Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1957, p. 8

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hiavile Knew Indsou Haney Mr and Ilrs Sidney Knapp Hrhond Mrs iulyial ArCrorghum it was with sincere regret lhlt the many friends of Revaad Mrs William Newman termed ol the tutor death on Wednesday July 31 insi in Cralghurst with heart condition as the direct cause Through years out she had been an active nd untlrlng work er and supporter of many Chris tian mission and loyal lriena at all in every parish occupied by her husband musician her lcll she took much Interest in music and church work in gen eral had been or several years Sunday School superintendent all organist and WA secretar and had also tound lime to hcl with the Womens institute The iormer ltliss May Caller Chicago Guests her birthplace was London Eng 3° Elm Visiting Mr and Mrs John Kell Ictt on motor trip to Minnelli LEGSU km in Oct ll was daugh and tamin were Mr rnd Mrs Al They will visit in the district CXCO ter oi the luteJtobert Caller Int the armor Elliabclh Coles Sinct coming to Canada she had iivel for eight years in Manitoba tivr in Streetsvlltl 22 atCraighursr and eight in Warminstcr Leit bereaved by her passing are her husband itcv Williun Newman rector at St Johns An gllcan urch Cralghurst out son Phi three daughlcrsilirs mm my Md and Kenny hm Dunlroon will preach at so than look up residence in Brad ups Chm 51 mm lord in 1919 where Mr Saxon wmhm New was torcman with the cult and Mrs Russ Kersey ange Sadie ol Walkerton There are home tor everyone needing also lzlgrandurrledrfn 5mm hum Molhemss Ems my Bum 2am 33 Neighbors invited THE BISGEE iound mother and home with gt Mr and Mrs uugh McMillan it day Aug St mm 53 Im haves ilhgvvligonxieiloyai vlelorla lloapltI kind MM the who ellJthiMEi VAOATION was conducted by Eva ll 57 tor the evening following their Buzzrug del oi St Johns the lesson was mg hfufrtm itawcnfsnnair will daughters wedding The neigh FALL read by Canon the preacher was itcv Sher ltAniicon Fed hdl Elliigliehhofllrri Tm mm he ummd ihfifitflfhdt iiify Im1 sol CodL cyfnlaoill ihcanclgilbglls rlt lic anc rnn Interim Ali CADETS ATTENDING Ant CADET night or cadets mode up or the members isninoo°cltiseorcerf Smdy ml Jean McMillln am Read Illd horn thatqru and otherl lroin Lam inclining Islaudits DCamigtbell andvno Gordon with Mr and Mn lurk Knopfbnvid me lrs Dr ucunnrn air und Mn Nicholson and Mrs 3le ole Mr and Mn Dickey Dr and Mrs Boyd and Mrs Thom Reynolds all or Tomato Burial us in Mlncoing Cem eiery Pallhelrcrs were Lawrence Scott Adams Priest lhlght it inhlcy and Robert Easton Flowers in remembrance verc lrom Anien Mills continuu ily Ind from family lriends Surviving members or the lam ly are his widow the tormcr is bella Mu their sons Russell Ind Eldon and grandchildren ntcn Mll sister Mary airs Campbell and brother David will at Toronto and also taro her Andrew Minesing vtn Raymond Saxon is At Bradtord The sudden paging ot Mrs Raymund Saxon on July lo losl airle as in shock to her many rlcnds in Bradtord and urea Mrs Saxon was bornlat Elm vaic and spent hcryauth there luring World War she married ihomas Raymond Saxon the mar rtagc taking place at Allandale Ind when Mr Saxon returncd Mrs Saxcn has made her home ple whose lives she brightened by her kindness and her attention The good she dispensed during ST PAUUS Mudan Menuhin stt wishes to in and Mrs Fredhluduws nee Vera ME slinan who were married Satr urday by Rev Rowe The ceremony loeir place in St Pauls church Born At Ortllll Congratulations to Mr and Mrs lvan Middleton ot Orillia nee Barbara Reynolds on the arrival or son brother or Billie Recent Visitors Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Robert Green and boys were Robert Green Sr and Mr and Mrs Thomson and son Andy oi