Lvs yluLL ro 4mm ymrlwmxfln mLYII NEWjNAND USED CAR SALESMEN Good gallon tor eorsrpeteet loss It Illrl In In DI money To MullahIon DlId Ind Ilberll an played brrrtellts CALL HAROLD MICKS BAY cm MOTOPSLTD HARRISPHONE PA um lIIII YOUNG MAN lo 35 10 TRAIN As SALES SUPERVISOR Csperdenee not neeesssry es en slr ptlesuts wllI be glven tree suter sultanthe ntsn chosen rvIlt be rully trslned wt 0775R OSoury nnrlng Trulnlnd lItupId Adveneernenl ner Tfllnlllll Iltshest rrtlsslon Psld For Pemnll lnlervlew Under No oottsstton CONTACT II SUITE II at DUNLOP 51 EAST CASHIER STENOGRAPHER Ecneflclll Ilnlance Co OI Canada SALARY $15000 $1000 Increase in months MODERN OFFICES WITH LATEST EQUIPMENT dry week Hours weeks vscstton WlIh psy Fred Insurance All eIIIplnyesr benellls Opportlrhttles tor udvoneemenl REQUIREMENTS lensle Age Int preter young rudy tlvtng st horne wtth psrentr 2MusI be ngh SCIIDOI or Costness school Crsdustr nnslness experh cnce pretend Must here typlng some Ihmhlnd end knowledse or heokkreplns Corn caulsx IIAIIRI to Ptesslns personsllty snd ollrsctlrd lppelrlntet Apply In person to by antesple Menoer Denetlctol Finance CO at Canada Second Floor Publle utllltles Bulldlng to Buylleld Street arrrlo BARRIE WANTED IN BARRIE LINDUSTRIOUS PERSONS presently employed In own buslners or home repslrr noor tlle sppllcstlon smell cuntructtng or sllled llne TO REPRESENT THE HALLIDAY COMPANY wlth complete Itne DILEulldlng Meter lslr Colleges Curgee snd Homer WRITE GIVING ruLI PARTICULARS TD JOHNSTONE HALLIDAY COMPANY HAIRIDRESSER Putty eIperleneed tor trotsols sor IITLI The Inert nerrler School Owe IllIll PA WI IM PRINTINGANU STATIONERY APPLIANCE OPERATORS MALE SIIID rm hour Department or PubllC Prlntlng and statlonery CAMP BURDEN Onmrlo netulls snd sppllcstlon tormr ut Post alllees Nettonst Employment omees end or the CIVII Servtre Coro mlssto Apply berore duty test rotne 1le SenIce Colllqulo St clur Avenue ELAI TolsoNTtlt CAREER OPPO RTU lTY For usgresslve young men laseellrnt tdvsneenrent bused un ubtllLv Polls tlons otter rtoblllty end lettrlly us well or sIl employee ueneltts Re ettlrementerd tozs yeurs at no hlgb rthnol mrtrIculutloo benktng or buslness esperlence deslrsble murt IIny eontuct work end he sblo to drve ctr vlslt or wrlte INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED POST OFFICE SQUARE BARRIE PHONE PA 35945 loobI nzvnttAax room Welterr wflITd Apply Qflemg llolel ursdtonll VIIIInnate wrnted rlt IALIIIDIIILI tor trends onIyt At Ely Itchens Dcpurtment Store by unlop strttt Vnsl Iu ILYLARCLII troy wsnted to work on term Phone lvy lsrls or rpply loh Ilenrtrkln MAN WANTDD lurmtwlelilt buslness AUnIlonPnd IflP rt henr ts Inn Lam sell to ISM ssmlltes wrtto Indy hswtrlghs Devil labsA I005 ntche lletr Montre Qu l1dszdd llAIRDERSsBR Itstl tlme employment Top rslry plus commlrslnn rtve dry wreu one weelt holldty wlth our every sh months Rubys lIeuuly sutoh Dunlop st zest Iozdt MEN all Women full or put llme Huge prontr toltlng orders tor bronde bsby shoes Mothers buy on slght Wrtte autsmon Dr slng 1000 hello you so Nlugsrs Pu Onlurlo Isz MovtNC VIIN Drtver Permsnent port tton tor the rlsht msn Cxpenenco norneeeessry Apply strlng ego edneotlon present nnd psst employ ment llex It llorrle strnlner Imam sALDstIAN or Solesledy reoulred hetplng deuler ln uxclullvn Fuller terrltory No experlenee necessury Plrsre gtve nome use nnd telephone number to Iron 2s rte Exlmlntrt LADIDsl Corn extrs Income by he eomtns the Avon heprescntstlyo tor your pluce or btnlnrts Highest com mlsstont erte Mtss Merton Towers Apt I00 ItlI wtlron Am Toronto I2 Ontsrlo IIIIOSMHI IlAINTsNANcr Mnn tor Publle Sehont Board to slsrt Aug Plesse glvo resume OI ountltlutlonr