lulrll In the rruItIe Art nod repair GenerIl Eidelric Ilelrix AII penono nIvIaI elIlolI notstInoiIIg cudilan or IAMu nlsLIIEItr nAlIx aIlInIo on or neloro lhe IIll day oi IIII oI their ciIlmI Ind or ht Incur IIVK thlII Inl will not IIIYIIIIIIII In irrlithls roitsALE rm to nu under col II Linn null matron oooorbuliolnu clo to Ian Ind Iehool In nu mun Apply Boo IIIrrlI zx mom yuan NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iulnsl me no sutlnrl Etruuu pleaI eooIIrl Proukk Il Iooye union on or Ielore sepl IIIi PRerlcx mono oNT NOTICE TO CREDITOR me It In Torsully or Eu in In County or loam who died Iota SIP Ienlberlilsd must llle IIIeIr ciIlnII who the uhdrrlllncd belor urn Aug utI m1 Iner which line III unI lhI IIIIII will no IliIIrInutId flll VIquA only Titusr coMPANlt Admloillutore uen Iooao oaurlo IMIP NOTICE TO CREDITOR All persons nIring elIlnII small the xrtale or EMILv II ANIIIIADE or In lowmhip or Inairlil In IhI Counly or slmcoe who dleo on or Iboul InI In day at April Iss7 InuII Iorward lhn IImI lo the under Aulun m1 IIter whkh date the Islets will be on iqued ImonIII lhI pIrIleI Inllllerl nreln InII lhI Izo eruxnr will not in lime to Iny pro Inn MIan Ilslln he Ihlil not then In noIlrI DATED It IIIIrle onIIrlo IhlI Idlh any July llD I937 ANDhAoE no No strona uIlr NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the But at WILLIAM main BRICK cALvmr licensed All persons thiag olIlrnI IgIlnIt the EIIIII ot wullIIn Frederick cai srl late at the Town or IIIrne In the county or Linroe Labourrr who also on the Inn IIIy ol Iune AII m1 Ire unlined to mourn prool Ihereol Io lho undenlgned heiore August IIlh lm arm which one the AomIaIIIrIlorI will dinItoute the eItIII IlIvlnI IIIrd only to claims at which lhey IhIil then lIIvc notice IoIIN IlEID gl Collier IIImI Inrrle onurlo Iolieitor Ior the AsnIInIIIrslan MINE Nam To CREDITORS In the Ilhle or WINNIPIIIIII MAIL IIIALLYOUNO IIIe ol the snwnIhIp oi oro In the County simeoo Widow deceIrId NOTICE IS IIERItlIv GIVEN ourl IPdllon and oihm thlus oiIlnII IgIInII tho lbovenlmm wlnnIIreIl MIrInIliYoung decoIsed who died on or Iboul the lst day or my war are required In Ieno rorlhwlth In It unoenlzned sollIlIol tor the Exec lrlx ol the EstIo or the sold winni Ird MIthIlwnunr their name Iooresm and deurlplium ano lull pIrIlcuiIrs In wrilino vIrirIId upnh ly it my held by them AND TAKE NOTICE lhat Illor the IIId day or AuguII insr Illa Execu lIllI will procenul to diIIrtnnIe tho men or the occurred among Ihoru Iotilled thereto thlng mum only Io rhe claim or which II all Ihen ny arson ol whore Iioirn noun has not IIn received DATED It 0rlilla Unlorto this IIII dry at Iuly Ao Iss7 souLroN MAIIsIIALL IIC Is Mississoga IIrIeI Earl ohlLLlA antnrln Inlleilnr Ior the Executrlx mow AUCTION SALE or High Class Household Furnirura including my Iallquer IIIIIIII and dish The undenlgned Iuclloneoo has received Inllruciinnslrom THE EsrArE or ms LAIE MARGARET BROWN To Iell by Public Auction on SATURDAY AUG lo Bur le Fair Grounds AT an SIIARP DST rill FOLLOWING ElecIrIe IouIoer Gurney Karlie rotor cuhk 11 wool noun Elec ic Toaster Electric Slndwloh Toul er Electric Hoover VIruuoI clesnor Connor Electric erhloI Machine complete with wringer Eioclria Coi leI PercolIlnr Electric lIInt Lamp OlrMuIIlnned ertlns Desk Kitchen rude and chIirI Spare Healer Ior coal udd Chllfl Rocking Chaim IroaIng Enoro Dining Room suite coal le with nine Ind choirs Complete hloI Cabinet Ind