Brotherhood ot Locomotive Firc HadRon resident of Aillndlla tor over so years Kinley Ferry Pissed lay on June 19 1957 It the home or his drunhter Mrs Davis Arnold oi ivy alter lingering illness Thefuneral service was con ducted at the Jenneit Funeral Home Barrie on June 13 by Rev NewtonSmiih ot St Georges Anglican Church Allno dale interment was made at SL Pauls Cemetery innistll where Masonic graveside service was held by Corinthian MdgcAF AM No 96 in which Mr Ferry had heldmcmhershlp since 1912 Pallbearers Included three sons Arthur Robertond ilcnry sons lnlaw Davis Arnold and William and Thomas Marshall Victor Knight Harry Tomlin Bruce Richardson George wit sun Sh Hugh Scott and Joseph Trash were honorary pallbearers Among the many beautitul stars at tributes were those from Cor Inthian Lodge AF AM the men and Enginemen No 442 the Brotherhood of Railroad Train men No 377 the motherhood at Locomotive Engineers and the Copaea Welfare Club Friends and relatives from To ronln Bradtord Orillia and Cap rcnl were in attendance Mr Ferry was born in County Durham England eldest son of the late Mr and Mrs Richard Ferry He entered the service of the Grand Trunk Railway in Al landalc in 1907 attaining the pn tlon ot locomotive engineer in which capacity he made his last run betorc retirement un Train No 56 tom Algonquin Park to Gravcnhurst in August 1941 Besides his membership in Car Inthlan Lodge and the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers Division 436 Mr Ferry was member of the Signet Royal Arch Chapter Ne 34 He was mem ber also of St Georges Anglican Church in politics he was life lnng Conservative Mr Ferry is survived by three sons ArthurRohert and Henry all of Barrie and two daughters Phyllis ot Barrie and Mary Mrs Davis Arnold at Ivy One sun Waltcr predeceased him in 1958 Also surviving him but all resid ing in England are two sisters Jane and Mrs Mary Poulton and five brothers George Harry Rn hert Arhtur and Jack One sis ter Elizabeth Mrs Remlson and brother Waller predeceased hlrn Ernest March don Hod Promtsing Lite Cut Short Early Age promising young career was cut short on Friday June 21 1957 with the death of Ernest Joseph Marchiltion in Penctang General Hospital in his 24th year He had been stricken with cancer some two months earlier at which time he returned home remain ing there until two weeks before his passing Funeral rites were conducted In Mount SL Louis Church by Rev Father Marvyn on June 25 with interrnent in the Mount St Louis Cemetery James Shellswcll Cleo Lalonde Wlitred Belanger Wil liam Espcy and Paul Lcsperence acted as pallbearers Mr Marchildon sonot Mr and Mrs lilarchlldon Shanty Bay RR was born In Hllisdalc on July 31 1933 and receivedhis education at Clowes School and Barrie Collegiate Institute in June 1953 he went to At berta where he entered the vice of the Geophysical Associa tion as shoote position which he helduntil illness forced his return He had enjoyed his work which had taken himuo Calgary Edmonton Burstall Saskatch won and through the Peace River ccunuy Besides his parents Mar chlldon is survived by live sisters Helen Mrs Clltl Reynolds Joa Mrs Paul Shanahan both of rte Theresa Olive and Rita at hnnte and three brothers Ae thony Peter and Gilbert all at honte Ralph McEwcn Completed 40 years Service With Railway Almost 40 years resident oi Barr Ralph Rolland MeEwen passed away suddenly at his home 49 Newton Street on Monday July 1957 as the result at aheart at tack He was in his 69th year and hadbeen living retiredsince comv plettng 40 years service with the CNR three years ago Rev Muir minister at by Ellen Rcad Presbyterian Church conducted the funeral service in Lute Jennett FuneralJtonlenn Wed nelday July 10 interment taking Lplnee in Barrie UnionCemetery Blair Clute Corbett Arthur Ferguson Frank ilmnghurst and Gllhocly acted is pallbearers Among the floral tributes were these