experlence oge etc ln IICIIIIOII to Mt Longrlsrle ss Admtnlstrotor mbtlc School Board borrle so PULL OR Port Tlmlt solermen expel leneed or we wtll truln relloble men In In em to represent Altrmlnum storm and screen munulocturers Llo erst cummlsslnnt Fur oopotntment hone colleet Ilttdson ttdul Toronto etwoen It IEl35a5 lItAN 0R Womu to toke over estb Ilsth Route tn nnItt tor nutlonolty odvertlred Wutklns Products No money to Invest No experlence need ed as we troln you Mlnlmnm eorn lugs 00 weeklyt Address your uppll cotton to Grouper 050 st Roch Montreul Quebec l10trdw WILL LOOK otter preselrool ehlldren whtlo mother works Ixporlenccd Phone PA 00196 20 RCLIAIILC loycoeotd gIrl wlll baby rtt dttrlng IIIy Reserenees ll neatu sry Phone PA BflIM 10 cAPAoLs GIRLS Id and 17 would llke wortt bsby rlttlng sr wultresses or sny other snltshle lob Pho 04041 zdz RR Thurman Ittz end lots or other usertrl Itemlt Ieheu rout PlLLngOPisOII AND ZXCAVAHNQAND AMINO DENNIS MOEAN ANNI mmsount EAR PAPm 715 RUBBER STAMPS MADE IOORDER gt v3 down or soy otter eonIdem BOOK STORE so utmLoP ST WET Hill LAC EY REAL ESTATE IIOLLY 33006 PULL PIIICI rn eottue tutgo lot to Instrby Nd ll end eehoot Les Pepe PA use or suorrd um VLA or Redness opportuhlty and IuIIprIekN curhtsrtos so Very elder Phone BROWN REALTOR mart IT IIAun PHONE PA 82673 BUYING OI SELLING SEE BROWN IT WILL PAY YOU bets eTl mess LUMBER EEENIIET ï¬srbï¬h NHA RESALE bush PRINCIA 31 ermeï¬rrsï¬iï¬gr ï¬ll rï¬ytEIseneTlIomrsor ton III III kluds Irontss Phone Les Pope uAIANcLde 5m 13 lovely tooth Lrtek burrslow hrs Illnkx wtnduw sod Door Psmes tretrtosl snd Plumbtng Ptxtures ALL IN EXCELLENT CONDITION wlll be sold st ressonsble prtees CONTALr Mederlc Lelorest Phlls Grocery Slate lllghwsy 90 Open rn to prn UNIVQUANTITY Lustrm Iosod JONES ANTIQUE tr IlODCItN FURNITURE DCALCIIS Ilsve turtle stock or none end modern turnlshtngs tor st Instr Iorge stores AND ESSA ROAD We sre slwtyr prepored te porchso senulne antleru old rlIvcr cblne tttssr Iornttore etc Agents tor Duvls or London mmlttrro lotlslr PA 6620 ITlob USED FURNITURE BUYS llluh unnIllyeIIderOm rulte pleer sllshtly used nutter 02000 slr oIl to No II Illg troy DentIIan homo tor re Lube Slml beeches Phone us Pope PA sent or strode um FARMS ls VACANT LAND To buy or sell IsrrneIor lemme Country home or Tree Plsntlngphone Les Pope PA um or stroud HID llme une you old resets CHURCHILL New very modern bungIowl rooms und both turg lundtcsped lol Posted tln Tunsnfllltlyflm 33 ee If Ismtty red NIIA HOMES Por your lew NIIA ItottC wlth very Low DOWN PAvttCm end wlth ttONrIlbv PAysttzNTs moo plus loses eentsrt Al Rose um suytlm sturtlol PA ARENA AREA stleonvr mm brlek home or WARD SIX 000 down payment on thls older brtetr home close to schoold shd thopPlng two butbt 500000 CIII Al Itose PA Asslltl WARD SIX Home IIllII Income three rooor iptrt mont up wtth tour room spurtrnent down In good onto or reptr ArItlng rtre Indoor Celt Al hose PA Must to home It brtrlt wlttr new toreed str olt hrstlng WARD SIX room bneb NIIA stotned wood work colored $335 III both Itnlshed plsrtered recret relcohone here no enslr men 31 lrwm mayl gillmedh besetnenr Cholrs roots In on on core she lece DInlns mom rulte 500 sh stsnd $300 lent tobl 5700 host or other good used Items or rrnlly low low prtces Clarks Home Furnishings 34 to 38 Duylreld SI Phone PA 02003 761 WALNUT Dlntng Room stle snd Ill ehulrs Phone PA 010 7dtu WARHIEIB In need condltlon It Mrs Fowler lln nunlop west I2 CACCC sIlOTOuN slnttle shot Ilka new flu Phone PA boson 7aldz ï¬rst Cornet lonr chyclr Swlvel Cholr erIc Isox 520 Atllrton 7332 075005lx room brtctt home on one or the better streets In Allen dole close to schools