popular Augustbridcielect Miss Dorothy scams been entertained by many friends beiore her wedding tensor iii row afternoon in St Andrews Presbyterian Church to Thnm as Tacluk oi Montreal Yellow kitchen showers were given in her honor by Mrs Poikioghorne and lire Austin and by Mn Harold For ster and Mrs Cox The second shower was held at the Cox residence on Shanty Bay Road Mrs lrving Robertson Mrs Gordon Spencer and Mrs Cameron entertained at bath room shower at the Cameron resir deuce on Toronto Street and Mrs Frank Craig and Miss Judith Craig held cup and saucer shower in her honor Mrs Peter Ward oi Toronto who will be matron ol honor and her mother Mrs Frank Per kins werer hostesses at pantry shcil shower lillxcellaheous showers were giv en in honor at thebridetobe by her aunt Mn Mshnlln in aurilngton and by two at her attendants Miss Adele liiooney and Miss Judith Paton at the Pa ton residence in Toronto other shower hostesses were Mrs Hinton Mrs Glen Gilchrist and Mrs Frank Bayes who entertained at the Boyer resls deuce on Blake street and Mrs Smith Mr and Mrs Gladstone Cur rio entertained the hrideelect and her lance at supper party Trousseau Tea hire Robert Lelshman entcr taincd at trousseau tea in honor oi her daughter last Saturday at her home 100 Blake Street Receiving thc gucsts with Mrs electv Hrs Hichacl Taciuk of Oakville The bridetobe happy to havewith her on the occasion her grandmother at Caliper at Hamilton Presiding at the tea table in the aiternoon were airs ii Mg Paton ol Toronto lira Leishmatl and Mrs James Breai oi Burlington and Mrs Leishman cl Hamilton aunts the brideelect Mrs Under hill and MrsArthur McKenzie poured tea in the evening cousin of tilebrldeciccl Miss Susan Leirhman ot Burlington opened the door in the ailernoon and Min Sheila Forster greeted lhe guest in the evening Serving were Mrs Cam eron Mrs Gordon Spencer Mn irving Robertson Mrs Henry Swan iillss Ann Harris lira Thomas hilddlebm Currie and Mrs Smith Olhcr ica assistants weight Bell Mrs Herold Forster ii Peter Sinclair Mrs Frank Per i115 hirs Fisher and Mrs Edwin lncson Displaying the trousscau and wedding glits were Mrs Frank Craig Miss Judith Paton lilrs Peter Ward lira HIrriSi Miss Sheila Forster Miss Joan Smith Mrs Hintonhliss Judith Craig Mrs Hurry 1ch and airs Jack Harris illra Cox had arranged no and Noland wcsiey Dubepu at Oshawa son ot Mrs Edith Dubcau and the late Reginald Dubeau at Orillla Rev z$50iPrize At Spelling Bee uï¬mfliï¬sidiinwoï¬ ess enjoy themselves and per haps win some money by enter by the women division 01 the Canaidao National inhibition The competition is open in rcnd Pranlc Slavik oiiicinted at the ceremony in Central mum only um um Fl resbyterinnchuroh Oro Joly twentyseventh John Mc uatg played the wedding music and Miss Dorothy Shannon bong because and Perloot Love slstiug her the grooms mother store drm of bronze net and The bride given in marriage by er lather wore gown oi nylon lace over Iaiieta with iour tiers or iamls studio MR AND MRS RAYMOND WE LEV BUREAU the ilowcrs throughout the house liir and Mrs Ross Underhlil are entertaining the bridal party Leishman were the hrideelect and the mother or the groom tonight alter the wedding rehear sal Back To Nature aoic of ORMTA PARENTTEACHER RELATIONS Firsi Indian Camp islund 15 years old no place to go Proves Successiu An experiment which was lnstigated by the Regional Supervisor at indian Agencies iiorrls and organired by luiss orma John ston principal oi the ludian day school at Kettle Point resulted in all lndian children spending healthy corelrec holiday on Christian during the holidays The children are residents oi the Mohawk institute in aranliord which is sponsored by the Anglican Church and range irom eight to The 4o campers were from broken homes and had Under Mr Morris supervision supplies were borrowed irom Camp Borden and moved to Christian gt island on Georgian Bay The girl campers slept in the Roman Many students will tend to neg lect technique unless special stress is laid upon it it the parent will see that the assigned technique is iaithiully praetiscd eyery day progress will be more rapid As rule about one quarter oi the total practice period may advantageously