lInlIet Intlourl gon walnut linlIlI odd serving nooircarer with Looha IrIn rrIyI cloclu unurlny Hood and stool In AI conditton Melodeon In good condition Antique setteeI and odd chain In rrlstch Antique Ilnclllne chIlrI Living Iioono TIIIIII Eoolreue rem sland wrltlnz Desk chair Hall Tree End rInlee Anlloae rltlng Desk Antique Living ltooaI hlIll LivlnI Room rIbIes coltea rnle chesterlleld PiItlonn hochor ilva room Chlir Modern Bedroom suite oomplele with nattreII nno Iprlnu vanity drum and chest at drIweII IIIIIIlde Tlhll AnthnI Eedroorn choIrI Antique Bedroom Solve complete with mothers Iprlnrs drmer Ino wIIhIIInIl Eary chair lor Ionaorch Chevt ot Drawers orInd ow wIinut llIll TIhle Eeoronrn uflo enranIto wilh rprlnrr moltress duller chest or drowerr nedrlde table Anllolle Wicker Rocking chIlr commode EleeIrII HIIter sewing naIiIet Sllnd Dlop LII Tlhl wol nut llnlIh studio Couch rind II WIinut IIvIor Room Iloue leln IIoooI Choir Drum and chert of anem to match Wooden wordrobulood repair ououe iIedroorrI shite complete with Itress IprtnII dresser and seaside Table ooIIhTrIoie ElecIrIo Lamp rrlllIlIt Bedroom nmrer wish rror complete uetII rIole Wuh IadI charts oi nraworr CurIIIoI sedoinz LlnInI cu Boo silvererI Dishes lrlnIlIII and many other Irooller IIIIIV too nomerour to on Imus CAsII Donnltoiy no roIerve the IItIIe molt balemea Nomi to In removed uritu Intueo IlurrIy Mills Ind net Cole clorlIII Coughlln Auctioneer phone PA ml AUCIION SALES fx MINI ADIIU Auction Elle mo clIII holllailnill lumlluro Includ lnIIrIlquII enI dlrner or the mat or tho lulu Browgl It glne IIIrrlI PIlr BITnI shint pm rp IernII oIIIII No reserve the out hII In by uttied Ierry Ion er In P9 llllllqflpillonI Ilml PIrIIeularlv InlIIol horse FOR RENT OAKLEY PARK APARTMENTS GROVE sruzrr an onewoo IaIrImIrIt damn IpIrunen IvallInlI no Phone lien ry hernia PA um lml OFFICE SPACE SolII Ior Irlr IIIln Itrcei lnulilm onrlanI or plutesrlonII servin lng Int APPLv Iv II IIIJIRICK PA um 55 Collie 154° AVAl LAIILE SEPT THE GARDEN TERRACE coIINEII ouxlm UUCKonITlI 515 New modern home nIdroonII living room Illo kitchen wilh flirlinx area modern in on non with Ilr IohIIlllonluI II nary IrI continu our not won sIrvicel womans arounIII Iumboa rIpII one um III9o LilillT lionsehronlnr only Phouo PA Inna Aouilr isolo lIoorn IIIIoI eenIIII unmrnioheo Ilopler hrateo Illono PA 244597 157904 ltoohls and ball ground Iioor vIry central Phonu PA my IESfllt ltuuM rurnlshed Irlrnrnt all con renIInIII IIIoIII PA Mm is lquM Iurnirhtd Ipartmrnlgallan dale With nix Phone PA l7 lkIlII urrlcs SIACB lo Ihare Cenlrnl loco mm Write lIoI II bIrrIo rInnIIrIer Ikilll lIoIIIl unlurniIhId opIrIoIInt Aplt my on William Si Phone lA L772I I54ssl N00 unlurnithls oparlnenl cIn Available Suil Pilomirsls house In viliIlro or EdrIr eiore to Ellen Radar Station Phone Barrie Mm IIIWm uNrUIINIIIIIEII room ApanmInI llIol waitr onII Ilydm suhuillu PhonI PA Iinsv lsIlI Tmtolls wilh rmali hllchenolle Icll contained itparull Cnlrancn lhonr PA IIIII 159091 hooII ApIrInIenI unmrnlIned mIia noor cInIroi Avoiloole Ann Phone PA LIIII lsml IIouII Apartment No pets or child rIn PA Ems durinl day or PA IIIII all 52o lssl qulIqu House oil hulld some 21qu to school ImmLdirl possession Phone PA moss lsIl ITUIINISIIED IindSllllm Roan Wit ronrelte on lrlg Ind uIndlx Cur lral PA lsim 1579092 humiunlurnishod apartmenl IIIth hIIterl Apply 255 Dunlap 5I Em Phona PA IIan 59th uNIIiIIlelIEII rnonl anrtnlenI