MR AND MRS HAROLD WILLIAMTOMKINS Bentriee Ileen White became the bride or Ilnrold Willinm Tomkins in ceremony performed by the ReverendG Burton Snturdny August third at the home or the brides parents The bride istlle daughter oi Mr and Mrs Hugh White Hale Street London Mr and Mrs White were resi dents oi Barrie or 35 years The hritle wore an ailernofln lwhiie accessories and red rum dress oi champagne lace 0V corsage The couple will live in teta styled with scquinstrimmed London portrait neckline and hracelet length sleeves Pleated panels at champagne satin accented the haekswept skiriuA matching iouerS Va therhnndenu and cascade of red roses and slephanotis completed her ensembler lNosed Out In Mrs Speare attended her Ontario Final sister wearing dusty rose over luttcia Speare was grooms member of tilt Barrie Lawn Bowling Club reached the PM For travelling the bride wore crcnd Mr and Mmjiilton Brick or with their daughter£dnl ol vlltldg It ti out at Mrs will in Brillow during the pint week minds lha Bzv Toronto Mr and In iioover end two dougntcn iromiiouu ville Mr and Mrs Bah Carson Tunisia and ihomas McKee 01 Julian Mr And Mrs Fred Parker and iamlly 36 Menu SLEnrrio spent cw daylriut week with relatives In Detroit Pontiac and Lake Orion Michigan Miss Bertie Mulhnlilnd at Stroudwns enterlllned ll three tellowvworkera Mrs VernLTIiS son Verna Hodwn Ind lean Mop rison It shower held in her honor at the home or Mrs rsp sun in 010 Beach Miss Mulholv lnndwis prescriled wlui porr up master and pastel pink mix er as well as individual gifts She will be married August 24 Mr and Mrs lieKenlic Bil by train mm Midhurst Titu llay mnruinglor visit with rain ch5 in Vn€DHVEl Ind other west rn points whyte Ind Ion oi Calgary are renewing lcqualntlnce with friends in town ind Shanty Bay lilrs Whyte was Iroiossionul lur lhe Harrie Skat lng Club tor several years ties held in Kingston rhursdliy ugusi ill Mrs Alny Vlll 181 Collier 5L MR8 JOSEPH ouven Altorm brne Economist program In prahed himrnent day progrl held teacher roln Wen gtMrica Boall direeto or education or women sud girls in Ghana said she was most lniprcsed lay the conï¬dence girls gained lhrough til work hero Since mothers Sophia lend thefroursc she noticed it ve young girl wonderiul Keeling to know her mother is in erestcdtnwhal shes learning she told the group that her ork in Ghana is mainly with nachooled glria An imporllnl art oi the course is tearhinl them to read nnd wrilo Women courses not or the akiiiedlerrned as opposed to the siH prognm innanadi but to learn to plan and sew time in lining their thouschold Th nulritlonal logic if stressed sh id Few Amenities Rural women cook over open rcs We donlhuvdllie modern ouseholdjlls ihat you do it lies inc phone women Ion me to do all the cooking was ngand ng for illnily Ai int mans or she said zlnlcrnallonai vlsitor was renedlin in orange black and hite costumetypicill or her country Called fniemn it had simple top short sleeves no collar onda draptd but slim skirt reaching the lirkics defeated Mrs Marge Claridizc Tot tenhamin the Area iinlis and went on to win int Southern Elsirier competition in Newmnr ct in ihcdrovlnclol Hulls Mrs Voir played three games and lost two Her tlrst conrpetltnr Mrs Donaldson of Ottawa eked 21 lii yiciory out or the matth Mrs Gen Toronto who won the Pro vincial competition donated Mrs Vlir 2111 Her sole victory came in lniatch with Mrs Bolt lt51 Bellevllle who was downed 2112 Rooting or Mrs Volr It the Kingston tournament were Mrs Frances Walker president of the Barrie Club Mrs Doris Ander son Vicepresideni oi the Provin cial Association and Mrs Pur ker Mrs Vnirs daughter Cétldfdince consume Jnne Aline Courtn son at Mr and Mrs William Ay played the wedding murch Given in marriage by her ilths or the bride wore ballerina length gown of White sliill Ind nylon net styled with billows or lane on the houiinnt skirt rhe sleeves which ended in points at TABLET MOUNTAIN the wrists tim or nylon and Tabletop Mountain in the caspe pufls hump velL man viriciai iinnis oi the Eadies Si navy silk dress with blue and region of Realise has plateau She carried cascade oi red rose like summit 4350 leer ma white baby breath Attendlnlgheu sisteriuissr Courtnuy wore bullerinaleng gown oi nylon lace over triiet Hertlowera were camade or yel low roses and white baby breath and matched the lowered tiara headdress Miss Mnrion Courtney also the brides sister wes flower girl in shortdrcss oi yellow ny flame Eldon Courtney or Phelpston married Joseph Oliver Ayom afternoon service at the home or the brides parents on July twentieth