Paddison ab Biertweed and iamily spent few days EflPaddlwn and Mrs Allenhyiylle TWO CANADIAN VBIERINARIANS Dr lailner of Ottawa centre and Dr Gwatklnoi Hull Que right see new method of stunning cattle for slaughter Artrigger on the device held by soBilendivislonol superintendent oi Swlit Canadlan Cdmpuny Limited ilres charge which driv es the hammer against the animals head The Ontario SPCA and the Meat Packers Council oi Canada have appointed Dr Tanner and Dr Owatliin to study slaughtering methods in United States and Canada Mrs James Henderson has rt turned from weeks visit in Midland with her daughter Mrs William Creighton End Of Viclion Patricia and Bill Kelman re turned to Kingston on Sunday utter months vacation wllh their grandparents Mr and Mrs che andother irlcnds From Ottawa Mr and Mrs Wilson of Ottawa who have been visiting their daughter and lamily Mr and Mrs Gordon Maillon have returned to their home On Weeks nouday Mr and Mrs Jack nunsian and children of Montreal are on weeks holiday wlih the latters mother Mrs Galhreith Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs Schriner and daughters at roronto spent the weekend stand homaqtllgthBflvadu évcoioe at Mrs cogh lllr Frank Sevegny was in Toronto on Sniurdn last for the marriage of frie Ladlea no ling Tile ladlesv tripl lonrnanignt on the local greens on Wednesday last was very successful Mrs Vairs rlnk oi Barrie was NEW LOWELL iir and Mrs Mumberson and family motored to Streets ville Sunday MissJMBurgess rslnrned with them driervisions here Mrs Don null and Nancy spent few tlays with Mr and Mrs Bill nnii Nancy staying for visit Mr and Mrs alen Snnu and with with friends in nnriord Junior staying for visit REV and clarke ars going on in holidays Next Sunday Rév Mr Clarke sr will iie the sneaks Mrs mum and aoasrt De Schepper are visiting illCleveland and other laces Pie and Ice Cream Social The Ladies Auxiliary to the Legion held Very successful pie and ice cream social and bingo last Wednesday eyening Susan Snow made thedraw for the blan ket She drew Mrs Pollards name sundry Visitor Stanley Paddison of Friendshl NY visited dnSnndsy with Mrs also called oer and in ii Mrs cPluxton and Sharon oi Angus and Vlsilell with friends in Colllngwnod anilStayner Birth ova Congratulations to Mr and Mr Elmer MrQuayon the birth at son in the GM Hospital Coll ingwood Item of3 TuftedI two wins one win going also to high for ihreowlns airs ll Walkemoi Totlenham and Mrlr Crossin oi Slouilvllle Man or Siouliville rink The greens were flat and all seemed to en joy the games Onjloliday Ken OLeary ls holidaying at his fathers OLeary Wrek At Coiuu Paul OLcary spent the past week with Mr and Mrs Gerry OLcary at lvunhoe Cottage lean Elan Bay Algonquin Park Trio Md and Mrs Arthur Worrod Mr and Mrs Butt andhll and Mrs Walkem spent part of last week in Algonquin Park Recent Visitors Mrnnd Mrs Jack cho and friends Mr and Mrs Ken Mid dleton of Toronto visited Satur not the and Mrs iornmrr parents che Weekend At Beach Jack Penn and Kevan Keogh silent Ill weekend at Crystal Beach are Mr Penns family are spending the summer Holiday with Mauser Mr and Mrs Ruddy Aksum and son nuddy Jr at Washington Dc are on holiday with the larmera mother Mls James Henderson Wrekend with Brother Miss Agnes Walsh Toronto spent the weekend with her broth er and iamily Mr and Mrs Wnlsh gt Ex nlva Trip lomnyuw Thinan Tnhlrhan hart court dillyIith Cpl ELNMM Ming ilqiior Control annibir of mu tlnwolrtlono uwlor lamina Chutes um ma human now hndlodthLWH ol urinal and wants red Frank secured wayktiotiaontn cues for failing to nun returns with lingual Wand costs Hold oval chain at on erlng tho Canad ian Legion Vllal unduly 22 Lisle hgalnat Earl Wolsey and Paglbubois were adjourned to Ju No LICIIIML Followed andstoppcd lily PC