Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1957, p. 6

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uttemumiu £7 Couple sLWVlncen Observe take place in hunt in Nrhs 31rd annual raddhon no mm held on July at ErnaverendBertnn and Hrs Anniversary on so run gm mm at mums septeniber wiu sdon be chil err What hardly deans possible drenh wear Shocked lllrag an and with the annual tau exhibitionorohe dress you or under overalls gt gggnlturui society content or 24 run hr and Mn Crunches 5mm and Sunni it damm ellhfl and their children Debi and are Sept as 27 and all Quilts Bedspread additm va Si oelebnled their tier hour slnsham ton re lan 0am It will our Quil pieced rotten dullt IppllI wedding nnivernry at the hon ML mum an goodwill hie Pr mother himR 59m um No group at uhiblts at no two years and should both pro Immune when 01 ml Hm mm mum lrwrn and Mrs lrwili oi gum hirl um more attention than perty oi the exhibitor No on spread km when umI hum wmwn Toronto the marriage to take Ihl dimlxylol womenl warhlnd itor may Enter the same ar cie new mnulmmg ml hooked ll enema will WIS spell vi plate inlhe Presbyterian Church Am nu in tilldivision the local uhibi tor two years in menion my marl hookng They were Med George the balwbam ll hnvmg races and strand August 24 as gt Sixty Section rull braldmt Street Methodist parsonage inlet hlrL and tire losepb ENTVLL new are so sodium in nu Mlxnllhénngmmc at my er ugh by the liev Couch aM 530 all at downio Ide all Parkviiln Drive St vital mull fiznlvxillie ownsmtovi vlvll or this section in postwar In mm my in mummy mm mt enwnc iii ma Um in WP desrcrt and Manitoba announce the engaze g5 Mud and are new filmn lrrvrorir rrim nor on ccr and hobbyists have wide choice Gratis role or tattlng one article made David Campbell 01 urarestone msidm wwwthymnd Bf only ork to the province in low irolll flnwrr ha rho in In nd Mrs at Blrfle Ind Mr Ind no member deceased This was 01 oi RCAFutiom Edgar mm Ind mm Mr lowed hynominaiions or officers Ontario The marriage uiil Ink cluiexin lil5llrld lnllty dis trict women already have entries pleccs guest towels pair handkcnhlfls amen mm hand made article at Swedirh rompieied in preparation for purses bags or stains mum LvilhcrLadvs nurse looltd tor 1958 MRS wiLllAlil GMltAM oi raving ml pincerSaturday July 21 at duo Th1 in several riilcvvuailieigmciirlfciiisrrlaigreédcisrcw mm we elm Tmm Milled 0t Buriii Hm In Mm um umdf An enloyabln evening was Wilde 10 im Bmei =d°d uN ml 1° and lrmily oi own sound visit mihithc gird ottgred bythe boita carved or sigmpmi nrtlcle went PIIYIIE mos cemsdent mm °°° Pm ed durlngthe weekend with air agriculturrl society tor Womenr or leather new ldea glovcs llS Mr andurslrrieriesaiso have 0120 Keith Lees Ed °° and Mrs Krnnloker and lohn lnstiluies andwomens church Metal Cralt Any article in daughter Mrs George Thom 10W P° in unripe ln slnleoo County Twelve metal crult canning Ion tiIelsn residing in ilnmli Swncrn CLOWES am Lake visit oraiu and needlework Irlieles Woodwork GranLumps bowl ton and run Charles of hind The lime for more Film mm 13 mu Initabli tor bazaar are to be or lray ceramics my ariicie Ind lour grandchildryn Dav member went to Paul Smith Camumh and family anil Mr and Mrs an mum displayed eight not to exceed 5W SIM °°d benrdsall rnd Frank Benrii hprfldfcd nut rrmuoa rlllu three dollars each ln value and mum Ecgggtglinm Mn 01 Lindsu Mmnclxtnfclfimuhm