lstrueied would not hesitate to to the site which will ioiiow thc Thetollowing rtloir eiintoi nseriesbrrthe story or the NineMile Portage the eastern terminus or whichwas marked by bronze plaque erected by the Ontario Department oi Travel and Publicity at the old Post oltlce Square Inst June The old military establishment vote the site of the old naval st on the banks Willow Creek is tion there This has been done ln my opinion the site oi greatest and museum set up in the interest In the Barrie district ll restored building which is attract thisplace with its existing stone ing an increasing number olvia work meats and trenches were itors each year it is hoped to excavated and partially recou build direct road iron the town shore oi Penetang Harbor and pass historic Magazine Island At Barrie the Chamber Com mcrcc commissioned Dr lury to trace the Nineltliiile Periagc ill September 1954 upon comic tlon at which study Dr Jury in collaboration with his wife Elsie McLeod Jury prepared detailed report on the portage which is available irom lite Barrie Cham prcdict that it would soon he comea great lourist attraction it played an eminent part in the War oi 1812 and the story ol the building at this portage is one of the most thrilling1n Canadas his tory It should be developed along With Forts Notlawasaga and Yenetonguishcne The above is an excerpt mm the booklet Hurnnli Yesterday 1814 by supplies transported Tllancljcrulousn as poor illtortoise under the out The It at Simcoe District operative Services oi Barrie In making extensive plans or their annual picnic which this year ll being held on All It Little Lake Park Midland rhis social reclonlhcr ii in creasing in popularity can year and the members oithe commit tee in charge oi preparations feel that owing to the tact that invi tatioos have been sent to the prey lden and directors oi tbolr own prganlntion as well as to aeveral managers and their families at many or their sister cooperatives in the communities surrounding Barrie the picnic this year will be larger and more exciting than 9iol4 VITAMIN SOURCES Your childrens health is pro tccted when you give them fresh iruits and Vegetables the =large amount 01 vitamins and minerals which they contain aid growth and health Vilamin II undant In icaiy greens and yel low vegetables citnu fruits and tomatoes in Vitamin over the NineMile Fortnge North Simcoe Meetings inland Crop ImpprlllemeniAssn airtiiiséiséi mï¬ilnsicu$mhlh£53m worthwhileEvenmgwaverley Area Waverley area last week were only three at nearly one hundred similar proiecLl being conducted under the North Simcoe Soil and Crop improvement Association and with the assistance at the Agrictd tural Committee at the Simeon County Cauncil and plans are under way to visit other such projects trom time to time lTS all TUNA MATCH Each year an international ï¬lm Cup Match is held on the iishing grounds oil Wedgeport Nova Scotia which drawn on trants and spectators tronl many countries Today and Tomorrow survey made in 1952 and 1953 for the Historic Sites and Tourist Assoc iation by wllirld Jury cur Itor ol Ihe Museum oi Archae ology and Pioneer Life Univers lly pt Westcrn Ontario bcr oi Commerce or from the University oi Western Ontario al London IIndcr thotitie The Ninelulle Portage irom Kompen Ell Bay to the Nottawusaga ltivcr Museum Bulletin No 11 tcsls which include ï¬ve varieties oi oata tour at barley and two at mixed grain At the term or Orion arpwn Elmvnic the rod row oat and bar iey tests with six varieties oi oats Fort Mackinac has been tully restored by the United states worthwhile evening was en gomnmcm Dyed by close to so members at North Simcoe Soil and Crop im provement Association inspecting selected group oi soil and crop prolecls in the central part at orthis island is necessary to any most all the glory wcnt loBritish appreciation or he Ninauric arms Portage and the associated Sites The Treaty or parts which do Last June the Ontario Archae ologiczi and Historic Sites Board erected bronze plaque on the crescent north of the Barrie CNR slrtlnn marking the eastern telm lnus oi