Mouse ee Toronto Track and Field Meet at Camp Borden was Ron wallingford of Ottawa medical student at Camp Borden Walllngrord won the 880 one mile and three mlle events all in record time Here he ls being congratulated by Major Clarke lennlIl program succeeded in turning back int clock or did the old llnten lacrosse game Tucs day afternoon former Inn super Ind minor turned out for the contest to the delight of In enlhluintit crowd which filled the new Community Cenlrc By LonNE lrETllEllBY COLDWATERHardly anyone has ever seen Eddie Hawke in motor car out any day in the week youwill see him using other means of transportation Up with the birds daily Eddie strikes out on his bicycle lrom his cornlortable residence at the Main street entrance to the Com munity Centre grounds for brisk am inunlto the north end ot Main strcct llis destination is aurnbrae stables headquarters tor liirs Sheppards harness horses Soon Eddie emerges irom the driveway with broad grinon his bronlcd lace as he drives horse and sulky to Goldwaters halt mile track tor workout Training and driving harm has been Eddie Hnwlms lilelong pur suit which he has iollowed with uneeasing pleasure for nearly 60 years Now 76 Eddie has been happily pulling at the reins and looking down the shining backs at raee horses since he began driving racers owned by his lather the late Peter Edward Hawkc ot aay view Hill just north of Goldwater The liie agrees with Eddie as he looks many years younger than his age in competitions many years ago he drove his own horses nilly Brino and Lucy He was driver tor Dr James llarvie and Dr 11 Park For many years he has been trainer and driver ior Mrs Sheppard who now has eight horses Eddie has driven winners on many tracks ncluding Thorncliile Mrs Sheppard insists now on younger drivers bearing the brunt at track competitions but if Ede die had his way he would still be pushing for top money at raee meets One or the tributes to Eddie Hawkes long career and true sportsmanship was pa at Elm vale track in 1953 am his at the full rair presented Eddie and his wife with lile memberships On that occasion he and his son were in the races The certiï¬cate presented praised lllr Hawkcs sportsmanship in 40 years of coin petiag at the fair Horse racing is iamily tradi linn with the Hawke lamily Fol lowing the lead giving by Eddies rather our 01 the sons took up the sport in earnest They were Eddie Norman Harvey and Gar net On one occasion when he was driving Cream of Tartar tor the late Tn Fayette or Penetaag Norman now or Midland won stake race at Exhibition track Garnet has been training his own horses at Coldwster for sev eral years and his brother Harvey is also well known driver Eddies son Gerald Hawke oi Coldwufer owns Corporal Me standard bred threeyearold which iouneufliiiii EDDIEJHAWKE Silil HORSE TRAINER nella Gill at the Matehedash home oi her parents lilr and Mrs wil liarn Gill They have two sons Gcr aid of Coldwatcr and George of Orilliitr and tw0dnughtcrs Mrs charles aell toelma of West Hill and Mrs Thomas Robinson Lelia oi Vasey who will be so in November Garnet and Harvey allllving on the old homestead at Bayviuw Hill Norman oi Midland and two sist ers llrs Leonard Leigh of cab awa and Mrs Mary Lawson of Bay view Hill Competition Al Pinecrest championship drivers irom many Hampshire Michigan Maine Penn And Ohio The purse is guaran Aifl ii In 1916 Eddie Hawke married Mr iiwke hit our brothers Joe International The fifth annual international Stock Car Championships will he ran airinecrest Speedway tomor row night It is the biggest stock car event in Canada and draws parts oi the USA including in dialla New York Mass New teed $2555 with $1000 going to the driver whn wins the as hip championship All oi the top drivers in Ontario will be eompeiing for the big money and it seems that local drivers will be able to give the Harness Racing At Pelerlaorough Tomorrow Night race meet that is drawing al tcntion throughout the harness horse colony will be staged at Pcterborn tomorrow night at 630 just minutes alter the big indusirirll lair The race meet ates alter and has put aside $149010 be awarded to the horsemen Needless to say pace for $500 each and a225 straight trot for llkeamount has appealed to the owners of the outstanding horses Pacers that have taken re ord oi 2m nycr New York and Michigan tracirs ihisscason hook up with the best Ontario horses as well as asprlnkling di those irom Western Canada It is bound to be an exciting affair and the fair bnatd headed by Charlie Quillnn are going to put it on in grand circuit style the Ontario itacing Commission he trains at the half mile Cold watertraek and there will be wagering on all events a1rengtb Grcem each irIm banning ihrce whose playing dIyI went back lo the golden age of lacrosse in Bradlord Those were Bradford inter membcl the day when ford th up lhc player nngcmnnts