inan In the twini ming prognm sponsored bylocal community groups in ctropen tion with the slmcoc County lic crcltlon Service will be ruched on July 2th By this dale seven group will hrve completed their couru of seven lessons and eight newgroups will get underway Duringltic past three and halt weeks ll56 children have enrolled in the swimming classes Thosc rum the communities at Alliaton Shanty Bay and disc trict Burns Baxter and Elm gmvc Bond llcrd Newton Rob Inson Thornlun and Cookslowni Gillnrd Clearview and Sunnidle Corners and Benton and chum Seth Township have had two les son week Children irom liradiord Roscmont and district Leonards Beach and Mount St Louis and district are having one lesson week throughout the summer on Wednesday morning or Itternnon Aolusawor lor thé hronzc medallion oi the loyal Lite Sov ing Society also meet on Wed ncidny mornings under the lend erallip of Miss Mary Morrcn ot Barrie Ancw group All community swimming commiilrca will get their youngsters Into the swim during the week or July 29 Classes wlll be held as toliows Monday and Thursday morn ingsWaubnttshcne children tit Wnubausheno Monday and Thursday alter nounsStayncr children it Was aga Beach and thc Nottawasagn River Minesing Ind Grcnlnl children It Coles pool onnghway Children Irom Waverley Hills dlile Saurin and district at Rum bles Pond Hillsdaic Tuesday and Friddy afternoons Childrcn from Cloverlcn Zion Jubilee and Wasagn Beach at Wang llcach and the Nottawa saga nivcr Centre Vcsrra children at Coles pond on Highway no children from Stroud Alconl Beach and Naniyr at lnnistil Park Everett chlidrcn at the Allis ton notary Poul Weather Dllilculllca The weatherman was not at his most cooperative during the curly part or the summer and sumu time was lost in the water due to wind end rain Howevcru this was proï¬tably used or instruc tion In water salcty theory and skills At each area excellent iilms on swimming strokes and water raicty loaned by the Red Cross Society wcrc shown and the older youngstcrs have prac tised the Hoiger Niclscn method of artificial respiration with the kind cooperation of the Barrie brunch at the John Ambulance Society twodemon strations at artiï¬cial respiration have been arranged in the com munities of Hillsdnlc and Silver Maple The rocrcallon service nlso arranged for its instructors to give demonstration Itll kind Ind to show films at com muuily meeting In Wnubalubene lastrwcclt Red Crou hat or litusewho are ready will boheld on Sutur dlY July 37 mm ill mm to prit atthe Edgnr Orillln YMCA pools Dircctor ol the county rwho mlng and wlicr shicty program is Mrs Flora Brolcy She Is as stated by stuff of trained Red Croarwlmmlng and water salety instructors Ind many community volunteers Writer Skiers Need Help by hLLEbl nouns Bccrcurytltlrector Twentylive horses ur more are necessary Thats what the experts sly is required to power boat to tow person in the popular sport of wntcr skiing Thats the kind at motorboat with it competent operator of course that the Icedage group of young people at the Barrie am hoping will bcuvllablc so they can learn the fascinating and popular modern sport water skiing An expert instructor at the sport in the person at John Henderson has the equipment available hutnowneedslha help oi generous cltllona who own power boats of sullielentupac Ity to begin the classes It is the hope and plan of this apcrial class in water skiing to havch it possible about three power boat olvneropcntors vol untccr the use or their crait an hour or two an evening during the week meeting the group or not more thun 15 teenagers some proarrangcd publlcwllnrl on Kcmpenielt Bay Every membcr oi the group competent swimmer must In tnct past quolllying swim test beiore being permitted to take instruction and has secured per mission at their parents to par ticlpatc tn the sport Every member at the group has also agreed to contribute toe to detray inccoat or gasoline for the boats So it you are the owneropen ator ot power boat that can he used or this sport if youwish to contribute to the skill exper ience