Prilaemfor run 10mm by mm gloriurnmiiu Jowrilmsuliidrtwilll mom um tour to bc dollar or less in 1h com cs In ra Ram California to visit their miter arm Citom tartan it no net and booties woo cl Bert latvls ot st Pclcrslzurg sis Mm LCM 5w or Bass Lake run su ysd sweater 12 or underlong sleeves The modern met inn eunlon Florida For the oldest mm mm mm run vlnl mun rumm an parts IndJrni Drop in mm rnd dcsign mens or lndies will he suocosstul Biased on at lirucc visited willl Mrs lienrdsall and nobert visited on Sunday $°r ado In winter costumer The gm children5 mug my 010 short no pl just one nllnulc The 23rd mutual mph Bl nhday and Eleanor on Synony with Mrs lluth at New Flos fmefnifimllfc b° years arilele Fairisio knitting onlyl long erotica uglonviax lhallo on Saturday luly mm Vim Ilirl and airless Hangy I71ml mlxurc an la nns th am noon ran rs WWI MW 533ch Tdérgicilliltgcllldjsligilllei calls tor balanced Propflfliflnsdlderiui day undatucwhaurwi lS Celebrated Rauflfifiififllfimplfiflfiffi Partridge ol Harrie our handmade hats are to be shown mm PM wow Pb lrult sold sugar and pectin 1mg The people smmdmp Sum mud with Mm and Mrs Allan partridge and in mm Wed ms turc no cross stitch luncheon BLACK CURRANT mm ing the ailernonn to renew aid Resident lamlly Columbus spent in Mr and Mrs Dun Siniord and Mr Ind Mrs Eidweil George MM Wm WM adolt sweater long sleeves mens iclly making Is soslmolc and Pudd as mm work seeks mens lancy socks controlled that even beginner Afv Inmsfd Patk Mary Maxim Special will ailIn cloth and tour servlutlos crochet iricndshlps und make new mm mg mm weekend at ilr and Mrs Part be lair nature with cash prizes Yield about 11 medium SHE Mm cw George Bouilishy at Toroilio ridgeg trim no culwork luncheon cloth wt My oursoi enjoyable sum and mu wenmdwim oiicrlid or the host sweater knit and our servreltes embroidered chatter lhe ladies prepared boun trom specllied wool and patients work cmme mm seups iurce about lbs ripe mm mm which an Med nllllihi mm dlwmk mm pieces crochet table cloth soti hm mm9 and prlms were given to Ihe old runs lbs sugar Visits Cousin Eggs the ciihiiiiielimiilecssoricsrea low 55 We quid ruil WU and the young Mum LYN will Sim CllARTEilEbACCOUNIANTSl son coming the tarlhest distance llh lnJIllI comprised cl Mrs Gii Lloyd Mrs eis one pair on holders set or First preparethe juice crush Then the minutes ot the last mixing ARE BASED To ANNOUNCE Trio nbMtsSioit TO PARTNERSHIP ore Nelson MrsH Dawson Mrs in9 klth Infill Illin thoroughly about three pounds reunion were read andapprovcd on ntmly ARNOLD rROSE Atkinson Mrs rtroyston Mrs Bedroom Accessories Pillow quarts tully ripe black eurranis rallowcd by election oi utticers Monktilnn and Mrs orury cases embroidered one pair no Add cups water bring to bell tor the coming year with Ralph llfinfiliif scaiiiiir olidigmsellilsii Entries must be madc in writ cutwotk pillow cases erilehlzt and simmer covered to mInutcs mum preside EMn Pm nslay ing to the secretary Box 187 trim one pair no cutwork Plait in jelly cloth or bag and son vlccprcsidnnl Jean Ho CCOUNT Barrie or Maicomsons énsurancc hilltops Weor Pyjamas sport weasel outl luleu lMeasure kins secretoryfleas rer and Mr Milt lingual Falixlsmmnsnn HART RED AN Agency DWI 5L 35¢ cups to no in very urge sauce Percy Ford nssistan 11 Ho No person will be allowed to Ladics Weill Cation Skit7 pan kins sports convoncr and Mr 1533 aging semi