Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1957, p. 11

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store buildingwosoperlediufatie 1t wueaused by ouapseo trodZ lllnmina mlnepillors over No one was hu 5P with the not gt est crack that was Timmin only link or Ontariowith giant still widelringtwof days lat amwiog rnhsngo otJoflesa between the coun ilf tbeworld tor the so of Improving tethnb cal skills and widening palelee Distinct train ml gntiolinese exchanger ipon sored by number at lnler neutral nrglulnilonaare tor limited period nrlialnln 1955 to example issued from ly permits turieverseal Ila wishing to work Formerly enemies Ger many nd lrahce now cx change building worlim Den mark la popular stopping plaeetor tumors interested In Ihlmll breeding This Inl tile describes some ll the min scbelnolwhtch are benefiting many countries with flesh Irina and new techniques Europe arts and crafts tries but today craftsmen of every nationality are taking to the roads again The numberaol such work ers remain comparatively small The bureaucratic and nationalistic barrie oi theZDth century cannot be troyed overnight but the is reviving the great medlayaltradltlon ot the travell lng Journeymanthe skilledworlr er whose migration trom country country enriched the worlds Recent genera the erection or the lree move national barriers are helm and £111an and burnt organ luilons Ire engage in lhelping cratumen andapprentices ln al most every field to seek expert once and homely talents Elwood These exchangerare most common ini Europe but since the war large numbers oi European work ers have spent periods in the Uni teclStiltes and there has also been movement at labor betweenAxia Europe North Amerch 1nd Aun lrnlla Todays craitsman with goes abroad seohsususuy to im prove his technical skills and widen his experience Sometimes how ever he lsprlmarily concerned with setting to know the people at another country in either my mankind whole beach from rthis spread at knowledge and un derstanding Britain has played an important part in cncouragl such movoi ment at workers distinct trons migration In whicha worker aet tles In Inotherjcountry perman ently In 1955 Iariilstoncc Bri Iain granted seal permits to ovcr seas nationals wishing to work theminclu technical college rslty sludfintsnn filortl terns ext Inger iniindustrill and occupations British and West German engineering firms are nnwexchnnging appren fines or periods oi twomonths at time There have also can successiul exchangeas or revlvnioi the iravelllngiourneyworkers betweennrltal man tradition lsgrowiflg yen by year All mankind benedtted by the movements or workers in the Mid die Ages Skllied crafumen in in trades expected to wanderacross national frontiers in the search ror experience had As re cent UNESCO report put it The boy who learned his job from the master stonemasons oi Augsburg Cathedral may have helped to put the finishing touches to Milan and the root framework at Glastonbury may have been the masterpiece of his up medieval Eprnpe especially the building shortsttirm employment In carpenter who served prentlceship at Chgrtres Obviouslyr Ilhe 20th scale century could benctitequally from an ex change at craitsmen on the Sallie until recent years how ever such exchanges have been one hand and Norway Netherlands uneasenth France and Germhny two court tries which have tried to destroy one another three timesln as manygeneratlons have been ex changing building workers in re cent years flhere could be nu more constructive gesture between two former enemies The French received 2447 workera under trainee agreements with other European countries in 1955lus 120 lrom Asia the Americas the Middle East and Oceania out ally her own atlonals Com munist Czechoslovnklu tonk 209 trainees lrorn other European na tions and rent upeopleabroall The United States government crlllloh Administration has pro ldedonevycar courses or orc tyh 000 workers mm 12 Europv ea countries Switzerltnd has lllso played key part in this training and ob cllmltlution oi iorelgn workers 11955 she ret cdlor inrtanee 351 typographers drawn rain eight other Ellropcan countries Anuthor5wiss project has been Joint training and employment scheme for Yugoslav metalwork ers