There must he touch oi hoo nie old Scotland somewherein the Barricnnd District Softball League road for this thought has been supplied all Litmth the season With only shout three weeks of regular schedule play Icit only two points one game sep arate the top and houoni clubs The two Barrie eluhg make the top and bottom or the ladder and litinesiug and oradrordara tied in the middle Devil is haa 14 points nrodtord andu ineslng 13 and Legion 12 Temporary Slump Barrie Legion club which started the season ina rush dropped back during July served notice Friday night that the slump was just temporary In Mincsing lhc Legionnaircs exploded tor their biggest score Ing game at the season belting the hnsls l57 The visitors eel leclcd 17 hits and had little dilliculty notching the victory scvenrun third initing in Which Pet Wannomnker and Red Thurlow slammed homers sewed up the triumph for Legion Both Pat and lied had three hils as did Danny MacDonald and Frank flown While the weekend action was not too much to holler about tonights bill at Queens Park should be just the opposite The youthful llradiold nine are In town For Legion this al ways means trouble They have kicked the chionnnlres hard couple oi times this season and The Barrie Flyers basbhflllers in the South Simcoc Baseball League are thanking LadyLuek and VLislcssoeaadsbnsorona Bui lis today It it werent for this combinav tion thc Flyers would have droppcd LO decision to the Lisle boys at the Agileulturabiark on Friday night Instead the Flych took 21 decision despite the fact they were held to only one hit which could have just as easily gone as fielders choice Couldnt Check mates David was the Lisle rlghthand er who held the Flycrs in check but untortunateiy had no power over his mates The Flycrs got their only hit in the third inning Irv Grok Barrlcs startingvchuckcr got the blow Ron Miscampbell who had walked before Groh advanc cd him to third ï¬nally scored when Chuck Edwards came through with liner to the see and baseman The ï¬elder erred on throwing the ball and run wassenred la the sixth frame combina tion at another error by Bullis and sacriï¬ce bunt accounted tor the winning run Groh got two bases when Bullts made an error in attempting to throw Groh out at first hV thcn stoic third base and was squeezed home on beautiv ful sacriï¬ce by Doug Coulson one game the andlord boyr scored no leu than ll runs That wumlghty emitmating to AlThuriowa men of course and theyll be lrying harder than hard to lurnlhc tlhlex tonight Of course too win or the Legion gang would move the locals into ï¬rstpilcc deadlock with DoVilbllL incidenty DeViibiss and Mincsingx nre Idle tonight The batting rare tooit on new light during he past week And despite the heavy slugging in lilneslng Friday the nverngcs on the overall plclurc dropped The league was presented with newjoading batsman ill the per son of skinny Red Thurlowt The slick fielding sharp hitting third sackcr belied Ilmolt every thing that was lhrown lat him last week and upped his nlnrk mm 384 to 422 Thurlow has 19 safeties in 45 ottieial tries Last weeks lead er Tom Colllngl of Bradford dropped to second place and 380 mark licre arc the top 20 with at least 25 ottlcial at bats ab AV it rhurlow 45 to 422 Coilings 330 nawn Stewart Armstrong Chappcl wannamuker Spence Hore Part Harduero Laney JohnnyBowmnn came on to pitch the last inning for Barrie and retired the side in order thus saving Grohsvttrst with05th term Lisle scored Its only tally in the filth on double by Law son on error on third strike by catcher Kenney Robertson and sacriï¬ce fly to lclt ï¬eld by Anderson David struck out seven riyers in six innings Gruh whilfed dve excluding the man on whom lion erisou erred The Fiyers are human again Tuesday They play at Palgrave Lisle AB Anderson cf Bullis 2b Anderson Lawson ss Scotï¬eab Guilfoyle lb Lawson ll David Ince rl Totals ï¬naatnoaeoeoï¬ neanooacoe Barrie Edwards 2b Doug Coulson ss Don Couisnn ah Robertson Reid lb Thompson rt llilscampbell cf Hurtublse it Carob Bowman Totals balanunwgt wuuuuumuun moiLisa recordsmash total or 140 golfers paraded around the Camp Simcoc county invitational Golf tournament Very not The iirstgolters teed on at am monolayed throughthc blistering atteruoon heat with thelast to main Itll pJn Low gross star or the ntternoon Iwas Collins of Borden He won he first flight honor with an 30 Low net honors wentAoK no man or Coilingwaod with it Camp Borden won the second nightlow gross also is Sinnckum tired an 51 Doug nanisaynow at Blozdlcn had the low pet score Bordensnit Course Sunday in the the thirdflight Amhys score was 9972 Garnet Hicks of thc Iocol club tied for the low not In the second light but lost the toss scores Some nitmerflanle scores we Al Thurlow 10973 George