Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1957, p. 10

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vcr wedding annivm The menu were decorated with If Ifimvorsand the wedding cake held the customary plan of limb or on the bullet lira Laura Jury and In liar Karel Wallace aunt of tho couv ple poured tea slated lay Miss Knapp and Mrs MEL Potty Hamid Elmer and Russell Jory Mrs Wellacn Powell and ME AND WESLEY Mrs Annette Wilkinsoa served PERRY Barrie announce the many guests the engagement of their dnu Min Dons Inrl Imwrrethc gilter Mary to FIG any door misled by Connie Jory Tomkinsson oi Mr and Mrs 53 Phlm 11 iodwinrromidna 342 coibornc Hrs Bruce TII pron Mn Street Orlille The marriutla leieiley Mrs all Mn Nor will take aim in 001 val Luck and don Little united Chum aistcd in cniomining the guests 513 17 31 Dm Guests aucndiag tram London The couple will reside in Oshawa St Calharinrs Toronto Elmvale Orlllla Dalston Edgar Crown Hill crcnlci Stroud and Pnlnswick ier lhrie and lira Willard lie rbonnld oi BarrI iehava returned trons weeks holiday vialtlng lg tn Menuhclomensjnd MHHILAlcornofBanIhas close Irlcnds and nhtivu rcie been Ipendlnz 19w day It the llnl lcarp baud In ugh rm rigor Park Plan Hotel in Toronto sonlfarln JonSL lira or Hr Ind Mrs Henry Vlndeh old andieiight service took place in Trinity Anglican Church 313 gm hm roughed tram their in Sarrlefwhen Bylvinmme Churchill daughter Mr and 1° mhm d1 el Ilfflfiln i9 Mrifialt Ohurehilil Barrie wed Douglas John Cavonugii um The previous Wednesday up Point New York also staying at sumo Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cnvumgh Barrie on Batur and un Martin Visited the land Old Dishrd Bench Mama and day July twentyseventh at 730 in the evening The candie nd um lierben llodpan Boo 1y light was complemented by the church decorations oi white me en 01 me mm mm glndioll mama and carnations Reverend George Eher or mm In mm mm F10 and Hrchk licppieslon ring oilleiuted at the nilwhite ceremony nmmum lIiIlIrwlthiIeIIIIIJrgsfidIi min Buy hrlda was given away by GIIcsIIu Barrie tile hrIdeamolh mu MgDonld Blake herhlnther Sh wars ruilsirin er wore pink riilr ahelih dress srmt in smmyI if IIIIIhIlIiIIIsiiInihig 36333 ed gown ui nylon chiitnn war will matching linen duller and run kw Yolk 5h Wm we Mu Id Ing soilly ahirred moulded bed while memories Assistlnl her the our tum weeks slum Hum Line Bums ice trintnied with appliqued ny Mrs Gavanxii wore dress at lu Bmfl Twining School in It ion flowers iingertlp veil fail mauve rosewood silk with while cane Cam Mm GI Imam Sydney wb Iroln Coronet headdress She aeressmle sum Wm hm carried bridal bouquet of pink The hall was haaulliuily decor Minnie McBride Vlim Iher Ken liamray aa Pecl so tor roses shed with baskets or pink and in 50 ll visllln wllh her hie Iew days He willspend some hire John Smurtlvwalte Strand while giadioli The brIdIlJahle 45 Mrs Matthew nowlins 145 Wm mu Tom wasnraid oi honor and Miss Bar held arraugumrnis or pnk and Codiluster Si Mn scalton and harm reer rungs mun bard Ann Tapson Oro Stalion while cornlions Mrs inhnanlma 68 Eugenia SL as bank manager at the Bank oi as bridesmaid They wore prim Fur her wedding MP he Mrs Ewart Jcnneit and dough va Scotia in Sydney Mines 395 hm Wm Sula the bride chose princess eyelet over Math and wide wnhrl Hid ck hrimmed while hats lIinlr bon giilgfiff emhmed flag quets featured shaded pink earns my Wm vlnk pm in IVY and while necessaries Her cer hiisscs Carla and Sharon Janie ago was made or white carnation Ins Barrie were flower girls in while nylon and lace dresses Ehrkfhwupm Wm 3m in yNidN SERVICES Central Collier Sheer United Churches Minlsier in Charge REV BRENN BA Organist anLI Choirmaster LLOYD TUFFORD DELINQUENIS IN THE MAK me nIo verbs Shildon and Eleanor Glued and puriormnnco his one dealing Delinquents in the Making suh with the use of abstract Inlellli liiiud Iaihs to Prevention is gcncc such as the application at popular condannallon of long logic and rcusunina ability and and important study on the up tho other with pracllcal Intciil gent problem of Juvenile deiin gonce or handmindedness quoncy They were also given the liar From 1940 to 1048 under the schach rcat popularly filled the auspices or the Hanoid Low Ink Biol Test the results of School research project was which rfivcnl iIlIir Easiclmecls oi conducted lay the famous Ameri Film 13 an and er gt can sociologists Sheldon and in allY total 402 ram omen Show walk all with the Service dtISInnday Selim Eleanor Giuaok to determine about each boy was recorded and mile the leround