Control hcasonnbie Avlllinhlc Sept Phuno PA want lmlv llouss IN Country rooms 2tz Inlics lrorn rive Polnls lIydro and runnin water Phone PA $1714 15 nooIIIsIt ApIrIIuent hol anllInlo watur Avalonle any time onur Aug 20 Phono PA 66m lsml IflrlKDO homo LLIIILI 5L occupancy Ior Supt call Coons lIIal Eslole uroknr own st 1521 rUIINIslIED Apnrtmcm rooms pet vato cnlrance unsuitable AvaliIolo now Phone PA 880 IIoIsz lino uhluInlshed Iaortrnent with path SPII contained Central CleIn Adulh Phone PA HEM IsIlII WINTERIZBD Housekeeplng thln Pflvnle entrance halted hydro paid Iurniahao Phone PA EIIII lsIldlz oNI EEDRDDM Fumiahzd cotton Black Iron Post oilioe Adulll Ab stalners Phone PA Main Iseztl oh uNrurINIallEn at parth turn iIhId roouu Close to bus Ilvp 55 John st Phone PA 100 158815 ltoolil lurnlshed Iportnlent Iutte nusln or military onunlI prelorrco RIIIonIble rent Phone PA Em 59 ROOM uniurnlahed Ipart cut pro nI llnnr heII ulldlllzhl lllFleild Av Ible lmmndiatly Pllom PA soled lsIisI hooll Punished Apartment with rangett sink hot rod eoid wIIer No ehlldre ceaIrIl Iii Thompson iswII yRoolIICIItlIIo III the country with builtin ouphonrdl electric nove Hz Ind Inrden Phone 13rd onokrtnwn IHBBI BEDROOM new modern IpIrIInenl equipped wilh Iris and stove Innitor service Control lncnrlon Phone PA 56092 1581100 monan new neorooro pIrtment equipped with rrlrtrIrItor Ind nova close to shopping centre Phone PA Limo IsIInsr PUIINIslIPD Beoslttlns roam Ind IIIt chenetle hot IndIolrl wIter suit aim or younK couple Phone PA B1m IIIlion rwo IIIoOM prtmInII In new TII Pier LIandry IoliitlII Ind pIrhlnI Avolloole seoI PA mm or In men st I5Iotr UPPER nu iex bedroom llrlnr raoln dInIII Ritohen Ian porch nIIIIroooI IIIIIeII Private entranoe Phone PA Mm lsII APARTMENT bodloolns IIIIIhI living room and dinette piece but room up Is enumo AouIIL III HolzItI Dorrie IsIIM coMPLmLIt furnished IpInmeIIt moon Ind oath Contra sIlI con IaInId AvoilIble Aug In Adults Phnrlo PA MMI IIIPool APARTMENTS one bedroom One II gas IiiIre st Inrl one It I7 roronIo II Apply slalon Is Worrley 5L or phono PA mom I54 MOMAPIflm¢nII Iumilheflnnl elk riln cupbfllnll Wnunuuul hm wIter AortIlnIrI on nuIuae Ila IIIIIIIflI SI PA BIZW 1591 IlooM unlurlllIhId IIII contIneo IpIrrmInI Down town WIIIlIr and lrllr PrIvIto IntrInoI AvIIlInle lrh mad ely Phonn PA 6644 lHloI AIARTMENTB unlurnllllld but condtllon all In ovary Ianvinlunlni A110 nearly nuw mlnl Home for one Avrly intoyuan st IHIM rAImALLv nIrnlIhed roolrl mm In Plelllula cenIrIl dlItrlII IndyoIIIh drain IsII rtIhI err or ourinen Ir ImoM ApIrIlnIat II SI Pl bullion unturnnlnu Adulilisiggr 713313ng 13 mmI ImuM Apartment and hath mil vusll up hinderMocorochI MLPhone nnlxlneld unlunllahed Avnllnhle Sept Amwm 505 70mm 393991 PM 15 MlLIuNo unehine In nd service the mid norporItlnn burial dIlo lne PROPERTYfOR RENT uPPn Du lex Iurnlshrd yrIvIIe Knuthlhmpiller no toom living Inen Iunoeelr II Phone PA lLM NWORXABLY IurnIIhed bedroom IeoIrIIn IIIlIhenIIlr Conveniences cu boom IIunory privileges nliIIry couple Phone PA isml LAIIol nrtIht hnuIeIeeplng mom Iuratohed Also mail unlurnlIhed IselooI Ind beoalllolly ddoroicd JillII home Mn llill TnomloIl Phone Ivy Inn 1551451 Itoom Ium urigh newly decorI rd co III modeln envr lencII Callral residentlII Two IosIIlnIrI liewarble Even lu nunlop lint Isw91 NIW uLnA Modern roolo aplrte IIIIIurIIIIhIst anvole trot wIll AIII IIIIs drIucI Iupplled not worry hIIlloII wIII Iuo Phono PA