Rollins of Innisfil one on June 21 an Con lunrucc Ward la pleaded guilty driving while suspended He had no op oratori license but prele eon victions iortcarelu drivllig Ciaased by His Worship as dis regard oi the lawa substantial tine oi $15 Willi costs $1450 or lit dayajnsthe penalty so ronauy Pleading runs to illegal eat oiu dwellingaud round in 1155 pm Norman Gmenllold was convicted andiined sea with costs Evidence was by PC Light Irnp 9d Driving ï¬lm by PC llamas was more All impaired driving againrt Joseph Arthurs on July 19 in lanialll Ha hadurved six days and the find was $50 with costssd and llceilse suspended for sixaiaallap Over Curb Appreheadediy PC Sweeney on July 18 when she ran over eurii on Burton jAvenuu Florence Woodam on clreless driving charge was fined $30 with costs $22 and license suspended for tour months AllowedBnil Charged with breaking in with entry and theft in the allies of or Gerry woodger on July 20 in Barrie Thomas Donllitle asked weeks adjournment whlehwas allowed on hail Aséoult Charge with assaulting hlmon July 20 in Barrie Dona Davlau plead ed not guilty Evidence how everwas that Davlau of the arrn ed forces had caused trouble with Mr and Mrs McFadden and had also placed handma Mrs McFadden Dayllil had been drinking but did not show ltsald PC Francis Light Hi9 Wordhlpa IIRY AN EXAMINER WANT Evidentlyhlx driving wah not at he initiated to truck placen ta auu mcdhy mhwflllamandpro gaveiliinmll up filon brought ï¬ne Charged byDclbert McFadden flflfl Foetalprexid in wot atriumsz Klan any dqlhsiSMcm 10 gt my Roberta OPP had In young agonto mi yDIYidEllll li degldlu to ward strip to Orilliatook l0 Dodge car in tbaelty July 14 and pro ceeded north on 400 Highway ell onihé Vehicle and at 400 ended on in 89 arm butywheo the soda wired he cinnled lo arwlakh he pldnd BAflSeNlcsl station utr nally vs up speed was downto sani do mannath train the am glad lithIlied on the healer vard anduhoberu lint track but at 210 Inn he was diacweieil again north of um point and JudirroirtGivdn Defending hlin Haber Smilh suggested that the three charges might be reflrded as one it was iiirt offence the young man had hem drlnklng and counsel suggested suspended sen tence The tallter would hike are of the damage done as he has good business in Toronto Hts Worship however remand ed him in custody or one week halal sentence Parking Service turbaace on July in puhlle by return regarding the Barrie municipal parklng service Donn aid Miller was summed on charge laid by PC Sweeney ore and lined $25 with costs $5 ExceniveJSpaed Mter long chase on Highway 400 on July in lnnisfii and for some l2 milesnorth Charles Greer was ilnelly coatactéd by re DRnbbinsl OPP Speeds to 100 an hour had heen clocked by the ofllcer but Greer planned not over 70 record was produced by the Crown of similar ofiencer and the finswasv $100 with castsSlSand lice suepended ror Ioau months ln decisloa given by Mag istrate Foster on EJdIIIR of circles driving against William Patched ofyioronlo who hadcol lldéd with CPR freight train 0f 80 can the evidence of the ol ricsrs investigating was accept by ills Worship and movie costs oi 52am If you preferhard centres view was You may have been drinking but knew what you were the re the one th teeth marks Hun Gordon Chuiéhtll Minister GasMoves East Charged with causing dis om natural life hal apent in wstarn ColudJ bfTrldeJlldpomniemn ln tilt Dleienhaker cabinet was born in Coldwuter llr Churchill 53 begin his lltlcal career intlm as In in dependent Amy representative in the Manitoba Legislature in lMaheJesixned torua as ledenl conservative candidt ln yuan South Centralbutwaa defeated ln second ltlunpt it liiï¬l by lutloo be war with pari irreddentioi Manitoba Teachers Society Mr Churchill ma high school prlMlpllbe are