Amman Visitor Mr lnd Mrs Richlrddo Man ion of Hlmlltnn were weekend Visitors with the owners mother Mn ll de Motion Nchlrll rundson 01 Mrs deMnnlon is bolldlylng with relstivcs in tum llton Toronto Ginsu Mrs lnu Erwin 0t Tomnlo spent tho weekend with Mr Incl Mn Albert lrwln Vililors Willi lilr and Mn Rutledge were air and Mrs Alvin Rutledge and lamlly at GM venhursl Mr sud Mrs erk Rul lrdge Toronto hilss Gertie Cooper Toronto is lpllldlhga holldly wllh Mrs WGlus and billet friends in town Mr Ind Mrs Paul logo at Tor onto were recent guests oi the lllilrs nlutller Mrs John llougli Qant Miss Mariano Wilklnsnn Tor hoio spunl the weekend with her mother Mrs Wilkinson Balm Beach Mrs Donald Mnnkilian and children are spending tow melt at their cottage llalm Bench Mr and Mrs Torrance llunter arespending holiduys otluwa with theirï¬un nnddnllgllt£rin llw Mr and Mrs chk Hunter Sunday guests With Mr and Mrs ll Kitld were Mr Ind airs Jock Kidd rind children Dil vid and Judy of Toronto Iteturn To West Mrs ii McLean and girls Elizabeth and Donna leit Tiles day for Brilish Columbia nitor visiting the farmers pnrenLLIOr ii week 0n lllldiiyil Rev lind Mrs Nowell or on holidays for August Mr Pos no at thclgtreshyter Church is taking the services at lllc United Church Campbell thnlon The 23rd annual reunion or the amplicll clan was held this year at lnnistil Park on July 20 with 82 in attendance Friends who at tended Wore irom Minncdosd lilanitohn Waverley Wyebrlllgo Toronto St Catharines Shoals vllle Cobkstown and nearby plac bauntiiul supper wns servo alter which visiilng gllnes and contcsls were enjoyed Lucky prizes were given during the rave ening The youngest member iii the clan to Nancy lebh daughter InL and Mrs Douglas iehb oldest was glyentodnr Annie lliunroc Mrs Hannah spngsler and her sister Mrs Air nio Munroe er Mlnnedosa receim sou prize or coining the longest distance visitors llsre Mr nnd Mrs Allen Green and angliler Cherry Fergus re riled heme Sunday aitor spends ing two weeks holidays with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Norman Bllker From Toronto ï¬llHunt Mrs Kenneth Kidd oi Torontospent the holiday woekv at their home in town Visitors during the week with Mr and Mrs it Cause were Mrs Albert McCutchcon of Alll nra lore Clnrenco Nushot Tor nnlo Miss Jenn Fraser and Jedi die Fraser of Orangevillo Mrs Elonnor Armstrong or Toronto spent tile holiday week end with her brotherrw Arin rong nd Mr nnd Mrs Hubert email From Petawawn iM MCLEllnn and children tit retawnwa lire spending hull day with her parents Mr and Mrs Henry Davis Miss Helen Davis ul lInmlllon ho has been in Toronto the past weeks is endlnglhe rest 01 her vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs Henry Davis Took Teachers Course To nib inking special tudierfl sour bu niurned in her horns lien Mr In In Willilm Riley Ind Mr nod ntA nun blvo returned home from motor trip through triv Hauliurion district Wuhan Vllihn Weekend visitJr with Mr Ind Mrs Email View Ilr Ind Mrs Ink Ostrlnder and Link at Toronto Saturday visitor Wen Mr and Mrs Br Plyn Amen Mitts lnlat church service Joint church service will be held Sundry Aug is at it inn at Sprlnzvuilcr Park Midhurst ingJier lillfl Mrs Milne Janice cvanitih Barrie Ir spending is law any at Del Priests New noosehoming We nre pleased to see Mr ilnwden new house coming along nicely They hope to be in il sllmtly Rccenl Visitors lieccnt visitorslln the vicinity were Mr and Mrs Campbell Judy and Peter ni eaeourg Mr unilvlilrs Leonard Watson and daughter nl Tumult ill Eldon Knapps Mr and Mrs Joseph Jonesand and Mrs pave dunes and tnhy nl Collingwoud at Jones Mr and Mrs Bruec Binnie or To mnlo at John Brsithwaltes Presenutlim iiidc Ille school on Thursday or Bill lllnkln and his bride ring song and muslo was 7nth enjoy ed with Mrs Alvin Cox It the piano Bill and Lily were called to the pluttatm