woo auteau Photo BASIC WARDROBE FOR THE BUSINESS MAN suggest ed by the Mens Apparel Council included this brown single breasted suit Selected especially for the man who travels the purewool twist tweed was selected for its ability to ligh on wrinklesand nmintrlih crisp appearance The three button Jacket current icvorite is cut slightly shorter and with more natural shoulder line Fitting snug gly around the necksieeves short enough to allow the shirt cuif to show centre vent in the back with tapered siceves the jacket imparts slim look that is alsomarried out in the reiaihs Its shape Althoug uslrless men are uallyvbecom as 01 the importance or personal appearance they donot al ways plan their buying to get the are at return for their investments Once wellbalanced wardrobe isbutlt up it can ocmain tamed by relatively small expenditures made on regular basis reports the Mens Apparel council lswhen ignored or too long pcrlod that everythingseems to get shabby at once and the cost at replenishing seelfis unreasonably high it it special Press ghowing intloronto lheMensAppnrel Council presented basic wardrobe for the business man Whose life includes both travelling and oilice work The Council suuesla thrcelliiiy and those ol few yenra past business aults Iwo sporll lackctn 712 bulltm doublebreasted with coordinated slacks one toy model with rmall overlap and ual country type and dressier gloss button stand narrow peak one or informal club occasions ed laptls modilied mluni shoul dinner jacket and lull roll dcr line and slightly shorter tor Ionndl wear Two top Nlil lacket conlrnsled sharply with one that doubles lor evening the wide shoulder wide lapel oi wearand of course the hall the 3x2 bullon model popular shoes and accessories appropriate short lime ago The double toroarh breasted suit is back slated Council mcmbcrs but ltdoes nnl dem mean thal your old double The lhree suits sussestsd In hm mm mm The cludcd Pure wrml twill lwcedWI cd with blue andblack suggested or and iabrle true irleuds oi the by Conn PM man who travels The rich brown mi rm mm with scattered nabs or blue and monmr 10 mo red and line whltc lhread mu forming tiny checks through the labrlc is on cxcellenl choice to Subdlml Actessoriel combat Ihc hsurds oi dust and Accessories eorislsllngs ol line that plague the traveller white shirt contrasting lit at whelher in nor train or plane light grey plnln dark blue socks This lirnily ilnlshcd wool fabric well polished black Jhocs and lights oft wrinkles and retains heat unnblrusive iewellery com its crisp appearance attcr hours pleted the pleture ot success at the wheel lui executive Two topcoolsdanswer the busi ness mans nee or any occas d1di 93 52 ion ioose tilting raglan sleeve 9m brown and while tweed with very iahric Lhni tailors excellently and back mm 5m Drnhness was avoided by taint glen check ggï¬agntgmï¬ggeï¬eTï¬‚ï¬ Wm iinll hmlh leresllngly patterned wilh sub both suits were shown in the lhrec button single breasted style 112 if °iledb2h$ï¬ which is the trader in popularity be me Hm cheeks it made colortul but Slim and Trim roserVed basic coal The council emphasized the mgmwelgm mm llrcndto the simpler neaicr elA 51mm mom slim TheWW and wilh the Bnlmacun collar swam Pflddtd h°uld°m it provided trlcndly gehcral the heavtly drape elkcu of purpose mm my mm towyearsago look outoipiacc The sn museum by With more tormai airplshown the Council at their Tcronto With my business Elm wax showing illustrated the trend to single brested loose mine should mm blue covert cloth topcoat Even the direct was kept modilied lor shorter than the weed model it the businessclothes shownLNae 850 Ewell evenlnlz soil roost inindsllghiiy shorter 10 be mm with mWlet tickets nnd trousersa fut third topcoat was shown slralghttrlm lilies carried out luslmlng very new trend to the feeling of sllmness Indylent bescen In forlhcdrnlngseasons ness iwflhum flXliziimUnn the iiiree button double breasted The third