HIM l59H1 ArrhAcnvE IorulIhed animal with nslhroorn and lolly Iquloplo Iitehen bedruling room wilh KlimtIL elIo mg soil or huIlneII or pro IenrlonII pvnplo Phone IA nml PA Mm lsnnl AmAcnvn room Irouud Iloor lurrIlahed IoIrtnlInt pri Ie enlrInrr oil heIted hol wnler reIIathIe Also room Iurolrheu Ip rIrnIuII Inmleoi Mun IIN lurn hKd helor nIIII Iully oouippni wilh III IliIheI Inn Iinnn Ito locotrd dlmllal street mlnulu wAil tron down lawn close In hlIIn IIbooi Inll olliees Iluslnm or pmlculnnal lon IpIrt Ilav rIIh only Phone PA owes lsITIl lARM EQUIPMENT THRESHER SPECIALS AT BIG REDUCTIONS lIms lllc rlIrIshlng IIIrIIlne lindd cIsc Threshing MIIhlno prtcrd at only $3501 Iellll channelI romolnn In mnaillurl lrlen moo l4 Cylinder Wimansin Air Cooled lilolor to ill Money Ilnris Clipper Combine with mllucilon aeor Ind clutch lIl Inol lllv craln Elndrr l7 loot Illc Grail Him InoI Illc CIain Ltlnoer wilh IIO or runner to Iurrow Pronto Plow 14 lurrow TrIoIor Plow lsrrIIil Air Conlrd Washing MIIhlne Motor We hvo Put nortnhle with lecnalons Irom II Farm Supplies CT Servics CllAhLLs CHURCH CASE II NEw IloLLANo PAIIII MACHINERY DEALER 176 nurlon Ave Ph PA 82373 IIIsaw loud in sums to II II For Ditching BIEIJVOIIHQ PHONE STEWART III Dunlop sl Done ll Ihould he done Io Xun eIperIenee renII rquIlns Camp CnII cIrIIp slam Ind PorIIntI III IIqu II hsytlrls st III Toronto at MiscnuNrolis Back Fill Dozer Work or Loading Pnonl PA 57mm COLLECT IONS In souem on arson nuna In Ml PA 41 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING PA 53491 IIAIIRIE 59092 CAMPING EQUIPMENT For Rent PHONE Barrie Tent 8L Awning Co Poorer PA or suu LIIIIPLIfll PAINTING 8t DECORATING SERVICE PAPnI IIANnINo stAlxlI REASONABLE HATE Telephone PA 83647 orot FLOOR COVERING oAnIInrongr noor caverns Runner Ind AronIlI Inn OLInoleuInl oPlIItIn WIII ï¬lo IIItIrIslI blooded Ind InnIl PreI onlqu WOLFENDEN PA Phan DASHSy Electric Motors 10 Ross St Barrie PHONE PA 85301 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE ror NIw Motor Neda lwwlnfllflll Ina EspIII Bot HAROLD HARI IIIrrIe Electric union Pb PA 82206 Owen 8c MODEL 12 Core Coqulue7uin nip ped Phone Iml Simull asiiwi ALuIcIIALIIlrlls CDIIIIIIIII with motor unit LrlIln innk William Muir Cook lawn assl INerINArloNAL Comhlrlu No on eul powrr lalreoll ln eerllrnl shope Phone Lolroy Im IolsaIJ IIII Porto rrIotor plow disc Inn tiller All in good Iondlllnn Apply Pearsnli uro sIoliorI plush $32 INnnNAfloNAL power tIIIIoil Bin do iHt out all on rubber mod yIIrs Apply wlilIIrn Hughes slrourl Isaosz last Msucuhr lIon Stake In good mochmlcnl condition zoos Pergoson rrIclo new lo Flu weeks old PA ml IsIl MILKING MAcIllNE double IlrIlt lilos sIy liarrlo neLIvIl scpsralor sIIin leu sleet poorly new LyeIroid Sod die lIoIse Illurnuxhhrld IIzw Rocnes Point II cowlooan Keswrcx normu wnshLoo separator Iteol Irame II 1mm Minneapolis Moline Model 55 ll Hommeranlll Pnpcc silo Pliler IIIl IIIYILorlIIcr MH ll mm of rnlllrerr New some rs and Ill Innku or used IrIlllIerI wa lust have everthIng the dIlrymIn needs plot the roost eIIecIlvo PIy con trol ProIrInI an Ibo IIIIrltet Phone or todIy II PA Ema ï¬lm PIrm sup Ply l7 uulrIster same nssu hlnlNo runesoh Ilï¬ hp ss stra lon engine Attnchment Plow cul lIvIlor dist narrows counter weight wheel weights Ieeder snow plow tIrIderi spike tooth narrow damp cIe IrnliIr generator brush and log IIw IilIlnr tIole saw rel prunlno centIlhIgII on or pump roury weed oulter din