tromLo al Orange Lodge 432 Royal Blse Preeeptory 60 and he Brotherhood of Locnrno tch Firemen and Engineers in all let whieh organizations Mr Mc Ewen heldrmcmbershlp Jam in Fergus the latciJohnMeEwen In Margaret curios MoulleEwert lived tor main Hamilton before mov WOF pint and arenth outed aw 1967 at his Stamford Town ship home as in result at heart ailment Funeral rites were con ducted in St Marys Church Bar rle on July by Rev Father Kntehlek ot the Barrie Deanery with Cemetery Pallbearers were Vern Mason the past 17 yennRoy Watson pastedway in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on June 1957 He had uttered heartattack included among the many flor lollowing an operation al tributes were those from stains ford Union School Board leg In Falls Local 505 of the Rm therhood oi nod the employees oi the Plating noorn oi the international Silver Company Besides those mm the Barrie Mowtorth Wilson Greaves Bert Grentel area friends and relat ives were in attendance from Ton onto Richmond Hill and Crec more William Walton Joseph Walton David Maw and Norman Scott years ago Mr Travers was the son ot the late lir and Mrs John Travers lie allowed the career at brakemnn on the CNR work lnz nut at North on prior to moving to Stamford lte was not at it in 1907 he entered the em ploy ol the CPR transienan lat cr to the Canadian Northern and then to the Grand Trunk Pacific the Royal Hamilton Light lnfln try and saw action at Ypres nd Festubcrt in France before receiv ing wounds at Observation Wood which ledto his discharge mm the annÂ¥ brief service as motorman with the Hamilton Street Railway but then relurneit to his first choice tho railway coming to Allandnle in 1918 Thereafter he ran tor time cut of Hornepayne and Him lco completing his tour of duty Was Crossing Guard St Andrews Presbyterian Church nford Twp interment in St Marys William Brennan Railway Tralnmen Born in Grtnfel almost 71 in August l9l4 ht enlisted with On his return to Canada he saw in the Allnntlalc yards in October 1954 In 1918 Mr McEwcn was man rind in iinmilion to Mary sister who survives him along with one daughter cvnlync lirs Coq chetto nt Sudbnry nlso one son Wallace oi Capreol and six grand children William McKee Hod Lengthy Illness Following lengthy period oi lndittcrent health the death oc curred of William McKee Well lngtan Street West Barrie in Royal Victoria Hospital on Tues day July 1957 Funeral sers vices were conducted in the Lloyd and Stcekley Funeral Home on JulyahyitevzJlmes lergusonwh ed for his rhecrtuidlrpostllan in consequent ot whichvhe was pos ussed or host or lrlendr Besides his widow theformcr Ind Barrett RB leaves tn mm flaw of mourn him onesinerlhul in ny on July 1mm and nhrother James rcsldlngln Greatet CraighuistRalidcnt Roy WWoton Dias MBanio Hospital Boyd George Shetlield tllndy Ind Lorne Jory The many floral remembrances included uttering from the em ployees at Barrie Department at Public housing Company Limited and Zenith Past Matrons Club Friends and relatives besides those from the were in attendance irorn onllia Nowmarltct and Toronto Sun oi the late Walter and Elisabeth Watson Roy Watson was born in Dalston on Sept 24 1m and served as sawyer in various district mills ardent lover flowers and was also fond of hunting tor many years aeeomplnying club on its annual deer hunt Mr Watson Is survived by his Funeral services conducted by Rev James Ferguson at St And rews Presbyterian Church Barrie were held in the Jennelt Funeral Home on June 14 with interment in Cralghurst Presbyterian Ceme tery resident oi Cralghurst for Pallbearers were Ernest Lorne Works Brewers Ware THE BLOUSED lightweight ltahardlne dress out Barriecrlighurst districts down collar The tatstrim the skirt He was an andWnliy at home Mrs Bonney of widow the tormer Eva 05 trander live suns Burns and rlc RR and Mrs Merrielt ot Harrie Borden ot Barrie torts in