Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1957, p. 10

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beiwaen the norm Point gt thi Club and he Kempenlelt Sailing million was held Shanty BILihe finches Point uh uplurcd the Boot Trophy Uhidlhndbecn won by the Kem penicil club the lust two years Tums were made up of tour Ill irom each club Th1 course was rix miles over irlanauiar souih west breeze was blow when Ihc race started but iiird to north west nature the event was completed Two faulty mm by the local sm lye Roche Point hosts good itad which llioy held fh ughont The score was 2313 ere ll the way they ilnishe Lang Baker Finches Rond La illn Melina limVngcl lioches Clm liaiites Kcmpcnlelt Frank Iph Kempenfclt Nan lllgeinw empenfelt John Currigan Roch and Tony Casscils Kempen felt Alter the race the crews and their guests were entertninedhy Idrr Ind Mrs Ralph who served delicious harbquc supper Mn Rolpii commodore oi Ihe JACK ariaificranipdirector andjifl per centre with assistants AlWeli Barrie right sect linker skipper of the winning host The next regular Kemnrnicii may Assuciation nice is slated for Saturdry morning nl rowrn souncE llyiirnelncirlc power the key to Norways indusirlnl nxA PageNorth meoe Agricultural 12 re pnnsion since alu has no domes septame and Roy Hickiingfchnlrmanpt ilc coal or oil tneApicuiturni Committee at theBnrrie the Niagarajjolls Amongthe spectators Lions club gt st hind David may be seen Stewart uncle and hunt Mr and Mrs 1ililamMnyes Barrie Local Activities Mr lndMrs Daugiu Nelson renewing Canadian lied Cross intervention 155 persons from eight nnllons were reunlted popumfi Sygp miilllpsthuir harlotkin In Csmdn Nearly hiliviaéooooo WWIIl Mnln tobaccagrawing dress in lion oi British Honduras lives intCInIda are in Quebec Ontario my AN EXAMINER WANT AD the city at Belize rrid British Columbia ruonu PA was commit roiiscco nouns Filmr iva yaoes 13 the ships whee Fohbywns also member of the No crew in camp Mrs shtp Count Shith oi the calupfs best crewCoun Arm rope is Roger smieson of Qrr Lair Mrs dens3a Alplh is vitltlng er daughter in Toronto Dunn of Yellow iGrassSlskatehuwnn may ma Dunn Ind flmiiy oi Huntingdon West Virginia were guests with Mrs Eunice Snitth Inst week nadir miter Carr Point Cathy Jones was one at the leaders August bower Unlted Church Sunday School mommies the scene oi large community gathering on Wednes day evening Aug 1when her rs HPWEyrHHBIEEJ Mrs Roy many irlends met to extend cun twimlqii gratulatlons snd hest wishes to who dlngtnkes place on Aug egylfiareuddglrithe doctors cur Mias Birdie Muihoilandl heir many iriends wis new afthern all soodirecovery iiE FASHIQNABLE ai Dinette or jail is illustrated in this crepe dress with draped ntin midrifl and bloused bodice ate th easy lit at theibruceiet slimmer Vers ion new louserkimenl sieeve Designer ls Dela Man €PEINTING rnoNE sang two snios Lieig nnd Mrs Thompsonhttendv VEDNESDAY AUG 14 1957 HAWKESTQNE Mrs Charlie Jermeiv Otillis visited Mr nhdMrs Edgar lohn stun Mrs William Scott and Mrs Ernie Banhury over the weekend Memorial Service Many attended the rilemorisi service at Central Ora on Sunday Aug 11 Lodges 904 and1320 marched Rev Lighthourn was in charge Hurry Slessor Mrs Jack Mc Arthur was pianist Mri5nundersi minister in charfie oi the Fresh terian Circuit assisted Archdeacon Lighthourn The flowers were heautilui placed by diflerent ar Eanlzalions The hull was filled which was very encouraging Return iiiammo Bill Prophet and GerryCroil have returned ram their trip in Algonquin Park North Bay Chalk River and Pembroke Miss Lourn Thompson Brussels is spending some time with her sister Mrs Ellis Leigh Many attended the Derry Dsy celebration at Dundsik on Satur day afternoon Special