shIIpener Ilcldo mower PIid um will sIorllice It Inna cIII Aug In to Aug 15 strourl con xl Lillian so math or sandy Cove It you are missed by your timer on WASHING MACHINE REPAiR SERVICE GUARANTEED REPAIRS To ALI MAKES PICKUP AND DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATES OUGHS HARDWARE PA 325 591 WELLS DUG 8t TILED OLD WELLS RECONDlTIONED Concret tllo Ior wells ouiverII Inn Itorm rIerI Weeplnr IllI SEPTIC TANK UNITE MADE AND INSTALLED Air comprossnr worII PUMP SALES 6r SERVICE Whiinéy Concrete Produou LIKE hill OIII FA mu IA PA IIIt No olIILL ohEssMAluNo all Iypes MrI Hall 105 men st 541 PUILNACII Iull chimney cleInIrII No II lnstaIlId Apply Ruon Drinkle 34m som IP IloU wInt your flower nrden or lwn looked aner by In experienced KIrdlner phnlln PA Esml Hm Niowslts sharpened Ind lob Ilsa Sing nleovxld5g1lalrneo or IB rhomoaoh 54M NDflCE hitter Iarurh euItnroIII nlI relular coils ID DSEIBD complete 3200 Phone PA Hm M9 MCGINNIS slivnr Knight Trailer Tun tulty equipped with Ilectrlo bullies AI conlflllnn PA Ems IIIIII NEW IIPP SelienOulbolnI IIunIhout painted white and blue wilh IIInanny trInI complete with steerlns wheel and now lidh rm to ideIl Ior Iarnlly or water IlrlirIr Will hIndlI up In 25 hp motor IIeIoiIrly sells Ior £529 Midsummer elIarInee use Clll IIIll Pl in Mill PA 32498 IIIl 01 Hill FOE TAXES County one Township Ill Illnlllll To WII By virtue or IIIrrIrrII Issued by the Reeve II the Township Ill innit Ill under hll hind nnfl Ila lullon IIth dIy or April IIIT In or IInoI In IrreIrIoI Ines In the Township ol Innlalil will no held It It Com munity RIII VIIIlo ol strouo II III hour or two aeioclr In the men anon on lhurIrlIy the 20th day or AuiuIt IIIIunleII the turn and com Ira Ioonor leII Nation II hero by men In Ihn III at mm or me Ior mom or IIIII wII pubv Iisherl In rhevontsrlo orqu on the Fourth day or IIIyIila7 and lost onollloo until Iro not 11 mild on Aunut5kfllhi lnr tuourned IIII qu no held on sspt net muflm mount ominous lIIloIIIn WHIP TreIIureP our loud dlyio piano phone PA cm 59959 mm Thank you oBIIP sIoNI Ev Ioo owen EuIIl luI BOATS MOTORS on In noon mil eoplII ol the IIId In my no IlIlI It IIIII screen Inovl IsrdL eutout lotion MI Ellen st PA um IIII RoiIII OWNERS noonpen Ind Finn IItI hoautllul Iortlllred weeoleIs loll delivered to this no Prion IIo per IouIIe yard Euler sod Co Ltd see to Duthhug 33rqu can ror onto an an Iry sam now Auoul talk to your roiks II homer not LI posolnlo ll you go In Holman 75 Comm 5L IIIrrIIwho will IInII your voice on the tape to your set ves Ior only per Ieven llIIrIilk1cr Illk Do It hotsihiroulV can eh quietly our Ioun or cry Ilter pm swn DOCS AND PETSTOCK IIolIoEII coLLIE Phone PA 05m EuLmoo Pu pin or nge PA IIaUNII PuPiI Ior role Apply Tildum phone PA MW 433042 Bennett and Scotch erou Collle PIlpI Io IIII PhonI PA Maul nIyIIdluer iIorrIo IIII IIIonus GERMAN sIIEPIIEItnI rn II Ii olontIII Old Hound PuI II monthI old Phone PA IIIlion Icolcu common or IIII IIble and white Phoho orn Ii or ply al Al Howltlna service station IIIIII AlltIIALE PuP melts old Ior IIln $10 Jho Proroeot and or logy ilIrI Illlrnar South sirII 0I Itlor Iaml Pu les Ior solo in IoII Good Mhï¬l EXGIICII il9tnjlrtzro The BA ulhrlo AIIIOMDIIIJS HAROLD HILL LTD HIGHVALUES LOWPRlCES l957 PLYMOUTH PLAZA DOOR IIlone while and hive lo mlienle or II my HVIIIK 1955 DODGE REHENI SEDAN IJIht grayblue Iharn clean llIIlI urIuly um 195i CHEVROLET SEDAN 150 SERIES Low mileage IInIrI