front under back interest by the chausable et tcct caught at the waist by nar row belt The verticallygtslit pocks Lake Couchichlng New iiorlr ilolltlay Mrs Mac Constable and Mn holidays in New Crown Hill Earl of Parry Sound ther Rex at Barrie RR and two sisters Mrs Hart of Bar was held at Roughion and tamily Mr and Copeland sir iontn ilsughter oi Barrie llnlldly Visitor tlollday visitors It Sloans tor the summer 10 of this Llndsay turned vacation dress creates Watt art on one daughter Wk Bmc hm spent Sunday north of Huntsville Little Damage The hurricane Bonney or Mcmrlll Service The annual memorial service St Peters on Sm day June 30 Friends attending from ldiltance were Mr and Mrs lioughlon Mr and Mn Mrs Glenda ent Itr and Mrs CCrel Mn and Mrs John Morris at Toronto Mr andjsn Cluie and Join of Dundgs Mr and Mrs Southern and Bob ot Cannington Mrs Willoh and Miss Num of Orillll Mn Young otlastmy Mr and Mrs George carterandle pt To Francis Donnelly uld Sunday visitors Mr and Mrs William Alters and tamlly spent last Sunday in Betty and Billy remslns ed with their aunt or weeks At Guide Camp Miss Judy Molfat ton on Fri day or two weeks at GA Camp 11 Mr and Mrs Glenn Klnnear at Lake Waseosa Iett very low property A1 trees cams down Peters held successful baking sale at Killarney Belch Services in Innistll Park con menced on Sunday evening with Rev Gordan Kits 01 Mineaing in be pleased to hear he is improvA in rapidly mnio are spending week or so were Mn and Mn at Clarence Carsons clots and Joan of Dundla tits Moure oi St Catharines is visiting Miss Lillian Sloan Summer at Bays min Mrs It Christian has gone to boys camp in Algonquin Park Mr and Mrs tlall and totally Mr and Mrs Morley Fcasby and Roger Uxhridge MclAllln and grandson Ricky Springhurst Beach and Mrs campoell Toronto and children have returned to lune Womens Guild The Womens Guild ed Getting Better Friends ot Allan lrelon will ARIO witch lioudny ur and Mrs AI Hughson Tn here Recent Visitors Recent callers at Carsons Mr and Mrs Conmtulatlons schools in this area who were succesattll in posting their exams and and happy hollnrys toall Returned to EC Mr and Mrs Brackcnbun their home in Cranhrook BC alter visiting wlth the latte parents Mr and Mrs WA Lucas and family Miss Lorna Kidd Uxbritlge is Mrs Murray Carson Sympathy or Community We regret the sudden passing tlccent visitors Mrs Bert Crawlord were Mr Itll Mrs Waltcr Gravesth and 1am lly Alderwoud Miss Endcan Toronto Recent visitors with Mr Congun Pup Mrs Elwood and Nelson John stone were Mr public pm Campbell and son at Torbnlo Mr tamlly Mr Johnstone and family Mr sharia School Ptmk Thu communitySunday School picnic held Tuesday was great success with use or SL The bountiful supper topped oil with ice cream was much gnlnv Dortand Potter and imliy WIM IE New Ministers Sermon Drillla Visit Miss Phyllis Jobnstcne spend ing few days with Miss Dianne Johnstonc Mary St Orillia From Barrie Mrs Frank anerlng and daugh ter ol Barrie visited recently with Mr and Mrs Howard Crawford Recent Visitors and Mrs Mrs William Russell and Mrs of lrwln Knapp of Anten Mills and extend sympathy to his fam 570 man ormuoybo¢t spend couple or weeks Wm or am on at Imithlnx on liquid Inlinn iwniuty nth urr ml innunion hi NIflnzv tlttnrllatlnl4ilhnl ltrltt with interment in Barrie Union Cemetery William Drury llarry Grainger Claude Torington and Joseph Hergers acted as pallhenb ers Eorn in Schomhcrg April 25 1884 Mr McKee was married to the former Mildred Bateman who survives in when ill health compelled McKee to give up active work he entered the em plny of the Barr Public School Board as crossing guard the first to occupy such post in Barrie Many will recall him on duty at the corner of Owen and Collier streets in front at the old Victoria School Mr McKee was member of Allandale branch ot the Orange Drder Will am Sharpe 96 Had esproad Fame In rig