Alrd shopplng DDwn poyment only sum Durance on Its mortgsge Cult AI Rose PA um mm Iorr locstrd old eoulpped wtth storms end In spotlesst eleun condltton IV mortgse worth your whlte lnvesttgstlng coll At here PA 00290 WARD SIX routed NHA RESALE ore to all schools Its yeurs nd screens Cult At Rose PA 20$ JDHN ST AREA sumoant yeer old brlok hunluow three bedroom str oll hestlng good eent Cull Al Rose PA 35193 tour pleee bsth soreed locsrlon DUNLOP 51 WEST rm thls slx room brlck home tum llrtng mayo me bedrooms modem ulehen snd buthrooor Putt buoeosent storms and screens Lunar scs lot else to reboots slsd oton Th home Is In usellent Iondltlort urge down peymenr redutredroll Prteu mm ONE OTHER NIIA RESALE5AM A5 Asuvtt It NDIITCAOC $1004 DowNul lrtlLI PRICL Itusr BE SOLD THIS 1on CHRISTMAS TREE LAND ACRES25 PLANTED L000 ThusIt Yuns DLII rm TREEI YLAILs OLD 5m nusI varts 01 Aunts HARDWOOD DUSII on memory Id Anlns prtce 05000 We went ottersmust he sold thts month Rhone thls ottlce tor rurther bsth recre Ilon Imam hot wutrr delults hesttng yeurr old Down ymeht tam Cell Al Rose PA unv OLDER TYPE HOME DRAUTIPUL IMMAcuLAIL CONDITION noorn Drlck wlth doublrgsrsse Downturn hss Ilvl roert dlntns room bedroom ergo Altehznt our summer kttehen storsge room totltt upststrs hur lleng rotlot Irltcltch mo bedrooms buan rserdwood noon thmlhotrt Ceod ement on he Lenderpod lot 67 tot Putt prte mmr Tmtlds Room Frame Bungalow DOWN ALANCE ONE MORTGAGE bedrooms llvtng mm dtnlng room kltchen buthroom cloted run Dunht Lovely uwn snd erden ot 01 It III $0950 ntII prlce Thls home Is In good eondltlon else he drlvewey end lsruge $100000 DOWN TAKES THIS COTTAGE ruLLY kUansltzn tIvtng room den two human lsrge Irltehen Collette Ir ylnlywlnlerlxed end In top eon dltton um nrll nrlce BEAUTIFUL COIIAGE RIGHT Tot WATER GLEN ALLEN BEACH Ynull Ind lvuylhlnl ynll WlIll In II eottuge here end It Is prteed tor oulet rule $9000 Terms $2500 DOWN slum PULL Plus noomurtek bunglow lts Ilu 555 moflllle eurrtes lor $10 an we wettest mm on rrnlt tor ceul furnace pm Phone PA mm pm mum bedrooms Cslt our olltce onytlote MN 7H two bstbrooms nIce treed lot Fnr KCLvINATnttotterrtgemtor must Rsnge 5220 Apply lots queen st Andor Iullz must don Apply xlng Ilouston lslg Cednr Petnt Gull Course can lnnIsIIl 7day WALNUT nlnlng sulte II plecer chntrs tame bullet All In good eon tult purtlculsrs cs AlRote PAJrszsA ST MARYS CHURCH AREA nmRDOMS Here Is It rest Ismll homHtrslorn bullt tor the owner Ills turlng terse llvlog room rest In tumlly slre Itltehen wlth more lhhn smple cupbourd surge bedrooms wlth ext spsce IIIIII extrs prtng sl tor more drtslls en thls tnd ony other sdverttsed propertler WANT BETTER HOME WE HAVE THEM PRICED FROM $14500 to $21000 some huve Iwo Inth Ill IN load tIIlIon Apply Snvnnntsls Lodge cedor ets resturlng double slldlng doors tenr condttton snd prloed to sell IIorhottr phone that Should Iulss ptece bslh Ioreed str oll hestlng lsttn HEIIE ls ONEPRICED AT slum dry tubs tnlly londresped let toeted rooms bsthrooms Iull bosement ALL KINDS OF bottdtng mslerlsl sbont hslr brook to st MAryu tlnlshed thennopsne wtndows oesn brletts lumber etc Apply on too Church shd school otso close to Cool tlhrl flnnu lorge slry rooms und Old CcnIntI UnIIld church cooper rlngton publle school Moke It polnt seeped re erteetlon See ltyou wIIt kalos co Ltd 14 to see thls property by cs ng At troy It any others to choose mm ItanlrnoAltrCN set tor ehlld tsble Ind ellIra BlbleISIErIIII lmlII VPqutu Actflrdlln navy cunt and hat rlre PA Mosh 1ua CHESTERFIELD hrnwlt Ilka5 15 Ellt 5° l°°srrIlaszlII rm rc error Dw Own I5I Cook Fhan PA Solidi 78N1 FINLAY olt Slave worse Poreclstno snnex cost or wood neuter wttn