rim rounnnss or in rain Famous British Resort Wanderings InRegech Biighlon Brighton is one oi the tow pla ces in aritain which has taken its whole character trorn one short period or history rtegeney style and spaciousncss msy and vigor are evorywhe you cannot walk through the centre oi Brighton without reeling the echoed to the clatter oi coaches andtour its the ltcgeney bucks rattled down to the toast laugh ing swearing gambling and og ling the country girls as they passed At Brighton itself the Prince secretly married to Mrs Fitz pintmeme or hfRegentmenahcrbui in1785livedin house and conversely it you want to study the period there is no bet tenor pleasanierplacc lo do it It is gay alive equipped with all the pleasures and amenities modern seaside resort yct all this seems somchnw only inciti ental Brightons real personality remplning true to 1800 Before 83 Brighthelmsion WIS merely little south coast dishing port though it was already gaining snmnre puiatirin as health resort in that year however the eldest son of King George III latter Prince Regent and event utly George iv eatrte to stay there with his uncle the Duke Cumberland iie come he saw and apparent ly arighton conquered hlmy or he took bousewhicb was afterwards demolished to provitle port or the site tor the iimlastll Royal Favllion In those daysthe sen water cure was not the pleasant modern routine of swimming and rash the patient was ex peeled to drink sea water hot or mixell with milk like takin the waters at spa Neverthe less Prince George arid his irtendsseern to have survived ihlsunfliipelizillg beverage how much olit did they drink one wonders and the place heeante centre tor tne gay worltl ot vronk and iashiah From then on downthe years the BrightonRoad sunshine on the Sicineihc Square at the heart at the old townand train this and the ground round it in cluding his earlier hou Beyond this hub reset the grace Iul and very English uarcs and terraces where the ashionahlc world look up its residence Todaystandlng on the Palace Pier you can see at glance the extent or negeney Brighton but you can spend days or even woeks wandering among its rstrects and terraces First lberc isliis heart the area known as the Lanes which goes hack to the days at oldBrighihelmston before the coming of its strange uniairy Prince This is bounded by East Street West Street North Street and the sea front network of narrow streets running at right angles to the sea and linked by thetwittens title paved alley ways overhung by old houses with here and there tiny town garden height with scarlet ger it runs or orange naslurtiuins These lanes and alleys are paradise for the collectorfl They are full oi antique and curiosity shops picturesque old houses when one may pickup rare china silvm old prints furnitureand every imaginable kind of kniclï¬ knack hidden away in shadowy corners Every keen collec tor including the late Queen ery has lountl this happy hunttng ground and thy visi Hr MostArrlisclarao UGlFr Atrial GIVEN maomsuaauca Policy acornsr nudism later King George 1v tor the southern coast or Britain Hove and Brighton in particular re sulted in some of the most magnificent Regency buildings in the coun mnrnlng rhopgullig among the shining glam balls inlai aiurcs and wax flowers Here too are the ancientroach lng inns where the Marion intllrlghton touches brought lhoso passengers who had not their own private uni4 gcs East and west along the front running on into the sister town oi Have lies the tull glory oi Regency architecture Royal Cres cent ngchcyflmurc Brunswick Squnre orig vistas lcrraces and crosccnis oremwashedand dazzling in the sunshine There are the earliest designs at the the exotic ratioChinese Raviligiijlvgï¬ua small narrow yemutely Moï¬rtianed houses at three or Tom storeys with bow windowr Then as ihe years went hythey became larger with sweeping ma jcstic lines some bowfronted others flatsome with handsome lights or stonebaiusiercd steps and all with balconies til grocelul green or black wroughtslro Such houses are beautiful them selves but here it Is the continuin which gives such slrikingï¬ilect quaie oiter square and row after row cream and green blending with the green lawns and the sea The charm of Brighton is that there is always something fresh undo or see to the strange In 17 greatlyvalued residences tor should spend naestone Rolesciyen To Protect Kitchen Sink few simple rules regarding slnk care will keep ihis flxlure through long lite at service as heautltui looking as the day it was installed Wash the sink with soap and waierimmediately altcr cach use Avoid use or abrasive cleansers that could ultimately mar the glossy iirtihrhere are saie clean aen ior rcrnEving stubborn sia iyliiahle strain plumbing eon tracror Do not allow iruil or vegetable Juices Llr cleaning acids it remain tor any length or time nn the surface of sink few hours is sale enough with an acidrcsial ant sink but nathing beyond that remain very long Photographic tiers of the Lanes the noble pro portionsoi the Regency archileC turc and this upiouate Attractions of the twentieth century form an unique panorama oi the Eng lish seaside through two hundred tasy of the Pavilion the quaint years Tea and cuiice also will stain enlmclled sinks ii permitted to developing solutions should never saltwater orr cmautomate have biota placed on immigration into cannon or the remainder 01 1957 majorupolicy announcement by Ibovhogreuive conservative meal net Julydi the gt rar arrival pi immi aouteomlnc or open plau mat on the labor