suit particularly rolled to the sewnd button il suiiahie tor the business execu lushtins the revival the The second suit suggestion straight trim trousers Brown shoes and hat adarker brown tie with light beige shirt completed the outfit erri live pointedlyillustrated the dif Chosleflleld The pure wool lerence between the styles ol tolt WEEFLWIW small binck and my herringbone attern made seml iittcd coal cgtnlprtable yeti suiti clent tnrtown weal2 Cutlal and Comfortable Sports jaelgets shown =were of two adianct types First the town and countryvery casuai remi seen at the hacking jack elwas made at lovat green lod cn cloth Formerly only inthe outerwear tlcld this pure wool abric with its so brushedsun lane is now made in hghler Weinglelilallt or jackets subdued Glen check running through thelabrle the slightly sionleoiilipped pockets llie side vents and the three buttnn styl ing combine lo elite pleasant ly easaul ellecl The plain slacks oi the same loviai green smoothly tlniahed co erl coih cut on straight slim lines Altjilstoole back topped pockets ue lvy look Ae Without pleats strap qltarler complete the cessorles show shirt with hullon down collor yellow foulinrd lie grey grc brushed leather shoes and match was or time lightweight tweed patterned in small black and grey cheeks worn with smooth slacks The Inodii shoulder llnc trim taiioring dseMn liappedpoc tsaddatoore an moi look to thisvotherwlscensunl locketmalt the three button model an excellent choicerfor so clnl gatheringswhen ladies are urinaloccasional is par lieu rierimp taut Ior he busl tobc properlylo ssed poorly lilting cessoritedn Lightweight fabrics day arcso cool an com urtahie at it necessary tor indoya male to is dressing or florlnai iinxlcibrmteibmwfl dark grey wool abrlc lolliyltrlp hand iicd should im worn out were white ing lavat green brushed telt bat Thesecund yos pt sportscoal iy iiniahed medium grey worsted vforated with very scum 4c tnolo Titanswall or thé slim e1 egant floorlength dinncr gown with lts wristlcngih siesvcs is iashinn news lor fall This gown is in line crepe draped soilly at the root or the cosylilting bod ice rheaklrt hugs the hinllne ndklalls to slight train at the IC side the wings oi the cbilar soil Shirl with turned down collar is worn with ihe dinner Jacket Tie und cummerhund set are available in colors and paterns or t1 nilihe eohventiolllal lulla Woiï¬ lab rlcsare found in variety of in terostingweavesllke the smooth ly finishedwnillc weave appear in in the Cnuncilssnmple ward robe mu complement with the dinner jacket black or blue morning hamburg is worn Hi 0° WW ed tapered toes with lengthened Features Woo vmaomorals season than ever ochre fuliloil Canadian msnuhcturera In coal suit tinLl and sportewu Held are lclluritu purewoo fabrics The newelt fashions GE mand toll runpie Viutherweight flbriuvtn int rpret tactfully the gentle relaxed dines ol milldyl tall wardrobc and the velvety deep pit or polished wool are perlctl or tilu designers needs it Irecinl press showing in Toronto cday ierding Canadian monuiacturen allowed some one hundred Ind arty trendsettan fashions in wool all ot which will be an tale in the stores this month lot It the SW The clothes shown had an easy and wellrlnanncred look highly reminiscent at the wearable lerlng fashions oi the 30s The new sultly draped cocoon or wood shape appeared repeatedly in coal and suits shown in plush or polished would frequent ly trimmed with lur Every de signer went his own way in the use of iur with one using lynx as border lrom collar to henh line on lush beige ilcece wrap coat Stirring importance were many shogtar than long eaata iii slim orhrreiled lines Belts are that becoming lash ion tact lor although lilo Chanel easy loose titling dress or salt was oilen seen leather belts on neared on many gently blouscd eolortui lightweight lweeds and wool knits tlaitcrlns black and white basketweave wool taunic suit gathered lls iuliness into