wster front serge rho one end srlng notnrsl wood Phone PA emf 10101 CRAIG HUNTER esn supply yourre onlremsnte In Muster Peedr Pence llnter snd Dlnder Twlne sod gmhom Chlrel Plowr Phone strond r0 CXCCPTIDNAL euullly lswn ehslrs nlso lswn swlug wlttt stond uno csnopy French provlnetul settee wltb down cushtonst Eny wsthlnls much tne hesvy duty stoves MI poster IIIII rlro bed snd rprtrr Custom Irnut chesterlteld and two Chlln tloe qttlle lty sntlone mllttsry desk sets or double Ioldlnd ehsltrl In metul beds 102 Used nrrnlttrre PA Madl PCIIODL Teucher wlslres summer em ployment port or lull tune sules Irl or other In lIIcstIon IA sIIII 202 PERSONAL PCCMI DoNst In the eonvenlenee or your own home Lenntel Deputy Islon complete wth erst style snd drylng Prlce IIHII Phone PA Mats Itsmt rltursttl tutt SALIj 0R RENT MODERN room home bsthrooms BURLINGTON ONTARIO Iotdtt opy Dudllod Fol cAsH RAT satw mm BE PAID CORINC EVENTS LOCALS AllId urIsslu dvsrtlse roused Irrurtldtt TONIIII nos Numbers orreplles dtreeted to tbls onto or estr IN Isthunrm CARD or TIIANKE IN APPRECIATth nreplsee sense Codrtngten dlstrlet Avsl pt or sooner For de tslls phone PA tum luttm loser DCADLINC Port MONDAYSATURDAY Loo ADLLTS ItAIr Dz TILLCPIIDNCD TO PA Mm =4 Caclt Ward mintmttm 80c foultwlns Consecutlve Imertlont 30 Word mlnlmuln III on nIinisIttsm 60C POIan Coniecutlve Insertlnns 24 Word minimum 40 WITH thorn AIICIIQN SALES 4c Wormnslnltstttltj SLM all ingcomeltt Insértlons Scfworli IIIIIIltnIsIII 75¢ sssit Lsuorloér wulnct sssrtote moonslbllllytor soy srrorto lllnIl jun UVlYIhl MIGDIIOIIG Ilfll or IIIDII In CED unless itilsplii elusslded leer sdrorttrtbg CHICKS BARRED ROCKS stlll hens to best Ior eggs end most Thlrtyslx yesrs perronul selecttdn be hlnd enr elosed nook SEND Poll PRICC LIPI TOM KENNY SHANIY DAY Phone PA was lassrte 107104 FARM EQUIPMENT Idnltns do coeltrittrtt Tructur In good eondltlon Apply II Andorran Ioth stdresd nesr Is Con InnlrIIl nALs ELEVATORS crsln Angers Power stn blowers wc Altls Churn ers Trsetor Avlfly WILIonl Gerl phone to Mlne ng 001 PARM WAuoN roller beurlngs on rubber or wlll trade Pun peyrnent on younrcottle Iy Leo Dorso RII Durrle PA Ital Idudz Alsusvcnulmen Comblno PTO drtyen btn snd budger ptcknp strsw sored er snd oxtru urum Excellent eo dttlon Murrsy It WenIce DerrIe RR 0700002 cocxsnun latter demermrstor low down psyment 4r cockbutt Ifll Rose PA 05290 Owner nsterred BEFORE YOU BUY TRY LACEYS mom5 ocoItMChclAL AND SUMMER NO OBLIGATION PHONE PA 85298 86 BAYFIELD STREET PROPERTIES IodzrdI COUTTS Real Estate Broker Owen Skeet Band 1an BARRIE REA MAT Boston Interested In rentslsI ll coultr CONSULT us ON Melme Avet our news Psyrpont Doors Plus Exchunn es Propens Nsttonl Rotslog use Ilneoml Plant ORentetr BUIIIIul Uppnflllnlï¬ PIIIPEIU IIAIIIKCIIM PHONES Omee PA HmwlvlnIM PA um IImtl PARKVIEW HEIGHTS between Cook sud gr llve powe Della CHICK pugs Nellqu We mWI It llne seleetton ot better eltss Itsoeh ml snd Splltllevel mulllawn Celere MATTva Ilsrrlr nlnder ML Prost end PW h° Wood blower ML new step nrbber ttred wsgon wlth rselr In goodcond tlon No lttrther use tor the PA utter no9 MILIHNG Iduchlno Ports snd Borrlce an sII metres or mlllrs New Ildrgo Ittttteru snd rrt Ires ottssedtoutrerL ws dust hove everytth IndianaIm eed plus the moot elleetlvs rIy con trol grins Ion the rkot Phone us NCw MILDMAY Threshers Il est Thre shore stent struts cutters bud sbred deer II st molt otthreshel Iruln throwers Prtces nnge sr low so MN Get our prlees ternsL Threshers run or eat st GordonRIx stroud or Lobrlrrser Dr Idlld not IIIlvgvvyl PA 03180 or PA 01204 1671 II DOWNl sï¬ BARRIE sEI WHAT THIS SUBDIVISION HAD To OFFER DAY STOL CONSTRUCTION BARRIE eerirots