Aglncoutt Mr and Mrs Wonlhcad and lsnrlly oi Green River Attend Weddinl Attending their sisters wed dinand visiting their parents were Mr and Mrs Sandy MBMIl hn Peteflioro llir and Mrs Ev crcil McMillan and Paul New rnarkct Mr and Mrs John liter lilllan Shirley Jeanette and Denny ol Campden Quorric Tommy and Grace or Chicago Girls lnFlmls Congratulations to St Pauls glrls snilball team who won Monday night and now advance to the linals Manitoba Trip Rev and Mrs Lionel Rowe lluNisuAl tole Has it losl on And alcn iinnlur Thornton lo name Mn Victoria iiorpb Mr and It Larry Cameron on holidays visited jut week in Tomato Miss Bonnie Martin Midland has been holldnylng at Mr and Mrs Jack Camerons Mr and Mrs Harold Pearson and Sharon or Ailiiton were up per guests Thursday at Mrs Kirk palrlelr and Floss Mrs Stcvc stri spent Satur day in Collingwood at the home at her daughter Mrs Allen sln chlr and tamily Mr and Mrs James iliiligsn spent the weekend in Toronto with hir and Mrs Stevenson Murray Hall motored to North erll Ontario tor the weekend Misses Susanna and Cathy Fin ily spent law days last week at llldhurst with lbclr grandmolher Mrs George rlnlay Western Trip Mr and Mrs Frank Hamill Ic eompanled by John Ptckerins are leaving tomorrow tor an ex tended trip to the first coast stopping tor wcelr at Brandon around Elgin where they Iett to Come to St Pauls Fortnightl Vacation Mr and Mrs Bert Tilley Doris trig two weelu holiday with Mrs Knowles and trinity Anglican Services Rev nowner MPP ni Craighurst will preach an Aug 18 and Aug 25 at 1100 am bars ictt green binnkct and yeia low tablecloth tar Verna and and Kenneth of Toronto are hav and returning by on of the Un ited States Sunday visitors wlth Mr and Mrs Sieve Rubin and Mr and Mrs Cline Itawn and limit lo eluded Mr and Mrs Bill liobinw son Jimmy Billy and Judy and stir and Mn iony Touch and Janice all ol Toronto Miss Sarah Gilchrist Toronto ls spending two weeks holidays at the home at her sister Mrs James tiilliaan Wi To Meet Aug it wt members dont target the date at the next meeting Aug 13 tn the evening It the home at Mrs Omcr Belrourt Citizen still is to be the topic thll mouth Mrny tourists are nmazed at the causeway extending lrom Aulds Cove to Port Hastings which links Cape Breton Blind and the mainland ot Nova Scotll This causemy 1000 ieet long is the deepest one made by man and machine in the world We enquiry bureau ol thti The Canadian lied Cross traced 454 missing persons in lose one Her husband died on July 24 at last year and she had also lost two brothers within the year niece Miss Gladys Harvey at Stoney Creek survives Mrs Saxon was rncmber oi theRchekah Lodge Aurora and the members held an impressive service on Saturday evening July 20 She was member at Brad lord United Church and the WA that church She was also member at Bndtord Knitting Club The iuncral was held train Bradicrd United Church on July 22Rcvi Mochvish con ducted the scrvtcc interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery Ceilings Was WellKnown Bradford Local Businessman Brndinrd witness The end came suddenly tor Bradlords veteran and weliknown townsman Benjamin Briton Call lags Saturday morning July 27 entered blanket and green trble cloth They were married in June Sandy thanked all on bebalt oi himscit and his wite Mrs McMil lan served lovely lunch and ev eryonc had piece at wedding cake MoniusAl Rn Victoria Hospital Barrie on All I951 In Mr and Mn Nell Morris no Anguo twin ann rsurtoNAt noyal viciorla iioapllal Cemetery with pallbearers Arths ur Snider Malx Craig and our grandsons Bruce Bell Orangc ville Donald cholas and James Ellsmurc ursi Sonic at those attending train distance in addition to local iricnds and neighbors were Mr and Mrs Iinsi Kcrscy ot Walker ton Mrs Bengry and daughter lrorn Toronto Mr