Reid 8473 Ron Stewart osn Doc Haslett 8983 GordehLeod 10582 Ken Balkwill 57 gross nitto holes Ough 101r32Bud Palmer 1129 Ross Peacock 10019 Ross simpson owls Garnet liieks 9270 And Stevenson loo7a Frank ray or tita5 Arnhynivett 9912 Ed Lawn 10173 AI Stevens 10173 Frank Hersey 106316 StevenJIi es and JohnMannl also competed but their scores arc not nvtiilnbl The nextSchRourney will is August 14 at the Lake St George coulro Pros inActi at the 1956 qonndinn Opcp film that wall supposed til be shown at th 11 rrichountry Clu In hegsilown tomorrow night =os===°=oa soao=ea tenhurn on rnursday July to Anderson and Mrs Wilmer Palms Dow 13 McClrtney Tomlinsoa 2b Stewart lb hsrmn Barrie RinkWins 28 23 Adam hills Rayeraft Falkner Legion Wanmmnkcr it illnes 2h Thuritlw 3b MveDonlld ss Rawn rt ans ct McBride onmrcoqm nafomuuuoiurr ruralunions Totals Mlnclln Grant 2b Miles 2b Adams ss McCartney sh lichonrld cl Glenn ef win Downey Adams lb Adams rt Durniord rt Luckvlf Wen wancy li Total Legion 017 040 10215 17 hilncsing 01 200 003 Barron Fitlsimmons and McBride McDonald GienniS and Win Downey Winning pill 49 can yous gt sossssuesswog so woods ceeouucu catooanoecutems cher parron lus pitcher ilc Donald Umpires Bud Knapp lJitrl Marshall oases David and Anderson Groh Bowman and RobertsonWlm ning pitcher Groh Umpires Jack Chin and harry Kyle bases Ronald 3Hlls arrle inning Ross Ronald fired neat three hitter and Lskcvievv Diiiry went on to defeat Barrie Tanning 81 in Enrrie Industrial Softball League game played last weekend at Cun dles Ronalds matcs collected only six hits over the route five or them in the very first irame giving the winning chuckcrs great margin to work withsLakcvicw scored sev cn times in the iirst inning rheir nthcrhit and run came in he fourth on home by Jim Quin an Barrie Tanning seared its run in the first inning thcn smashed out three hits without scoring single run in the second it Birnle was the losing pitcher plate lawn Bovvling Ai Beeldn Club ladies doubler tournament htBccton lawn bowling club at traeted rinksrom the local club and from outside places includ ing Barrie 0rangeville and Tot The two rinks from Barrie were Mrs Amy Vair snn MrsGnrdon Spencer and lirs it suthcr land and Mrs McFadden First place went to one of the Barrie rinks MrsVair and Mrs Spencer with three wt ln second place was MrsAlton er from Tottenham with two rinks and Beetonjinkof Mrs Tuer and partner took third place with anciwlo The ladies report very pleas ant day plutef should he spent there clqgotion PNMIICdKPlumI delegation trout Mlncts Point waited on councllvat their meeting Wednesday They had list at things they wantcd nnd slit asked about nnnuntlon tor reading over the list or req lremenis which included gr vci for their park area general cleanupol sanitation conditions where needed vrant lots grass and weeds cut sharp curve on the main road straightenrmlllr Orm stlcn spokesman for the group then told the council ihnt they had no informliion on tho annex allon proposed He had talked with Mayor Kin lie at Burl and found him very convincing in his arguments as to advantages of being annexed Ho told council that the Mnyor had altered to give than up to five hours discussion on the mat lol it they cared to nrrnngo meeting motion was passed authorit lug the Recli to oninre such meeting at the Miacts Point pavilion at which meeting the Barrie committee are to be invite ed and any others who can to hear the matter discussed The board hearing hits been postponed until 0etoher The delegation went home with the promise that all theirneeds would be taken care of including this sending of park tomesfront the townshlp park as requested The road supervisor will take care or the gravel and see what can be done to 3m roadway Asksfor Repoirs Mr Duncan who is also mother in the urea that may be annexed came about the road near the corner of the 14th line on Side road Heavy trucks loaded with gravel were causing this piece of road which II on hillside to deteriorate badly Iilr Cownn road supervisor raid that this piece nlmad needed rebuilding right to Highth 90 but as it was part eons dercd in annexation hesitated to spend the amount needed He stated that up to $1000 He did promise to see what could be done to improve the conditions complained of The suggestiom that tilt gravel contractors hauling over the road might nssistwas mentioaed The tonnage hauled by these trucks was beyond the capabilities of the roagito stand Mr Cowan said To get solid road would mean much Work Council felt that the road should be made safe for trattlc Asks For Report On lnvas ntion Claude Pearce whose cottage at Belle Ewart was destroyedby the while empty and closed for thewinter told council that hr had never had anyreport from anyone as to what