for lhl event On the Green leum were Mel drum Church both ol Bradford Norman McKittslry of Gulcph Green team won Lolnc Arnold ol Cookstowrl who played most of Igninsl landlord Il thll time other on lht lineups played at some lime within the next two decades side were 012 McKlnery Brad ford Eddie Armstrong Midllnd Bradford George Webb Campbell Charlie starts 30 min $900 renderail 17point 26v The met no the approval of instead game old and the modern plIyen two earn were drawn It Alsocillloll imns in 1905 Bert Human Wuldrufi so on illc Lining up Evunr Harvtzy Toronto MitniCu Angus ronto formerly wi markct Tailgous Siibb Nelson EC tor of 10 men lull inltn short were Enan Red 1008 Ind 909 the days when one team journey cd to New York irreat eity team while Innlhur Valarie tour at AusirIllI Players of that or on the lied aide worc Ollie Robinson of Brad ford Luke and Fred Coiling of Brad It was the latterwho lin to play ml The more modern of the Green Cavallo No lea mu between Id of equal Ind Lba title rce oi Kirkland and the Ind Lorna Ind ls lacrosse on the Red Joe To th the New and Norman This ms lhe Reds Sudhary Bradford Nor Colllngs 3nd ford more famous or air hockey red Grpp Bndlord Arnold lie dilh Gliloldil Jack Buoy Citrant Ind Normln Tloby Blrrell SrMord olllclrls to the game were Bruce Collifltil Bradford refs area An tLloyd market Judge of play anklilkenny nradiord penalty iimekeepar uni Neiliy Kilian mekeepcr Wilbert Mull mu Dodgn Jimmy slorn aradiord ind Dan Watson Beet goal judges lb latter fixing lto ceiohrIia his 9th birthday to Septcndrer The gIme dllyed under box lacrosse conditions ncwox pcrlcncc to lb ld llelti llcrouc sun Va is co slat bl two 15 minute pcrlodx but with the score lied It tbretsall It the lib llll it wu nece slry to overtime HoWIV each team scared uncc more the game ended in or The only pcnnlly double one handed out by lhe referee went to Mullins nnd Webb in the und for riughlng although aoma ends in the crowd wcrc nteIn enough lo suggest that they Incrcly wanted reat Olhcr wile the ncoillliz luminary below tells the story of the game Most oi the players claimed it felt good to recapture some of the thrill of their plIylng days but Idmlitcd the shortcomings of wind and col No ill effects were apparent It the llnlsh boll lien Includia DIVIIlDIL The annual mmpctitlon it open up any milballJunr in Slmcoc County The championship are conducted on flmndouf bula Ind provide an Interesting finIle to In unusu hll reason Team entrlea must be in the bIndI of the Barrie Recruited Cnmmlltcc not met Iban wednue dIy Auzult Enlriu mull be Iccompunled by complete ill of player Fifteen player plus two nonp on will be pernllucd to participate Th player llst IhIli commute the official entry Ind rhall be com posed of puycrr presently residing in the county Any change male in ihiu Iistor any contravention nitha ruler and regulations shall constitute breach of Mid regula llom and the turn to doing will be automatically dropped from tho playddwn MIIEduIl t0t Entries are now being received for the Simcoc County Copo0 So plnydawm in chIrnpionslllp of the fly active roil Imlner Int night It keeper ll being held lylnl coach most lumpl Ild Ind Al Thurlow pllchlulr not Ill It the nine time defeated the BIcklhop boyl for tho Softball Due lo the In thlf the imam time his case an be put hclore Judge and Jury the score is not delinlto lt wu either in or Ed candy and another fella did the lichlng for the llackshop Seems lr the other icilla got the Even before the uorclecpcr ls placed before the law the winning sound has trouble The Bachhop played the game under protest be cIusc few member of the Front 0mm all sure the chIngr cd the liscitshop boys were accused of being pros by inani hcrs of the opposition parlyhlnd our lb dc nlcly throw nl The italpf the game Ind iltll could nleIn more money Wu Ken Walla who made II Puddin head Jones bolh offensively Ind dclnnslvel lilr ruunchly advises the reporter got THREE hits Star for the IJstla were Don Saunders his Vlly through the Irecs IIIU Amby Rlvctl Donald MacDon Barrie ueeus Park unlll lurh Moose ZWI crowd nappy aayllsa and itarry Cooper were all hopped up about the srling Contest waking up twice heiore it was over Umpire Jack Kcrncy was the loot tom real playcral port WIlLI so he who crIshrd moally foul balls and area prince otnn container named lrcd DURHAM VIII un Dllflllfllfl III Riv had to be relieved in this gIme IIIVIIID rears are that it may hrii his some back plans not qttnth Ambrose an BAY POINT Roan Comeback hcrkl never went MINSMCK most boom com tor and int of grunting ier cttia SNACK BAR SUPPLIES itENrALs CRUSSROAD 20 PHONE STROUD 62 ll nutyontbc aySoitaait Htilc This week beltl chucking af Karen Here the local So ctimcn it Is aiid hat bill club ll only as good In its pllclla Inn This could hold true of thn Barrie Hillcrcst Glrls Team in the Ens