rieau IIIIonrotrlir rnetsllle blue Ilass 1955 FORD MAINLINE SEDAN Illlhl Imn likenew IlaIs 1954 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN Danllaw while wall llroI 1954 PLYMOUTII PLAZA SEDAN one whlla Ind blur IlII EXCEIIIHI IIiIlo lnmily if SH 1954 PLYMOUTH PLAZA SEDAN thI hide IuIIornradlo silos 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 2DOOR nolge with brown trlru llms 1953 PLYMOUTH GRANV BROOK SEDAN III olIch clean car silos 1053 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION goon ye Clean hood running ear only 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN low rnIiIage neonly ms I952 DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Light groan rIcInt dInlIy I795 1951 CHRYSLER WINDSOR CLUE COUPE tilenuliug hlark lnrque drIvI custom rodlo handeornn Car ms 1951 DODGE REGENT SEDAN lone hlocII and white line runnlnl car was 1950 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN New maroon polnl overdrive radio good one was 1948 DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN Iet lllIIk nnlnnlatle rIdio Ii IonIIIIloII toss radio lane llhlsh or sharp clean oar how molar Ind Erropllon lIso cllEv COACH radio 5495 Ian CHEVROLET Sedan sass IIII PLYIlourlI inIIAN radio ml 194 CilEvIIoLLr sIdan sm Iim MERCURY sIoan IIII NAsli sedan lPIo PONTIAC sedan MANY onlEhs To ClIoDsE PIIoM We Have Few Top Quality Trucks 5l PARoo yrtnn Exnmss 5595 so PARco llIlm Panel $295 52 Puma IzATGN EXPRIES ms 51 FARGO Iron Ipeeial new motor now tirrs WE ARE OFFERING TERRIFIC DEALS ON FEW DEMONSTRATORS HAROLD HILL LIMITED Chrysler Plymouth FIXED i72isz BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 85355 oPPICE AND sliowrtoold 55 Dunlap st West Eorrle IIIl Buying or Selling WI nnnncn LII model on In truth Very rerunbio nlu WIIII complete InaurInoI STEVENSON ALL PI 0P INSURAch PHONE PA 8520i In DUNLOP sl EAST DEALT EnronR EALEAD ONPAGEIPI I1913 Prist ELovaRs AUTOMomu an Trial Coseh tncrnod eoarittlon one room mu 1M so who Cooeh thI aim eleIlI nerrnnanty prised PhoIII PA ulu IIoul can CoIeh In hood eondilion Phone Porl luaIIu PA not Illl PI cum nod molar um and no no PhonI PA um lIOi ISM ol onEN eonlpletIly equip in hero and II should rnlleIpe InsIInIrIn eoversre cI Irransl Ierrns Phone PA IlWUI mks AI Vhoiuols price yuoa rout Menu uIon panel 1o In 3th sas Ya no Plymouth cm 49 Aleleor hedIn Analy lol VlrlorlIsl or phone IA mil 0qu LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTEILIID llmtnro PInIIlnI Pho 94M ITIIRAII SWLKEK Steers Mun Awlh iloooorl lly min II ltIAIlI rIllIllI can illrm Piotr cuotuloun wenrrjppl lA tibsul Im II llllltllAIl7llll srooe lo Inoheu Aug 27 Promo 2N lleIIII AlPI Phone lam gt 99 rrvhch lhei lon ltlt IIIII III pnrohml slotcl shorlho VIIIIIIIII IKE Apply IlIII MCIldflvn Alllu Illum rJ uic 57fl till 12A IN orlrrhire lInI alw hrssl sliws rlonurh liiaol IIab llliI Sillllhl PalIII II sideroao Angus Ismz cow years old vIIrInI onI nlunill Also smIailun III vllllam NINilun or Sl with call Ilulneln llel due on Ihllno uzIrIl uorrlI Maurice IlchI PIIIII Pi Plthsll AND sorlnarr lioislrlnr IrIdeI snIl punbuds vaccinated or olono lroled huy cow with erroIlly Phone Invent Codan Ind son ilrll snnuo Lulnsr Weéew MW MARKET PRICES IIIIDAY AUG 065 CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoltd by EIrst Covenantan Pnckeril oi Ontario IIIrrle iiogs $3500 Sows $2350 suns NLurgc Medium Small 13 CIIICKIINII Grade tic GIIIIIE to it lbs Grade Grade