9flnn slil Ori in Most to thenewland happen lngs that made stories this put week or so have been told Head lines told at an lnniflil larnler who sold basic herd of his breed of Potted lleretords to 80 back to theiplace In England where about 100 years ago the tint ol dress nitriteloco tattle twerc brought lo Guelph Canada in act to the arm which now ia the ï¬le the Omario Agricultural College Burton Warnica and his lather beigrehim wer early broaden yaars back that on Murray we think the latter had lot it do with It decided to luck the farm with Foiled Herefords it hasPuid on when thispast Week he sold Zolelnalcs to go to England The story made lront page news and was also used on cac Al thr request ol the pur chasers the amount oi money which changed hands has not been divulged However we had thovpicasure 01 looking over the we feel sure that Burt did not stock and from what we know port with some of the top females of his herd wihtout plenty of persuasion in the way of Eng lish pounds One coincidence of the visit was thatwhen we were in the part of England neur Stroud Gloucester we stayed at night at wayside inn where Mr Honour the senior member of the two purchasers spends some of his leisure evenings He knew the place as soon as we mention ed it He says he lives in the prizerwinning village of England EastleachGloucester They won last years award for best kept village He has herd of about 800 lleretords and for the past two years has been breeding to polled lbullls imported from New Zea an The other member of thevisit Ing buyers Mr Jopson was farm manager for ioooacro estate in Herttordshlre They are also taking the trend to the horn less type We are pleased to con gratulate Mr Watnlca and his son on their success and the prominence broughtvto the breed Ahothov Big Story When the tire slrenwent about midnight one night lust week litticdid anyone know that dog had returned debt he owed hia stand and unit to douse the That equipment should be ava able at the south end of the town rnany lire Insurance lor tire equipment turn for his having been saved about year ago Walter Kcsiump who was sleeping In rear portion ol garagetypo nuilding which had beenrulcd asa woodwork shop some time ago was awakened by his collie dog smashing through the window Without writing so get lg clothing Mr Keslrarnpclimbed out of the room after this dog The whole building was mass at flames The ire lighters could do nothing when they arrived but let it born within the concrete block walla ltwaa not known what fluted the fire as the plant ant liar Wmfliul0¢ new 1the lire suggest on have causedlhe ilro was accepted Fire Started In Burn After Chores Done Ernest Arnold Who lives on the arm adjoining 21 Highway and the 9th Concession hadlin ished his chores and gone to the house when he was informed that his barn was on lire Neigh bors helped to remove the stock including horses pigs etc They nod to leave bull and some at the young pigs that could not be got out The lire appealed to have started in the mow above the stable in the hurry to get the stock and implements clear at the burning building there was some delay in placing the fire alarm However the liremen could do nothing but watch to see that other buildings were not ignited bulk of the bay crop was lost Thi Conflngrotion Almost Holocaust Elevator William Kelly went to nearby neighbors home to watch the heavyweight fight he left the machinery runningin the mill He was unaware that tire had started until boy brought the word Then it had reached such headway that it was beyond control when the call came to stroud headquarters of the fire depart ment the men could see the light in the sky The iire could have destroyed most of the village buildings The flames roach had the wind carried the fire Bnyn Dntroyad ecllon the wind again saved Just alter finishing his break usually took all active part in pol While the owner of the Lelroy had the wind been such as to direct the llarnesover the neasby height of nearly 300 feet with no water supply except that car ried in the truck tanks nothilu wuid have prevented holocaust In Lelroy there are several master by saving his lite in re lowing wells that would soon us nu ml were made or water the door 110 other magnum are arulabtero Fll but without water tbal could be dentin ahil lirei to beis ship has been pointed out by The reduction allowed on within two miles would help to repay the cost But there populat ed centlea need wlter storage whlob will allow the tires to be longht In any part of the village The illuminant com at be Iruy Elmtor would be much greater than the valueof the buildhfl dwoyod The loss oi the grain and equipment