Itled be room hellllll CIIHEI Mr IIIIII rent Plight Phone 1le sdotoi FARMS NEW BUNGALOW sum FULL PRICE TERMS CAN DC ARRANGED letng room lsrge kltehen bed rooms bothroem ottr hest Thls home Is close to schools nnd shopplng LOOKING FOR BUSINESS OR BUSINESS PROPERTY Cull thls omenwe hove good relectlon NHA HOMES nuNnALOwsItsneh Type Dungulews wlth sttsched garage SPLIT LEVELSButtlllul homes DOWN PAYMENTS START AT $220000 to $300000 Cull us unytlme orrr sslesmen wllt be glud to glve you more detolls No obllgetlon FURNISHED COTTAGES MINCTE POINT ONH Roots CanAGE ONE5 RO0M COTTAGE plus bslhroorn Both eottsges ere lolly Itrrnlshed end In good eondttlon 05000 sull prlee 04750 IIIII prICPr H000 down $40000 DOWN OWNER WILL TAKE IrAClt ONE MORTOAGCPAYMeNTs As RCNT Here It rest buy tor someone Older type nnmhllvlnz room bedroom kl chcn two unllntstted mum upstulrs Lovely lot snd gurden Thls home Is lost out at Dsrrle $1200 lull prlep CLIFF BROWN RmToli DICK HENDERSON Represent tlve MEMBERBARR AND Dlmtm REAL TATE BUARD randomONTARIO REAL ETATE BOARD room 01 AVAILABLE SOON TWO DELUXE BEDFOWJSUITES TWO DELUXE BEDROOM SUITES New bulldlng convenlentty touted Cult PA M186 or PA 07204 loLudd R0031 Insetstone bottle lIbssre trod Prtee MilanBlot or sun to groin ltlgbrrsy to Prrnds ttosd mm 1°17 19577 door STZOUTT REAL ESTATE NHA RESALE IliAttomlt Ema bedroom brtrtr mrngslou on odrsngton st um IIve tog roots trlthooen are lure terer vtewt nls home Is lly welt deedssled sod hfll lot rsteet IADA seeped ceu be pdrrhused wlt essy terms lromedtsto posseston ran 51 ereneed Csll ns rody tor tnspeetton SUBURBAN PROPERTY am down on sun own due my bedroom onlo close to torn Modern In eve rd Thu home exeerlent eondtttor The tsrse rtlehen In ood rlsed llvtnn bull poured has re tor out door urge leneed lot mt prtee rem GOOD INCOME In loom sotld brlctt on human st nntrhed Itoors wlth both on each The enttre house Is nteely decoruth end In very good eonultlon tlsruse rtorrrrs snd sereerts Included on herb ed wlth new oll turncs NHA HOMES wag ps rent when It lulu eonsld ers ly ess to buy new modern bedroom bungslow In some or Huh rlss eselustve new tubdlvlslons Thus no dhcnnllu to your own Inlt dtvtdurl lute snd Anlrhed to the lust delsll end curt be ynun Ior ss llttro us 0100 down und monthly psyteents his been ttept shd repolr In low 100 Chll us tedy tor surtttet eults snd lrupectton We Love terse selectton or bulldr lhg lotr ell prlee Plural throughout In IDWII ALSO sssny ltrtlnrs or homes st sls stun end prtce reused MVP new NHA human Ind mules lnllll mmfllhoul OntHI noon meTIszNT PROPsRrns Vouh usIINII mvmsu STQMQTT l02 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 8590I Members Ontorlo And Cunsdlso Rest tzrlute nosrds lun WenmsnPA 000m Kenneth MdmhonPA um CorbyPA Com loltm CARSON LIIde REAL ESTATE BROKER nose eAItsoN nonrr smwxu PA MI DunIop SI Elis Bun omes Open use to It pro Dolly 5sturdsyr rrntll II pen NHA RESALE Low Downmam PULL PRICE Slomynnnrh ult homo torso rooms lst tteendlvlng room dlnlng room Itltchen bsthroom ond bedroom 2nd IIonrvlwo lurge bedrooms Pull bsrement oll heutlnglurtndry tubs owner hon been moved out or town Immedtete pussesslun Fur IIsll detens tnnlncl ltussell Cttrsnn PA mat FOUR FLEX arson snlt prlce low down puynrenr to the rlght person sell contotned npurtments wlth sepnrsto entronce seosrore hydro melers New rcntlng 70 month rseh upurtrnent lmmedture possesslon et ont opsrtment blocks lrom cunlra or HTML Per trtll dc tolls cstl Russ Csrson PA bdtut APARTMENT HOUSES 0500 PULL PRICE Good substsn tlnl brlck boure wlth uportments Loested In the west end or town slam FULL PIIICC srurtruentt very centrsl Thls pmpeny In good Cnntflflflon