be spent on pure technique Slow practice is golden quick practice is lcaiien4but dont let us expect the child to appreciate lhisl More the parent can be oi great assistancc It the child is heard railiillouthrough iliSWflliir fingering carelessly playing wrong nines ignoring the marks or expression etc it is obvious that he is not following thLI tench crs instructions To practice piece 10 times correctly is worth Catholic school on the island while thcboys inhibited the Unliéd lflfimDTEMllimdirllhï¬uhdred Church School Eating took place in an army marquee cooked on an army stove and served in urmy dishes Miss Johnston was Director oi the protect but is very loud in her praise of her counsellors Mei Harding thirdyear Arts student at Western was Boys Supervisor Ann Wenham who is familiar ï¬gure to residents at Big Bay Point where she spends her sum more is described by bliss lolln ston as the most wonderlui coun sellor Ive ever known Merv Henry completed the supervisors and added understanding to the direction because he is Mohawk institute graduate The success or the experiment is proved by the words at the head of the Christian islandiies Mrahy Fa ro or mu photographer th pur in this new pcr an Ivailahlr In ginsv prints PROMPT sanvrca III liio 595 15 doe PHONE PA 8241 rue Barrie Examiner Wanammo hawk institute You here serve when he addressed gath ering alter hold meet between the campers and the islanders and an evenings program which the Homemakers oi the island put do on ior the children trom ihc lilo Chict Roote said We are indeed pleased to have The members at the Christian island band are loud in times llali right and liaii wrong Keep the piano in tone at all limes Good results cannot be expected lrom iin ilutoitune in strurnenl the use ni which may incaicuiahle harm to the childs sense ol rcialivc pitch When the pupil is invited to participate in school concerts home and school club meetings musical icstivais cic encourage him IDVdo so Music not only nilurds an outlet ior the cm tions but is also an unseliishjrt through the very nature or which we can give pleasureto others The child should no more be allowed to miss his music lesson than to absent himscli irom schooi except in case of illness Not having had time to pracs lice Is the iceblest sort otex cuse Rather it is an additional reason or needing extra in struction and steady progress may be eypccied only When steady work is being done aoth parent and teacher should be generous in appreciationrol work well dime and genuine citorton the part of the pupil indiscriminate or undescrlied pralmdythdoubiEdlyddlliirm but the withholding oi deserved acknowledgment is still more iikeiyto kill the childs interest and enthusiasm ii difï¬culties arise parent and teacher should first oi nll consult with each other it aitct oarelui consideration it is decided that changeoi teacher would be ad vantageous to the pupil the new teacher may then be approached their praise oi the manner in which you have conductedyour selves You Ire very wellbehaved and disciplined children and we would be glad to have you back next year and every year The children spent their days hiking swimming thcy could all swim by the end of their month stay and learning cralts tuughl by Miss Wenham and which re sulted in tha children producing thing of beauty out oi to mato can Baseball was an im portant part of the curriculum Each day ended with briei showing of sacred pictures hymn and prayer Special outings were arranged tor the campers On July 26 the Anglican Parish oi Shanty Bay ilawkestonc and East 0m Station invited the children to be their guests tor day rhayattcnded service at Shanty Bay and dinner etVHawkestone swim in Lake Couchichiiig completed their daylong tri The children hate now returned to their residence at Mohawk with very exciting and rewar lng month to remember hel over the skirt Her bouquet was Sweetheart roses and daisy mum Miss Joy Rice was maid ol hon or wearing gown and stole of orchid not over tstieta The bridumaid Miss Veronica Dublt ecu was dressed similarly but in yellow They both carried nose gny bouquets oi orchid and white sweetpeas and baby breath Miss Saily Rice was flower girl in dress of apple green