Drum but mFdolllnl mm SUNDWA GUSTuM7 ypiml in venue mm all nm of woman Festival Wednesday night in St been left over the weekend to 11 ago Hams rd in what my me was mmmed Ind Med mm Vincent Park shear Park was dry Paint and shellac made the SPIRIT general intelligence News From The PLAYGROUNDS guest appearance from Mar this game aiii wuaon hit homa liyn Monroe helped the Ted Sol run in cralta ihis wed we finished They carried nosogay liouqucLi oi Miss Katherine Inry daughter as wupleI Hg mm mm duh II pale pink sweetheart rnsos Miss Cloughldy Becausa iiavi Studio on at Barrie Jack McDonald and will You Remeber MR AND MRS GERALD THOMPSON Bruce Alielns of Barrie and Hair ML and Mrs Km Cayman 246 Dunlap Strcet East Barrie CARLTON UNITED CHURCH in Toronto was the setting groom and his mmndmu ARMY CITADEL Efidhiomfif Bfifidfiogfifigg forthe marriage Cora Quanta formerly of Barrie to more white dinncr jackets Wu nuunw me mum 80 Cum sun The wedding music wasplnycd Joyce to Robert John Ford son Reverend Dr James Finlay ofiicinted by Mrs Roberts oi Oriliia oi Mr and Mrs Thomas Ford 01 ric sang The Lords Prayer and 24 no SUNDAY AUGUST 57 ll ny Ell Perfect Low oclock in Cuuisr Street United °NE5 lamSALVATION MEETING EVERYONE WELCOME SPECIAL INVITATION To COTTIrIAGERS AND VISITORS ST GILES MISSION diiierpd from nondeiinqucnt stall uni or View responsible or lhe presentation ornaments very attractive some children As the authors com teehnicsll 92130 mm was which was Inkean on the Ed children modelled ash tray or THE 1001 TEMPLE no In Mnmlnx Collier SL Barrio Sermon delinquency on some obvious Unravcuing Juvenile Delln in IP pmmmm common mm quencyIn mm mummm Nelson Square ing proved to be interesting as ilar circumstances also produca he averagelender mg the grow up the his had ner NWT 32 ing the evening accompanied by gt Groomsman was Jack Matbicc ENGAGEMENT Mn ml Mn Jury map on Givens ol Strnud wcro ushers THE SALVATION oi their only daughter iioicn gnawing my Gerald Thompson Barrie on Saturday July ti 1057 The Md Mm GI Cm Soloist Miss Jessie Hero of nar Toronto in marriage to raga Hostess at the reception in so church 91 315 NthSUNDAY SCHOOL E121 COLLIER 51 UNITED cliuncn 24 Anglican as Cook st mam maple pm ram gmed in mm we we Sullivan show buntI while others made sonic II nu ARE WELCOME REV JOIIN RIDDEL ileiinoucntslorgctting that sim in the Making is resume or Norm 51 been echo tinyline him were turned out SAINT GEORGES REFORMED CHURCH heads and made very Interesting many good citizens For this ml and the we at JIWCHWI ransom 1000 boys were studied Complex Prnhltm mm mun my the mowed findings as reported in son dellnqdenls and control The p9 Thursday aiiarnoon everyoer Alumni Church dunnon OF AMERICA group oi 500 known nondeiln this lmok He built ismlllne hing leggy chfigm We om came with handtuis of newspao nettin WED Hm RE flIiIenlsr The boys were matched mud IIe ulIIs Ie mum mm Sally5 choice of egg dove mode um um up Rev NewtonSmith BA MINISTER Imaging alga sleighi mm mm lhe nurse Littic Pigsnndclcli Iiiiefiylf¥ Ialitiiwh iii rzanlatL MRS GSHAW ATOM one ciamnrnd for part Rev Falknnhurg ii tdid too labile on veryiiilerA Choirleader Mrs Smethunt 2dSnic in uiriirciIupriiiiiogid esting chapter gives the tindinga PIIIIlEr eiIItziltsofbeIlIIdes Ilhe pigghshgfilgsiodgskiggrk=2 ImamMORNING rnnvnn Every sunmfi 230 51 urban neighborhood 21 3dszipnnguxéwmgfnrfirdg mar ChnmlhgmMI mday momma our sh MILJIM WORFOLK TH ESSA Rona Detailed study cussed the reader is invited to face molds which the children Some animals came on leashes with those four lactors con guess which boy is tha deli painted til resemble their own all decked nut in their Sunday slam in each pair or boys they anal not unHIIlhe end 01mg laces and other masks mado him while other were cuniined PRESBYTERIAN CIIUECII EVERYONE WELCOME Corner Essa lid Burton AVG worn ihen minutely investigated cha iur do the authors tell which lrorn paper bags Another crait to cases Judy Rye manaced in in all aspects of their heredity I5 £hich on the whole in da ihciittioones iiniahcdattho lirat keep her dog still long enough 5TRINITY CHURCH environment and daily life The llnqucntg ppmm be mount of the week was puppets mada l0 Fill ballet skirt am hi 24 Collier st ST ANDREWs Anglican iicniiii rccord of each boy tr tram bags Besides titers craft QuEEnie it the wayside throughout his life was studied 3r actiiiertiim grhyrsigfl rgiellclerafi they painted their lavorite pict Heador Logan won the prize for Cflgfimigfl 53 mii IRESBYTERIAN AND his loinin background his com stronger and better