And shotvlng ruhstontlsl pro POR PARTICULARS shelswell PA wot GROCERY 8r MEAT BUSINESS WITH Imubt LIVING AIICA 1000 FULL PRICE Thls Is no es con Notto gtCepunnlsly netlvt bnelness wlth turnover ot more thon 000000 It wtlI provtrle you wlth good Accommtr dntlon llvlnu one better then svernge solely Thls property ls he estnd wlthln the IIIIill or the Town or some end In good restdentlul sreo Cull Norm ShdhwdllPA mt PROFESSIONAL MANS HOME $l5A00 FULL PRICE Custom bntlt room brdek bunglow Peotttrlng lnrse llvtng room wttb modern open nreploce nutursl woodt worlt throughout Islgo ltltehert wlth plenty ot Cttphulldll Here Ire Terr ol the estrus sltrorlntrln storm wln slows end soreeos exhsust Itsn Irr lul euen ttte buth copper ptumbtrtg 100 mp rervlce resr or lot completely lenred In two lovely shode trees on Iront luwn contest to tll schools mm detnllr cull Russell Csrson PA 0N EDGE OF TOWN $5500 FULL pnrcDmno DOWN Modern our Innm bunzslow two bed rooms IMnl room snd kttehen Putt Diurnal 0H ItehLlnl CIII Rune Curson PA borer tor roll uetstls NHA RESALE 9M0 Down Puyment mm ntll Prlce room brtck hunlulow Three bedrooms IhIleIlenl room kllchen und buth Pull bosement oll heutlng close to sll schools CltII Russell our son PA dust tor turtber dntslls COLLIER STREET Islam DOWNTOWN Sum FULL PRICE lorge rooms one both In excellentcondltlont Ter house could be dupleer tor yery nomlnot sum LoI rrtlrully tund seeped and Includes geruget Cull Norm Shzlswellt SHANTY BAY ROAD AREA sundae PULL PRICC lurge rooms end sttoehed genre rooms rented tor $0000 menu In good rosldentlol ores end on lot loo 00 Cult Norm Shalfwells LAKE SIMCOE FRONTAGE Three neres or Ioke snd rlver lrontsge toeted st oro neueh Soluble tor flnzrbtllltmb or prlvole lneetlont Large new home eottsgs end host Excellent boot hurtror pnvomonl to PHONE OR WRITE VICTOR cLosstm 0R0 PEACH PHONE ORoid ISuOJ YEARULD better els rumtty hom en ulet street In Borrle to mlnrrtes woltt ng dIIIInCCJIom shopplng um and schools Low Interest mornEel Prlvsto sole wrlte nos II llorrle Cs shrlnrr tor spoolntrosnt wlth owner 11x SLESSOR REALTOR II comm ST BAnnlx PlloN PA sumo HIGHWAY moNTACCaoo 40 ACNEC N00 mlles north as Rsrrte on Iushwsy rt close to new school For only HIM you get stl thtsrturdy hnu horse wtth tuIl ednereto poured hue ment nlInlmne ptece bsthroonr hesry hytï¬o bedrooms ltltehen summer kltehen Ilvlnl rooro gsrrgo barn chlesrn home 50 st trontsss on Illshwsy plus to sores The orlee or sluoo us been set ror outer ssre Lssy trrrnr Contset hut Cen nel PA Ims nu too SPLIT LEVEL STYLE HOME WITH CARPORTIID 85 MIA resets wlth none thrt eyes you much money Thlr lever room hrtes home II close to lntbtte snd Itlrh seheels rls Isrge sno besntthrt tlvtng room very stt our modern trltchen wtln snotty plns 01 boards end denote sl It wlth lpuy trge dtnlng sres bedrooms tsrge rumpus room sn sundry mm nrtly decorted throughout ltlurnu snd screens All tsndscsptng dnnr ND lunvlmmtdllle possesslon nrtce only mood wttn low dawn psy ment Cs srotd rattlereven phone PA 04450 EDGE OI TOWN$7700 roonr hunlnldwdnnn dtrtsnce lrom town IIIIrILI on Itlshrvsy 00 Very ntee ly snorted on InoIl sttrnettvs lot lztr Ioo All modern conventenees oleco bsthmom geeel genes lull worlrshop ottsched to house tttg poul Verr welt try house st resr or lot decorsled end through Taxes only no erros snged Csll Percy Rord shenlngs phone PA 09m COUNTRY HOMEBB 820 sort out or nsme overlootrlns Istte slrncoe Lovely room brlclt home euntpsted wtth modern kltehon end pleee bsthroom pressure systems Ior both hsrd end son wrler Loun dry room Lsrge ltvtng room end dlntng room end run porch bed rooms und run dents upstotrs On on rere or ground In bctutllul