Simeon Dengue Hillcrcsl Jun rest Patsy McFadden nd the twohit to he removed lrom the game Coldwnlrr Gndimy ll Swailc Valerson Barron It Sallowa Lovelace Beach Robertson 11 Armstrong Beach Hare Ullc Lenutus erlanl Steele Cartll Sheila Liv gstun Ann Worrall rdl Sand rin iclu Karen Agnew SCORING SUMMARY First Period GrocnChurvh Meredith 110 GreenMeredith Church liedHarvey Evans Second Period RedFoblnson Callllth RcdHIery Robinson GreenN Colllngs GIFP orertlrne GroomMeredith Church fledStibe Collinga Saturday liempentaii Bay sociotion held two Saturday afternoon day morning Then was wind for both race ing them closely the way aiakcney Woods Saturday and Harp lng John Redprths Yanks allthc compel WanI 830 um 12 from the heats ed Texas tourist told police he saw coped Invitation $3 rig GovernmentsDottk for the Skippcrs shield on Mon good northwest ner oi the Kempenieit TouatsT vicrntt VANCOUVER CHA surplln pm Sailing As events over the holiday tvtckendwitlr1hr race or the Kcmpenfelt Cup on and die race thus Inlkt contested all was the win Cup on Wright slll bolt won the Skippnra shield on Monday itlon they will The last three years most of the prize money has gone to the USA but the Canadian drivers Intcnd to change that this year sellout crowd is expected so Inns are advised to be early to get their iavuurile rents Time triIln will stIrt at pm sharp The ï¬rst or seven events will start at Twentyfive cars will run the 75 lap championship in of the lastestfrom the time trials and VEurnea his punircn tainlng $550 diuppclrlng utrnugh his bedroom window on the and morning in this race each skip gzr sailed another members at Tomorrow 1er Kcmpenfelt Club plays host to the Roches Point Yacht Club for the annual lntcn club race for lbt Irophy known It Boot Four boats from eachclub Ire entered in this race Pninï¬ are named in order of creating the finish line and the team with the largest number of points It awarded the trophy for the year starting time of the event in 2pm in front of the govern mentdock It only my Allislon Enfeis VenileEtnct Ago ns on Alllslon IdvInced into the final round of the South Slntcoe Juven lie Baseball playoffs Wednesday wltllt 98 decision ovpr New Lo we Bob Nelson went the route on thehlll for Alllaton while three for NewInvite BusaMcMaateratartcd worltlnV from the rubber for New Lowell He WIS relieved by Ed Nebb in the aecond who was in turnball ed by Arnold Neale ln Ih tiith All on scored it winning in the bottom ball of theralxth on two walk and an error Pitcher BobNeIson scored it Alllatbn ldjnow in beatoft seven series withraeéton for In ol long pole The thief eat Regular narge aellecfionmoatly largo aiul Shlrts captain Downerirroph Thatea pla at BeetonM nln ï¬ssure toa our tei Kearney glrlI defeated Goldwater 113 Due to an lulu lh¢ Effie Robertson gave up ll bits to the Barrio girls Bernice Armstrong til Goldwater suffered IprIlned ankle when Ihc slid into third his Warenys Wins Saturday night in breezed horn to v1 phy Duh then shot night 122 Hillcrcsl thrower has been unIblo lo play every game Thus the work done by Karen la erpeciIlly apprecialed Hillcrest bad the game in the bag by the third inning in whlch the local lmlos reared five times CIlChcr Joan flick of Hillcrcat bad great day offensively and defensively she bInged our two hits and threw out three runners trying to anal Carol Agnew Ind Ullc Lentslua had two hits saga Doug when won thsterturc race at Wanna Beach Speedway of racing It WIngI Warens took over the leadon the 10th lip and John Connolly won race with Harold Gran Angus second Glen Briggs holds the track record won the second rnceand be OKeeia Tro Don Batters otsirrrie piloted his VeraWood oi Toronto was the only nearcasualty of the meet ills car locked wheela with another rod toot Ann regular or Goldwater he had alrncno retrblonm ZRdce arm check our lu urea um or his second day ctory the first who also found Servlco BI Tllfln Sh PnONE tll third undone2563 Hot nod to vlct race in the air Res PA 85039 Enron Mlllnlll vvlce Props lu rive you umnremn ttr topped with clul trade Station Barrie This moans You Llielhae Guaranteed 51qu POIl This special oifcr being made because our Recapping Plant drastically needs tires Act tomorrow and get these great Air Ride on this spcelai deal Tridcln Allowance on Each or Your asrsppable Tlru an Buy Elsi nunccrv Tcntns 65 And Your ltccappable Tlru pitchers saw service on the mound Mary at run As LoNG Ag TEN YEAIls on you In Iinablh MWoll because of £55 or ACCIDENT compl to information all this Security Plan all bher CAN hCCIDENTPlans including mi DUAL iIQSlITAI EXPENSE DicALSURGICAL BENEFIT putts iTE TODAY Tolnoluiow MAY or TOO LATE cannon dump AccmENT satinnNda Cort Me or PlionePA 841m ADD 500 FOR INSTALLATION and new Garrd BIitery in built to erupting Ipeclllclb ions So Good itii baelied wltlr no lure limit warranty auve er with Guardv