DIDprice Cnpolls up to 33¢ occardillg to weight ilnd quality FIJWII Over lbs 25 22 12 45 lbs 22 20 15 Unaer lbs I2 11 10 Bill diclfwotly 11ch ma nul tailing the half STliiiIilliE We have some Islorage yet at Toronto and Hum llerstorle whether you want to sell or store wheat CALL PA 66531 BARBIE Will Prize Clinivfillllllll LBOUGIII Ali LL RIE Ema tits30 XAMINER IIdonor azgohlfl k1957 luill IIy LORNE VIIlion Rialr schools ltev Ross Cumming oI the ited chareb Is conducting VIICIIIUII Bible Iclmall Ii North River and Eddy Thc North River Ihust assisting Ire IlIs Eleanor Borrow iiirr llorare Bobnu andi Ills Jean Hoyle The children uttcndlnx hear mole stories and receive instruciiun lII handltralt and other Illrills Classes Ire Iran am to noon North River vacolioll school closer Aug II Frum Aug 12 lo 10 vacnllon srlluol Will or heid in Endy Un 11 Church Church Services church services or Sunday Aug II have been arranged in iolluw Goldwater United ChurchRev iiuss Cumminz minisiL 10 lnl Waubausllcm Memoriili Church 11 ilIn spLcihl service In Inllrk onn rsary Rev Fred Jtlhiitl BA DD Di Olinwa will he IninisILr EatlyII pIn church service Anglican RCV Churchflr rtClur Rllidwnlcr Si Maitllins Church Ii aln Holy Communion REV Newman Crnighursl mine isIIr SI walclr service minister Christian Fellowship Chapel HampshireRev Ynilll EPP Das ion 10 Ilm Sunday Schnul II or and 730 pm church ser vices Andrews Church Culti lrcsllylcrinllBJO Ilm Rev Charles Carter Kirk Anniversary Anniversary scrvices Andrews Iresbyicrilln Church Coldwalcr have been arranged Ior sanday Ocl Ii Minister will he Rev Leonard Sell MA on ol Knox Presbyterian Church MidlIllli Family Picnic Members oi the Tipping Inm iiy and relatives onioyId ole nic all the summer home If Mr and Mrs Calvin Niddflry on Glnue caster Paul of lile Severn liiver Among those unending were Mr and Mrs Slim Tipping Miss Jean Tipping Peter Peimpolis Mrs Logan Cruise and children Mr and Mrs Robert Tipping Mrs Gover Mr and Mrs TiP ping ilir and Mrs Robert llertl man ripping Mr and Mrs Robert Buchanan Mr Iindiiirsi Frnllk BuchananMr and Mrs Charles Wildge and daughter and lvllr Ind MrsNiddely and film ly for SI Newfoundland Vinllon Mr and Mrs Ruben Herdmnn of Camerbrunk Newfoundland returned by molar Car and bani allowing avlrit with Coldwsler and Eimvrlie rciillives 0n lllcir return to the island province they were accompanied Aug by Mrs 11 Dover and Jack Tipping boll ni Goldwater The latter will visit Mr and Mrs Percy ping Mrs Herdmans parenis and return by air Aug so Former Publisher IlerI Mr and Mrs Fnsler Russell and son Robin of Cobourg visited Mrs Cornell and MIXInd Mrs Lllllmby on their way to Ike the Grenl Lakes cruise from Port McNicoil Mr Russell to former Coidwater publisher and now owner of The Cohourg Sentinel Slar is getting ready to open radio station Cobnurg studios rltlonv two Is nIroaIn soil nonomint nee Sell chlluunn Nmml 62 Per hlIrirII lanvl Idol Iilrl column now in Iran Iuo community Hm II an III lIon IAruhnnv Alla Io IJII TII romeo no In lull i200 IIII IIIrIII Iain law Bulletin IIIoily ms ism Non IIIdun Iou hequ II III rill Ii Ihcll deanlino In 3132 El as Ilan urnI aha4 Jim ï¬lm on urilluuv n0 IA Nei IIIIoIlnII no wutsrn loo William III uu um snort sooIII EARIIIII Pliliili Auoosr tor the new station Clluc Ire being pnparctl in llIuieid unit The IIIIel prlele school torgirls was the summer hum5 or Katherine Corn III who has horn or many yen onu oi the immosl