nonmsrlrs conirlhuiinn under standahly has been in the 8ng cultural field and large numbers oi young agriculturlsts irom oth er countrics have worked on Dan ish arms One notable example ottlils last year was sixmonth working rtlnt in Denmark by 50 Yugoslav farmers anxious to study modern method 01 cropralslng and animal breeding ance and the Netherlands have also been exchanging farm workers The international Farm Youth Exchange project arranges for spinon sgrieulturlats each year to be exchanged between the Uni ted Statea and 46 countries in Asli Europe Latin America the Middle W111 PmfleThcso young farmers spendslx months living and working on arms in other countries than their own The thousands or workers going abroad to see the world and per lect their techniques are organ ed under ldc variety of es Some are exchanged he en prlvateemployera other are alded by agreements between SovernmellLs The international Association tor the Exchange at Students for Technical Experience has placed 23000 students in work abroad since 1948 similar body the international Association Students in Economic and Com mercial Sciences hasyslnce 1M arranged for about 3500 young people to go abroad to obtain Proc ticalexperlcnce during their vaca tions These two are typical of many nongovernmental agencies engag ed in tostering international en changes of workers UNESCO launched pilot project Its1955 aimed at encouraging bothman not and nonmanual European workers to workabroucl at their througlLtlle Mutual SecurityAaeu Dairy trades wlth iares paid by this cy new the internstlnal Cooplnternstionnl agency Tile Inter oi the Councillor Toenail operation or tbeCotnnaboptannn providing wide range noting lng lacllliies in h4w1m35 ture public edolinldratlon Australia and lrade unionslid thgaur ha innnd that therapenlltl tierloiniilad yinam prentim pays tremendous dl Co ends Worlenfiflilfll to the nurse IWIY auddenlyetSuhny root Hospital Tlirontoon Sunday Aog 1957 drool heartieondltlonr Boran Eagllnd Mr Farrow ume to gamma over 50 years agon Since he deaihot his wild in 1942 hefhall resided with his daugbter Mrs Clayton Gurney Blflid admin udteetinloue and greater unden standing oi their ellow lnen1hclr hosts benefit equally tom the change The world is finding that utilng the travelling journeyman back on the plenty of snug protection Illustrated 100 wont crack or cosy warmth and Chen ehom nu Vinyl nody she Sleeps sue Coos She Hal Rooted siren Hair In Colors of Platinum Blonde Blonde Light Brown Dark Brown cleonoblo woolln cotton cuffs keep ourf longer theltull length guaranteed zipper keeps the suit secure lining means cosym not dressing cl mowsult wltholl thé If muchcolnforr fdra tiny price Nylon him that is proof Wit Neoprine mfilbberlzlng broces tHéli hand washable cind dty ngmenns axia ting elastlclzcdv ryblostsilcnd wdar snug closed and rayon res Mothers want unwed1 Rddordiown size our days with thrilled by nurectorCadonrN llll Read at Trinity Anglican Churchot hlch Mr Farrow was Jnenfier trom thetloyd and day Aug with tour grandour George Dennis and Terry Hul chcoo Toronto Maurice no ney Barrie Imlltinvilw Clay ton Gurney acloacneigbbor Howell PartA ridge oi arric actingar plii bearers Interment too in Barr Union Cemei ry re rliu cmun iully developed tllunder recentvlallor norm cloud may measure more John Grooves than tour mliellffom its base to it top nr mum WANT rAn serlllrsrrms sNowsulrs realty bid small regular we kiyipoym EcnltlsIMAs MALL flrMENTsVVILL Mlujflelen saeuidd has taken in position in Toronto Itrll Mary Ellsmln North Bay gent luémk with Mr and Steckle tu ml 54 mm am Tu Brian abdomen is spending his holidays at Guthrie Fronrfioluh Alnerléa Mr Ind lronllde at South an or Barrierlnd America visited Mr and lira bewia Calr during the week Mines Jud Pl spent law days In Minna Richardcon visiting relatives llLlhc Vfllm Mn Buchanan Toronto wars warm llr and merit The Comdtrn Red Cmsl portllumrnadluu at on Kn £ch partldpatedin avatar My mm and Feilde Cutou Torontn is with Mr nd MIL Stanley Woodward la Improving liter his accident sldnni Flute number iron the village at 35me intrauutao vamp Hays i1 PAID rotor oarosn Slow wl1ll headth no Tins onyou

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