt death oi James Wilson Dowthwaite on Monday Aug 51957 at Royal Victoria Hospital uarrle meant another gone heart condition terminated long illness Jim was born on Deerl7 1390 in England son at the late James and Anne Dowthwaile and came to Canadl In 1909 making his home in Torontnr with tilt outbreak oi war how ver early plans were set aside nd active service called him to 75th Battalion oi the Canadian veraeas tunes in ch he hold rank sergeant ikc many dllltrs he auiiercd tor the rest oi Jlia llie mm the oilccls oi poison as used by Germany at that if file to civi Inn i0 on in MANY proved inhcalth he spent years lan Intelligence Service and was In all In the GTE and than CNR controller in Art In the last war service tor the greater part as He has married dlughter ln conductor working out at Toronto Vancouvtr and live with hla wltc icor lie came in Barrie Ind 11yearold son Eric in The i147 and had rcmaln Paint Pot he chose an assistant cd here smear Mrs Lennox who has had sev yam Dowlhwmc was an oral ypars experience inJirapcr 31 and member um um fits with lznnd lam formers The lhcrhood at Railway Trainnicn and slur wlll be open 0n It 800 the rervice oi the order was lurid am lndcaters llrslly to the Tum mum Mme Wflm the JenneltEunernl Home The regular service allowed on Wed nesday alternoon Aug conv ducted by Canon itcad roc tor oi Trlnlly Anglican Church Attending were friends nelgh hora and armor ictlow employees of the CNR Some mm dis tance included one son Jon Dowth mile from the Royal Canadian Navy liaiiiax Lovely ilowcrs in remembrance were from friends and relatives and mm the Broth erhood ol itailway Trainmen sch Cadets and Womens Auxlllury to the Navy League Surviving members oi Jame Dowthwoites iamin are his wllt dow the iormcr Doris Winterg bottom two sons Laurie and Joni sister ltlrs Edith neck and three brothers William Sydney and Frederick all in England intermtmt was In St Pauls An glican Cemetery lnnlslllr Pall bearers Were Angus Ketl Charles Roach Bowman Lorne Wass Clarence Jackson andGeorge Coul soo friends and tellaw employees in oi evirarr Mr and Mrs Ken Schell and family of Colllngwgud visited Mr and Mrs Tom McGill last week Mr and Mrs Albert Gibbs and sons at Toronto spent Sundaywith Mr and Mrs liarry wilaonh otuwanolldaya Miss Blanche Reid rcturncd home Inst week atter spending some holiday in Ottawa Shelhurnc Fiddle Context Qulte number irom here at tended the old iime llddlers coil teat at Shclhurne lust Saturday Angus Wedding Mr and Mrs Calvin Haddock Iccolnoanledby William Ludlaw and Miss Pagan attended the Woods wedding at Anna on Sat urdztr Mrs Margaret JenkinsJeturned home after spending few day with Mr and Mrs Harold Jen kins Creemore Derry Day 13 RAINY REGION Quite number irom here cele tThe Olympic peninsula in hratod Derry may nundallr on Washington State rhaa arrannual iniallgni thanlgio inches NORMAN llAnlNELL dress maker to the Queen made our day hualness visit to Winnipeg and sald he was watching ior louchcs oi Canadnna to include or her vlslt to Canada this tall He said skirt lengths depend on individual women This business down every six months ls ridcul ousJ llowevcr he added kneccap is not pretty feature The Film scrvzcc oi the Clint adlan Red erosr provided regulari showings oi current veterans in 49 hospitals and in alitullonli loss Scouiah traditiona are strong Highland Games are almost as who Queen Elizabeths wardrobe bringing the hemlinu up and in movies ior Mix inFinnl rs Vickie itiartln won the ladies champions at Couchlch ing Goll Club Ori over the Weekend when she dclcaled Mu Harriet ilewiit in he Iiual Tim was her first such win She also holds the Vlilmcycr Viruth or handicap play this season in thc nlcns sch deicnditig titlist llzin 1th is Inlo tho iimi round having dclmlcd Harold Mollalt liiix mccis Ihctwinncr oi the Chester larkin vet Walter Varty semifinal parts of Nova Scolin where as unaware 21M mar ploycll butt portunlty to grow in earnings and responsl lty Do you have your eye on ihgiuturd ambitions to succeed djob that not or er that1392 11 Vspfi lifopvrltliatfiiefafio fiifimtnfind lllcolvtn determined ENTIREL by your own lnltlallvcand nmhlliont with State Farm insurance multlplc line company handling the three major types oi insurance auto lite and lire you HAVE pleasant working conditions an opportunity tobulld busi iimited opportunity ior advan achaneo to meet the public ior yaurscli till all uni cement it you are this man then want to talk to you about your future confidentially II MacLEOD 15 Oakleyt7arlr Square PHONE PA 85337 Militia arcemore at picnic on Sunday near Orangcville Present were in and Mrs Glen lieAninch and lamin oi Guelph also their daugh ter Edna and husband irom To onto Berta stall and Patrc Walk cr are at the Presbyterian Camp Glen MohrLikc Slrncoe At Doe Lake Mi and Mrs CMr Hand arc spending this week at cuttatte on Doe Lake in the Huntsville arch Wilh Ihcm are Mr and Mrs Roscoe Cauthcrsof Port Credit Mrs Fred stavcley oi Whining ers Inmillcsthc Armstrongs Birthday Gathering Theiamlly of Hugh Gallaughér also his sisters Mrs Harts nd Mrsr Gallaugher held picnic in honor oi his birthday at beach near Collingwond on Sunday Aug ltlrirpatriekltolland Congratulations to Elwood Ki palrick and Betty Holland who were married in Knox Preaiiy terianvChurch Alliston on Satur day visit Parsonage Mr andltlrs Don Garry and baby at Hamilton spent the week Mrs Gar and Karen remained for week or two to he with her sister Mrs Fernutaro Camp Counsellor Carmen Fornataro is at Uni ted Church camp where she is counsellon Louis Mayor is enjoying ho day ata camp on Lake Saye near lllindenl Mr andMrs William Ferris irieods Derry Day Celebrated The BlackKnights oi Idansficld helped Eel bruted Der Dundaik Saturday Mrs lvanhncleraon and shiny oivirenton are holidaying at Mn nushell The womens work Commit arclb ottood leitc aficlto lnr on no mo eu Upright our altram on roll shelves and threer liwidili door shelves sully ecotnrac datrjboutr s1 in lrdxen lderu lnd5hllketl Wit 33 5936 Im saw wide wiil hold about an DAILY 900 min shown WEDNESDAY 900 Im 1200noon wmswnarw at Compare the feature Handsome VlKlNG supernlarketrul loads with all these ieaturea larth Convenient Adjustable Sparkling easy to clean enamelyfinish seamen PHONE smite PA asuiict oitnElt ulrirlciz 35961 crime right at your iingcrtipsl gt rt CounterBalanced Top with BuiltlnLigh Scaledtlght allsteclcalrinet pi capacity storage baskets rlill out allele hack and Call Control double coated halted pulux Warning Lights with builtin safety system to warn you at power iailures or rlsllll temperatures Approx to mp wide 35 high Stores about 525 lbs Irozcn loads on cycle adminV our ions mi wandstruce uDl rear aiMrenlnl lhelllfll lfliltlt lollL mil roll llquth

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