nonnrns noosr Colour aaoï¬on Momnoun anuca nzuum SIJIIIIIIY MIDNIGHT SHOW maulr manna COMBAI SOUAO JOIIN IRELAND LON McALLISTER PLUS no PONY AUG 58 lIVING II UP Colour DEAN MARTIN JERRY LEWIS CARTOON SHORT wm IIIIYIlS nun HI RAIDERS OF SEVEN SEAS DONNA REID IOIIN EAIINE when CAImmN FIII SAT AUG sun PONY EXPRESS Colour SUSAN RIORROW CIIARLETON NESTON COMEDY CARTOON IIIoN runs AUG 1213 SANOIAGO ALAN LADD LLOYD NELSON murooN suom WEI rIIUIIs AUG II15 ELEPHANT WALK ELIZABETII TAYLOR DANA ANDREWS COMEDY CARTOON FRI SAT AUG 18111 HURRICANE SMIlIl Colour YVONNE DBCAIILO lt JOIIN IRELAND cIIr00N snout mimf TUBE AUG Inn CASANOVAS BIG NIGIII Colour IoziN IONIAIN EDB HOPE ARTQON shonr unnNsshAv AUG 21 ROBINSON CRUSOE Colour DAN OIIERLIHEY JAMES FERNANDEZ CARTOON rupnsrmv Arnbrlor Chmnlrle Hglvllle KJackul 0m hu been Ippolnled exefuumve Emu aouNnINn nIsrnIcIs l0mnl0 Anna Inouia III to an the ML Indlln um mm mm Jlmu II Jack ol Amprlnn Mr Jack hlsv behlnd hlm Ilncére mulude and human cumto Ill 01 you Ioryqux long Iisl ol malaria and poll gnaw 530 Mae lcrl successes starllnz In 1921 am mm Shah PIMKWI er Ihwnnr Ire eucydezply IP II In nnun ms Fredlei pull ulna Imus III member To wondmm men the Ontario Older Boyl mull lhe Hrs year II mem bar or Renlrcw County lhe sen tidal 25193 HE lied 53 slrnple think you audour stud In Idmlrlllnn anduriéndsnlp Mlnlster or World gMIIIn tiaxwéwlrï¬ 51 chfrcw science zrilluale he was mem leaders George Ilenry Ion lendnr Bracken Bureau Yet the Indian Allah AUTO min LIARILIIV ACCIDENT Slclhlnss Bee Telephone PAvIIway 3740070 us SIeCISLJIIrII me time he was secrelury treasurer III Young Mens you Ifln Conscrvallve Assuclallon In South Queens IInIvnIsily nominal Dhws sh bm ol IIIe quens debating mm achlevnmentr as yonns mn He InuIed OIIlaria on lecture 3m PENN Camd ul the Inn In 1930 as Premch ol the Mudcl Assembly 01 III Lealue omnrin Older Boys Parliament of Nations Socmy In Canada ml was lalcr appninled private held In Ottawa SECICIII Iu Omar DSIIIIIII and Iormcrly Blanche Hammond of Ilun Earl Rowe He also was Cookslqwnaflhey and one son secrclary In In late Gnrdon mslde In mg and Park 01m Graydnn and Ir ormcl 01352051 Mr Jack joined the Welfare Illvts lllll nrlghbors who helped We would like Ilka menuan wind thanks Mr Will all Thu Burrle Examlner Jack III CKBB lhe arches whlch xiv lhelr men Inlly Ind especially the comm altar Aruman the dune and In help lunlmr the prams ol the bandll Thu slncero Interest In Arts wellvbalhu shown by hi people wonderful dnnlllons wIII Always hrlng uIi aria nlldlcuon and good cheer To Ill 01 you who look parllll any way we cm only ny thank you or enlnl our finlnclll bul dens or your Irlrndshlp Ind lor brlnxlng us such happlnm by your lhnughllulness Yours very IIImerely ARTHUR AND AUDREY GORDON lmmlgrallon anarlmenl uniea For all years he was men her of lormzr Opposnlnn Leader One nl hls mos nolnble Mr Jack resides wllh his ville branch ol citizenship and SERVICE qu he heldat the Minesiugï¬amelary SUNDAY AUG 1m no pun In case of rnIn servlce will be held in United cumin whlinésing Mr Iuruucovrr HOLES IN THE BOAT are dangemus and so are holes In YOUR Insurancs prugram To be sure that YOU are FULLY COV ERED by the rlght Insurance ll llle lowest comparable cost you should consult an INSURANCE SPECIALIST one who can advise needs Call us to ay ILLSTEVEIIsoII IIISIIIIIIIIBE unsure lee who Ipem so much Unis Ind ynu wisely an uur Insurance Insurance of All KINDS 95 Dunlap St PA 201 Pl DAY AUGUST 193 man HOME TOWN The fact um are living hare Indicates Lhut ltymusl be pretty fair place otharwlse we would move nut SD lets show other vie are proud uut town by rup portIIIg wholeheartedly the air and other Events held In conjunc MIDNI 93 Eula P19 IHE30WERY aovsl in FIGHTING nouns COVMING soou DOCTOR AT LARGE IsArrLE HELLh HIGH TIDE AT NQON IHE PRIDE THE PASSION ALL 316 NEW RELEASES FIRST RUN IN BARRIE AT REGULAR PRICES Auunrs 50c CHILDREN as INCLUDING nxr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN MGNDAY HAS BEEN PROCLAIME IJOUIs PAPINEAU 75 PAS4427 $bl£rIRLC$ by Ill Worship Mayor Kinziev smuamN snnvma sums gt Town Clerk Ar 430 pan FIC wnEsrLgns will CDNSISTSOF lz Chickan iFrnuéh frinl LColulow It The BARRIE EXAMINE 1957