marketthose gyuy nt oithe hausas offï¬ogerley designwhich are Hove sumx tie hrdwrltten to provincirl bc pc ltted to come in contact with ink Enamelicd drainholrds and the sink iLstll should never be used or chopplng ice or foodttuiir Chipping or the enamelJuly still from liiis practice Alumihuin pots and pans lhouldhot be per mitted to scrape acroua tlnk helium because hardtoremove Slnihs that result Canadian Red Cross Outpost Hospitals and Nursing Stations scrved92£03 Canadian in 185 MODEL lien or LB FREEZER powwow 01wo citum smvEsbuDopRf Bumm commotion crimson known YEAR wa mum 0N mu azimuths KELVINATQR PEN FRIDAYS T1 90 gourmetmar Macnnu with nopmrranged work con tracts Siarling Aug only close alive immigrlnu who earn earlier will be admitted control over arrival 511 na Ibonaored it nanny is use durinl latter p151 Antoine unrpnmred immigrants dd to lheunempinyh incoLpnmlemin lhe tail and win ier monthro immigratingduring the iirst hula 31957 ruched 175000 Ll 44year high For the entire year it had been expected arrivals would out more ihanmmm perhaps ll high as 275000 ll was not immediately clear who our the new policy would re ducethe anticipated total How ever the government announce meat nut thla years intake prob ably would be the greatestrince tots hen comm immigrnnls WintEr Employment Countriehor roreeswauen by nevi immigrants is being closely watched by federal labor expand The government is civ Ingadoed impetul to Its program to promote wintertime construc tion in not inclined to he peaslnt the moment Labor min later Starr said in interview bor ministers asking their co operation in sacral heroes to encourage public and private en terprise to do much work as possible during the winter months For the last couple oi years tlie government hil encoungeo employers to carry out winter construction programs ment of construction durlfllthe winter is major cause of reason ni unemployment The program will be Elven added impetux this year Mr Starr raid Availahle ions have not rent up wltbJhe growth of the coun try labor tom= which now total about epitomeaminth of somermmoo in the last thrc yen itgtireauorstatistles tutvet showed 5334000 person with iohs June and 182000 withuu Jobs on ioolringior work in Natio Employment Service Jen pottedrzwï¬oo loo applicationt on ï¬le June 20 However thi lizure includes some persons who are working but wont Cunnile 280 olnngo and others who have round iota but not oatmeom The poll number NlLS job application inn winter in 600 900 Olfltilllvnid no ement that my hklo improve the employment Didier are uni private and public investment LI uslgong an int year god con sumer demand liaIJIIt Md lev els iwoak ttcter was some win all in minerals construb tion forestry and somebnnchu or nunulutiurlng Lahnr experts said howevnr it is anybody guess how huh unemployment might go when the dock winter months more around They could give no lorecutvbut conceded lul win tert peak oi 343000iobless in March could be exceeded UN Force Coniinnu Oflicllil in thlial llid last week they expect the United Nae tlons Emergency Force to con Ilnue in lundion in ihe Middle EasiJor at least another year indonash onnounced last week it plans to withdraw it man contingent but olflclau here any this Ll In iwlaied ease All IlKhl pointed to the other mutation or must of them maintainan their contingent in the tense along the lunchWinn border indoacala bent by internal trout hiss needs its troops at home Canada with 1180 men has the largei contingent in the 6000 menrber id The Canadians are to be routed diena years duiylin the Middle East There has been little criticism oiJh UN troop in Eypt in re cent weeks This in an indication that Prhldeni Nlmrhas no im mediate intention of requesting their withdrawal Such re quest could lead dllwluï¬on oi the police alcbougn Canadas viewlhu been that Nasser should take lhematler lo the UN CouMiies represented in the force nndthelr comingents Can adahmml india 970 Yugoslavia 680rlndoneaia 580 Broxii 530 Colombia 510 Norway 480 Den mark 480 Sweden 350 Finland Paironage Oat Feder workr department field nifiegrs haveheenlold to use ï¬rst woman In Canldl IO lake charge iii tederai magnetic labs oratory She rucccedecl her ill If Herbert Ellery Cook 71th retind June 29 as head of llie slatloMaLMconook Alta Tba Alcaan station 85 miles north til Edmonton is one 11 key magnetic observatories acrou the war it makes daily recordings or huge in the earlhl hug Winfield and is the baneItalian ior control oi all nt gneticglr and ground surveys in western lhiiilda not political patronage new directive laid uiilcen is aimed at preventing palmnagein award lnl oi minor contracts andin ï¬lling jobs outside civil service corimilsslon regulations The official SIld the dlrectivc who issued so he ufliceswnuld know the new Progressive Con rervntive governments policy on the matter it man field til ilcels need not be influenced by members Parliament in ouch Job placement the oiliclal laldt Most government posts are tilled on compelliivo basis by the Civil Service Commission But number varying from weckrtn week ncross niecountry are tiled outside the civil cer vice including tradesmen and men needed for ruch jobs as wharf repaint The directive says each field oLlicer has the responsibilityoi ensuring that the help he hill is competent and able to do be oh jWtirkl Minister Green while declining rcct comment on the directive said ï¬Patrnnage is very difficult problem We Ill competem ability as the wasush trying torun the department In nor 7i as