Company syna rono mono Ind School rirolc The community lad nhoolplc nlc which bnd been postponed on moonlit ot rain It school clos lupus held lul Wednesday assembled hetore they all set down to bountqu supper rinolpa otthe no lo now It lilll Mount Avunm telsummon loan Compsy THE WILSON mutants mLPA PM thy ll estended to the reintives at the hie mm who posed ley Wednesday evening to Plowrlght Ind llr King took the children who wished to hue swim to Midland at one oclock They returned to the school gronnd where the rest of tho children and their parents had The glmes Ind races took place hetore the picnic closed Wanda Muir readrn address to Mrs school Wait until pm and it your carrier has not arrived then call LEv AND DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TaucKs And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home Tunis is No CHARGE Fonrnis service 50 web to av is lowing She was presented by henpupils with lovely green upholstered chair wrought iron stand and limp Imitation Service Sunday July took the form in adedicntion service st St Pelers Church The new pews were dedlcnted to the glory 01 God and in monk my at George Dusto by Mrs Dusto The church sign tor innstoli Knupp who paid the supreme sle rliice during World Wen ll by the Knupp and Pnrtrldge families The new organ draperies and chimes were also dedicated Sunday July look the arm at service to the Visiting Lndy 0r Inge and Orangemen Sundny Vllllorl Sunday visitors Mr and Mrs Hurry Rowell Stoyner at Mn William Maws Mr and Mrs Ito hert Parker and sons Wayne and Rog It Charles Parkers Bailey lieuoion Over 40 roipuvos and lrionds ol Mrs Joseph rrolici met at Spring water Park for Bailey reunion rrienas came lrorn Oshawa no sum oxhriogo Whitby and nor rin one regret la Honor BrideToBe shower was held in the on ange Hail last Thursday evening in honor oi liliss Dorothy Downoy prior to her marriage on Solon day July 20 to Don Fagan ot Eimvnlc Weekend Visit lillss Elsie Cloughley Barrie spent the weekend will nor sis tar as did also Mr and Mrs Willluin litcEvoy and little dilu ghler Toronto Linda McLean returned wilh her sister for her 82433 humoru Miss Hatlop Hall spent theput week at Georgetown at the home her brother lnd sistenlniaw Mr and Mrs by Hall Mr Ind htrn Earl Briggs oi Hamilton and Mrs Kerry newb lns and Sylvie or Staynerwere Thursday visitors with htn lsirlo patricir Ind no From Chlqu Dan Mom of Chicgo ll spendv ing couple at weeks holiday with relatives here Recent visitors with Mr and hirs Frank limiiton included Robert Filttley oi Chicago Mr Hendry and Robert Martin of Toronto Work in Toronto Mrs Gilchrist spent weeks holiday in Toronto with liar dlu ghtrr Sarah Weekend Villtorl Miss Sarah Gilchrist and James Graham oi Toronto spent the weekend here will Mr and Mrs James Miliigan Frankie and Jimmy Presents tor Couple On Friday avcnlng neighbors and irlonds gathered at the new to present them with picture rurd table and smaller tublo of wrought iron with glass top and ornament Mrs Wlnlcss road the ad dress and Mrs Larry Cameron and Miss Kathleen OHnnmade the presentation Both Ed and Bernice replied thanking us tor the gifts Then lunch and 11 social time together were enloyed Golden Wedding large number called on Mr friends Orilill Fonda parade than usual Midland stnyner visit visited with Mr undid Archie as and Mrs JamesV Portch oi Pauls Presbyterian Church ga homc at Mr and Mrs Ed Martin and Mrs George Bowaer on Sat urday when they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary by holding open house to their Those who attended the Orange celebration at Orillimon Saturday reported grand day and nlarger Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron weresupper guests onSuuday of Mr and Mrs Douglas Murtin ot Mir smog oaiioom villi In Norman Rum Frdln Vancouver Sunday visitors with Mr and Mn Alec Finlay Ind folnlli were the tonners hrottxerlndnw and Iixler Mr Ind Mrs Al Atkins Christopher and Billw Van couver Hr and urn Alfred Colllns Dougie and Patricia utWerton and Gory McLean Coninmod Waniess and family Noisy Reception On Monday eveningthe chi ivari zsng called on Mrand un YohnVinoy nee Mary Webb the home at the fonners parents Mr and Mn Fred Viney li wasuiso the occasion oi Johns birthday Vangntulnilonsi FERGUSONVALE Mrs Homer Grey oiSt iboor lsiingiorlspem this week with air and ills William Cumming llouor Newlyweds neurons and adherents at St lhcmd at Ihe homi oiMr and Mrs William Cumminglor shower ior Mr and Mrs Kon nelh hlcNabb moyam John stun pn Monday evening rnnl prosoniodr them with lovely blanket and white clothes ham Per Mrs John Lambic read the address The members and adherents of St Pauls Presbyterian Church take great pleasure in prosoniinzg you with these gifts we all join in wlshlng you long and happy mnrricd life together and some time to come In few lilting words Vera and Ken thanked the people lor their gills The evening was spent in games und contesis and idninty lunch was served by the indies 0n llollday Donald Fleming of Toronto is on holidays with valinic Swiuer Mrs Peter Youngish hrld her parents from Quebec tor the weekend Sympath of Community Sympathy ot the community is extended to Fred Richardson in MrsSteve Fan and Mr and Mrs Cline Rown and lllrllly vis the death at his sister Mrs Lime EYE 0210 FOR APPOINTMENT PEQNH PA Ham Lets get d0wn to cases on automobile value Value is probably ihe most vague and overworked word in the language of selling We like to deï¬ne it in this clearcut and speciï¬c way good value is car thats unusually well made in every detail has plenty of getupnndgo plenty of room plenty of eye appeal yct sells for less than other cars with comparable features in other words good value is Studebaker Make us prove it See your Studebaker dealer soon illustrated The Silver Hawkthe sports car thats Szpassenger family car too One of 18 Studebaker models StudebakerPackar 0R CANADA LIMITED Wm afflérmmmw Mano or or vow FOB GONE CONSUIII Noel Stag STEPHENSONS Em Ind OPTOMETBIET CARE henson R0 ETRIST DUN STREETE BARBIE ONTARIO hopn you will he in our midst for HAVE SHOOHNG PNNS RUNNiNG up AND DOWN rmsr HAVEA CHILL men FEVER THEN me snommc mus snot iN AGAIN 16 90 Iii rare as Atwava sci A5 or ï¬rst WHAT IFI rowvou gt HOW mow Know Ln lwascomcvytxsk were It In RE HAD some is SPLiflEVEt AwmoNE 10 mi so snumiiL Jusrmmsrwmswz WTtiWiWISiDEll pl MYIAPWITN WW so you =p Newtonuopo WOULDKNON