rlIgI actress assII are In the school Illdes my me Unmd Lu who Ilil on Man Loo Ialioa IIIIon Inn Iummr on All IMP hIIIre van ul showtime CKBBT PROGRAMS Im nova neon In BJIII III llaaI weIlnIr 51m hclule becoming Community Vlsllon Recent visitors Mr and urr flerl Willi welt lr IId Mr lloward lion and lamiiy at T0 mnlo Ilnrnid Eliioll DI Ellioli Lake Ilac Posrer nI Wyebridize and Dennis Wall of Milton Ynck EIRID Eiliull Lake spam ihe wtekefld hiI wile Ind Illniiy iIl Culdwalll Mr and Mrs lullIl Wylie Gilli and Mrs James Wylie II To runiu visiied and Mrs Wylie Tile latter wtlc in OSIIIWI re CLrllly Miss Roth Wylie Ind Miss Lois litam nt iIIranto Ire uhla campi irlp to lilimiioulin island Water Services on Water servicts were shut oil on Gray ililrllnl John and 0nd duck sirPLis in Cnidwater on Wednesday itIrIIooII while new hydrant was being installed near the old public school Waterworks superintendent lioy Galbraith sll Urvised the Job The hydrant was broken oil on Tuesday about 100 pmls the result oi lmliic accident on Gray straal Woodwork Painted James Kitchen painted the woodwork ml Ihr trout oi the Millard black on Wednesdsy It lernon Sails lo Germany Glen Moon of Culilwaler RR oirlrame lurhnieiar with tile HCAF recently sailed Irom Que but city tar Germany where he will serve with an allweather lighter squadron at linden Snellingrr Glen who Is 21 lb tended 0riiiia Collegiate Ior Iour years and enlisted in the RCAP in the spring or last year lie has been stationed recenlly at North Bay PilLibllrltll linlidayen Fred Irzlui at Pitlshurgh who is vacationing at Cornells cottage on Gloucester Pool of the Sciurn River has been holiday ing on Ille Severn for 50 years In 1907he slflrletl coming on holidays with ills lolher wild me Innnrbor It the lilordulpillon Club group ol Pittsburgh busi noss men who tor period or years had headquarters where Severn Lodge is now located Ar other longlime Pillsburgh or ganiuliiorl the Iron city Pirhiag Club vclcbrntcd its 75th annivere sory at Sandy Ecacll near Moon River last August Parry sarrl Guest Mrs Britton DI Parry Sound has been visiting her siIp ler Mrs John Lethalby Take Mllskolm Cruise Before returned in Toronto lcr three weeks vacation on the SCVeIn River in vCoidwrller IIIII Whubhusllclle Mr and Mrs Mor 12y You look the IDDltmile cruise on the Silgamtl from Gravenhursl through Muskokn lakes Novil Scolia was lhe 1mm the Acndians whose tragic ennui slon inspired Longfellows poem Evangeline CRVRITV CHANNEL Itn Iona My Lillie lllIrIiI um mono rIrrnl use no no lull Movie sir ooisl IIIIII up In Iris no tlliahts MooI MDNDAV Illa Loo cumin IVIHII Vilmkrflyualngr Itm MW mi Inn unholy nauen In on 34 on on Shoul Junlll Dunn wnmn 133 lJn club OConnor unnlv Ano ma non so rs new In IUufl Dilllb right Illo IIIVIII in rla Inv Lory Io anIraI chIllInu oo wIIIinonooIe Sume mar TnIIIrI IIno on he IIII Tansy in Iron Iua Inunonlry um DIAL 1230 Inn New IIan isan ushw IparilInI I25o Moria by IIIrlln Lou NewI hzldlml 102 Ian Inr worlIIrI PaaI In Ne IIIIoIln nu mu Itiuy urIIIIIII 00 Av so In out Aloar va an Inn Emu IIflin Oln Alaar Wu In In truth Ind miunrlan NII lino Illl PIradI lam Nln pepno or uar OI Th Iloo rIeotIaurin Walton isInoItIolI on aao rd IIliIldslciaeIIJnon omhifl Imus II DMD HIE Film 625 Nhil IlaGm WWI In III 573 muttl cloak low I2 Bil mo PIraIJIImII i=0 EmuII Imu IV In 74g Now noon Boom run Al DNAXIII limo IIIo 01 II my os hrols Inf II no Iavslolr anu loos mule Pramth flop