was also heavyr Weholday Viiut alter noon lame were neen to shoot out of the root of the barn ol Ball on lilih line wast oi 10 sidcroad Tho bully had ï¬nished dinner and the boys went to tho him to feed the pigs They found the place on tire The bull and othol animah were driven out but some of the pigs no book in only to be heard screaming soon alter No one can suggest reason or it could have been ontanooua combustion Many bales oi hay were shocked inside amounting tho winters iced for the cattle MrBall who woriu in Barrie as home It the time The dir other buildings from poslble ast on Sunday morning Fred eacoclr who has lived on the lhomeatead on the 9th line all his ell to the floor dead lie had been ill and spout some ha in hospital but had been sui clenlly recovered to give atten on to some oI his farm work turdny he had arranged with elghbor to have combine coma harvcst his wheat and seemed OneV of the most colorful of res he was liwws Nady to site hand in any matter which he ieit needed his attention lle itica not only government but municipal Vila had aarved on the township council as deputy reevc His tuneral had large attend ance at stroud United church Rev Gordon WInless told the congregation at his contacts with years remembere Declared Suicide The death ot Ross Brewster It Palnswlck who was found by his next door neighbor when she went to call him to go into town with them to what was to be new job was pronounced by the police and ooroner to have been attributed to sellinflicted wound caused by shooting with rifle Mr Brewster died few hours alter being found strange thing about the death is than it is the third somewhat similar to have culminated the lives oi three men on adjoining arms at ohe time in lnaisfll Out Of Debt Sufï¬cient taxes have been col lected by July 31 when the discount was ï¬nished to enable the township treasurer to repay any and ldi bank loans Weare notonlL outotdebt but have aiseabie balance on hand until new accounts are passed Petition Council Ra Entry To Park petition signed by large group of ratepayers raking that the rulingwtlichg prohiqu the use of the park to other than the user of the car with sticker even though theyare ratepayers will be sent to the township ofï¬ce tor request that one order be rescinded at once One clause of the petJtion states that when the car returns to Toronto alter the weekend and message to bc pleasant st John Ambulance haa issued few soggeatlona hbon some or the health hurds laced theIdeceagpd overpthp past civ thedarniiy are left at thiecota l1 ru some with To make theirboildnyimore by vacationers POISON lVY Prcventlon Ia better than curea person new to country living should learn to recognize poisonlvy and IVDldzlL ll contact ls made with the plant or suspected wash the akin with strong soap and water it the rash develops druggirt will be able to recommend sound lotion and ii the rash get really serious see doctor SPRAle AND DISLOCA TlONS strenuous unwise espec tally when the perm is not med to it can cause sprains or dialor cations of the bodyfs Joints Put the injured part at mt apply loo packs or cold compresses to tho area and Ice doctor thareii always the chance ofartnctum also Never try to radiicn dil iocationUlots job or doe tor DRINKING WATER Drinking water lroni natural sources mly be contaminated and should there fore be lcsteddor purity Boil ing water for ï¬ve minutes will kill any sorma INSECT STINGS it the sun can be seen remove It with needle which has been sterilised In lime Apply saoothlnz lo lion such as baking soda washing soda or blue bag of the typo used in bleaching clothoa Cover the rpui with dry dressing SUNBURN The distress oi sun burn can be partially alleviated by application cold cream or olive on serious sunburn should be attended to by doc ior HEAT EXHAUSTION victims of heat exhaustion may lalntbut lain they dcslmthe right of entry to the park lorraw other ehlcle about We feel mat the pass should be for the cnmgeand be avail ahle at the cottage for whomevar and had charge at one dollar been made to the ratepayers they would feeilreo to get anothec desired angle way eachnow cuan museum ikgave his dollarfland this would help liqpry the cost of the time needed to isue tibo names Many of htose signing the potl tlon are year round residents of the district adjacent to the pllil Puvernent Added There are now two more miles of paved road in the township road system piece of road from Belle Ewart north his been paved and is now in use This is part of the extension planned from the 4th line county and north to the Bth paved road Some of this is yet in the purchasing stage dack log pa cm of thousands of