EnlavXEéLizlgitiléfig Sims To enter more than one Irticli in houscdrcss apron Practical Then makcthc jellyAddsugar Norman Schandlen and Mrs each section Articles should melanchhnll Moms 10er in juice in saucepan and mlxwell Hopkins table conveners have been made within the last blouse Piacc over high heat and bring to After supper games and con hoilstixrrilll constantly it tests rounded out the day tiii it once sir quid irut peat was time to say oodb The Rainmaker rhésnbhrtng itll mlling boil fill meet again idi theyzitzinfiinr an oil hnr mnute strring rt reunion on Salurda Being Presented constantly Relltove irom heat loss at lnnlslil Pork skim oil loam lh metal spoon Ar Gravenhursf and pour quickly into glasses Cover jelly at once with inch ed iora weeks holiday Cccliliayes ot Barrie is on holidays with Mr and llirs Dicker From Owen Sound gtMr and Mrs James Johnston iii GRENVILLE ST TORONTO SAMUEL ROSE on SAMUEL HAliltlSONCA All 911 ROSE an BARBIE insipid so COLLIBRST PA 35949 nursinnola PEACOCK Many iriends and relatives gain Ruin will never come again hot paraiiin the earth will screioruver and er fisihifillhafiigfiuofnlgfi turf mm Cooksfown week tcacelehratc the 94th birth NiCELY SFICED nun ICED gm day at her aunt lllrs hPencoclr This is the theme of The Rain In tropical countries nod is ot maker which NM shuslcr and ten so highly seasoned that it Ha mm presuming during ly 93 hc mg the week 01 litJy 2227 at the them equatorial areas where Gravcmum 5mmr Them visitors during the alternaon included members or rainswlclr Womens institute oi which Mrs MK Ali Addie Oilsiéilcling Music Pupil Silver Maple heavy hnnd with spices is the Peacock is charter member common touch the natives relish mimic figggangfmwficfiebybgé fihe ruliowing muslepupils or inslTUi Plans Mr and camel mum Why out Mr writers tor the American mm Audrey EA Mills Wm August Trlp gilfifiggfugmgfle my in the recent piano and it tells story ot charlatan 555 comes to drought stricken West 3émmnslwwufed Sliver Maple Womens Instituto Mrs Church presided at ern town and promises tor ice met this month at the home or the ten table Also assisting the nron Mrs Charles tandem with in hostess were Mrs Spell Grade PlanoHarm lean members and tour visitors pres unan ot stryner Mrs It Dnn iieiliagylenfi Norma Halbl pass em iels at Toronto and Mrs us nor ltwas decidodtotalreabnstrip Reid fligr Ersafirgmz liégelthcil bglll also to the surprise GradcsHonors Darlene Law Afi 292mm rnss ta Gloria Jennctt as Carol New rs en gave an in 55 9mm film mng of one Rain to torosting talk on Citiscnshlp and Church Messiah mcr meal because at the unique used by Pm Grade 5m c1555 hum mp Education andMrs Wesley John maker iiigtliriiidiiiiii Sunndae Meelm istytng quality Donthasurpriscd Ynflzlyiznbelh Maggy Flag 3°11 5de it it should become tarnin fava aw fifsgmsiflr7fljnt ATML5ROVN8VIS up through um yuan Meg Sound will Emepeatlnng Grade 4Fenny she Tompkins Red Cm gag rmffllfigh rhe WA ot the church er the tropical Tuna Salad Eeufflzisffvfishe Grade SHunors iialph Corri aid at an Messiah Sunnidale met at Mrs hsl piiind tins tuna risked find Sigma and 3mm gan the no in rtoy Neviis tor the Julymeeling cP 2151 pgifiggplffifim mg as Hg calin gamma Grade llst class honors Peg The meeting arena with tho Noah Robert llubc as Jimmy Hall eobk hooks and adopt dish or two tori the searching summer days in this SD€BIl0d tempcrlle cllmalcl rue