srtttng nr maple erk und evergreen trees Excellent vstrre st only slomterrrts srrsnred cull Coarse vrlghtmero lhttt phone PA Must NAPIER PSTBl lldl FULL PIIICI mm more bung ow wlIh lure bltehen ond modern plece bsthroom Lsrtte guruse wtth Insulstal workshop hydw eoulpped The lot messnres 65 Toxes only 50d EAST END DUPLEX510900 Excellent hrlck hulldlnl Itrgs rooms plus huge noored utllc Newly decorted sll throng Islrte eon plclcly Inlonlblntd sportments wlt sepsrute entrsnees our gsrude on other lrulldlngs Lot melsumslll lls nrll prlee onl atom SL000 down snd owner wll hold one mort re rer bulsnce LAKESIDE HOME IN BARRIE Onmstehed scents tue vlow Roe hrlckmnly yesls old Very henn tllul lot 00 mIutly lsndscsped ln towns snd tnrtt treess lovely rooms Amgn dry bssemcnt wtth rue room Close to new school nnd shopplntt Bus stop nerr your door Now belng sserttteed ror quICIt solo wtrh ever 000 or estrus ONE BLOCK FROM DOWNTOWN STOREY uttch older home In excellent condltton brood new toned sIr oll hootlng syn tern lull busement wlth workshop lundry tolls lord bedrooms use ststrs stulrs In rront howcould very rurtly he duplexd rtol burgutn st smmoo Low down payment HIGHWAY Ill52700 lIs rmntegr wlm bored good coblns snd good wet Also roont bungslnwIlre drmoged roll prlee only 32700 AFTER HOURS Phane tally of our salesmen PERCY FORDPA 89537 DAN CONNELLPA 87702 JERRY QUINNPA $2898 GEORGE WRIGHT PA 84835 HAROLD FORSTER PA 84465 SLESSORz REALTOR MEMBERS DARRII DIFIRICT RCAL ETATC DOARD tssa $150000 DOWN urnutlhrl log home completely mod ernlrsd wlth new tpleee bntnrnom Lsrge nntshsd sttIe Inrutnttd through out Loeoted on lorse corner lot In urentwood owner snxlous to sell Would moke good Investment Celt Alex Hood LePuge Ltd Rent astute broker phone Cookstown so leo letlsL bedrooms kltehen llvlnl room toIlet sunporeu hot Ind eold wuter nowtng well I00 ysrds Iroln publlo beech 04500 Phone ssR rt NEWTON STREET NHA Resste bedroom brlck bungalow Ptnlrhed rec reutlon room Alumlntrm storms snd screens Newly deeoruted Phone own er PA LIde IIIalert ROOM BOARD Itatrltt AND IIOARD Apply Westowoyl nm Crltl Angus 00 AND IIDAIID or one or Irvts glrls complete prlvlleges Phone PA ddsla ludldt UMMER COTTAGES DCDROOM Summer Cotttge st Tallv endI Perk IIydro completely rum Irhed nesr tune PIflIcthtl phone PA Han umt nLnRooM college tnslde convent cum on wster lront now dvlll hIet Apply Olen llovrn ncseh RR Burrle Gordon Sprlnlt wadam LARPPRDNT Cebln etrtlsbte tor two or three persons Putty tnntlshed anpped wtth Ice box end eleetrle stove runnlng weter Prlvsto grounds tots nl lette Nulllh thhln seller or Dsrrle weekly Pbdne Dre or PA Elma IIIm Does ANOPIT510¢ DOG TRAINING CLASS It sutltetent Interest ls IhuWIt en OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLASS THE HURONIA DOGCLUD Tor lnsormstlon PHONE PA $35323 McGOEY TOUGH uAL LITAr er wantsphone 19 DOT SUBDIVISION well ptunned raldentlsl mMIvIIIOu who Is mll ssrrdbultdtng loss then one orllo Irons tho tent or Innlzl butthesr seetlon on and street bsrgsln tor snyoor lot no eye to tpoculstlon Irtced st 0050 Tums ARRANCLD ANorlrlzh coop SPECULATION tth usoo dswn roll peter usoo rge bedroom home hunt on one ltn ol lmttntl so In mm at llorrle Mr rest honnng development An ero esprlonstty uslr onllt horns wlth sII eonventenros Close to nopntsr snor nter resort GOOD vALtl ll Iltnhwsy south or Ilsrrl cres ol good gsrden roll out lrontsge on nlghwuy New houset Iuo bedrooms eonsertlen ees soundnee or sport wstcr under pressure trrmtt ror sr pnmlu end snsrtt lter wtth tIrts pronrrty owner soresd to move wtll sell we yum Aim tum down COMMERCIAL LOCATION For bperotten mulrllll lento sc mlppInl lscltlttrs property to