WAYNE CUNNINGHAM takes kindly to the supervisiurl of senlnr instructor Frances Wildniun uh Codrtngwn Playground JOANNE MURPHY extreme right directs mum at the Nelson Square lieu Piece ol work so cleverly done Museum Cl BOYES EXhlblts ew hum Iancu chwum LLOYD one otthe Hm JOHN SASO top centre or the Queens Park stun winches progress or softball game leaders at Couringmn Plny along with some or his young hopefuls srqund Cheeks h9r°°9Â¥d5 RED CEDAR WINE CUPS wtne clips mode or red cedar by Justice DIerIamn of Ncuxtadl iormerly ot oldwater are re cent gilt to the Museum These stemmed cups are attire live in design cclur Ind ï¬nish and add beauty to the cabinet shelves We apprecialc his beauliful EXTRA INSURANCE my win lllc game for YOU IDD When the unexpoeted happens it man WAT UOU 0W pays to have Insurance whlch FUL wsupz Bu PHONE LY covzns you lt is wlso Io have an INSURANCE SPECIAL 51 advise hoot your insur uncc program in order to get the runs insurance at the lowest com GENERAL pillable Heathen us today INSURANCE we 511mm STEVENSUN 1e 5934 msunllllclz filmed irmlsilludufone or the vlneenr Pnrkplay nsr For lgwmitleadm perm 11 mg ml we muu CULBERT supervisor Lions Park left and Joyce ANNE KENNINGTON Queens Park Playground mmn msi Twiss assistant check over directluns tor new game checks racquec grips at the tennis source 95 mm PA News From The PLAYGROUNDS paltern making cork melt and Nels Squaw making jewellery out of wooden During the week everyone on beads Nelson Square playground had Im 1° Iun getting acquainted and on Lying thgvrcxcltemem air the opening of playgroun Wit 74 members registered we soon were striving inwards regular ruuuuel Our activities in the mornings consist dsiggsollgs andf variolas Aura rum LIABILITY games over is avorite The younger children also eniuy Ema GENE drawing with erayonsand playing 59 wllh pegs amine board Mn Alison Burton In the alternoons 10 children 93 373 go swimming and the others work telephone en crafls This weeks erorts SHEAR lugs Wm PLAY were painting and not only the PAkv 84000 THE culqu Ypung Janet Cleare senior mentor ry Fraser and Bgrhgtra Webb 10 LAST WEEKS BOUT BOB MilEA NIEIIVIEWS BILI CURRY Tunsuns srom cnsrs CKBBï¬ADlOat 315 pm cwirv at 650 PM llllS SHOW STARTS HT 15 PM LMONeTUES my 2223 THUNDER Ill EASI DEEORAHKERR ALANLADD rule unset Ill PEGGI CASTLE RICH RD game nqu 10 name