vacationbola citydwellers at this irne olyear as they head or Canadiarihhï¬ ï¬‚vemmounlaina and seashorem EMuat be something interesting in that ha room il borrowed his lad or at oA Services Held At camp Rawley During the summer months Protestant church tourists and local residentI are being held each Sunday homing ILCamp Rawlcy resort operated by Mr and Mrs Ramon of Barrie Memorial Church At Waubaushene 76th Anniversary Plana araundcr way to mark tenth anniversary oi Waubau ahcnc Memorial Church United Church or Canada lnorning Aug 11 ernlster for the li aln tervlcs will be Rev Joblin BA BD 01 Westboro United Church Ottawa organist usually revive quickly complain ol weakness dlulncss fnlntnaoss headache unused and sometimes cramps in the legs The pillHe is rapid and settle the skin hot and dry and the temper ature ishlgh Heat the patient in shady cool wellvoolllated room and remove as many clothes as expedient sponge with tepid water and give cold water to drink loudly should take brat aid irit along with them on vacations in luding in addition on mercial dressings some larg ermandages in case of serious in need to use whimy mite juries Soap and water provide over thousand of these sti the best means at cleaning ers have been issued chda ye wound Wash around and away from the wound to know where to reach doctor If the family is Se ensW raiNirvCHuacu Anglian3 CANON READ Rector Mrs BobcrtsCholnnlstress lBlNITY Vii 300 hungHOLY commumon mo rumHoly Communion and 00 mamHoly Communion and gov THINKING ALOUD 700 puntEvening Prayer Con SermonMr tiy minutes ago lervicca tor on Sunday Mrs Mundy will be They Fan vlgorously to small it is also wise staying in place 24 Collier St and Organist Ausurt Sermon Sermon GEORGE SHERRING ducted byjloung People that warping and shrinkage Large mum ventilation Fmer HIE MOUNTAINS THEA Mr ELIAN of The Christian an CORNER snooze Dunno life rg lloss CHAIlJlRCH nce lllEEl aasr Keep insecta out Ind are ea In Enjoy Your Home More This Snmmrr Thd aunruvr Decorator Do signcd Door The pcccislon built comhlnjllon door aelfvstorlng Fiberglass mu solid pine construction toxic treated to prevent picture panels give you moxi iii no 316 95 an le To Take Down Foerinter Stiltr age Simply Remove Key Hardwood Peg mu big rurllc rlanle anus ll constructed of thick month lnnk Till right lit IM height or runin mm and outdoor env torilulu prmt Quid Bill paelnga that anvel you line and mime rmr with aruver oulcs om combination remn mould and any QUICK BilT PACKAGES ABE PmMNNBD AND rmur TD GIVBYOU MORE VALUE MERE SATISFACTION axln Braver uw aim you mdyas outta anion lm rovrnrrn hll uvl you lllno no Inorloy haul in anvni ouch BlLl Manors MICKEll canon camera rancmo scum ma nmc Man ainoaoxu it soars Piilviilll ACKAO wont amen anni cornor 11074142 WWn seasons Ano snvn aulLo youhlowï¬ rllml flborllu min you can build attractle screens saving with It And um 8° rr ofll quickBill when would only in annoy human Fiberglass vsicirsiznmo WdNT RUFF SHRINK STAIN 0R STRETCH STAYS FIRM AND ATTRACTIVE FOR YEARS rotrunrssrismm 02°C so rr Attractive Willi TiiELlriS Clear while pinedesigned lo glvo your home non nr diliintllnn built In Last most 49 Ci all $89 ll to it 169 contain 13th as lawns 2495 BIILD neaunsua nNcB naslu Ann quitqu wrnl acnvxu quackultra rchiNoI GOTHIC PICKEI lasting the Gothic Picket lencc has fencing to give privacy and bean Procut readytohuild completc Protective charming and everything yuu need tor ty and extra protection only 343 par ft section Inexpensive attractive and easy to build the simple clean cut Ranch RailFence suits my home or landscape One it post cross 68 ft ior each section it 296 only er it section oho atailation SAleos lt roster cum iv up some Toronto uir potter on of Commerce smiiivsi soulwe Bureau and honour The BARRIE wfrom our huge seléclio nblevin Rug Sill or Walll Will In 9RUG An imported rug in choice of attractive green or wine long wearing daliion pattern above available in the following sizes itAMiNEii snub Boxes rmol no mo in build ioat our loletlaorl Ten Inch al watarprool plywood lent no enmlo his rim You it tenthr in is minutes Yam your childrln hour at summer enloymant with thin inexprnatvanand renownbuild sandbox Amuimvs editorial sannnox Protection grunu hot mamr run by any an and dry and clan at nightf old down sully to at mum over nnohox Ind may to build only $1595 cnoss nan Suburban and country groce with this distinctive Cross Rail rive font 43 cross rails top and bottom rails prccut to length gt per it section only Simply Measure our iLoi For Fencing And ourFeucing Will Be Delivered Build To Your poor rustlingAuger Rentals son r133 Phone Beaver cut Ready To