and happiness ot group oi wonderful teenagcrs please get in touch with the Barrie secretary at PA 37261 and dc tulis can be quickly arranged The speed thrills and control lcdexpcricncc ol teenagers on the water skiing Is much safer than the reckless uncontrolled thrills ot junk auto driven by group at tccnagcrs on our highwnya NE OVB ure th proposed pvublicschdiu noun dnricsin Barrie for 195758 Kindergarten pupils living on non street School erode ll pupils living in the Johnson street School area Owen Street and in the shaded area to the east willintoend Oakley Park school Kindergarten pupils living in the ahud will attend Codrlngton School by non Anonnws Cauadlnn Prculstalpwflm For people whoilk job with security it would be advisable to stay away lrum can hallcoachs otiice Canadas leaguestile Western Big Four WlFU coach his One thing the young powcr Eam Winnvezs Tum Casey tullyhuiit Grunt bus in his over Emmi WNW Kettle howuvcr is knowledge or Can When he Med d0 unnke In the go me by Hamilton Lou over Gun New the um um um Casey scored on that play Brown and Ron Faster spent Sat mms or root Traiton still might have been football couches who take adiuntezm or Grant has four ball here behind him The 30ycIrold EXPlIllfldelphiu operation Now Its up to Grant Eagle end Joined the Bombers in member of that 1953 turn DEStile last year Winnipeg was Pool Is the lourth American Land ro cinch in Argonuut history The malncd an outstanding pIyertor first was Lew Hnymnn now lit Hartley nthe Grey Cup tin their Canadianhorn coach Teddy lilnrris is now chlct Canadian lulcnt scout tor the thm Frank Clair now with Ottawa Ruugb llidcrnv and Bill Swlaclll were Fools predecessors Pool tonncr head coach at Los urinalthree Owlder Angclcshms ot the National Gr WWW Football League received two coachc in Cnnudlnn iodibnil Illsr ye comm Wm Argos my 0V 170 man at the time or signing Ills Sherman Who the wane new coach said it was only hir °° club aticr three unsuccesstul um mm Mb mm me my 27 n1 since sometimes the llrat ycar KZmiliï¬ Wheuwr or not Gnu can pm and he should have another year vineial Football Union 1nd the 5W CiP hm In Ihothlt he can do son remains to be seen nut in new mob in NFL employéd Em oldogoaclid WW III II the 41year13ld Pool is conlident Tlie latest to join the ranks Winn are Bud Grant orich skipper for by me that wrlou Argo contcndor Winnipeg Blue Bombers ol the 9mm and Hampton Pool 10 George Trallon was probably rpnlo Argonmg new man in the unluckicsi coach Winnipeg Blg fem my had lie led the team in 1951 ua rob colwin or Grin has particularly diiti mm 39 cult task and tin as well no rcmnlnc with bombard tor morethunthrdcrioh that Kme possibly by the In song except ticg Threllnii who was with them In Tough bpot can be little rough on coach that he canamake his team the since 1952 BEEiON Toronto vlrlt Rev and Mrs Matthuwr 5253 in his last yenr Bomber Grey Cup incl at Toronto me But Traitun lort his job primLuisltedwith relatives in Toronto mordoy dcr margin oi acouverted touch Fm Tam mm my mush down Twain won the game Mr and up 12h and on the last play at the mm wen me ya week the luttcrs parents Mr and Mrs huutrvlllc Vllit Misses Nnrcen Gilroy Donaldl urday in Huntsville Home For Weekend Miss Sheila Aiken of Toronto wns home or the weckcud Toronto Visitor Min Dorothy Corbett of Toron to spent the weekend with Miss Jean Howell Fort Erie Vllit Mn Rutherford and family and Beverley Lisk spent Iew day recently with the inrmern brother and wife Mr and Mrs lohn Sunncrtou or Fort Erie Alliston Villt Miss Grace Stimn of Allilton is visiting at Mr and Mrs Weatherups on holiday Mr and Mrs James Aiken Mrs Rob Sheiiu and Carol Aiken and Sunnertun are holiday at Snuhie Bench Georgian bay for low wcekr Wedding Gout Mrs Butler Iodson Bud were guests at tho Houylton Ward wedding in St Audrewl Presbyterian Church in Hunts ville on Saturday July 13 Mrl Lccron of Toronto viy Iled relative In town on Friday evening Month in Florid Miss Phyllis Aiken otToronto was in town during theuweflieud and would leave Toronto on Mon day by but ior