developed urea and sellportraits mtlretflgrfiseglgm IMRS figBERngaéigmn HRSr BAPST pcic school record his relation physically than the nondeiin on ship with his parents and sib quent boys While the general $35133 mgwtgg Co prize tor tha most oilicrent pet TRlNiTY Vin AUGUST ti 1957 UNION SERVICES Tropical fish owned byPalricia Appleton swam off with tile prizn for the unaliestp Linda Cor We were lacking Special rlgans dog sat up and 00 lamHoly Communion 930 021 and 1100 ana Morning Prayerand Sermon Kpaphras CanonI Read 100 umEvening Prayer com STARS OF THE Ted Solomon show posing left to right are iback Peggy Wardie as Marilyn Monroe Dave Forbes ducted hy m°ung up as Ted Solomon Bruce Henry the cameraman and Karen SIX SERVE35 Visors where thcl Md WW flare the announcer as well as three members pi the cast SUNDAY AUGUST 11 1957 ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCII Sunday School 950 am Worship Service At 11 non Na Evening service REV JAMES FERGUSON VISITORS WELCOME lingo his classmates his friends intelligence of lhe hays wasitho fee pot two exciting new gusss They were cnch examined by same the nonadellnquenu scored Smog psychinlrlsts dentists and pet higher in reasoning ability and inirieinns Each boy was givun the delinquents in the practical Iihr wochsicraciievuo iuiisoaic side of the chhritnnciiovue 11 wflififigfi $132333 iufwaiegviiidxiiiii iii intrihgunco test which divides Teal The Rorschach Test show The mm are making 1mm has chum mum the ed the delinmlcnts to be self the centred and less friendly and co 21513 pets past the judges the sup operative by nature They are lively advgatureeraving boys and Brock Park have IIIlle selfcontrol In school them and have them portalm any Bill Baker lr motive Servrca tricks they could do our last splash party for the COURTEOUS LICENSED INSTRUCTOIRS though their intelligence was the 2910 and on Tuesday licked Cnd as one parent reported that her PRO PA 32159 some riagton 148 The SEfllOH not to fiveyearoid was ready to go to Envmnmnt Imwmt be outdone by the juniors won the splash party ul630 arm The survey shows that lends 235iinfhfiogdoéegf 39°11 und iUSIJ car yo Tve been waiting iorl Iaetors are involved In the de Thereis no slngie cause and llotil Ii Sleclilev atypical pattern of teinperament charaéter and physique in delin vsiopment oi delinquent children no easy remedy for the problem THE but broadlysncaking if boy at juvenile delinquency and runerai Home in War SI Ph rd 35553 Our services are designed and pricéd= to meat it ry need and financial situation but highESt standirdsmre til whys assured Nulillleyer Pnslor pan PAUL FAUCETI Prenchlng MUle Mr Geo Hay Violin Tonllll pm Summer Family Night Rev ll Peeler and Malenanet from Mlller Memorial Bible Institute Evening ServIce Broadcast Iover CKEB Dial 1230 seamen ESSA RD PRIESBYTIEIRIA and AIllnlmfli Wilhlnmnmm ground as well Ioiluws similar before he is in real trouble for ni Organizations enable us to panelfl and great emphasis must the pattern of antisocial behavior serve promptly atacanby or be placed on the importance ol begins to reveal ltsell early in distant placer early home influences Many his school career acter traits which may not in lion in which the solution may he themselves all he undesirable is sought it also indicates all too brought up in file wrong kind of clearly how complex the problem home he will turn out badly Is BUIRTON AVENU quenl hays The home link Danger signals will be seen long possessing certain innate char while this study points direc STANDARD organist REV ti rniMbLnI DANIELS SUNpAv AUGUST ii 1957 ii conjunction with our exhibit at Ctinadinn National Exhibition we hold purse making contest Withmany of Canadas icadingleathercraltsmen participating more it in THE Gillan insrunnnlt ViSirons wnLgoiJE IznmvirotlirrepIsnlpamomncnnv CAR LUXURY AT 19Wle PRICE Earytcorivo ScullImmune flfiw entries are received than we could possibly LOT OF BIG accommodate ln outbooth lit the Exhibition We thatstore hold this elimination contest 049 Spodwa door dong imiy mica lnlovlw Flufl matlllull DMIBSION para LEATHER MORNING SERVICE AT 11 llrl the nonadelinquents were usually Brock Parks baseball teams gt1 II found to be much farther ad were busy this weekdwithMgarIrIics summer was held1rldpy mm LAKESHORESCHOOL 9F SAFE DRIVING vanced than their opposite nnm every dayexcept Fri Hy on my ing The younger lldren lnusl CA Li Sim Econmy bers among the delinquenls aI the juniors trounced Shear Park have enjoyed the opiasii parties WA C0 mu

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