net over uiteta She carried miniature basket oi flowers The groolnsman was Ross Dub eau of Oshawa and James Sow man or Oriiiie ushered Junior ushers were James Rice Hawk alone and David Dubcau 0i Or illll Receiving alter the ceremony Mrs Rice worn rose dress at lace over toilet with white at cessories She had Corsage while and pink sweet peas Ass cornge at yellow snap dragons and baby breath For her wedding trip to Otllv wa the bride wore glaze print ed sheath drcss with matching dusterand bat oi gray bengaiine matched touches of the same shade in her Her pink accessories wedding While Mr Williii Me Falls cametrom Thoroid Mr and Mrs Dubsad Mr and Cawker and Mr and hirs Ti ncy were present irDm Toronto Mr and Mrs ii Toole Ind Mr and Mrs Charles Tooic arrived irom Midland The brides ding The couple will grandparents on both sides Mr and Mrs John Miller oi Midland and Mr and iilrs William Rice oi Waublu shcnc were present at the Wed make their urday Aug 31 in the Kitchen Theatre of the new Queen Blizrl both Building Preliminaries will put it there isnt enough time in afternoon to pick win ner Entry lorms may be contained by writing or phoning the inn mens division tor the 185 prize list which contains aileruie and regulations as well as entry lorms Prizu 550 $35 and will be awarded to lh three Winn People will ililk it seem that every tile in gt iasuiy witeiippmuv North illorients vu unr more people but we be than why or man so many propir in and out at all neigh borhoods can III or me have been violated Shopping around heinre havingspoken to the present teacher is neithe dignified nur honorable Parentteacher cooperation halt the battle when it comes to It should go on through the year rather than just under the added pressure induced by re citals examinations iestivai com petitions Secure registered music teachertlnr your child and hav ing done so give Ill1t teacher the fullest ctroperation within your power The results should be highly satisfactory to both par ent and teacher and most im portant oi all truly beneficial to the pupil Thlg in the iitilnllldflnfli article in series published by the Barrie branch of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association touring Nova Scotia and proicssinnni ethics will not obtaining results Furthcrmorey home in Oshawa lcl Cowper studio rLonA asriian JANE daugh earimoir capnu latls ted cola ior Nortli lirarim VI lines Moving MJIDIAI llfl Ilnrlon Aver Plane PA$ Ni inertso in the spelling becLspoeaored be at pm and incl at can hospital visitors on the Candied Red Cross They nuke regular visits to patients in loo hocpitalsimol Newfoundland to British Columh VBLKAY Maternity Dress Shop 1M Collier SL Barrie PAW opposite the Library umtin Fashion Yours ior privcoyand economy TRY pun HOM tarot Mr and Mrs Jack Torrens Belle Ewart al at three oclock érion 6V and diguns plaids cashmere and wool Plainrcolours and fine imported woois Puli will become the 1Deligbiiul little itching villages bride of Charlcslnuncaanoutiii redolent ot salt sea air lobster sun oi Mr and iilrs Norman traps and iishing boatshave Coutia Cookstnwn in Leiroy Uni spocial iascinaticn for visitors ted Church on Saturday August Take home selection of our specla whole anally Wevea sine selection or Dutch Candles cheeses etch too which we sire sure you will lino delicious ities and delight the EBAKEDTREAD ciisilili militias is The wise shopper knows you get more ior your fashion in the seasonl Come in and see our vbeautiiuinew ORLONAND Diwali oiisoisriiur rub Elmers goneaco the CITY Jniu ior Iltldiying and delicious plate at Spare nlhr with black bean laucovror slat For toe selection uhinue rid typical Clllflfl lan loud you willenioyeat ing at the CityVCafe For Just nick or full course local ior party youll iind coin tort courtesy and good food Keep thehrstnut or your living rooiril If your rooms are too hot insulation will cooltheni down in Iurn pier and retain warmth in winter The BA itin uiated éilings RRIE EltAMINER ti Smart revers bios etc Many iino style can conrs Posluns Carports ior iuil Ind winterwcari Borg Lined Red and beige colours CL new colour and silhouettes Tilli iiiii NEWS dollar when you shop early rrivals Theyre exciting in lt