uv anocc attiry that lies in or odourourvliuidzrn it is of more thanpainl 3W lhii year In that android on the eve of rdebrlllnx its centennial lireking the nmh From the vast ditch swarming with hulltron and water wake of John Gaitl day when an agent of the Canada Land Com pany he first glimpsed the ol yland Marsh those tertilc 7000 acres pt today proscnt vastly dillercnt picture This remark lble transition has been grad ual one starting first witthc harvesting ol marsh tiiiy which bcï¬me the first saleable product and dcvcioplng into vegetaolo crop today with $41 million per annum Hld It not been lOr Witt son Lyoung farmer from ncnr by Scotch Settlemcm the marsh hay industry might still have been the chief source at rcvcnuc Watson became convinced of the great agricultural potential and called upon the late Proicssor Day of the Ontario Agri cultural College Guelph under whose guidance and direction the now famous Bradford Harsh Gar dens developed in um the titst crop at vegl ables was harvested and since then gradual expansion hiis con tinued Ilntil today 7000 acres are producing vegetables in quan tity cnoughito give every family in Canada mixed bushel of quality vegetables Though Canadianborn larmers were the ï¬rst to conceive the potentialities end commence the drainage and breaking ol the marsh it was the new Canadians who were large rcsponsiblc if the rapid expansion and success In 1931 farmers ironi Holland first canto to the marsh followed in 1934 by 18 new families who formed the nucleus of the pres ent Dutch village ofrAnsnorveld While today more than onethird of the 600 marsh growers are of Dutch origin people from Crechoslovakia Poland Hungary Ukrainc Germany gtltaiyrlapan and China have lornicd com patihic League of Nations and coming irom lands where soil is counted in inches not acres they succeeded working the marsh gardening Today the original tamarack shacks are goneand new modern taking their The root house days are over replaced by cement black housing crops New and up homes are rapidly places common storages and implements todate Implements combines planters caterpillar tractors rubberctircd wagons etc are reiiectlng this common sight prosperity that ward at long hours of hard work foresight changing techniques tinii llnique in Canada The only vacuum cooling plant in Canada is located at Bradford namely Bradford vacuum Cool ing Co Limited at the premises of Federal Earths Limited This plantris owned and operated by and shippers cooling oi loaty Bradford growers or the rapid vegetables nradiord Cooperative Storage Prior to 1945 the yegctabl growers of the sradtord marsh were contronted with the prob lem of warehousing their celery and of pro longing the maturity in order to st time oi harvest Cooperative lormzd for the purpose of build thereby enabling the growers to orderly mlllllefu long hours so necessary iorsucccsstul and the will to face the iutureunder the rapidly or produc mi Storage Limited an in modern celery cold storage markottbcir celery in run The cold storage wag hinlt lint dcr the Cooperative Marketing Loan Act whereby the tcdcnl government assists with grant of 30 per cent of the cost of the building and the provincial gov ernmcnt pssistswlth loan oi so per cent of the cost 01 the building bearing inteml at the rate of our per ccntpor annum Growers subscribe per cent of the cost At present there are 235 shareholders owning trom two to so shares The first crop of celery stored in the storage building was in the Kill of into45000 crates Dur ing the years bciwccn loss and 1950 mnrkotlng conditions in creased Ihc demand or storagc space and in isso an addition iargc enough to hold another 75000 cloths was started and oompioicd in Sepleiobcr 1951 The total capacity oi the storage is now 120000 crates of celery or 240000 hampers oi vcgctahics total of one million cubic tcct ol relrigcrated space The winter cclcry deal is now very limited and the storage is utilized principally ior root crops ior example carrots PmFackagtng Plants in the part lcwvyears pre packaging hits become must For successful propackaging vcnturc continuity ot supply Is essential hence the hood or relrlgcraled warehousing and lull equipment Today there are six packaging plants in Bradford namely Federal Farms Ltd noi land River Gardens Ltd Hoche rciicr Marsh Gardens Dominion Farm Produce United Farms Ltd International Fruit Distri butors and various facilities at large farms for example Gardens and the Verkailt Erotic ers it is the continued effort of these plants in advancing the methods or