Florin where ihe expects to wpcnd month Weekend ntCottagc Mrs George Hutchlton ncccm pnuicd by her daughter Mrs llllg ton Lcoron or Torontopant the weekend with the Hummcilc at their coltgent Nantyr Beach Mrs Willoughby Peni broke spent the weekend with her sisterinInw Min Aline Willougb Two rlnltl ol Benton Bowlinl main cog In thebluc Bumbcrs general manager and Orangevilie on Tuesday July The rink ol Mrs servicean Nodwell and ABouter were high with oucwiu The other rink wu Mrs Tuer Mn Wlldtlh and Mrs Dale All roport ugood time Bognor vuit Mr and Mrs Mn Findlay Mr and Mn HFindlay Ind runny pttceventfthta your Above only Club attended thc tourriumeut in vilith with reintivesdu Bomor ed urea coat or and excluding Cook street will attend John run It Ramsay during the put week were Mr and Mn Wal ter Shlra or Toronto willlun Ann Rickey andRay Ramsay ot Cobourg Min Margaret Brown and Mr Ind Mn Georgi Booth and con Douglas of Ochw And Mr Ind Mrs Winters oi Cobourg Week In Quebec Mrl Della Hill and Mrs Robert Crumble spent the weekend with the runners auninlnw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs McMuter In Nonnda Quebec Barrie Tourunuicnt Beeton Bowlers who nttended the lawn bowllng tournament held In Barrie on Thursday July 11 were Mm Galbraith Mrs Lettr Mrs Service Mrs Wildlfll Mrs Wes Tulr and lilgcrmnn The ladies report no wins but splendid tlmc Weekl Visit Mr and Mrs John Ronuyn nud hmily or St Cnthcrlnes visited Mn Romnyus parents Mr and Mud Culgln duringdhe put week Susan Morri ol Toronto is Vio Itiug with hcr cousin Faye Co burn or couple at weeks From Algonquin Mr and Mn Ray Hillard at Al gonquin Park and Mr and Mn Ewart Strangivayr visited with their parents Mr and Mrs strngwnyr during the past week ers Ann Leth oi Wang Bcnch was home or the week and ttended the trounceu tenvior isc Dorothy Watson Mr and Mia George Holt ot Thornton visited the Intters moa then Mrs Agar duringthe weekend Visiting Relatives Nancy Wilson in visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Norris oi Bolton Back From Camp Mines Carole Ellison Ind Lac Coburn returned home on Thom day rum tendny holiday spent at the Guide Camp Duncu Lake The girls report very enjoyable time Blair After Trlp Mr and Mrs Dale and Mr und Mro Elwood Gould roturned home on Wednesday Lrom WEEKI trip in the Sudbury dil ttitt Mr and Mrs Corbett of Barrie vilited with rclntives and friends in town Saturday ovenln Vilit Cousins Mis Clubine of Toronto visited with her cousins Mrs Wil gins and Mr MeMurriiy during the weekend Trip Went Ictt on Monday night by Cnnadiun Pacillc hallway on trip to the western provinch and expect return home by way ol Victoria Ind Vancouver BC Robb Bequan Ruth ol Bolton culled It the llnt of MrrJ Wiggins on Sutur day ThcVerncrn were in town attending the habit reunion held in the community Parkon Sntun duy July 20 cottage vuler Mr and Mrs Wlbchermott detritus Association There are more intuit WWW awn Mr and Mm Harold Fettigrcw Mrs Vernier and daughtcr rncvlo sub centul conclusion on Wednsdny altcruoon July t7 Plrenl rnd mend gltbdred rt the attractive park whichhu recently been ukcn over by the Nottlllflll Township council to ndmlre trail and mture protects and to enjoy program or longs drum utlc akitl tumbling etc sclitcd by the dry campers This is the tint year that New Lowell rommlltce bu apoli sored day camp The commit Ire war not up by the Womcnl irutitute and headed by Mrs Occur Rowe The Simcoc Coun ly necrullon Service supplies the leadership and general Iupcr vision The children took part daily in program of considerable var iety From 930 mm to pm there was never dull monian Sports Ind games usually follow ed morning assembly II which there were mugs Insplntionnl stories and announcements ln lercst group were available and the children could hoosc mm umung naturu lore tumbling raunrc dnclng rhythm band or drumtics Crllts and quiet gamer swimming and outdoor cookery nugmcnted the prognm on tho clnxlng nllcrrloon model camp kllchcn was on the play cumpietc with rustic lire pitcc pot Ind kettle holdcrs