practising awl In his home ity Winnipeg Hr Churchill headcd=tho Dialer pukeMoMeader movement among Connerydip Mrs alter George PFEMIER MANNING of Al harta turns valvernear Bind loSAltu sending Alberta natur al an east ard for the first time The gas law is being uaed to test liner til the Alberta Gsis Trunk Line Company Limited and the Tï¬n5Camdl naturaiqss pipeline between the western prev reigned minimal aahalrer won the postlu turned overdo hit1 Churrhlll the key Job at undervalue organization lnprepsratlon or his election campaign ideal Weather Ideal ha day weather brought many vlait rs to Goldwater area lut weekend ndother nonsK service atailoas and bass inmimbmhmenmin general reportedI busy time gaining in containers it theweadlersrontiauer Moa ihle calibrating influx is expected on theflpomlnx weekend With the longsweqlrend dull to civic holiday the start at holidays many and special attracqu nthe dlflrict rudi all competitions at Mill numeroitlr flgattaa accommodm lion in uroaia may taxed to the limi Burk lroin Bus jrrlp Mr and Mrs WilliamycWylle returnedlast weekirom bus trip to several cities in the United States They called at the White Home In Washington and saw both the Senate and House Representatives in region Point Bl interest in Philadelphia and Eullalo were visited and the Cold waier couple spent our days at Atlantic City where they enjoyed swimming in theocean In Brief hips Ruth Danbyr left July an ï¬ssion it scandal in we IDEA lots or nonreanld roar are Wired and landed ror um lnrru ia new hon Dont rt milroe lg you can III or Hana animu Van wllupp and raanl ailird Arrau in unit arriun van mu Mann and liargs amen Avl PhalllPA 555 border at Saskatchewan and Re gina or the Midland damp operated by fSlmwe Predaytuy at the United caumh She will ask untrue Hrs Danbyl daughter Sumatra balm alteadlaglrbe camp or today period Barrie glrla softball team play Goldwater July ItColdwaicl Conununily Centre mum Mr and Mn Leflct lgthua byo Weston Visited the larmers loiher lira lgtlethérhy on Sun Lorne Letherby attended the opening oi Owen Sound tented nlal celebration on the weekend Mr and Mrs Charles Bell and law sons oi Toronto and Miss Kllen Robinson Victoria liar bour visited Mr and Mrs Ed Hang CLOSE SHAVE VICTOth CF Miss Di ane Ross clung or an hour to scrub tres75 Laban Arbutus Canyon door before being TGIF cued by fireman Sno slipped down the bank while on hlklnz our LINI FREE CHEW VISCOSE in white Ind grand assortment offline lvo colors lrlnged 06 by in loss Exceptional value at this Saiswrleelw zuuzas Lnumro 66 Dunlop St PA aura ESSE Late Spring Early Summer Stool lllcrcs an event you wont want to mlssi Its our lhulnus clearance nl lilll spring and early summcr dressés ieaturlng heautiiul styles and big aavlnga Whats more inaliyu inshlonr in this group an ideal for early wesr Come getborgainS values rain 1995 in 49957 CIearance Cations Prints Grapes Ind Silki in the int Womens Sites frnnlJtiï¬ to 24 Misses sixes irom lo 20 No free Iltentlnnaron reduced merchan diac 54 Dunlop sl Warlords39811 mommies Miran enacts Iliran cabinets Oak Mahogany or walnut inlath hiaiiyconvmed t6 record players hlti Iain 610 oi drawers ni eounilcuotrirrum Free delivery in tow ihlppnrl promptly express it cot state ehrénce oloi JAL we in Miaooi ihcni in FACTOR EALED canons The BA Mitch unitown ordorr RRIE EXAMINE Av De gives you ï¬gure beunly airscondiiioned ï¬rxées awn lacy nyloniov keep you fresher through tile awehering months Iv Cooulul BASQUE ilnll Bloom Comanr nhle fellows inehahla Cane pi Boneil and cups frorn 32 in Cooulalz Paorltn GllliLE Boneless Sized 2132 $1095 Cooulae GIIDLE Lightly honed FroniPanel Average andruu nip Fi tings Sius 2532 Coalition Containsnon Lightly Boned Front Panel Average andFull Hip Fit tings Sites 3342 $1395 $995