rerdy to tackle the jobs not are bursting to be done and who are squch tor Irdcolnl tine monL we have some or Folior work schedisle anggsedll you dont have more time Jana Little DI Clnadlan Ho ri Gardens dam obsilmi leaves move snulchlj You lawn dgys Shame auals into larger pots ready to outdoors imam welt isnt at once on can be one time vtttltln month after Winning tin chem loed Arenniall lgwng trees and shnlbe Edge flower beds wailuand terraces Wood Water was ll thuso LI which dIl 19d it Will ll int Fuse Trouble Did you know that most decide that usually can be reached by removing the bottom plate Irons the lpplhnte when one oI these cotieo makers tails to heat the chances are that this little iuse has blown movlno rowY Old putty can be removed quick ly and essflvaith best By slows ly moving heatedesolderios iron over old putty the putty becomes rultand can be removed with thinbladed putty knlic This method permits an easier job of reputtying anywhere alterwsrds CLEAN VACUUM BRUSHES Vacuum cleaner brushes should be cleaned lrequently It they other purchases At the some time their savingsthe dollars they put in to buy the house are protected the greasy rinse them through little nonIlamsnahle denslnl tluld eoltee makers have maliluae iain Boats ind custom Woodworking 239 BRADFORD ST moms eh smi sagl work updtlï¬ sell 11 gt be Pm hm Mr Stevenson tells oi house he 11 ï¬lms ï¬rm locally that cost $13500 to build uan ns or as pain three years ngo and sold or Slur for PLUMBER Your Tm Deserves Ew cm 000 the other day This is not his tree in 110 spidenlis exceptional he slays Anotlter mill implies Va house bought near hair it cone lil Mn or nail MI illean gt wm Irrtlpaoysdgnlirlrjoofgfltb11211 shy annihi emf and Gnidtlu worth pampering reed ï¬lqu my use tor soon run well onto fmmmw Inrrpenrlrr la buildiitr cottage is simply mo on flow clans allndnlion In is unlqirr rothcilrérihapc Inside II Lt srvrcrly slmph on only drmlallon coming Irons ï¬rcpterr and iiirm and breathtaking cm Canadian Furniture Designs FOLSprlng The news in furniture as shown by Canadian designersrtbis sprlng is smart and exciting Stripes are news in chairs and solos with lines as clearnnd bold as the lines of modern sunk Youll see the typical light look or sofas emphasized by the use oi horizont your home tor sl stripes irregularly woven stripes to dramatize simply de signed chair or random stripes to add gay touch to lLI classic lines Another attractive design is solo with stilt perpendicular stripes on the seat and back oil Set by plain upholstery on the bare and arms subtly integrated shades oi sott blues and greens lemon yellow to deep olive or strong white stripes on salt heck grounds are being shown The current issue oi Canadian Homes and Gardens shows also that Canadian designers are strong tor the development at correlated groups oi £urnlture Traditionally iurniture has come in suitestor thslivinl room dining room or bedroom say the and prune irregularly and it will rrwurti you with lltettme ht luxurious shade There are pro blems only experts can deal writs but certain jobs you oan do Watch ior symptom oi lil hoslth such as buds not tilled out in spring scanty twig growth or chewed leaves Remove broken branches and dear wood Spray regularly to check cankerwormr Dutch elm disease and other air tacks Feed your tree every two years and make the eartti over the roots ottthe tree porous and lertlie by spreading composure other humus material over it simple program such as this will keep the treelhealthy Indvskop now to Entry Shell Shellfish is notiuit ultcoant dwellers you can buy some kinda inland too rsyr unearned aeuoit ot eondials Homos ï¬llllilil itillllllllll Illll Home Ownership resetsteel Praia ion Against lntldi on tor their retirement the educa tlon at their children and family emergencies to consider bow to meet this peril tamed by the owner recently brought price or 512000 Theres no denying that his vestment in home or their own is the greatest oilearound protce tiun Canadians can have splint inflation Newspapers are full oi stories about prospectors who ï¬nd uranium speculators whonmka killing In the stock market and tanner who get fabulous price tor that land But the average iamin can reap reward rtoo by not dissipating Its income in rent and instead investing it in home ownership Not only l5 the value of their dollar protected in this why Mr Stevenson declares but they en joy at the some time Inï¬nitely greater pence and satistactlnn Its decision theyll never regret making overloaded Gardens Ihere are many detect gimp flgflhnggï¬tï¬ ï¬figffm able recipes Iorlobstershrimp Mr Stevenson states that any nlowo lttsea lure that harmonizes tram room ygflmng 11 WINNIPEG Our dollar has currencies or most countries or gï¬a giffgulnofhï¬feéum puck pin mm The new correlated 1K ff losing Its purchasing power the western world Mr Steven We ï¬rst mu mm group is the answer irorn some mg 31°21 at the rate or 42 per cent annu son points out in this respect if Euth 25 home of the COMMERCIAL pusssisal nesmn Canadian manufastmm any lorths past 10 years says Canada Is not as well on as us We wll be pleased to quote for tag you new home RPAanEtecintc they divld two malnclasses Crustaceans which have lirohs that move such as lobster and shrimps and mollusks which do not have limbs such as musselr Poor Lighting Faulty Fittings PLAY SAFE IN 57 where the dollar is depsvcluting only 34 per cent per year or Switzerland where the annual de cllne is mere 15 per cent Stevenson of Winnipeg pres ident oi the Canadian Associa Lion of Real FAtote Boards This is characteristic of the And the most important news ot all ls the llght look not just in tables and chairs but in uphol stered goods as well Youliuee