were thcfind ings of any investigation mode as to the cause of the dire He said that some 300 pieces ot rcltpensivg china whlehmhud been in the home together with considerable sterling silver fiat ware had not bebnfound when the ashes had been examined He asked it the police had made any investigations and it so what were the results When Chief Blogg had been sent lor thecouncil ms told that Constable Ferguson had done the investigations and that he would have him report to Mr Pearce the next day Thearesults the investigation were not for the pub He mentioned that the Fire thlt hefclt tint he should luv and rapy of any report received There Wattight Golden Bough til the erkcrs Avenue area asked that nnothcr strwt llxht be added on that street By motion of dually and Torrens thlswls authorized and Councillor lorrcns uld there no light Ask For Road gt To Willow Creek iLand owners aroundihe Wilv low Creek nrea near the fourth line Messrs Cousins nnd Ardnth asked that road which shows on the plan be opened so that locus to their property couldvhc more direct They now up prlvrte road to reach same The matter was lott to allow the council to look over the ill nation Mr Perlcc also niggestcd the opening of the road west tram Leos to the throughvrmd so thlt trattlc reaching thlt put of the shore need not go through till village lt mlï¬lithVf chlldrcul lives he maintained= Padlor License Police were asked whnt they were doing nboutthc collection or the pcdinrs licenses at the business men claimed that there were many who were not paying list was handedby counelilor Torrens and the chic was IEtkEll to net them collected Tomato distributor or soft drinks interviewed the ¢0unell and protested on the heavy tee He claimed that he was rate payer Ind therefore should not be required to have license He claimed sisathnt he only deliver ed his goods to customers and did not puddle He won told by council that there could be no exceptions Highway 400 Service Road Since the last council meeting when the matter or the service road on the east side at Highwny loowas dlscumcd the Reeve od vised that he had been approach ed to have the township take over the who service road proposition rpm the townllac in the south to the Ethnd from the 8th to the in parts at whlehahad pre viously been Irrnnged to be done by the Highway Department Three delegates who left their hay iieids to come over agreed thnt if the whole service rand was done they would and tï¬ey tell others would also agree that there would be no claim for com pensation other thhn an average payment or $200 per acre tor the lands required petition was to he got ready for signature so that this propoin could he placed hetoro the High ways Department Mr Cownu felt that the road should have light type of pavement as the up keep of priming would in few years exceed the pavement The psilmatcsiin hisopinion should ins eludc finished product which would notr=qure aJtcavy upkeep The roodwould without doubt mean the sale or small holdings along the right at way So that property owners may realize values that way The members of thedelegation Chalmcr Moyes Norman Coutts and James Allen lelt that the compensnlon for damages through the highway would be of sct if the Service roadwss flu ished road along the complete costfsidc of the highway Marshals Depth had also invest igated the ire Mr Pealcc said Thcmsttcr will be given furs ther consideration when the rate éhailcngihg positions are opportunities you use it Company grounds are assets linkingForrli Future for responsibility knowingit lepds to promotional CAREER WITH LAC OFFERS YOU it prncticai training prdgromme future dependingupénlyhur ability and how Rewarding dlhndgement opportunities with everexpanding company Security with Canadasinrgeat Silica Finimce Applicants should be 2228 enloymeeiting the pub ltc bepiert nggressivé and willing to travel honking bredlt insurance sales orunlverslty back opah unit 800 pna tonight0r interviews Apply orlwnto rrlnsonimt DEPARTMENT nvnilnbtc if you are ready an onrtrrolv pori bolted to the innuni report oi Forest Biology Ringer II McPhn that the European plnc Ibootmoth continued to be the major ialeet put at plnntatlons tn the southwestern region during 956 intestatlons ol the European plac uwny also continued at high level in the Lake Huron and lllkc Erie districts and hos now become well established in the wcstcrn part of the Lake Simeoc district Status at the plan mot collar weevil nppears about the some with the outbreak centred in the Angus and Brim Beach areas at Simeon CounLv Light to medium infostations oi payers have hadvn chance to sign petulant Estimates Too Low When the viiigt oi Conkslnwn stoned to consider the Installit tion ot walcr system they asked for the rum at $90000 In bylaw which was passed by the various councils it has now been found that the estimate $10000 too low and It will now he neccsary to have new hylnw passed to enable them to get the work underway Ask Ctiuncil Subsi to Doctor letter received from the ln nisfll burincss Mens Association asked that In effort be lrtade to have doctor established In the township They made the sugges tlon that subsidiution might be necessary They felt that the present costs oi doctors mils Were too high Council tell that this was matter beyond their jurisdiction Will Go Ahead With New school The No Area School Board advised Council by letter that it was their intention to go ahead with the proposed new schools and that the necessary bylaw needed to arrttngo the debentures would be reducstcd The debenture have to be ac tually sold hciore the proposed work can be commenced The plans call or an addition to the Crawford School and new one room school at St Pauls High Lake Laval Because at the damages being caused by high waterwbich is ending much property along the lake and causing damages to roads and cottages the council In structed the clerk to ask the De partment ot Lands and Forests if the level could not be lowered They have been advised by Sup orintcndcnt of Trent Valley Canal System that the level has been dropped by the removal of three logs at the narrows at Washogo and that the water is spilling over them at tremendous rate Any greater volume would wreck other instnlistlons The black River which Is at an abnormal height is also emptying into the Severn The amount of rain this spring has made the Bike Slmcoe basin considerably higher than usual It dry weather prevails the water observed in all couaUtoruu in level shouldhc noticeably phone the larehnnyimo also been the Lakcsllpooe districtand the heavy intulntion of the rpruce bud worm is still evidence at tract at white spruce inlthc the Dhichtlm din use has now been observed in Peel and Yorkrountiel Lari year and again in ins1 0a tarlo Department MCIInd and Forests rut have devoted cone lidenblc time in assisting owners of plantations nnd woodlau la ldcntllying suspected insect pests inscct problems and control mean ares have also been given as much mention as possible It tree grows crs meetings ï¬eld day nnd tree farm certiï¬cation ceremonies Having inmind the damage and loss which may develop quickly owners orc encourngcd to cum inc plantations frequently and should insect attack be suspected contact their local zone forester or Mr McPhec rt Angus Control measures taken romtp ly once the Insect ll identl ed villi ottcn bnqultc ctfectivo and pre vent more serious outbreak Engaged to Jack Jones Goodhenvens poor Jock Ho said when turned him Ux bridgé forest Survey inJDflJ showed that ira pplné Show Dpft tieï¬ Resjulh Luke Simeoe district ï¬sh and wild life suit hnvc been encouraging the me tall and early winter months Three trapping councils South Simcoc nnd two councils in the nouand Marsh have had indicate that where portion of the muskrnt population Is har vested In the tall no adverse ell cc was noted on the aprlal bu vest In the Holland total increase in harvest amounted to approximately 16 30 This Increase ls consider oi the Lake Simcoo district where ried nut Another actor noted pelts obtained in tall trappingas compared to the spring catch TEXTILE COMPETITION adinn textile induser has 1951 lo 32000 persons It ent down hed do something dell perate it Real Special st ing chair has oil the Iloor styling Pee ila tillo plan ï¬nancing GOOD TASTE COSTS N0 ed very soon the clerk was ad vised to 38 BAYFIELD Davenport makes into comfortable double bed for sleeping Ic commodatlon Hard wearing flat weave fabric covering match Trade in your used furniture as down payment and use our merit mums LARGESTFURNITUIIEWSTOCRMH MORE institutions PHONE PA 32843 rn spots thirsty smiths necsssanv scanners Commander Whitehead the Bchwcppeamnn Extraordinary suits his action to his wprda Ho wnnta superbly refrahing taste to his conic drinks and he wants refreshing sporlzlew them He gets what ho wants because hes here to main sure thnt every drop of Schweppes Tonic Water bottledin Canada has the gt original worldfamous savour anti inimitable Schweppcrveocen Nioe to know he keepshir eye on whnt you want in your tonic drinkatool During the put inleoyuriz the harvesting of musknu during open seasons tor twomonth peh iod In the tall Figures obtainch Hirsh area tho num her at trapper In the six south ern townships at simcoe County reported an overall increase 1ny higher than the overall creased production in thchalnnco spring harvests only were car wor the higher prices received for Under pressure at Import com petition employment in the Can do eiined trout 102000 persons in Prose