and Mrs rlmisler or Newmavkct Mr and Mrs Paul Ballnlan and Mrs Macintosh Mr and Mrs mine or streetsvlile Mr and Mrs Mathcson Mr and Mrs Goss Mr and Mrs value Miss Betty Paine and Mr and Mrs raine all oi Oriiiia Dolph Kneeshow Was Prominent Farmer In West Gwillimbury heart attack suilercd several months ago and followed by perod at rest and care in an endeavor to regain his health cul Dr in number at differentolr cadet squad rons Among the group are some Barrie cadets or which Act Ronald Reid son or Mr and Mrs Reid Collingwood is it osrrlc on iv51 lo colonel member Hts instructor behind is Ccrpor flmmE cfglr°gn at Denial of Kenoro Michael ACBYAL Royal Vietnril us it IN MEMORIAM na rlc on Aug i557 lo illr Clivin Tr cy hit nnAanvqu loving memory or our deer mclhcr Selcns nradlcy Wha ughler neor Lee Fused away Aug llm Those whom wa lnvc go out or right Anthemon Aul rm Carolina ficfigifiamldlhg Mm Victoria Nicholson oid fllununlgp she cnon hand Ind the nuvchn at on they leave behind fizIWEgflkmgfflfVmdL gnaw ulddcl we live our gratclul thanks Tlll we meet resin The rarnlly he Mn mm and deco limtngmi mifittyfiihfltfi ric Lour rd Clarence born or hm srswAn niovlnl memoryo nowrllwliimMrr oowthwaltc Tnhronlm awniolhcknit£lhrlh wile and mother Eiicn crou rm er and llmily wins to extend their hca smmlwm yum SUMMER CAMP RCAF Station Clinton have morning drill periods outdoors on the large parade square nearly every day They are taught the many movemets used in military procedure and here being checked on the position or At Ease is CARD or THANKs NEWMANTu the many kind lricnda who came to or in our bereavement or loved wile and mother to Dr Patchell or understanding nnd syrn pathcllc care to Rev Sharing rsr his line cornlorilng words to Rev Pollon 57 fiNNtSlutwD last project was accomplished alter he was in his seventies Mr Ceilings and his men were recognized in the Lake Simcoe dlS trict us an able litesaving crew Their business as commercial fish crmcn took them to all ports oi the lake and the river andthey were lamiliar with thevwatér Few accidents or tragedies have occurred on the river or lake to which Mr Ceilings and his men were not called to lend their help and they have many rescues to their credi Mr Ceilings was always keenly interested in sports particularly iacrosc and had served in cial capacity on various lacrosse clubs But lew sporting events RANCH THE OFTHE GooD SHEPHERD COITIHNCrTON SCHOOL JUPITOIBWM Sunday August 11 PASTOR MILAN BABE Divine Worship 11 am Mn William Date or Toronto Dor rcll lhnnirr to the innu lrtcnda and neighbors who have been so hind and lhoughlrul at the lime or the recent death or deer husband and rather Special thanks to Dr Rosa Tumbuu and tall or the Royal Victoria Hospital and tho lennelt nrncral liornc Mn Dowthwalle Ind tnrnlly oi illLLDCKMrs lillloek and family wish to extend their hcartiell thanks and appreciation to their relatives trienoa and neighbors torlher man act or hlnoneu beaulllltl ilcral lr Fort William and Rohefl at Montreal in hcr both year Resting at he lcnnclt runcrai uomc Barrie Fun Sunday 59b 10 crul service salurdnv Aug to at uni interment ssrrle union ceme Three yesr have passed since that sad The one we loved was csilcdaway God took her home it was His will out in our heam we love her slnl Evcr remembered by Wiiirtd use and zvclcen Conazfln loving memory or ad ward Eimnro who passed sway Aug lo lose His memory in cry unitAt the Cooper Nuralng Home Mount Albert on Wednesday Aug i957 wllum Bade into at New ton Robinson loving uncle of lllra Trcva Hooic Toronto Mrs Mildred id in run Grace rhct health at ect toriy minted in the sudden death During the lust year Mr Culling curred in Bradford throughout we mo menarc or syrupthy durl tho ulhlnxue Kilkeiiny Funeral yuly l7 1957ot Adolphus Dolph had shown