The Eoooerrthey tolte this riep the better he comments Mortgage unionization tables in wtrlu Cut chose slim tnbiesnsirv chairs thin solar and store At the some time our country vor young intuition Over torts Fm sit5e making for trim lines for your ontditlerence ishtahsmtsry during whleh Ellerbroks two is inï¬nitely better oil than Chile period or timothey can pay all WWW mm mm living room and attractive tailored the Ma types thelméï¬gcn wlnm blooming primrose whose currency each year Is the interest and principal in easy SERVICE SATISFACTION GilAllANTEED PA $3396 llnesrior the dining room And up must be cooked whue mm was continued tn now pp in worth 753 per cent less than it monthly lustalisnents and havo RECOMMEND mm SEAL WIRING We Undertake to suit the low look in Inmiim mollusks can be eaten row Since conï¬dent that this primrose call was the year hetero plenty or money lett over or lamps are getting bigger table ilk the Cndll lamps are growing floor lamps mus my is as provinces can dish out Most governments Mr Steven they cannot be treatedlilte reshe son claims sanction inflation in RES TIA AND water iish INDUSTRIAL WIRING REPAIR WORK LIGHTING FIXTURES HEATING INSTALLATIONS WHLIWIN uncritican CONTRACIOM Soles Cr Service Oil Burner rnonn PA sszso Shop 54 Sophia st East lies to BayIIeItl St are reaching tor the sky And theres lots of Clnhdinn turniture developed thats now add and usefulincluding iusnl ture that grows an ingenious space saver coitee table and with few swlv elS and flips can be enlarged to dining table that will seat slit persons The table made in wal nut ur mahogany costs smut $70 And fibre glass is taking on new forms you can now have fibre glass dinette suite implune to stains even cigarette burns Its the ï¬rst 01 Its kind in Canada at about $135 Plan Your Gardening Chores For alloi you who are getting It starts out as Furniture Storage CALL PA 8651 GQQIIE W115 SEOIAEE Irid Your mtcnotyatliea van Hoes Agent 43 Essa Rd Barrio Lets take the our tiltierent types of shcutlsh and see how they dliiei Dubste lobster weighing about two lbs will yield less than halt pound of sheet an important point to remember when ordering Lobster is always boiled alive You can iudge the lreslsneï¬ at cooked lobster the tail springs buck into Its curl when you pull it out straight Shrimps Like the lobster tho shrsmp doesnt turn its brilliant plnk until it is cooked You eat only the tail meat One pound of raw shrimps yields two cust of cooked peeled shrimps Oysters The soft bulkier portion of the oyster is chiefly composed of the liver and this is attached to tilt shell by the tough beardf the beard is not tenderized by cooking which is one reason cooking oys ters is delicate aeration Dur ing the spring and summer spawn ing season the flesh ls rather poor in flavor Clams More than 35 kinds all told with good word to be said in all kinds New strains or Primrose real is ovelty ioi Canadian gardeners is the introduction of Two new shainS of polysnthue allblooming strain of primrose type printioses developed by Wll lusm Ellerbrok at Sydney River Nova Seotia flower in sprin and again as summer wanes new even continue to bloom outside all wtntersays Ellerbro in Chose tan Homes nndGuX ens article cred with heavy ino As yet Ellerbroks business In volves only so ng the lants local ly to cntbusles gardeners Seed is not available in commercial quantities but he hopes that in the next year or so gardeners all across Canada will be able to try out this newest development In hardy primroses their monetary policies They do so because oi political pressures to Sustain full employment at constantly rising wage levels There is little evidence in his opinion oi these pressuresdlm inishing They are more likely to become intensiï¬ed Therefore it behooves people trying to save For as Little AS $110000 aewn You Can Move In osoxolu Phone PA 34021 or call IA 82485 or PA 32592 First Stepflo Secure Future WHome of Your Own consraucrtonco LTD The Finest Homes In Barrie Are Bssllvflefler by Element Bedroomsolid oriek bungalows with all the tortures you want in Coutts Real Estate Broker Lasting pleasure and convenience are built into this family size precision built cottage The modern shoulder high bedroom windows utter additional privacyand greater wall space and are contrasted by the generous sized picture window The 32 24 over all size gives you spaeiousness and comfort Miss Tomnm 195D vembrr to April Lowest tempep Mons arranged to purchase hflmcblllldill and remo gt gt attire rea ed The average man will rind this PB cottage easy to erect All mi sol planing and We Shall Bllm haw gm km Fm mm mm work is done in our modern shop The main walls are sirnply put in place and nailed BMW ¥° my no we mu 0er 1m new It igtrecirlon ouiltio ideal where skilled neip isnt always available PPï¬hbl Enigtalhgognduthllycpsynnï¬nais ILittlest criminals This cottagelfThe our bedroom cottage with spacious 24 is liv lflg to list Vitriï¬ed Clay Plain Eudlipe tï¬ngs and Couplingss Denis Sheardl resource to Come to steal sacrd Ltd ktor tldlng trade out Ehesrds Time ruinous Plus can to supplementa small snortlago It ruinswlelt in South 331 ill our building needs and have vantage expert advisory service eourteeus tteatlnn high quality ulster lustful quick=d£llvery together with the best credit arrlilo lessthiurtho rentyou ire nestleriot Loans to Servicemen new sinpee This is WWW designed in help you build ontot town without artisan rm So why not drop in onypur part lug room which can be easily winterized or all year round Our sulesm is would Clui Cottsgéscun hehoughtwlth erwrite one Cottage Catalogue today no Down ransom ans Easv miscafrniiivssj llnppy toanswer any of your questions with no obliglatlono