packaging to con sumcr demand that have been re sponsible for the expansion of our markets and hence our film production increase Experimental Muck Farm The vegetable growers on the Holland Bradford Marshes the years prior to 1948 here when time permitted visited by of tlcials of the Ontario Department of Agriculture The growers greatly appreciated the helpful hints to better cmpproductlon ijiowevcr they realized that man located permanently in the area would be of tremendous value in solving the many problems with which they were loud in 1945 deputation approached the cole lege and man was hired The first yczlr 1946 was devot ed to extension work to the growers and lear mg the major production problems During the second year start was made toward solving few of the major problems by means of experimental plots ongrower operated farms soil testing survey wosalso started to study the response of celery and let tuce crops to varying levels of nitrogen phosphorus and potash the lust re ers under cultivation with consisted of variety trials chem refrigerated storage experiments cultivation experiments experi ments indiseasc and insect con Department at potany hive longer marketing period tcacber with soil testing service to vegetable growers on muck soil which is much beneï¬cial lo the growers marsh as there xumcr demind or the characlcr and amounts at commgricaltcr tilizer applied by different grow lnli48 the present experimen tal farm was obtained The land was drained broken and brought lettuce and potatoes By lmthe presv cnt program was underway and tool weed control common and trol in elloperation with the and En tomoiogy of 0A0 Science Ser vice Ottawa added their help ordered by Onhrio minister Goodiclldw to get cinchor cbc leader Miro mbmo organizations met toi scvcr1 hours in Toron on July in in discunionilimed at bridg lag wide More hope you dont mind shar ing room with blondo schoolteacher Sir am gentleman So is the blonde school Ipprcciatod and The production of table stock potatoes has very important place in the rronomy ot tho is large con stically whiteskinned potatoes Approximately1900 acres ol thosc currently planted are giv en lo potato productionf Educational days which trike his form of twocday school is hold here in the new communin centre Speakers are obtained from the Ontario Agricultural College and oiher departmonls of agriculture Growers from this are and other areas attend hcse very worthwhile meetings Orderly ltlnrkctlug Chaotic marketing conditions have planned the lndustryirum time to time over the yours The oversupplying of Toronto mur kcts as production has increased which in turn causcs an over all depressed price structure is the greatest Bradford marketing problem Marketing schemes have been deployed in years past both vol untarin and under the govcrnv mcnt marketing act The area hasbenefltcd lroin these schem es both in knowledge and mon etary returns Although no scheme iororderiy marketing is now operating in the area in plan was drafted this past Winter for sales methods plan may be in central agencies How soon it stituied will depend on the whims at our growers and the dcgrcc or in the future Agriculture to maintaining closed vegetable inspection tion is made possible at all ware spectiun stations closc marsh This service no at the inspection stations has paid dividends to the marsh hccorne synonymous 1951 Vegetable Acreage Potatoes 1959 acres other miscellaneous crops acres markct depression we encounter As early as 1915 realizing that quality mcans soles growers ssk ed the Ontario Department of assist them by area of This was granted snd at present inspeclt houses and at two highway in to the provided where quality and Bradford have onions 1598 acres carrots 1309 acres lettuce 1148 acres parsnip and 102 acres giving totnl 7000 canadialr production or hops oi cplgiant Reportedly littio wu accom pitched The representatives thancw Ontario FlueCurcd baeco amourMarketing rdi andthc Tobacco Groiers Mite live Committee will meet in Sim coo on Saturday moming to re nsw the talks Mcctipg in Mr Goodieiiovrr office the leaders at the two rvnl actions were told out they had better start working our Joint plan to markcb this yeara rmv immediately IllerVIIrds they met with Chairman Frank Perkin ol the Ontarlo Farm Products Marketing Board to work on joint plan Mr Goodfcllcw told the two groups that neither the govern ment nor myself wants to wield big stick so its up to you people ll get together lam going to ice that you market as group this year There cnnrhc only one system uf