some signs oi his ad tiie years which he did not attend Ltgmmfghzgg ribyitécr Ind ggmgjlmngg Sigmifgdgglrdmnmngg Kneesth at his home in Brad vnoced yam but the firm step whether hockey ball or lacrosse rather it noslnsnn onion church at 220 Pm interment ndioinlng cemetery SMITHlit Scarboro General llorplll on Wednesday Aug mi Annie Maude Davis beloved wllc ui the late Emmanuel rent Smith in her nth year dear rnothcr oi Nona Mn Griswoldl or Calgary Marloric Mnl stubblngsl oi Sclrhom wanrhsvln loving memory or dear liter Norman Edward Vorticy who end away Aug loss We to dart with heart or gold the inditicroncc to weather con ditlons and the ready reply to all greetings remained with him to the last He had not been wall or week or more but on Thurs turd Born in West Gwiiiimbury 72 years ago Mr Kneeshaw was highly esteemed armor in the township until his retirement to Mr Coilings served on the Eradlord PublicUtilities Commis sion tor several years and also on Bradlord Board at Education in September 1902 Mr Coll thet leaves two suns William and Donald two sisters Miss Margaret Colswell nurse and Ruth now Mrs Fowler of Aurora and one lrLAliTrAa 44s DELIVERY omps PA with with only memories or or to keep Died AtHome July IQ Bradlord about our years ago member oi Ebenezer united Church until moving to Bradinrd where he became member 01 Bradtord United Church his chief interest outside his home was in his church His first wile Evalcen Kluge predeceased him in 1947 Mr Kneeshaw is survived by his widow the former Mrs Rene putcherwhom he married in Barrie in 1953 Also surviving are his only only daughter Mrs Stanley Cairns Muriel at Brad lord his only son Gordon on the home farm Giliard six grandchil dren two sisters Mrs Henry Johnson Claretta oi Drayton and Miss Luella Kneeshaw Cooks town gt The luneral was held from Ebenezer United Church on July 19 The service was conducted by Rev MacTavisti Brad lord United Church and Rev Sanders at Ebenezer United Church Interment was in Eben ezer Cemetery The pallbearers were neighbori and relatives Ernest Knecshaw William Krill Eden Sturgeon Grenville Hughes Matt Kueeshaw ryrd Lloyd Kneeshaw Foymor School Trustee Marcuslrwin Knapp in poorhealth tor some time withpernicious amcmiu us the cause Marcus Irwin Knapp mas edway athis home in Amen Millaluly 101957 His entire lite was spent in the village where he was born on Ap rrtl 27 1882 son of thellta Marv eus Knapp and the former Janet Russell nhlLyoungendays he had uwtrllli nntholi then tuken up tamingwhich occupation he ha gzilowedvrorjth rest or his active Thenlatiiylldarcus Knapp was Buptiotjud armemberof the boys day he was downstairs in his home and returned to his room unaided Friday he acknowledged he was tired and stayed in bed and on Saturday morning he was dead He never hhd pain He kept ga ing to the last and just quit Coilings was ion iorward to the Centennial cele bratlon and meeting old friends and to marly who are returning Bradlord has lost one at the in terests lorthom in his passing Few will disagree that he was the most colorful character in Brad ord He knew everyone and everyone knew him He had greeting tor everyone greeting vhich seldom was particularly ornplirnentary but because it vas Cellings remark it vas accepted with laugh Few lays passed that those whose dut cs caused them to be aboutrthe trcet did not have few words Vith Mr Collings was born in and ord on Aug 1876 the youngest Tcmher at family of 16 From hlldhood days he was working le told stories at the days when msterdam was thriving vlli ge with its mills and he was it errand boy down there The 7ulllngs family was associated vith the Holland Marsh and did profitable business in cutting harsh hay and selling thishay or packing and mattress making decided that it this hay virus vorth Toronto