en wltn seeurtty tenee lrrge eonerete block omee sntt reprlr gs property SUMMER HOME Al troy PIIIIIL Lorre room sum mer home completely turnlshrd Thts property rs votnuted st 020000 but to close mote wtlt sserttles st Ilsmo Terms orrsoged There to rtvoto roll club ls Included In prtte nrpset thls rotterty new berm reuonst demtnd Increurrs tho prlce ol tnts type or property HOME PLUS INCOME room mulllow modern eonvenlen cut 34 sero lot one our gutego plus roorn bnngslow currently drsnlns rdoo yesr Income Pull ones 00 wlth tutto down COMPACT small uuNCALow nestl ted smongsr group or tlno homes where nelghboru tsrrs prlde tn the sppeursnce or thctr propertyrprrblte end tepsrste Tumult close st trend TIIlI rrnpeny In only yesrs old end sllng tor only subom MODERATE PRICED HOME bed rooms end 19 both uprtslrr tut chen Ilvlng room and dlntng room on moln Dart Thls pro erty plus ItslIA slsed odlolnlhg bulld ng tot thum ot over 000000 ts eotns Inr 50000 utth $300000 donn thtrzsllortt PROPhltTvVery sPCIIIlIA on south flow at lttmpentdlt Ito too It ot lsro rrentsge depth at rrontogt on psved rood bout etyht mlles trout tIsrrte by re Fmtnny tnetndes bedroom hunulluw htlly lnrulsted snd tutly tornlrhed Intluflr lng sleetrte Irtg end electrte rsnge bulItln cunhosrds lutly eonlpucd osthreern water under pressure spu etorrs IIvlng room wlln hsrdwood netr wlIII nnrl eelllng tlnlshrd In beouttsrrl eedor plywood tn ItlIlurlsI color smelter bungolow on property not nntshed Coed doetr Islpr boothouse wlIh eler trle wtnch nd lrltmwlty lor boot rtorsge tItt host who 25 hp otrt hoord mnlur boot recently sled wlth nbregtnss eoottng Full prlco tom Terms srrnnged For Ittrlhttl tnsermstlon Contact rllLDCN PAItKLIt nt PA Lam even Inn PA mm It PAltKCtt st PA arm evenlnns PA mp1 Idu Accommndu Ion Wanted hummer llause reoulred by Aurt flux 28 IJTI 11¢ Exnmhlcl Illeu FAMILY requlres bedroom opurtment nest end Possesslon Ans 2s Rensonnhlc rent Apply Itox llorrle Potomtner mqrmnN minute or unnrntow wsnted mums Itnl $30 In 350 Wllh tumult In pumhnse wllhht yell EItIPlIy Cutl PIE Dcl llux HZ OIIIIIO Ho 3241 RCsPoNsluLs Couple wlth two lrlt to end It reqrrlre or bedroom house or sportmcnt Possesrlen Sept ertc Dex 21 Ilorrlc Cxomlner llazdu LIVESTOCK FOR SALE nlIDWN GELUINU lIod lb else my MI HM Ills Phone PA HEM 07M LITTLE Plus weeks old Cow NR Rome Phone ztrlt stroud stxrba Iman cnw snd Itelter slt Hue tords Apply to Mr Jobst th 2r llorrle Eddehlll nrlve West IIIrtz RCCIsTClmn Tnmworth Unurs or IUD vleenble sue orders tnken tor sows tnmes Lennsrd strand phone amt 902 lthOWN IIOIISB good tor work oulet GOotI tor slnele ond double Apply Dtekrlnskt Irlt Chnrehltl Con It so mlld west 94200 nCAUTsruL thoroughbred rtedlgreedr Dunty Lewtertr strsln yelrrs old reedy tor trslnlng Altls Chalmers Conrblne or would trsde or smell throshlng mnehlne Phone 312 Itocher Potnt 00283 WANTED SCRAP STEEL $135 PER I00 POUNDS lndustrlol Iron st Metl PHONE PA 00cm HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS EATmama Phone PA 36331 01 PA 66487 sl II be use hhnIIIIIlEdng lretnnnrhng r351 INDUSTRIAL IRON AND MET Al Dunlap at war hardIo Phone PA 80331 ctrPA IIBM 04m Barrie Metal Ev SOquga SCRAP IRON METALS runs HIDES RAGE jEAIIEEIEh PEATHERS LIVE POULTRY tax kl III Glut hm flimépset prleee pEII dsllvsrod mu BIIH PA 49 MAX PUSHKOFF ANn rIIsPANv SEED AND FEED ITLLD OP Mtxed Ilttylor inn1p roxllnotety I2 sores rtsndtng Phone 5A sooty Apply Mrs srtgley ItR It Issrrlo ALTO er Ml ACREB olIDnlI rent neml hlyylï¬ rel will lIICrel ollplr If DID mill IIOIIII 01000 town 12 mlles south otllsrrle 0th Conotn lslxt spptwbtr 31354 no prmton ler and OIIIJI 204 munga Ar Chemo PROPERTY rohvsAL PROPERTY roxsALE