marketing and there can be no exemptions There has to be an undersinnding reached be twccn the two group it you are going to market crop this year We will have to depend on good lailh on the part oi ill corn corned he concluded Chief hurdle facing the new board and the protective group is the latters steadfast opposition to the auction system of selling tobacco The protective commit tee was organized taliowingde lent oi the old FlueCured To bacco Marketing Association in vote on May 21 ll claims to represent 40 per cent of the gmweis with more than half the total acreage 0n the other hand the now board which was sct up as re suit 01 the vote under the Farm Products hlarkcilng Act has al ready laid plans to build warlh houses for auction selling it is determined that the auction syr tcm will be established Mr Goodtciiowsald it seemed to him the motor conflict could be resolved and suitable plan worked out Agreement had been reached with federal auth oritles tor thoestablishment of grades and sale by grade should insure cquitnblc prices he said toe the minister aid he felt It had colne long way from the procedures of the old marketinl association which at one time wasinvestigated as possible combine by the federal govern men Gert a1 Manager Ford stinson FOR SALE Hemlock Spruce and line rough or dressed ROB Mill or delivered truckload lots Attroctive prices Odurlni Lumber Company Limited Golden Valley Ontario this year amounted to 1368990 Phone rial culture view Al for thcpro ccti commit CONN FILMAN Agricultural of the new board said that aucv tlon warehouses could be built economically if the proicctivc committee studied the matter it would agree the plan was prac tical he thought gtsc FINE llARBOR Mombasa in Kenya Colony is credited with having the finest harbor on the castcoast of Alrica pounds Now is the time to considcrtrea in your worms and realize greater piolit1 stmooc coop have new hog enu par pig Worms can delay our msrke and take considers 19 more to lip to 10 if wornisare pres which or ruining loath ii inft shame cwrihri not it councils Willlltitlti to be fed between 10 and 12 weeks of age at cost of less than The now Coop poiiltry wormcr will likewiselnorcase your profits ogs an poultry tor wonncr available in crumble iorm mg of hogs by at least two weeks ed and lower yourprotits thcrchtoradanoor lntcsta white xritbs Piolliwpgs Dad says it wing funili tirï¬ot growing up and sois savinglrs too early or too lateLiaison he tailspin both havesuvings Accounts HANS Flinn owner or the Sign the steer restaurant Toronto and Miss mnces flocks oi the Department or Agrl the carrot washing conveyors in the vacuum cooling and packaging plant at Bradford Representative for the marsh areas left and George Anspnch ot the Ontario Food Termin al Toronto examine the growth of marsh potatoes Mr Ans poch is chairman of the Ontario salad Week Committee This potato plantation is part or Federal Farma new Souacre marsh development northeast at Highway ii MISS EILEEN EVANSSMITH istant Womens the Brnntrord Expositor William utrie Wholesale Merchants Toronto and Dr Georg Benton Depar Hyglcncruniversity of Toronto ervc carrot pncl erations Dr Benton was the nchconspeuker weighscales is seen at the right Looking ljg Challenging positions ore or responsibility knowin opportunities chasm WITH practical training prr future depending pl you use it Rewarding management everexpanding company Security with Cunodnsl Company Applicants should he 222 lic be alertuaggrcssive a7 Banking credit insurnnc grounds are assets 0pen unli little pm OUTDOOR LIFE VANCOUVER CPLA 27year oidmnn chargcd with vagrancy my here told police he had lived in Stanley Park tor three weeks by PERSONNEIH foraging through thc waste has kels thusrnlAi ACCE post Oltice so Manitoha idnd secdcdiowhcat totailcd 3512000 acresin mu For 1955 the iigurc was 19500no Ifyou oWn an earlier Buickthan our 1957 product youre probably reluctant to part itii itttiid wiio can blame youll After tillre diuss olyenr or model you it cut above the ordinary run nlortillsliinke you feel ill tor of Lilli vyuu survey But to As wonderful its your present Buick is on name nt loiist llvo good rciisolis why you should look into ii 1957 Buick Five good reasons wily yuilsllould try this drmnt my Iv Eliottoday chyadlemI id leap Wan Allumtml lhrinil ltklt Djnnflow is lit Dynnflow mild hind today ilnndayri on master sum and Leuiiinophonoiptmpd rod oh ill Spout smLos ll lou iincrt with void on Up to st hum lowl Kct monotonous int In Ps You nitiiiliiiiiiilhlliiiiiiimii ilillilijliiiifhummm