the portage and there the matter rests Are these really important hislt toric sites At theunveiling the pilque at Fort Nottawasaga The Exnminlr reporter was asked just this question by New Ca Since the above was written iour steps have been taken cairn and plaque have been erected near the site 01 Fort Not Iawasaga where the keel and part oi the hull of the schooner Nan cy were already on display The citizens oi Pcnetang coma missioned Dr Jury to restore the old Ofï¬cers Quarters and exon Primarily Mackinac was up trading post located on the main lnnd tllrtil alter the masscre nl 1763 in the site oi the present Mackinac City Across the Straits dl Mackinac at the opposite end ol the tremendous bridge new nearing completion lies St ig nace where Father Marquette lounded mission in 1671 Both were eventually moved to the island or stety ed the American Revolutionary War in 1783 awarded Mackinac island to the United States but holh sides tailed to comply with ï¬ve ing possession of Mackinac and certain other points until later agreement in 1796 The British then wilhdrewgto the island oi St Joseph where they established another iort on July 1618l2 bcioro the eiail Ken Narrows to Mntchedash Bay also rough portage or the Ninebille Portage and the Nattawasaga River entailing the passage through part 01 the lilincsing Swamp All 01 these gave way after 1783 with the gradual increase in like shipping and size or lreight loads to thelong portage at Niagara between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie Thus it was that this latter route was handling al most all the Mackinac trade when the War 01 1812 broke out The events 01 that war are North Slmcoe The tour or sanized and conducted by Stewart min gave mm mm dc Page Agricultural Representa all the terms the Britishretainvm mum Head lungs Husbandry Deparlment Guelph led the discussion at each ior North Simeoei Pasture Improvement The lirst was at the iarm of Here the Robinson Vasey group was shown one ol the best OAC six barley and two oi mixed tailed opportunity at studying tile diilerence in the latest varieties oi oats and barley While it is too early yet tor yield report on these tests all plots looked well with the Gdrry and Rodney oats and the Brant barley showing up as good as any in the tests The program was concluded with meeting all Waverley lin Thia handkerchief shops nil ems4427 LP 6715 FIRECF Oat and Barley Tests The remaining ï¬eld calls were in connection without and barley tests on theiarm of Joseph Dyer Eimvaie president of the association the group inspected the drillnwidbh out and barley RENE McDONALD of Hamil too easily dctund her three metre Canadian ing champion ACCIDENT dc leKNEBS Mrs Alison Ransom PArkway swoon Steel We Eco Telephone canroolv ALAN LAD IlluOYD NELsgNO Hill mil FUilY rovrnrw odian not long out turns the Ampleans at Mackinac mm the chalrm nshl oi Morris mm WM mums 63325 hislic aéahllimeialil Ware that they were at war the demmflm Darby Waveric segretaryvtrcas TV terfeiences It saga Beach with his tamily Can movement that is to be seen In you Plin whlthaépemd Gm Slmme Ummd he Britishcommander at St Joseph minke sum Jame um the small are me ver ea mouth here he asked with dc value of the annual low of lurs ailacm mm Maid seven mm sun impme group had good hours discus 30 many ï¬lms through Mackinac at £40000 gggggh°gmlqywcqig merit program was initiated on with Iiuniley MW we Cnunly can gm 53 ï¬xgdlcduisaguiwgoh A3 oi Virtual blockade ln lllls when him 9mm 81523En mp immune lactory answer to one whose he Americans won the battle at 25 years had be onmudumve an sameness we We ln apoleon Hitler add the like ass Tased on ssorltest aslnclu ed pro em nine on over in clerks Ind some 2000 troopers liming terlillzing seeding Willi lainine adequate late summer and and voyageurs That the British were able to suitable pasture mixtures dnln early tall pastures Dr Huntley True the happenings of this There were the reasons keep the tort throughout the war age up dressing with manure stressed the fact that while zi area were never on the grand lhereiorejwlry pantrol