beltedwalst below huge suits remained ailing straight to the waist or hipilnc Outstanding among the beauti lul collection Canadian furs shuwn wai an oilwhile beaver in Uisler style with einngalcd nat ched collIr and leaturing Ih trend to doublebreasted button ing through the uscol silver dol llr aim bi buttons For weightless ad lionni warmth the coat was semilined Willi worsted tartan Formal Separates Evening separates as shown in Hoarlength thrtan skirt and ibelulilully jewelled white wool Jersey blouse forecast av new llshion for entertaining at home Also in the sportswear picture was cleverly designed scissors sklrt in coral worsted fastened at the waist by use bow Displlys shoes and handbags featured new basic shade called rieln neutral beige witha vague hint at green Theatre red lor spark ol color in the ultra black fashion picture Hos iery news lay in the hint at tint of color to match the cor tum so important in the one coior look shoe had exaggerated pet br opern typehat lseorrcct out whether tor business casual or lormziwéar the Wellirersed man always wears the proper into with all suits hc jacket skates es and worn short enough to ale low the shirt cufls to show Remember saidW Cook paret Counn serves wclldrcssed man StevenStrongIit LE olannt Closed golf chunplorlshi licorefot 226 tor hole Royal VMont ea it shouldJie pressed without trees the chairnlan or the Men Ap Acomplement the Mrs ivor Potts and children pl woman in your ï¬le by dressing London have been holidaying with welltho welldressed woman de he parents Mr and Mrs Joe hoidsthexiro by one Iii won for iheseyenth slrslgbmlrne in lin thetannual canndian Womens vamps always matched to the costume when possible The Chanel lnlluence in jewellery was seen in bib necklaces and ropes or pearls with tremendous glitter in set stones iorrcvening CAiibsv Booth Mr and Mrs George Fleck have returned to Toronto alter spend ing the past week with her par ents Mr and Mrs Armstrong Mr and Mrs Armstrong spent couple at days last week visit ing friends at magnetewan and North Masters Larry and Lanny John stone at Oshawa are holidaying or to clip ulTeau the majority oi ivnmen enjoyed striking relieiwilh New Formula Pinklum Tablet or CompoundMoal like you will be helped M50 we on do not experience Ink relieeead the empty canon tor abecrhu und or your money bourbonarid trashsine on at born launchednull Try our lit is no lanolin Norwegiln for collar while other THE NEW ELEGANCE in fashion inspires this French wool doesltin suit heightened by precious mink shawl col lax Theooketissxnoothlyjitted overthe hips and lightly gathered above the waist ror thc bloused look In sweet chocolatevshade thesuit has slim skirt with kick plea in the back By Lurte is Saunders or Toronto Wool Bureau Photo are attending Bible School at Coulson bliss Lois heard was reecn visitor with diel cousin Miss ioa Benrd Creighton at Everett and at Glen Johnstoncs George Vivian at Several Attend Bible School Several Carley school children installing wash hasins and lush Vacathm toiqu It Carley school Carmen itoblnsonls doing the necessary carpentry work titer can rat at the went away under the DHegreo andhtrallest arratt Work At School Glen Dunlop Goldwater is busy THOUGHTFUL REGINA 01 Two Regina men made heatrwcarypassenhy av lwtling nndklrlore comfortable nne altered combining their crops itch days as the hot and dry tihues but we are in need bracarrots gooduraln Jnhnltonewas week visitor with rd brimming pail of cold water II olhér allowed with handlul or The passing mllkrnana horse had sprightlier step ashc The Most Askedr Lille Most Wanted lwli lliltorvlil Hltirlét iii mil and oats Lotus your armi prob in by giving you no skin in vise we allme wilhlhlrtyalx villain dqm plain Wu it lurid or Image or as walnut In renal 3L3 should url oi llil ml plaids or rarlansln mien Might and Autism Sliirliellv on IloLIr strictly1mm lo llixI lhspslealsp in and om in you glrdi igh aiim pull yooin