end were pm senled with lover floor lamp wnlnut enrl illila Ind is him ket They both replied thanking tllelr friends tor the lovely glits Bill Is planning In build it house in this vicinity We nll wish them the host luck in the future The Llie Illomils lnliley Following tragic lncidunl dentli occurred to Thomas lnltley on July 25 1957 nl his home He was born Feb 15 1916 and ll nlh Vic ity nlmostnll e40nlunWlM8lie vial narricd tn Clnrlne Oxlurd of Le lmy who predeceased him on Feb 21 1955 Mr lnkley wu employed at Midhurst Heldrestry or ii number at yoursf He ma president or the civil service in Barrie area ror the past two Years also member at the YMCA and Ground Observer Corps Bar He attended the Anglican Church at Mineslnl He is survived by one brother Raynor lnltlsyruneral wss hold troin tlieJennett Funeral Hume Barrioon Siinday July 28 to St Peters Church MinesinE ior service attwo oclock with Rev Gordon King aa pnstor inter ment In Minesing Cemetery Floral tributesvlere received 1mm Anton Mills community St Peters ChurchleYMCA natures try SoltEds Club and other friends Pallbenrers were Del bert Priest EldbnKnopp Dnvld Kenwelln Robert Easton Whack Oxiord ondt ï¬llvie Fleming RUSSIAN FORESTS Thereï¬re early 2500000000 acres in forest In in Russia more than 44 per cent oifthe countrys iotnl ares The Canadian Junioi lied Cross hos 31hranches and ms members in the Department or Mrs Wesley Hindle who has National Defence Scljnnls in Enr ope Mrs Hill Toronto is vlslt children Newmilrket and Mr social eevnlng wu spent in 1th free YESl yonp on ly it reg inkl three applidncés listed inlay and get this Lined at all winded Sinlirtly styled and exceedingly wellicnnllriictoili this chrome lulu lsaviilahlo in wide selection or nltrncllve twotone co centre lent extension and atlnctivo steerre iriplu chitime plated The lzlglultllilg yil This spacious liltramndern retrigeratorhripgs you all ihoieo tuna you need and want nnd inrnddltinn you receive this MEEhl0mc set 64 LB CAPAQITYTOOD FREEZER Ln CAPACITY ClllLL TRAY irSllElaF BUTTER AND CHEESE KEEPER lN mentionwolf noon EGG RACKS WITH 18 EGG CAPACITY INREFRIGERATDR noon oooii RACKS WlTll lzQuAnT MILK Boriu CAPACITY tam emit Pen tiresome was rigeriitor altering MODEL 42 zoo mudein amazingly coin pact cabinet with comTenn styling designed with an eye ior delaii and linislled to hiend with all decor SUPER CASCODIl TUNER INCH ALINCO SPEAKER nuTonATic RANGE FINIIEB COMES bonirizimr mm wmfï¬mw ShiflY miss m9 Ems 055 Tim TOP ll NING These and many nth nra carrlhlned better reeepiion cantriistpictnre true sonndt or seam mu tes use BARRlE EXAMINER oven with completely our This camelima PR Mltllil esn he applied to oneor you ylille or combinationwflho tibia bu the ill low This siren double logs of The one llliisiar byIFlre stoneblings you rush out standan ieniures as iullu tomutcTnntrois three burners each Willi indivld unlly colored push button switches and one burner with tho revolutionsry Thor mni eye that tiring and tn the hqnlred temperature In tllen hoids hear tn prevent boil overs All elements swing tip toreasy cleaning nil laconic ieei storage splice lullwidth in st lireeoi ï¬nemony lazing lures This newestWilmer Vhy Firestone futures AND moKAl oven withnonvlogg ng oven windowli1gli speed cnrnmniox elements that swing up tar ciiiiy clenninl timed appliance out let indigllor ligth lullwidth fluorescent lump lullwidth WW InbulEr In ruhoaraoits nnd fwnll nxcwslvo one cannot AND luzvoleomutv THERMAL EYE licre Is complete nutomlllc waiting to make meal get line real pleasure tor the busy hullsuwlfe theiu most in strnplicl elleclt tiveness and as only ABC tu use Guaranteed to save hours of lime us ormnr GREAT FEATURES 2c arming drawer brings you many outstanding features PDrcElB Tuli inside and out roroeiainEnumel le ringer with twin pressure Alene on lentflutomntlc an inmiiua1ovsll conven