Compot Alnng and interesting life enme to close on Wednesday July 1957 with the passing of William Sharpe at his home In Thornton following stroke He was in his 96th year Funeral ritcs were hEld at the Sharpe home on July with Rev Barnard of Thornton and Rev Doggett of Newmarket utticisting Pallbearers were Lorne Arnold Dalton Bunting Fred Rowe Clarence Munro Ami old Rodgers and Allen Rodgers with interment in Thornton Union Cemetery Son of the late John and Ellen Sharpe Mr Sharpe was born on Oct 10 1961 on the family farm at Killyleagh where he lived all his liteuntil 12 years ago when he retired and moved to Thorn ton member oi the Presbyterian Church and of the Masonic Lodge Mr Sharpe was always active in almost every phase or communit life In his youthJiewas athlet ieally inclined playing on district lacrosse teams He was one of the ï¬rst students to attend Ontario Agricultural Cnlicgc at Guelph and was for some years secretary of the school board at Killyleagh His most lasting interest how ever lay in the field of oldtime ï¬ddling in which his time became 11L it countless competition but was particularly known for his partiel Ipntion in the contests It the Can Idilfl National Exhibition where he eontnucd to competeuntil the age or 92 dieides his widow the form Florence lngham he leaves to meurn him three daughters Mllf lei Mrs Corner of Hamilton lnp tint1n halt Worth 5945 gallon rl rhn smartn an In It ltWlttlsup Decorator on level you $200 is Iollon i1 and union or pin in and on nfrlqlrltdfl automatic woihon at bruitnoon heron rlnish oolupl npi uvlnla loves cotton tonn utocllo nl Stays Wit Longer nint your home in Illlt on can with aupolh SuperLani snvwttlrs Nous Paint cuts paint and you In on point tool in to previously pointed nnrrrm In Icosnnahly lood sonaltion neoplionol hlolnp quality Stoyo llaomlnp whllotlr yooll Save £200 Gillian Qualityto Id SuprrLartls Morn Duorator Houlo Pointin wide den and smart Ion stirs Lustti sxirsltton Hausa PAINT 72 RICH COLOURS go at menwanted rich tullbodild that nlllll Vlnr and th glvll Intro Invln Malta your home Point Canadian rho smut colourso II wnl am and Irlnhrrooov train val3 Groutr uni Gattcrt Semiv Tailored Foil fltflttl OIt EREAR SEATS MOST POPULAR GIRS ennui pay and In mm mi rh pmn yr lav tan or duration YHIYIE REAL CWL MAN Cooti cumineel pod wright Torryeloth Sn Cover Protectors Ill or your upholstery In neond Perfect tor rompr city as tourI on to troll or on or on in ley wash lanth slut in in abundant ploteel Scullcu om tailored for smooth lash uniteWaterclorvrusrio ry Let beauty SitOth through slum soot nn imnt on at mmhm thorn now in you in the turn odlinol ldulpnient on milk podloom and slmplo and and ion in with Mn and and Russ Howard or alt unont pvotuction and riding carillon tor only ash of its passing on village manners EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY 11 57 11 Mrs Waller Swan and family all of Drillll Mr and Mrs Ray Shaw and lamily ct Rugby Mr and Mrs Allan Shaw of Nevis winhansiiene via as Mr and Mrs Howard Crawford visited Sunday with air and Mrs hausbene and while there attend ed the decoration service at Cold There was good turnout Sue water cemetery day toel1loy the sermon oi the new minister Rev Mitchell who has begun his new ministry rnv AN EXAMINER warn no 25Day sPECIAt tow lacunamp RAH 1otters no cirrus tuna uncoutWLwt and the MARITIMES and shinymimiunrunslledvnmtlnn Down tanrun younlnoxprnnrv holiday Inno no you Zodny limit with prtovcrl mnritua JUNE I7 10 SEPIEMBER 2nd CarIt ony Candie roars railu amt installation Your shots mun snrmnn colourtonal an run yellow in or maul FRONT OR REAR MOST POPULAR YEARS le putllrt your uphol stery und lan Ilotcsta wlhout itldtit tentd on heavynu nyllla that wont er or tea Full formtit ruiiy install with cloth Iun mist they pom dirt and at in Spocle modal wt in Around own Prleo $595 tttont nl Canadian 1h