mattress makers ransporting it to Toronto he letter get into the business In he 1890s he went to Toronto and earngdthe trade and collie hack Bradford and opened little lattress Innkiil tltctory here here he eniploycd some at the acrosse play rs of th To iay itis ommen practice lor portenth into to give employs neut to star play rs but Ifiiiings begu nag no then went intothc urnture and undertaking busis less takings course in embulm Then ch in the marshrhuy airless 1nd conirnereial lishing indrhla hull burlnesr venture lord ah nearly 60 ings married Etta May Waldrull or Bradiord who survives him with their iamily at two daughters nhd one son namely Bernice Mrs Gordon Crutcher of Thornhill Kathleen Mrs Ken slevinri at Toronto and Norman and Five grandchildren also survive Gordon Stephen and Tony Cruteller Tom Ceilings and Mary Jane Coiiiugs oi the tan ily of 18 only two survive Dan Cuttings oi Bradiord and Libby Mrs Selby at Esten Suskatohoa wan The funeral was troin Bradford United Church Tuesday aitemoon The service was taken by Rev MacTavish assisted by Rev iiiaitland oi the Presbyterian Church and Rev Blake of Toronto interment was in Mount Pleasant cemetery The pallbearers were CT Evans Ven toy Ceilings Ph Latchman on James Wehb Mrs Gordon Brother Diadryery Suddenly Be Greatly Missed heath came with startling sud denness to MrsMzrianJane Cerb vell srelhel wiid otr Gordon arcthct on Monday July 22 1957 taken ill at the Beeton Beauty the Newmarhet huspi where ihe died the some even with ut regaining consciousness The late Mrs Brethet was daughter of the late James and Mrs Cerswell and was born on the 7th Line pt Tecurnsetb C16 June 1904 She married Gordan Brethct June 19 1328 and came brideto the rum home on the 6th lineot Trienni death hille tuneral cortege Witsy from setb where she resided until her brother Charles who is married and living on the lam homo Her mother Mrs Ccrsweii sides in Toronto The liorol tributes were many and beautiful The MissinllABfliid floral tribute was money placed in the Mission Fund and the lit rat tribute from the Womens In stitute was new book placed in the public library Fallhearers were William Watt William Brooks William Andrews Borden Best Ervtn Watson and Arnold Rogers out of to iriends included many from aF onto Guelph and Thornton Mrs brother will be greatly missed in church circles or tour years secretary oi the Simone Presbytcrlal Mission Band at time at her death which ifllon MrsBrethet warremoved hangueltKilkenny AFuuersi llama Bradtord to Emmanuel united church Bond iieadwbere theservlee eondueled byitev Burton tormet pastor howrre sidiug iu Kettteby We hold Deceased was or very ill TING PHDNIZ We but lost bnl God has ruined Ohe or the best lined by daughter Louise aw Al and ismily the wcrld con she held tor Toronto Conference She was member of Bond Head United Church Womens institute and Community Centre Busrd Shehad beenmsking plans with triénds the day at her death to attend the quilt and rug fair in CoilingvvoodI the late Aaron smith nesting rl Lloyd and Steellicy Funeral Home so Worrley sl burrlc or service at on Saturday Auir Earl smllh oi Palnawlck end in an Interment Barrie union cemetery MARY smiler The sARiEANcho LTD shouts even sunny disposition always willing to helpand aellvciu aligned works She was gra ous lady and will be sadly missed in the She war communit CALL THE AMINER FOB iNoeiRlss INVITED FREE romanti Easiiy converted into record players chests ot drawers or countless other um Purhiiuso Eiiiiiiii componv Llult 21 Console brandneo ltrcr nnauty cabinets unit Mahogany or walnut Finishes we have inn of them in FACTOHYSEALED CARTONS hllretaseetlo lhooireases cahlnetc dressers Free deliverytn town we pretender in color uncuttown orders

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