Ooopertoan Fildey David Hood Betty Coutts Cami Fildcy Grade to BrayminMarie Batman William Junlchdyen Ronald Mc Kllltcan Wilson Kell William Tittemn Joan Webbr Grade to Grade Malcolm Blakemao Joan Caldwell Marie Cole CItrencc Goodtellow Mar ilyn Hood Lind JennctLLouise Yennett Alex Anion Aleda Bitters Robert Dowel Joyce Man row Don Owen Peter Herd Wat Ike Smith Helen Worthington are Principal Grade ill to Gnde 6Mnrllyn Botbam Tommy Cildwcll Donald Carter Verna Cole Craig Cole man Ralph Corrigari John Cooper Barbara coutls Gaynel Coulis Roger Daoust Judson Fisher Jeffrey Gadsden Marjorie Graham Stuart Hunter Brian Irvine IrencKeil Jimmy lteain ii John Owen Helen Rageson Lynn Smith Michael Stoin Judy Timbers Paula Watman Diane Wheeler Marilyn Massey Grade to Grade 7Art Cleary Donna Hughes Allan Kell Paul Korchuk Brian Monkman Marilyn McLellin Donna Moth Patricia Nixon Roydon Prlng Henry Proulx Bruce Shels well Wayne Tittersnn David Trotier Kenneth Watman MRS SHIRLEY RILEY Teacher To Grade lIalrlcin Anion Bruce Campbell David Colt burn Larry Cause Brian Cunningham George Elliott Douglas Fisher Steve Gadsden Colleen Jennctt William Jennott Cinndward litonlrmhn Lynn Nix on Don Power Mary Sbelswcll Sandra Rose Janice Massey Ci Roberta Small To Grade 5Rosallnd Billers Mary Cave Dianne Crawford Wallace Currie Rose Marie El Iin Marlon Fildcy John French Jon Gibb Dickson Glass Mar ilyn Glass Mary Houghton Colin Irvine Frances Morgasnn Michael Pring James Rogerson Sandra Simon II Ronald Small MBS RUTH DRAPER Teacher Grade 4Bruce Currie Hamid Coweil Sharon Davis Shirley Daoust Bruce Fildey David Fra sier Olive Graham Frances Hin dle Douglas Loy Donald Thump son Paul Trotter David Wheeler Grade Bernice Banks Charles BFassinghtwaitPh Nancy Corrtgan Louls Cunningham Frances Cowell Doris Graham Donald Jennett Dagmar Lunger chausen Norman Lewahwaite Beverley Monkman Paul Molt Christine Plants Joanne Plante Anne naive Eleanor Ryan Marv jorie Taylor Frank Tittclson Donald Wilson MRS EDITH WRIGHT Teacher To Grade 2HnnorsVirginio Doherty Helen Pasno To Grade zAntoni Adamcayk Lynda Banks Collén Barrett Ray mond Cave Danny Campbell James Cooper Raymond Elliott Jane Eltnes Aileen Flood Arlenc Flood Terry Kristofl Linda Mc Fadyen Billy McKee Gordon Miles Eva Morgasch Reta Mon row Charles Pinkney Harold Thompson Joy Timbers Peggy Timbers Sheila Wood Donald Frazier Donald SmalL accouurANrs MacLABEN C0 CEABTBRBD ACCOUNTANT LICZNS MUNICIPAL AUDIIDI BARBIE NEEDHAM C0 oertlil Public Acco ante Timnto and Barilo Barrie or wlllon Bullning Port Dine Eduar Tniephon PA min nuidcnt Partner Negnnm cra annual rownu cmrmzn ACCOUNTANT slump at out 3am Telephon PA um BOSE 5i HARRISON crunrmxo raccoonrm IAMUBLBH nose on anmaofl vcnlllnr street Phon ra Hm MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BBYSON RM mcnn or emeramomo moo Pupilrumoured or anal the con ANGUSMNRDSEILAX llfllhfld Muata Teacher msmihiï¬iiiiahm nujlla int Manager Hydrotherapy unmodith Fred amnion Grade oWendy Toronto visited with the lower sister Mrs Hubbert over the weekend and attended the Cocb slurdu Birth 01 Daughter Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Stanley King on the birth ot daughter on Sunday July it at Royal Victoria Hospital Vlait Parent Mr and Mrs Prydc and Da vid visited the tormers parents at Corbetton on Sunday and atv tended their family reunion Sunday Vlalton Sunday vlsltors wllti ML and Mrs Mel Rodgers werc Mrs Willoughby oi Barrie and Mr and Mrs Robert Rodgers oi Thornton Mr and Mrs Clitt Ilubbert ot Peterborough Visitedrhis mother Mrs Ilubbert on the weekend Mrs Downing and girls Visi led her sister Mr and Mrs Poole at Newton Robinson on Wednesday Coronation Littles Hlil Coronation WI will hold their July day July 23 Crawtord School wiu bi Health under hip oi Mrs Graham here will be speaker on Retarded Child rcn Motto is suitor Little Chil dren to come unto lite and roll call is bring We gilt or children nt0ntnrlo Hospital Lunch cnnvcners arc Mrs Johnson litrs VWillis Mrs Bentley Wt Picnic Fifty attended the Womens Ina stltutc picnic at Innistil Park on Sunday July I4 Swimming was enjoyed in the afternoon After hountitul pot luck supper races were enjoyed Prize winncre were dosh and under Barry Downing Patsy Willis Marilyn Furyk Beverly Leighton lit and under Diane Willis Paul Lackie Beverly Leigh ton Patsy Willis 12 and under Diane Willis Heather Lackio Linda Willis Shoe race Patsy Willis Diane Willis Beverly Leighton Lucky spots ltay Luugbeed Roger Graham Gordon Dawning Youngcst present John nie Leighton Oldest present Mrs Loughccd Sympathy of Community Sympathy of the district is