Reverend Cooper otticinted and Mrs Cooper loll over toilets Her headdress nnd basket of llowera were at yel iow mos Ind mauve sweet pus served at her home liirs Court matching jacket of laceIeotured Vney wore dress oi powder blue lane over iniietn and corsnge of pink roses and white lilyoi thevnllev Ayottes dress WIS ot green floral nylon and hereorsage or yellow rpses and white lilyoiAthevallc Barrio Miss Bolts on livemonth uur oi Lhc United Slates and Sounds is observing leaching nclhods in home economics Ignoring hold drug and wrinkles vAny treuirnent lhrt makes the skin warm and pink is cllcclive in warding olt blemishes she said and keep it clean ia still the watchword ot beauty Silll Striving Lite can be as odveuturesomc It 91 uit is at 2i said Miss leannl Strong ot Toronto At age 91 she hls started taking music lessons Music his always been her hob by She has liken ringing lessons since she was little girl Adher ing toher inthersndvice that talent is something to be token care oi Ind improved for the hon cilt oiaothers Miss Strong said Im still striving popie Applesauce Here is newrealm lnr Home nnlng ioriopplesnuec Scldct jinn tort apples wash quarter core and rcmovu any bruised orv decayed ports Drop into per cent brine drain Cook daughter at Mr nnd Mrs otte oi Highlnnd Grove in an Hostess at the butieilunch Assisting her Mrs Ilrsqvumflnl Monastic ni ioynooth was groomsmnn Guestsltrorn distance arrived from Maynooth Highlnnd Grove and Wilberforce Aiter wedding trip in Ninglt ara Falls the USA and northern llld keeptho blood eireulaiing to points the couple will reside in mi Wm it Wm3 mu By MARY Bi Canadian Press Ell Writer Mony Canadians are sutferlng iroln malnutrition as result oi ignorance and indiilorcneo si ihough they have plontyot food says iiicHenry prolesï¬orl or nutrition the University Toronto Thé majority 01 tornadinur eat too much meet and too little milk cheese iruits and vegetables he oar gt Dr Mcllenry told members of the Agriduitural institute of Clll eds attheirnnnual tnnvention at Vancouver that iipenpie ioiiowed canlira road Rules the oilicial government dietary guide there would be no malnutrition among children no obesity among adults and considerably reduced family food budget Surveys showed that youngsters eclvedonly half uplnt of milk leaa dny insteadspf tull Mony children received no encopt potatoes he lccauseilsi vitamin content is tr one tood he said margnr is Is goodies butter nonsun Muny Canadians are either bored or répeiledjy discussions on healthiul eating widespread elementary knowledge or nutrl tion Would make such things im possible Dr Mollenry said Attractive Skln woman without perfume is like beautiful tacowithout smilenothingsays beauty ex pert Theresa Germann Canadian women like to sovo pertunle and just use it iorspe cioi occasions it they should use it every he said And weer enoughas too little per iume is lust Wasted she said The ncwesLtrend winkeup is pale lipstick and rathcrsdrnlnotic eye makeup Miss Germ nn eeommends erelmseonuin VitnmlnA and These sh says will nourish the ti nderrth labial skin asugpnfklair WittTIME oraitn but Mn ANDMRS RONALD WILLIAM SMITH In setting at gindioliand roses in double ring ceremony was quietly solemnlzed Thursdayevoning August first at the home at the brides parents Mr and Mrs Lntlmer 4B Cumberland street when GwendolynEiiznbcth Hoffman become the bride ot Ronald William Smithson at Mr and Mrs Ghnrles smith otfmronto The Reverend Trimhie oriicioted with wedding music being played by Mrs Henderson or stnyner hunt or the bride Lieutenant James Smith of the accessories iler attendant wnro Salvation Army and brother oi Snlvllion Army dress uniform the groom was groomsmnn His with corsage oi while roses and wife Lieutenant Jonn Smith was lilyofvthevvalley matron or harm Outoltown guesis attended The bride woré unrihhean from Toronto Orlilia petrolia blue gabnrdine suit with cor Cookstown lliinets Point Angus sage or talisman roses and pink Everett Allistnn nndstayner Alter wedding lrip norlh the suit Press through sieve or col couple will reside temporarily in ander to remove skins Barrio Add teaspoons ruearyl solu tion or is tablets to each cup NORTHERN MIRAn ot sauce Bring to boil Pack 191 mdelJendem re boiling hut into clean hot lira PW Wm 3°de Nil process 25 minutes and remember way 13 9mm to leave no inch head space when peeking fruit For home ireezing simply pack into container seal cool and freeze The Diumcdcs islands in til Bering Strait ore roughly hali wav between Alaska and Siherin Pris pups zooolive do ms 2c my one on bioalive so zilaslim