pr Mack was due to the supplies and the and good pasture management lulia was one or the most pros scale they involved at best few inac island was so desirable It iMrepIdrty oi thosc people lhul ducllve larage crops it would not hundred or thousand people But regde up mutual passed over the NineMile portage Pas Wk stand much partnripg in late WERE mm comma anon on the events that happened ire ipr vast territories to the and the Notuwasm River 593 58 PWEG Saws August and September as this YOU comm about what here was to turn the iuturn of south and wcsl it was the source Wigwam fut ed was the season of the year when kind Bl mam yo hall eontlnent while the cour ola rich lur trade but possibly the 2d this crop built up its winter rea sure you are FULLY COVERED aBQ endurance and romance con most important its possession can tapa serves He recommended that The mp ymwe Wm 52 lained in the exploits or those rled uhequnlled prestige in the WWW Emmi every eiiort bc modeto provide mad sum your mum rnmzï¬sgcinlxï¬ are unsurpassed eyes tit the indians all acruss the ffï¬Ã©ddlï¬fmmemgiemsg if other pasture or the cattle during nee and adv re you proper in mun this period and various rugges surance is mighty important and the arm Trade and 1mm Mackinac Hy and he was 59 tinns were altered such as rye you should entrust it oni to an 1° ly impressed wrlh the excellent mme SPECIALIST VC watery course that leads through rim 95 0V pasture production evident in this and 93 1m the tempestuons gap oil Tob Yem in ms 1° ï¬eld He was artiularly inter 5°°ePg ermory lies Mackinac Island at lowed the Ottawa and French Riv that would be ploWCd up late that ested lrl the good showing being the Junction of the Waters at 51 mg 00Y made by alrdslont treioii This EM we aksszev Chm sisicdllelrnan milind Like clover had been seeded in the The Protects visited in the and Huron rt 15 Isted by um deb 39 Whch same ï¬eld six years ago but had NSUBHNCE mugIi Geosrarhlc Society as 22 vizethgpgu°m killed out mainly as result at FRI sno AUG 910 guns most lm ortant triSr EV ac us pmsppm one she and mm numberHolland River route Pu EE is 15° mm PONY EXPRESS Colour Th that the extra iertlllty was show Insurance of ALI KINDS thousands at Amcrlmn tourists We mm Lake Slm SUSAN MORROWCHARLT NlIESTON iv and hum SEW we to Georg Bay one ed that this has been hls maln c0 95 mm understanding oi lie ylrirr rtiric mil easy the Severn him with 55 Pins PM MED CARTOON p6 rough water and Forages the source or pasture this year tor his Am llloN Tums 35174 Goldwater Trail train the Orillia he 22 SANDAG° ship at Emplrorunl Vancouver She collected 44395 points 150 more than her nearest competitor Myrna Wreggist at Vancouver Hereshe emerges trom lbopoo strongly underlined today in pre senting the historic aspect of Mackinac Island to the tourists who visit hhcrt notwithstanding the fact that in this theatre ll LocAL IMPROVEMENT North Take Notice That The Council of the Corporation or the Town or Barrie intends toconstruet as local Improvements the undermerl tioned works in the following named streets between the points hereinaiter mentioned and intend to specially assess the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work name earo coat Plit coon mNTAGE roar anurrlrm NAME or sneer mom DISTANCE can EST cohsraucnorx couomnoxfl cosr emigre lNswissg mourn i6$0 00 lenelang St side Dundonald Existing walk ta 1031 oolos 1683 $20030 spielALHGAMES ouulpp stwsrldp hdaplo Avoids 108 ae4 3823 529155 Toronto St 12 Toronto St 11 no 305 305 Dunlo St aide Mary St 303 Dunlap St aide Mary St Duniop St side Maple Ave Mary St ivssoooorlrseoms iiizii gsl5oowATCHss gt sronmm gt Laneway betweedOwen SLand Ciappert Application will be nude by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for in approval oi the undertaking of the Iaidlwbrhi aucll mkowner may within 2i days after the lintpublication this notice tile with the Board his objection to the said workbeing une enu The said Board may approve of the aai to he said work will be considered bolero doing roit mayoppolnta Work undertaken but Smithsonian Town