ex tended to Mr and Mrs Weale in the passing of the farmers sister in New Toronto Mr and Mrs Weale spent low days in the city and attended the funeral while there To Senior Grade lJimmy Fli day Brian Michnlchuk JOYCE SOLOMON Teacher BRADENSSS ESSA Grade to 9Lcnora Brollcy Patricia Church Graded to oarenda Tremor Wayne Beatty Kieth McWaters Bill Strudwick Grade to 7Ann Beatty Grade to lla Donnelly George Ecatty Grade to 5Kietha Beatty Larry Treannr Grade to 4Judy Ireannr David Wanlcss Gordon Hamilton Grade to 2Dan Donnelly Hans Colyn Larry Brullcy EDNA COLE Teacher BUYS SEAGRAM dc ROWE llrrlatera lollcttnn Notiï¬es Public MONEY TO CAN maturing Olsen Elf Ellrfl am to VI Ontrt CDWAN COWAN an El Solicitor Consultant Hour 10 am to pt Monday to Friday nannies €31 51 Collier It titlulu Ont JOHN Drum ILA nannln rtiondnislaswzz SMITH MCLEAN amnion to Dan Eebor smith od 10 anï¬ï¬‚iliï¬ï¬ Barriten sanction to as Dunlap It Phone on um LlVlNGSIoN MYERS Whiter and suite is com ar vii mm on pit Mm nno reunion in lnnistil Park on inl pcc I9 Val Can kind thi empties lldliketoacuetbe 31 ghta out arm hus ten ANGUS From Drtroit Mr and Mrs Joseph Deslardine of Detroit visited the latters ais tors Mrs Duckworth Mrs McCrea and Mrs Walkin shaw on rriduy July Week at Camp Miss Joan Watson and Miss Eliubclh Watson of Barrie spent week at camp at Fairhaven Vlaltor Sings Solo Miss Edythe Strahl of Toronto formerly of Winnipeg vlslted with Rev and Mrs Fred Ilewitt on Sunday and sang solo at the church service in the even ing which was much enjoyed by all roe lot air on Detroit vlnt 73 Mr and Mrs Vern Hodgins leit Friday morning for Detroit to visit air and Mrs Itoy Mc Du Cann of Sunday Visit ric lilrs Nicholson and htrs Davidson at Ottawa spent Sunday July 14 with Cpl and Mrs lliik Centre St Day at Santa Village lilr and Mrs John Duck worth and family and Mrs Peter Gyscl spent Sunday at Santa Claus village near Bracebridge Outdopr Service Mr and Mrs Ted Vasey and family of Vasey attended the out door service in the Angus Com munity Park on Sunday July and visited with Mr and iiirs Thomas Duckworth At Barrie Funeral Mrs James chfcrics Mrs El lion Latimcr and Mrs lo DAINES RM umsm smears Hassle Appointinlnt Only stamina l1tll instruction Iri piano and tau also mï¬ï¬‚ VETERINARY DR FLEMING vmnmaniaN and sunocon ophla ac IL narrlu rnnna on use on GC SPEABIN vzrnmnnran and moron Itaoh ni nun rnonl circinsu Index linger at his right hand in Penetang hospital He Mrs William Stone Jr is still seriously ill in Penctang hospital Caughlln ia home again Mrs Grey is home but contlned Mr and Mn and Mrs Craddoct Miss Albertine Cnughliu of To name spent few day with her aunt Mn Leo McLaughlin Mr and Mrs Adrian Craddoek and family apent tow daya in Fort Eric liir and left by cm on trip west Cards citing time at the stampede Mr and Mrs William MacDon ald are on holiday Lake Slmcoc Mr and Mrs Murray Long at Toronto spent lutters mnthcr Mrs Coyne Miss Patricia Sheppard at To ronto is holidaying at home Joseph Sexton of Elk Lake is Mr and Mrs Pat OKcete and Ham Stephens Russell Adams laa patient in Mr and Mrs Watson Slomko spent the weekendwith Mr and Mrs Arthur Wilkinson on their way to Fort William Mrs Arthur Wilkinson return relatives Clifford Binge PRINTING Pained nom haircut mimetic la rrcover trommoodpoisonlng in the is ex ted home this week In Hospital the house itmntvnltnr Hann Bonnie lie oi Fort Eriovlsited Celebrating Cedtennlal celebrating the cen nial at that city Trip West Mrs John Minninss civcd from Calgary report eiy holiday wealhcrand an ex oii nolidny at Mr and Joseph Kennys cottage on week with lbc holidays with Mrs Scxton any are on holidays with wit ckworth niionded the funeral Mrs William Stewart in Bar on Monday in Hospital ronto General Hnapital Weeks Vlslt Back Home home Saturday after visiting an Manitoulin Island attending the wedding of niece Miss Betty Slomke and CALL TB mm r0 From quisieundé Contlniied train page seven day camp at Ora Hobo Da very dirty racer derr visors udgcd the costumes prize prizes for scavenger hunt Millar and Gayle Gardner won prizes everyone had gone hobo were left However think everyone had good time Plastic bracelets Oakley ank week Total $27000000 MONTREAL Orders tional Rallways suit in almost full dicselizotiun PHONE PA EZflt west at Edmonton On Tuesdays 10 children do in We held our special day on Thursday this week and it was Entirely unrecog nluble ï¬gures showed up Thurs day morning dreasedJn tattered jeans anddangling shirts patches at all colon and sizes and hats pulled down mysteriously over All this plus at course their lunches in cloth at