Recital MrfienflMrs Gerry Croft Mrs Howard Prophet and Bill Mr and Mrs Frank Sanders Mrs Ellis 13 Late Enron Vacation Rev Wanders slidiiimili are onl holiday at Grand Bend Lake Huronyior two weeks Return To Florida non Mn and Mrs George Hunter and two sons returned last week tu their homein Miami Eiorlds alter visitingMr and Mrs Jnck Hunter thMrs Clarence Ferguson as emcee short program was givgn consisting at is voelai tridby Ssn dy Isckolyn IndVCItoiyn Wealth nix Men Get Murrled Tom Violin solo by Billie Muihollimll with piano accompaniment hy Cami Mulhniiand two accordion selections by Eileen Fiiulmmons hiamurons reading by Mrs Ma Corriston two vocal numbers by quartet Elizabeth and Margaret Mr and Mrs 51hr Leonard Waniess Linda and Juanmailr nnd two sons of Kspuskasing and Birdie was presented witha lni Mrs Thompsonan daughter cellnneous shower or exgeptiflnl Ruth of Toronto were visitors last week with Mraud Mrs Jim Lennard Explorers Camp Elizabeth and Margaret Wair less Bonnie Mulhollsnd and Lin da Hurreil attended the seven day Explorers Camp at Midland ly besuiiiulglits and bouquet oi lovely glndioli by little Molly Adams and Patsy Muihoilnnd ss sisted in opening the manuals Ai ter nii hldgheen duly admired Birdie expressedher sincere ap prcelstion and thanks or the many gifts and gond wishesIThe plensant evening was completed ed the reelhi by Mr Dflfliflilv with tea and an enlaysblelunch ganist It st Lukes Prices cur ners on Fridny evening atwhich Mrsqrnft was soloist Wallace Kennedy oi Barrie also sang accompanied by Mrs iii Roberts of Oriiiin Proceeds we to heippsy for the electric or an which has been installed Dont target 15 INCH wa picnic on Friday at Ora Park Baku Sills Success The buke sale held on Mrs Grays lawn by iliazunitaa WA schooix WESJI succesyeihegweather was ideal St Markslllstc changed The bake sale dale has been changed to Saturday Aug afternoon 17 on lunarMariia floeb lawn by St Mar VChurchiadles Enteminedechooi Friends Mrs Elmer Pratt entertained knurnber of friends fromschooi lays at luncheon lustWednesday Included in the group were Mr Winston Smith and MrslClifloItl Bell of Toronto Mis Ernie Brown at Eimvale Mrs George Miles Allan Cnrsun and Mrs Gsr ield Coulson ot fiarrie and Mrs Birnievot Struud All were puplis together at Mlnesing narria nailsy en humnrnus rendinx byurs Keunen Mrs EflPHit MrsGl iioheri Ind Janet or Snuit Ste erle In holidaying with Mr and Mrs pwight Nelson and it their cottage Big Bay Point ers Jack Whilsce ioronto visited her nephew and niece Mr Incl Mumilwisht Nelson Cpl and Mrs Harry Boyd Judy nd Jimmie of Arnprlor spent couple at drya renewing ac nun in strand and district woe Parents congratulated Eonmtulatlom tn Mr and Mrs Georgi Mciurlane on the arrival of son and to Mr und Mrs Gary Beamlsh who had daughier horn in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mr Ind Mrs Wilidughby and Wesleyvisited on Sunday wiihtheirmnrents Mr and Mrs inns Wiiiuughhy Angus Dovid Fraser is spending few days with his son and daughter inllw Mr and Mrs Fraser Glencsirn Visltors From West Buy Fleming and daughter Bes sie oi Kinsmen Alberta Mr sud sin Harvey KnappMrs Knupp und Ends of Thornton visited on sjuuday with Mr and Mrs Nar manMayesr llmes Hand and Willism Hunter 01 Allistun called on ds on day was urine with child in the iamilyfita dilfltult tonne to ne cauarn rennin iandar ear hansiiny in im the yaar preelnns can as Wl Appfiflcd airman Van Llnu mover M1 camnaru Limitd eau lorNnrth Aricum van Mails Ind soarn JahnLMayes is holidayingwilh MINER 61 La rgEEZEn cmsrrms SHELVESON nous Burrs com oNER anESE KEEPER imvwranmy ON THE GE Kempgnieit Bay SailingiASSdcih lion presented the nooi In Long

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