Fisheries Council bjllf ffls filjzlfigpffgslfi or Canada has passed along glrfismcnmmzak Nut gm salad suggestion that bears the am he bmg my people their meals on the hottestof days atvlaIIAJdooy Part of the bus trip explmsos members prayer missionary Raymond Cari as File andTom Grade Theory1s¢ 51a how will be paid out of WI iilnds prayer and the ords Erayer 123 teiilrmfiirrry powdn Pnton as the sneriii ors Jean Moradynnnrary Duldgo ding tasdservcd by Mrs Ty one hymn no land 0ng tlblespoon lemonjuico The production will he directed and Marnie Gigs cqual Judy MrsMailSchiller in Ages Past was sung Mn tablérdmon juice from plneapple by Curt Reis The Rainmaker Slcssur Dianne Law Darlene Law Legals read the scripture Snlt to taste will be presented at the Graven Carol Newton Bonnie Ratcliil The secretory treasurer and madman should be WE hursi Operaflousc Grade Theory 151 class lion social service reports were given The committee reported on chills Toss together lightly Sammy Sales the beloved Swami Lawn tuna green pepper and pineapple comedian or stage screen and TV Oulstandlns workhas been an 91 for terms to Weddlnfi with mayonnaise which has been arrives in Gravonhurst todaylio complishcd by Jean Merndyen no My 20 blended with curry powder and start rehearsals for Tim Fifth daughter at Mr and MrsIEari MrsDart McCulclleon Denn Juicu sson with salt Place Season which will he presented McFadycri Cookstuwn Jean has cry President from Creemorc inriettuc cupsun serving plates during the Week of July 291Aug had only three and halt ynirg visited the WA and Save shim and garnish with ripe olives ii recreating the part heo glnat training in plane and in that Ialk pickledor trash cherries and err ed in Canada The FifthSedson time has completed her Grade ii Mli Markle than iniloducefl combsr sllc Makes to had very successiul and Piano will noun 73 and he the speaker terthe evening Miss lengthy run in Toronto Grade Theory with drst class Kathleen lronsidss lrom thomn 1mm 100 glican womensnraining College in Toronto who spoke Drills Jean also completed her Grad training givenyoung girls in the 31 59 13 collegeand the needfor more when people sluttflteirr CkowNHlu girls to take the course Mrs ringersthanked Miss lronsidcs and Mrs Markle gave Congratulations the benediction Congratuintionsto eilthe pup Doesntlook balladices he its both public school and high considering its our first Ifr Th 05 heme Mrs liroekweiiittrs Neviil 23nggiggfinrfmgfgfsfslm em nonrennlsuy served lunch in iiigcfiiin Get péaceof mind Obollt Mrnand Mrs Frank Robinson Mr Gerald Kenn Mr and Mrs Dom 111011er mailers at aid Robinson Misses Jessie and Warli ti Open up cl treqsur trove of profitablenew business Besrl is rsddverr sé wincit yoqrg séiling when people when they picin their buyirigfin this newspbper NineoLitof ténshop ping expedihons Stdrt With ci thorough storming Qfourv dyert ng Noreen Robinson and Murr ay Rup or dame 2k Whither you use giocoi500avhg1dflwqo columris This is thervpiace to tell your story if you want to Eel relil tapacemgo ulouseoyoul eran church in petrol receive lrisndiy money service blacked by 19 as always 935 Kse thepe°Ple Whome yenrnéxperience canndarlsrgcsteensumer Gaul Ben finnxnummpgsy prolvidés money lnona day Where re lqumg wid vn mantle ViniI Mrs chappeunwhomnde 7° went heart surgery infl9ronto last Saturday in makin Th doctors

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