Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1957, p. 9

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93rd Ye it LINDA Elbldnmlght of Lisle is painting bottle whlcllhas been wrapped in heavy strlntz This prevents breakage in case of amines nl vlt ail4N0 88 sii qlencalrn children who entoycd as New Doweltchildren ROGER EATTON slx or Glencairn isnt prospecting or ill the pan he has used on one or his jobs ght to be clean in everything they do iSeveral times have had casino to memion Greenwich Village lthas howe ever bucll just passing cnmnlent The Village fondly and quite aptly known aHspeclaW by its residentsdeserves more than just nod his hounds are roughly West Houslon Street and westudtb street Washingtom Square at the enda Filth Aveilue may hB regarded asa sort og f4 tre onlrei Tllereal arsenwlchgvrll agelles tothe west otthe square really would he incorrect to call Washing Square vill oge green For hereath cyan trees grass benchernnnnd and fountain people End the qulck lol lihth reputation born by manyjriinl personal upposod Ftllilii ETTEli Jersey and Lung Islanih can not call themselves members nnr share its spirit To its critics New vorir is the very antithesis the limeeountry tovim with its leis urely and neighborly way ol lllea Yet it this were even wholly rue for the rest or New York enwich Village wouldstanilas lace apartIn this little cos mos in he heart til the rock oi Manhattan peoplefind commun ity at lilo that is aslsicloseitn smalletown llvlng ascan he got it isustill place lavorodxby art lsta and writers Everywhere you will find little stores in which are displayed warns of the artist owners Small sculptures hand wrought jewellery palntingsund so torthnre ongsale at all prices There are store windows adorned with pastelde ehsrcqal portraits For so you can go in and have your awn portrait skctébed it you wish nits nothing to see church bazaar IndJelo being held in tho streetsr neople otall typcrrnd socl levels are pro dto call themselves Village Vijhere ls Village Barn at which and games aroheld She was one the second group oi eight days or camping an the banks the Mad River this 631 Lexian SE Lisle how to llnlsh of the string These battles essentials or blowing bubbles in the water one being piggyebanka nowR uup oi beginners th rYavero Barn is guaranteed to take the vacationer right bank to home lown The little collee shops which abound everywhere are always lull at village locals You will find many celebrity or celebrity tohe there discussing art wri ng music acting sworld allairs or just plain yillage gossip nu ness seems lobe conducted in striptlycasual manner too One small store passed had in the window card that said Gone llshihg open August lBlh Greenwich Village even has its own weekly newspaperi lt ls called The Villager Its masthead proclaims that ii is REFLECTlNG THE TREASURED TRADITIONS or THIS cnnltlSllmi COMMUN ITY The news you will find in The Villager is exactly the same sort ihat you would expectto read in The Barrie Examine Local ev cuts social column hurch news and even Kiwanisrepurti Sn tar as the rest oi the world is concerned reenwich Village is the centre Some the want ads are perhaps little more un llsual though For instance under Help Wanted sonicane is entering permanent employment to PUP young singer requires piano to aid progr Uniortunately the cupboard hi harsh Help any Who would resist Also according to In The Vihager an authentic wlch Village House Party is pla ned or lVlsorles will lie lnvltcd only an lore thoshow and wt liIEIWe hojreo duced Wéod IControi Is Essential To Good Farming The need for weed control is bash to good farming It is also basic to good lncmne There can be few farmers in Canadurwllose cash return on crop has not been alieotsd by weeds either through reduced yields because 01 competitlon or soil nutrients and water at he cause cropshave suffered losses due to interior tron grades dock age uneven ripening of thecrop and harvesting problems caused by excessive weed growth As most farmers now knuw weed control is an accomplished lact Almost every type of weed can be chemically controlled it it is properly identified Every Provincial Department of Agriculture publishes bulletins which are invaluable in weed ldlt entlfication nnd as further means at spotlighting the need or went identlllcntionr now Chenlcal of Canada is rerturlng this important subhot ill literal nre nndnonecs made avnilohln this year through its dealers Armed with uptodate relen gagEms DrraLCancighllqpsr eneessuehns thescany Canadian term can ens idemry trouble broadleuf weeds and muke effective rwar noon them The reconnnended chemlénl for control of broad lowed weeds in hunt cases 24l1ltyhllg or chlni The annual in Cansda runs into manlt lull ltonrof dollars It is fact hat Mall thonllnnt suite Rowing Canada one In iv rates as Anderson of the Ca ndfl Dc rt ntoi Agriculture Ottawa hull estimated Canadas makln lagers art XAMINEE Department or Agriculture auth ority Dr Frankton many bad weedhas alned foothold simply because it was not recog nized lor whnt it was NEW weeds sometimes come from another country solt is olten necessary tn make careiul search at Eur opean and Asiatic literature he fare weedcan be identified An example is halngeton plant poisonous to cattle which at first was conlused with Russian thistlei Before this error was dlS covered halogetun spread and now occupies some four million acres in Western United States Earlier identification could have made control possible with cor responding reductlon in adverse effects to livestock and farmland Weed research is growing field and already an Impressive amount is known about most weeds ailectlngCanadilin form ers For successful control anxex act knowledge of plants life history and the stagesjthrough wgllch it passes is essentinli er important part ascg dlfierem species ar Canada Ta calalogu lugs continuous researcblrxa neo esslty gloday no Canadln lnconl sThegsollttViogu annil himseliol the information is so easily oblalned from mahu Laéturershfilrtributors and dc era of agricultural chemicalsand from the gnverrlment agencies which work to and eradicate needsto let weeds eat into his activitieslneluded three singsongs da by the SlmcoeCounty Recreation Servlce 12Wafirmmqfitf mnde waste The older lt WEB the first reason in whlc Mr ngebert anJengllr at Waterlo city hall has assist Co as JUNE OWENS Barrie is instructing senior class at Giencnlrn Day bi pinwa EVE Humeshom DOflBld PM in which the youngstersare thoroughly drilled Btiéndln nnd dlrtrlc 1h niToronto Bnrri CampBorden Snuth orcupi Orllllllleiferla Push ilh general supervlsl It It to rlglfinrfi ew Vdnsevern nine olifie of GlencalrnOscar Patton and Bill Fallsboth logolesle Oscar is mastmaster oys ol the calnptdre taught howto pre and put

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