the end 01 their suds flung carelessly over their annul Wc had parade tnd the sucr The or the funniest hobo was awarded to Karen Kennedy Line Winter and Bobby llart won the best costumes Elaine Winter won prize tor the dirtiest tact and Gayle Gardner and Linda Kennedy each won prize for the costume with the most patches and tatters Following the parade we had The leaders at the teams were Howard Smith Brian Edcy Linda Winter John Both Gayles team and Lindas tcam At noon we all all our lunches at the park and by altcrnoon home to change their clothes and not many To end our lirst week on Fri day we played games and made The zoo children registered at Oakley Park have finished busy Every afternoon ii busload of CNR Diesel Order for 150 diesel locomotives with total val no of approximately $27000000 have been placed by Canadian Na This order is continuation of civil plan of progressive dicselix ation working from east and west coasts Delivery will begin in Oct obcr hi this year and whcn enm ilctcd in chembcr I05fl will re iIIi trains edit of Montreal and aattonded outlawing dunes 0m Beech and Friday morning It childrgl attended the splash party Thursday was day camp day and 42 Oakley cbildrrn enjoyed an active day at the beach At the trait tables the children madn necklaces masks and many creditable painting Baseball heid prominent toot lnour activities last week and Junior boys plcyed two Kim On Tuesday they detected Brock Street by score oi no but on Thursday our team was defeated by Que The senior boys won their rottv ball game against Brock on Wed very successtul in their lint Same St Vincent Last week at St Vincent Park was very busy one The most importpnt task was getting our junior boys baseball team to gether and practising betore the schedule began The boys played one game and were dcteated 11s by Queens Park However all our players Lrlcd very hard and with little more practice they should do very well in thc tuture The smaller kiddies spent some time coloring making designs with pegs and peg boards model ling with plastielne and making lndian hold hands No of our older girls Patty Jackson and Janice Tomlinson made very nice lanyards out at plastic lacing All the children are enthused about swimming and our quota has been full every day The smaller children are very eager to go to their splash party and two of the youngsters Jamlu Parker and Margaret Ann Ten ette pcstered their mothers all week with talk of splashing on Friday morning All this enthus iasm should be good assurance that this season will be very suclt ccsstul Shear Pork Activities have once more re named at Shear Park We are lucky to have four very compete ent leaders this year Barbara Webb Luana Young Garry Fras er and Allan Drury All teams for baseball volley ball and basketball were picked out on Monday and the schedulcs got underway on Tuesday Al though Shear Park wasnt too of successful with their games this week they were enjoyed by all nesday and our senior girls were Playground mun111 takes his turn in basketball marksmanship und er the watchtui eye or Supervisor Mark Fisher at Codrington It Ball course was made in the pines by Garry Fraser Bob Bell Wayne Richardson David llodgcs War rcn Masters Barry Murray and Bruce Henry Most ot our crafts this week were centred around making prizes for our carnival Friday July 19 The children have put lot of work intn the prepara tlons for the carnival Everyone is welcome to attend Tho pro cecds will go towards trip tor the children at the close oi play grounds Queens Queens Playground is proud oi Its soitball basketball and volley ball teams which have won all Very unique miniature golf Redhot boys like that long low and livaiyqviri press Power Plymoutha juat wont sit around wniting Theyllbe snapped up in hurryi so ityou vvani oneand who Maul on right over and see unéwhile the deals lire extragood and there are many modala tochoose from Bring your their games Mary Lou Bishop findourtermarealeasy at along Seewhat whopping tradeintro an give you on it during this sellsIV ii spree down payments hit five home runs and triple to help her team win The younger children are hav ing tun making name tags birds bultcrilies totem poles and paper weaving They anoy playing singing and active games as well as their story time Little David itcid is the charm pion quoit player He threw three ringers to defend hischam pionship Anne Kennington has been giv ing tennis lessons every morning and her players are becoming ex perts With the planning of the lead crs and the enthusiasm of the children our playground should sticcccii andvour selectl ofV and Sixes the