etc Craiin displayed included totem poicl plpler macho marks 1an wound with string shell work Local Ladies Go fed At Big Boy Paint The Goll cluh at 51 aay Point wag the location oi an in vitation golf Ioumnment between Indicr irom Big Buy and those at the Barrie Gel and Country Club After the gel the players werc guests at cocktail party given by Mrs Cyril Fuller delicious supper ct Ilic club house allowed Low groan score among the Barrie ladics war an Bl by Grace Ough Low not was so by Joy Armstrong Dow gross Among the Big Bzy goiterLuna unazby Jeansinl bury Low net war 80 by Betty Moyscy Low gross rchre nmong the Barrie goiicrl who that went nine holes was 53 by Eileen Norris Low net was by Marg Hodges 40 Low gross among the Big Bay gutters was to by Irene Hewitt Low net wt 29 by Babe llourton accompanied by Rev and Mrs Logan and Douglas ire ylt itlng with Mr and Mrs Pratt 01 Toronto at their cottage at Rice Lake or couple oi weeks Dr Douglas Galhrrith Mrs Gill brllth and loll David of Slrdls BC called on theJormern cousr ins Mrs Wiggins Ind McMurray on Sunday The Gal braith were in town attending the Russell and McCullough rc union held in the Becton Cam munity Purl on Sunday July 21 Dr Galbraith is superintendent of the TB Horpitalat Sardic BC and they have been spending the past month visiting their parents and other relatives and friends in Ontario and they expect to leave in the near luturc tor England where they will rcuinin or two months before returning to their honi Sard BC and rolled paper Inlllllk iTIie youngsterr had grclt jtgue showing their parents and iric as around the altnctivceampllle and thc well set up waterfront The ladle of the wmmitm scrvcd rcireshrnenls Another day camp got under wry It the same cite on Monday or Glencalm Children DIrcelnr or the day campu is Val Bruckcr He Is assisted by turn owcna Wilma Evanr An lcnc Grieg and Iliil Enter or Barrie ThenEgo Lad QFU Delegate nxr tvr Manitoba Meet Mrs Wilson Thornton wns one ol delegation 25 which represented the Ontario Farmers Union It the inter provincial Form Union Council lolnt board meeting held at the Univcrnily oi Manitoba winni pcg July is and 17 Twclve Onlurlo counties were represented at lhis cnnIcrence whore National Farm Union pol icy was limited and will be rub milled to the Provincial Flml Union convention lor rgtiilcn tlnll Full parity prices on all term products consumed in Canrdl by means oi dciiclency payments was again supported as major project Consldurution was given to protection tor Canadian farm on against excessive dumping ot Ilrm products irom othercoun tries resnlulion asked the NC to make recommendations In to tlic method by which agrlcultunl Vsupport prices can berpald direct to the producers Arrangements were mldelior dclcgutlon to interview the ted cral cnblnct at an early date with it view to promoting Immedlnlc action for relief distress Qt farmers and longrange prir llrnm which will guariintcc term on more equitable share at tho national income resolution was passed cali mg or changes in parliamentary procedure to bring methods more Into accord with modern ideas and asking that no new election he held until cvcry possibility at governing through the present government has been exhausted The name resolution requested tllnttlle government should not be considered deieated except on direct vote of want of contldcucc and that any member of the House at Commons should have the right to bring In billsot make motions which Involve the expenditure of money in 1958 Joint IFUC and Joint Board Conicrcnco will be in Suskntuofl CHRONIC DISEASE The school teacher shortage crisis promises to become chronic disease not to becured overnight but requiring many years at treatment The cure or the disease will probably be ex but less expensive than letting it remain hole in has improved Wbcu you borrow money you win tcrvi iiiits backed by yem oi oxperlenm 11 why moat people turn to undermined money service cited by 7112qu mm AtHFCyouret2ivepromptattentlon but burinualiltc cinclcncy your money in gay ud your clout repaymentplnnl